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Comprehensively reviews bonding to enamel, dentin and cementum and analyses relevant adhesion mechanisms. In this book, emphasis is placed on the characterization of material interfaces with dental tissues in situ. It is addressed to both the dental researcher and the clinician."
Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2005
617.634 DEN
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Alia Ramadhani
"Menganalisa efek susu dan teh hitam terhadap demineralisasi email gigi. Mahkota 30 gigi premolar dipersiapkan membentuk kubus gigi (6mm3). Permukaan oklusal dibentuk jendela oklusal dengan menggunakan stiker berukuran 3x5mm2 dan seluruh permukaan gigi lainnya dilapisi dengan varnis tahan asam. Sampel dibagi secara acak ke dalam tiga kelompok dan direndam selama 26 menit dalam larutan remineralisasi: Grup A-susu dan teh hitam ; Grup B-susu ; Grup C-akuabides. Setelah 3 hari perendaman dalam larutan demineralisasi dengan pH 4.4, gigi di scan menggunakan micro-CT. Demineralisasi ditunjukkan dengan mean grey value (MGV). MGV dan standar deviasi pada tiap kelompok secara berurutan adalah: 90.78 ± 19.09, 98.14 ± 24.01, 81.10 ± 20.29. MGV antara ketiga kelompok berbeda bermakna (p<0.05), kecuali antara grup A dan B. Aplikasi menggunakan susu saja menunjukkan efek protektif yang lebih tinggi terhadap demineralisasi dibandingkan dengan aplikasi susu dan teh hitam.

This study is aimed to analyze the effect of milk and tea on demineralization of tooth enamel. The coronal parts of 30 sound premolars were prepared into tooth blocks (6mm3). An unvarnished occlusal surface window was created for each tooth by covering the occlusal surface with a 3x5mm2 sticker and painting other surfaces with an acid-resistant varnish. These blocks were randomly allocated into three groups immersed in remineralizing solutions for 26 minutes, respectively: Group A - milk and tea; Group B - milk ; and Group C - deionezed water. After 3 days immersion in a buffered demineralization solution at pH 4.4, micro-CT scans were taken. Demineralization was represented by the mean grey value (MGV). MGV and the standard deviation for each group respectively is: 90.78 ± 19.09, 98.14 ± 24.01, 81.10 ± 20.29. The MGV between the three groups were statistically significant (p<0.05), except between group A and B. Application using only milk showed higher protective effect against demineralization compared to application using milk and black tea.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Efek susu, kombinasinya dengan teh, dan NaF 0,2% terhadap demineralisasi email gigi: analisis microcomputed tomography. Fluor dan kalsium berperan penting dalam pencegahan karies gigi, karena dapat menghambat demineralisasi dan meningkatkan remineralisasi Tujuan: Menganalisis efek dari susu sendiri dan kombinasi dengan teh, dan NaF 0,2% pada demineralisasi email gigi menggunakan micro-computed tomography (micro-CT). Metode: Pada bagian koronal 40 gigi premolar manusia yang telah diekstraksi, dibuatkan region of
interest. Permukaan oklusal tiap gigi tersebut ditutupi stiker 3x5 mm2 dan semua permukaan lainnya ditutupi dengan pernis tahan asam. Gigi-gigi yang telah dipersiapkan ini secara acak dan dialokasikan ke dalam empat kelompok yang direndam dalam larutan remineralisasi selama 26 menit, yakni: Grup A, susu; Grup B, susu dan teh; Grup C, susu dan NaF 0,2%; dan Grup D, deionized air (kontrol). Hasil: Setelah 3 hari perendaman dalam larutan buffer pada pH 4,4, dilakukan pemindaian dengan micro-CT. Nilai rata-rata grayscale dan standar deviasi secara berurutan: 98,1 ± 24,0; 90,8 ± 9,1; 92,6 ± 21,4; 81,1 ± 20,3. Nilai rata-rata grayscale yang berbeda bermakna secara signifikan antara empat kelompok tersebut (p<0,05), kecuali antara kelompok A dan B dan antara kelompok A dan C. Simpulan: Topikal aplikasi dengan susu saja menunjukkan efek perlindungan yang lebih tinggi terhadap demineralisasi dibandingkan dengan aplikasi sinergis susu dengan teh dan, susu dengan, 0,2% NaF.

Fluoride and calcium play an important role in the prevention of dental caries, promoting the inhibition of demineralization and the increase of remineralization. Objective: To investigate the effects of milk with/without the combination of tea and 0.2% NaF on enamel demineralization using micro-computed tomography (microCT). Methods: The coronal parts of 40 extracted sound premolars were prepared as tooth blocks. An unvarnished occlusal surface window was created for each tooth by covering the occlusal surface with a 3x5 mm2 sticker and painting all other surfaces with an acid-resistant varnish. These blocks were randomly allocated into four groups that were immersed in remineralizing solutions for 26 minutes: Group A, milk; Group B, milk and tea; Group C, milk and 0.2% NaF; and Group D, deionized water (control). Results: After 3 days of immersion in a buffered demineralization solution at pH 4.4, micro-CT scans were taken. The mean grayscale values and the standard deviations are: 98.1 ± 24.0; 90.8 ± 9.1; 92.6 ± 21.4; 81.1 ± 20.3, respectively. The mean grayscale values were significantly different among the four groups (p<0.05), except between groups A and B and between groups A and C. Conclusion: Topical application with milk alone showed a higher protective effect against demineralization compared to the synergic application of milk and tea and milk and 0.2% NaF."
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hatamleh, Muhanad
Saarbrucken, Germany: Lap Lambert, 2010
617.601 HAT b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Developmental Defects of Enamel (DDE) pose a significant dental problem for children and adolescents. Affected teeth are discolored, often sensitive and prone to fracture or wear easily, increasing the risk of dental caries. Furthermore, they are often very difficult to restore because conventional dental materials do not bond effectively to the defective enamel. Clinically, affected individuals have heightened levels of dental anxiety making management challenging and stressful for the child, parent and clinician alike. This book discusses the epidemiology and etiology of DDE, including defects of both primary and permanent teeth, associated syndromes, Molar Incisor Hypomineralization and more generalized genetic defects. The structure and mechanical properties of affected enamel are discussed particularly in relation to clinical behavior. The signs and symptoms that allow accurate diagnosis are outlined and management protocols described. The clinical chapters are well illustrated, providing clear, evidence based guidelines where appropriate. Importantly the impact of living with DDE is explored from the young person?s perspective. These insights challenge the dental profession to seek improved understanding of the condition and to develop new management strategies. Avenues for future research are identified that may help the profession rise to this challenge and to better meet the needs and expectations of future generations of children and adolescents."
Heidelberg: Springer, 2015
617.63 PLA
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sahertian, Raissa Diva
"Tujuan : Menganalisa efek susu dan NaF 0,2% terhadap demineralisasi email gigi.
Metode : Mahkota 30 gigi premolar dibentuk kubus gigi. Grup A-susu dan NaF 0,2% ; Grup B-susu ; Grup C-akuabides. Setelah 3 hari perendaman dalam larutan demineralisasi, gigi di scan menggunakan micro computed tomography (micro-CT).
Hasil : MGV antara ketiga kelompok berbeda bermakna (p<0.05), kecuali antara grup A dan B. Kesimpulan: Aplikasi menggunakan susu saja menunjukkan efek protektif yang lebih tinggi terhadap demineralisasi dibandingkan dengan aplikasi susu dan NaF 0,2%.

Objective : This study is aimed to analyze the effect of milk and tea on tooth enamel demineralization.
Methods : The coronal parts of 30 extracted sound premolars were prepared into tooth blocks (6mm3). Group A- milk and sodium fluoride 0,2% ; Group B-milk ; and Group C- deionized water. After 3 days immersion in a buffered demineralization solution at pH 4.4 , micro-Computed Tomography scans were taken.
Result : The mean grey value between the three groups were statistically significant at p<0.05, except between group A and B. Conclusion: Intervention with milk only showed higher protective effect againts demineralization compared to the appllication using milk and NaF 0,2%.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dofka, Charline M.
Singapore: Delmar Cengage Learning, 2013
617.6 DEF d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chicago: Quintessence, 2003
SIN 617.6 DEN
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Dental record is one of the ways to identify human identity. Identification requires a system, which is able to recognize each human tooth automatically. Teeth and gums becomes an important issue be-cause they have a high similarity in a dental radiograph image. This similarity tends to influence the segmentation error. This paper proposes a new contrast enhancement by using parameter sigmoid transform to improve the segmentation accuracy. The five main steps are: 1) preprocessing to improve the image contrast using our proposed method, 2) teeth segmentation using horizontal and vertical in-tegral projection, 3) feature extraction, 4) teeth classification using Support Vector Machine (SVM) and 5) teeth numbering. Experimental results using our proposed method have an accuracy rate of 88% for classification and 73% for teeth numbering.

Data rekaman gigi adalah salah satu cara untuk mengidentifikasi manusia. Pengidentifikasian membutuhkan sebuah sistem yang mampu mengenali tiap gigi secara otomatis. Intensitas gigi dan gusi yang hampir sama menjadi masalah utama pada citra dental radiographs karena dapat menga-kibatkan kesalahan dalam proses segmentasi. Pada paper ini diusulkan sebuah metode perbaikan kontras yang baru dengan menggunakan parameter sigmoid transform untuk meningkatkan keaku-ratan hasil segmentasi. Lima tahapan utama yaitu: 1) praproses untuk memperbaiki kontras gambar menggunakan metode yang diusulkan, 2) segmentasi gigi menggunakan horizontal dan vertical inte-gral projection, 3) ekstraksi fitur, 4) klasifikasi meggunakan Support Vector Machine (SVM) dan 5) penomoran gigi. Hasil eksperimen menggunakan metode yang diusulkan menunjukkan tingkat keaku-ratan hasil klasifikasi sebesar 88% dan penomoran gigi sebesar 73%."
Surabaya: Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Faculty of Information Technology, Department of Informatics Engineering, 2015
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Danvers, MA: CRC press, 2009
617 ADH
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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