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Ditemukan 184582 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"Using Logistic Regression and Hedonic Price Model, this study aims to find the social-economic factors infuencing the demand and willingness to pay (WTP) for clean water supply and proper sanitation. This study find that education and age of household head are the affecting factors. Also, it found that per capita expenditure aects the availibilty of access for sanitation and clean water for all household group. WTP for clean water and sanitation in urban is greater than in rural. In additions, WTP of non poor households are greater than poor household, except for urban area."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irma Sundari
"This study aims to analyze the food security determinant of households by household characteristics in Indonesia using descriptive and multinomial logit analyses, and determine the characteristics of households that need intervention of Raskin in Indonesia. Descriptive and multinomial logit analyses found that households more food secure if the education of household head is higher, number of household members is smaller, the household head work in non-agriculture, income per capita is larger, and the area where household live in urban areas. Generally, Raskin relatively on target. Raskin should be prioritized on women-headed households with low education, and work in agriculture/non-agriculture.

Studi ini menganalisis determinan ketahanan pangan rumah tangga menurut karakteristik rumah tangga di Indonesia dengan analisis deskriptif dan multinomial logit, serta menentukan karakteristik rumah tangga yang perlu intervensi Raskin di Indonesia tahun 2011. Hasil analisis deskriptif dan multinomial logit menemukan bahwa semakin tinggi pendidikan kepala rumah tangga akan meningkat pula ketahanan pangannya jika jumlah anggota rumah tangga kecil, pekerjaan kepala rumah tangga di non-pertanian, pendapatan per kapita besar, dan daerah tempat tinggal di perkotaan. Secara umum, Raskin relatif tepat sasaran. Raskin sebaiknya diprioritaskan pada rumah tangga yang dikepalai perempuan, berpendidikan dasar, dan bekerja di pertanian maupun non-pertanian."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Nazer
Urban Household Energy Consumption Analysis in Indonesia: Period of 2008 and 2011
The goal of the study is to analyze the pattern and the change of urban household energy consumption and their determinant factors in Indonesia period of 2008 and 2011 using SUSENAS data of household budget survey. The concept of energy ladder and fuel stacking (multi fuel) are used to make a model of household energy consumption. The result of study shows that total energy consumption was increase in the period of 2008 and 2011. Coefficient of income elasticity toward both of modern and traditional energy consumption are positive, it means that there is rising consumption of energy along with the rising income. Household income is the main determinant factor of energy used by household besides other non-economic factors.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pola dan perubahan konsumsi energi rumah tangga daerah perkotaan di Indonesia serta faktor-faktor yang memengaruhinya tahun 2008 dan 2011 dengan memanfaatkan data hasil survei pengeluaran rumah tangga SUSENAS. Konsep energy ladder dan fuel stacking (multi-fuel) diaplikasikan untuk membuat model konsumsi energi rumah tangga. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa konsumsi energi (total), modern, dan tradisional rumah tangga perkotaan mengalami kenaikan pada periode tahun 2008 dan 2011. Koefisien elastisitas pendapatan terhadap konsumsi energi modern dan tradisional bernilai positif, yang berarti bahwa terjadi peningkatan konsumsi energi modern dan tradisional sejalan dengan peningkatan pendapatan. Pendapatan rumah tangga adalah faktor yang paling menentukan konsumsi energi rumah tangga di samping faktor non-ekonomi lainnya seperti luas lantai rumah dan jumlah anggota rumah tangga."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sigit Nugroho
The objective of this study is to understand the meat demand pattern of household in Indonesia. This study used the 2013 National Socio-Economic Survey (SUSENAS) and Agriculrural Census (SP). The method used to understand the meat demand pattern is Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System (QUAIDS) approach with Iterated Linear Least Square (ILLS) estimator. The result shows that urban, education, household size, and domestic meat supply have an influence on meat demand pattern and its elasticity.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari pola permintaan daging di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan data survei rumah tangga SUSENAS 2013 dan Sensus Pertanian 2013 yang dikeluarkan oleh Badan Pusat Statistik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System (QUAIDS) dengan estimator Iterated Linear Least Square (ILLS). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh kota, pendidikan, ukuran rumah tangga, kelas pendapatan, dan suplai daging domestik terhadap pola permintaan dan elastisitas daging."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The main purpose of this research is to investigate the factors influencing the labor supply on the non-agricultural activities and the of income from non-agricultural activities to the structure and distribution of farmer household income.
To reach the goals, three models are developed. The first and second models are labor supply models of husband and wife, respectively. For both models, the dependent variables are labor supplies proxied by work-hours of non-agricultural activities per year. While the independent variables for both models are area of land used, wage level in non-agricultural, age, number of household member with age above and below 5 years, number of working household members, and location of the household. The third model is a model with contribution of non-agricultural income as its dependent variable, while its independent variable is area of land used. The data source for this research is
taken from a primary survey, while the secondary data gathered BPS in Gunung Kidul.
The study shows that husband labor supply on non-agricultural activities is affected by the area of land used, wage level, education level, number of household members, and household location. But, education level and number of working household members are not giving significant influence to husband labor supply on non agricultural sectors. Furthermore, wife labor supply is influenced by the area of land used, wage level, age, education level, number of household members with age below 5 years, and household location. In the contrary, number of household members of age over 5 years and number of working household members aren 't seem to have significant effect on wife labor supply model on non agricultural activities."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Teguh Yudo Wicaksono
"Economic scholars in indonesia tends to focus more on market rather than household behavior. This could be caused by their assumption that household behavior often irrational from convensional economic perspective. This paper argue that irrationality behavior is not proven empirically. It is shown that the behavior is economic deterministic; like preference on their child?s gender, time allocation and bargaining process in household. The result shows that females are more preferred than males and this can be explained by economic logic. Nevertheless, position and bargaining power of fem&es still weak in hcusehold. It has proven empirically by some estimation methods with some restrictions. The final objective is the integration of economic science with other social sciences in household behavior analysis in Indonesia"
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rubino Sugana
This study is conducted to develop a model that can be used to estimate the VAT revenue potential, tax gaps, and the impact of policy changes using the Input-Output Table. The amount of VAT revenue projection generated by this model is close to the VAT revenue realisation. The result of this study shows that the VAT compliance rate is only around 53%. Improving VAT compliance rate would generate a higher impact on VAT revenue as compared with raising the VAT rate. On the other hand, removing all VAT exemptions, besides increasing the administrative burden, it could also reduce VAT revenue from certain economic sectors, even though it will reduce economic distortions and avoid the need for special VAT treatment.
Studi ini dimaksudkan untuk menyusun sebuah model yang dapat digunakan dalam penghitungan potensi dan kesenjangan penerimaan (tax gap) PPN, dan mengestimasi dampak perubahan kebijakan terhadap penerimaan PPN dengan menggunakan Tabel Input-Output (Tabel I-O). Model ini menghasilkan estimasi penerimaan PPN untuk tahun 2013 yang mendekati nilai realisasi penerimaan aktual. Hasil studi menunjukkan tingkat kepatuhan pemenuhan kewajiban PPN di Indonesia hanya sekitar 53%. Peningkatan kepatuhan akan memberikan dampak yang lebih tinggi terhadap penerimaan dibandingkan menaikkan tarif PPN. Sebaliknya, penghapusan seluruh fasilitas PPN (Dibebaskan PPN, Tidak Dipungut PPN, dan PPN Tidak Dikenakan), selain dapat meningkatkan beban administrasi, untuk sektor tertentu justru dapat menurunkan penerimaan PPN, walaupun hal ini akan mengurangi distorsi ekonomi dan menghindari kebutuhan akan perlakuan khusus."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diyah Nugraheni
Salah satu aspek penting dari kebijakan desentralisasi skal adalah pelimpahan wewenang dan tanggungjawab pengelolaan dana publik ke pemerintah daerah, khususnya kota/kabupaten. Sesudah lebih dari sepu-luh tahun diimplementasikan, ketersediaan informasi dan data memungkinkan untuk melakukan evaluasisejauh mana dampaknya pada pembangunan ekonomi regional. Studi ini ingin mengetahui apakah kinerjapengelolaan keuangan daerah cukup efektif dalam penyediaan infrastruktur dasar dan apakah penyediaaninfrastruktur dasar secara efektif mengurangi angka kemiskinan. Dengan menggunakan metode data panel,studi ini mengonrmasi hubungan positif antara kinerja pengelolaan keuangan daerah dengan penyediaaninfrastruktur dasar (khususnya jalan dan listrik, namun tidak berlaku untuk air bersih). Adapun hubunganantara penyediaan infrastruktur dasar dengan angka kemiskinan, sesuai harapan, ternyata negatif. Temuanini memperkuat keyakinan perlunya mendorong lebih kuat lagi pembangunan infrastruktur dasar untukmengurangi angka kemiskinan."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ghozali Maski
"The economic growth of the country is inseparable from the development of its financial sector. Therefore, this research attempted to prove the existence of causality between financial sector and economic growth in Indonesia using data between Q1 of 1996 to Q4 of 2006. The variables used as proxy for financial sector are monetization, private credit, total deposits, stock market capitalism, and stock market value traded?while the real GDP is used as a proxy for economic growth. This research aims to determine which variable is the most dominant influence in the shock given in causality result.This research methodology used Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) and Granger causality. VECM is used to find out the dominant variable that gave shock, while Granger causality is used to detect the causality between variables. Granger causality test shows the existence of one way causality between real GDP and private credit, total deposit, and stock market value traded. These causalities come from three sources. First, from real GDP to private credit; second, from real GDP to stock market value traded; and the last, from total deposit to real GDP. Meanwhile, VECM test shows the result that the economic growth can be a boosting factor for Indonesian financial sector growth. Moreover, the dominant variable in creating shock on economic growth is stock market value traded.
The Granger causality estimation shows that there are one-way causalities between real GDP and private credit, total deposit, and stock market value traded."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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