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"Contents :
- Contents by Author
- University Program Sponsors
- Academic Perspectives
- An Aspect-Oriented Approach for Dynamic Monitoring of a Service Logic Execution
- Infrastructure as Platform: Services-Oriented Architecture, Virtualization, and 21 st-
Century Communications
- Executive Perspectives
- Ubiquitous Broadband Access Networks with Peer-to-Peer Application Support
- High-Power Lithium Ion
- Profiting from Convergence
- Every Bit Better: Next-Generation Optical Transport Platforms
- The Necessity of MSANs in the Network Transformation Era
- Digital Rights Management
- Making Sense of Broadband Access
- Digital Convergence: Who Will Take the Cake?
- Physical-Layer Challenges in Gigabit Passive Optical Networks
- Ethernet
- An End-to-End Traffic and Hierarchical Traffic Management Architecture for
Ethernet-Based Residential Triple-Play and Business Services
- Carrier-Class Ethernet Service Delivery for Business Access
- Cost-Effective and Practical Implementation of the Gigabit Ethernet for Home and
Small-Business Applications
- GE ADM-Based Ethernet Service Transmission Solution
- Triple Play
- Transport Considerations for Triple-Play Deployments
- Successful Triple Play and Beyond
- Acronym Guide "
Chicago: International Engineering Consortium, 2007
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kaj, Ingemar
"Mathematical methods based on the theory of stochastic processes have long been used effectively in telephone traffic modeling. Today's modern network traffic, which is distinctly different from traditional voice traffic, generates challenging mathematical and statistical problems. Stochastic Modeling in Broadband Communications Systems provides a concise overview of stochastic models and mathematical techniques for solving these problems and enhances readers' overall understanding of communication systems. The book also presents an excellent introduction, particularly for students and professionals in probability and applied mathematics, to a huge area of interesting problems and models arising from modern developments in broadband channel transmission systems.
The author's clear presentation is based on sound mathematical reasoning, and he has taken special care to make the material easily accessible to readers unable to devote hours of time on rigorous mathematical detail and generality. Topics include models ranging over different time scales of calls, bursts, and cells; different protocol layers for transport, control, and applications; mechanisms for queuing, collisions, delay, and loss; and the effects of buffering, retransmission, multiplexing, and traffic control. Comprehensive exercises are provided at the end of each chapter."
Philadelphia: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2002
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Contents :
- Contents by Author
- University Program Sponsors
- Current Trends and Business Strategies
- The Progression of WIMAX Toward a Peer-to-Peer Paradigm Shift
- Affirming the Mobility Quotient: How Wireless Connectivity Is Shaping Worker
- How Small Can It Get?
- Improving the Performance of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Using Directional Antennas
- Whence and Whither Mobile Communications and Impacting Technologies
- The Evolution of WiMAX Certification
- Prime Time for Mobile Television
- Technologies and Networks
- WLAN Mesh Architectures and IEEE 802.11s
- Wireless Billboard Channels:Vehicle and Infrastructural Support for Advertisement,
Discovery, and Association of UCWW Services
- Leveraging MIMO in Wide-Area Networks
- Revolution by Satellite
- Overview of a Personal Network Prototype
- Smooth Integration of Mobile Video Telephony to Windows Mobile
- The Law of Mobility
- Detecting Packet Mishandling in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
- Performance of Transport Protocols in Wireless Networks
- The Emergence of the Wireless VoIP Phone
- Effect of Interference and Control Error on Cellular Mobile Communication
- Seamless Mobility
- Optimizing Video over Wireless Using Performance and Architecture Modeling
- Internetworking of Next-Generation IPv6-Based Mobile Wireless Networks and
MPLS/GMPLS-Based Multiservice Backbone Networks
- Acronym Guide "
Philadelphia: International Engineering Consortium, 2007
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 7th International ICST Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks and Systems (BROADNETS 2010) held in October 2010 in Athens, Greece. The 39 revised full papers were carefully selected from numerous submissions. The conference was divided in 3 tracks: Optical, Wireless and Internet. The optical track covers topics such as optical switch architectures, reliable optical networking, routing, wavelength assignment, and traffic grooming, network control and management. The wireless track highlights MIMO and OFDM techniques, mobility management, routing protocols, hybrid networks and the internet track covers routing, scheduling, security, trust, semantic technologies and social networks."
Heidelberg: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Helmi Noor Fajari
"TWBS (Two Ways Broadband System) adalah produk VSAT terbaru dari suatu perusahaan telekomunikasi swasta di Indonesia, dimana pada sistem TWBS ini karakteristik yang dimiliki minimal sama dengan produk Point-to-point (PTP), tetapi memiliki feature yang lebih banyak dibandingkan PTP biasa. Untuk sistem PTP biasa, satu remote hanya bisa menggunakan bandwidth misal sebesar X kbps, sedangkan pada sistem TWT3S, satu remote minimal mendapatkan bandwidth sebesar X kbps, tetapi jika remote lain sedang tidak aktif, bandwidth remote yang sedang tidak aktif tsb dapat dipakai oleh remote yang aktif. Dengan kata lain pada satu Remote, CIR (Committed Information Rate) tetap dijamin sebesar X kbps tetapi mendapat kemampuan Burst Up sampai n x X kbps, dimana nilai n adalah banyaknya cabang dari jaringan tersebut. Dengan sifat berbagi pakai pada sisi Outbound, maka dapat dipastikan bahwa probabilitas satu remote dengan remote lainnya mengakses data pada saat bersamaan sangat kecil. Dengan dilengkapinya sistem monitoring pada sisi Outbound, maka dapat dipastikan bahwa Outbound yang akan digunakan kurang dari Outbound maksimunnya, sehingga penggunaan bandwidth dapat dioptimalkan. Pada tugas akhir ini dilakukan pengujian dan penganalisaan performansi dari suatu jaringan VSAT TWBS yang telah ada. Ujicoba performansi jaringannya meliputi pengujian dan penganalisaan kualitas sambungan jaringan, kualitas suara yang dilewatkan pada jaringan, dan pengujian sharing bandwidth dengan melakukan pemindahan data dari server ke klien. Hasil analisa yang dilakukan dari proses pengujian jaringan TWBS secara keseluruhan adalah bahwa sistem berjalan dan bekerja sesuai dengan prinsip kerja pada teorinya."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Contents :
- Table of Contents by Author
- Part I. Broadband Access: A. DSL
- B. Wireless Broadband
- C. Wireless LANs
- D. Ethernet
- E. Operations, OSSs, and Quality of Service
- Part II. Broadband Applications
- Part III. The Business of Broadband
- Acronym Guide "
Chicago: International Engineering Consortium, 2002
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yessi Arnaz Ferari
"Market mechanism merupakan suatu pendekatan yang digunakan dengan tujuan untuk mencapai efisiensi penggunaan sumber daya frekuensi yang terbatas dengan memberikannya kepada pengguna potensial untuk menjalankan layanannya, dimana layanan tersebut harus dapat menghasilkan nilai tertinggi dari sumber daya frekuensi tersebut, maka akan diberikan izin hak untuk menggunakannya, dengan kata lain adalah bahwa dengan menggunakan mekanisme pasar (market mechanism) dapat mendorong penggunaan spektrum frekuensi radio dan memfasilitasi ekspansi dan inovasi layanan.
Analisis yang digunakan pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode Cost and Benefits Analysis (CBA), dimana CBA ini untuk membandingkan keuntungan bersih yang dihasilkan dari pemanfaatan spektrum frekuensi radio dengan membuat beberapa kondisi untuk pemanfaatan spektrum frekuensi radio pada pita 478-806 MHz. Dalam menggunakan metode CBA, terlebih dahulu harus diidentifikasikan dan dikonversikan komponen-komponen penilaiannya yaitu biaya-biaya dan manfaat-manfaat yang dihasilkan oleh pemanfaatan spektrum frekuensi radio pada pita frekuensi 478-806 MHz melalui beberapa kondisi layanan ke dalam nilai ekonomis atau moneter. Kemudian dianalisis kelayakan ekonomisnya memanfaatkan alat-alat analisis finansial dengan menggunakan Net Present Value.
Pemanfaatan spektrum frekuensi radio pada pita 478-806 MHz (UHF) diklasifikasikan menjadi 3 (tiga) kondisi, yaitu kondisi eksisting, kondisi transisi, dan kondisi analog switch off, hasil potensi nilai ekonomi pemanfaatan spektrum frekuensi radio pada pita 478-806 MHz (pita UHF) yang paling optimal terdapat pada kondisi dimana pemanfaatan spektrum frekuensi radio pada pita 478-806 MHz digunakan untuk layanan televisi siaran digital dengan digital dividend dimanfaatkan untuk layanan broadband wireless (kondisi analog switch off). Pemanfaatan digital dividend untuk layanan broadband wireless digunakan sebagai strategi untuk melaksanakan pembangunan akses broadband di Indonesia.

Market mechanism is an approach used with the objective of achieving efficient use of limited frequency resources by giving potential users to run their services, where such services should be able to produce the highest value of frequency resources. They will then be granted the right to use the frequency resources. In other words, by using market mechanism, it will encourage the use of radio frequency spectrum and facilitate expansion and service innovation.
Analysis of this study uses the method of Cost and Benefit Analysis (CBA), where this method of CBA is to compare the net profit resulted from utilization of radio frequency spectrum by making a number of conditions for the utilization of radio frequency spectrum in the bands of 478-806 MHz. In using the CBA method, the components of assessment must first be identified and converted, namely the costs and benefits generated by the utilization of radio frequency spectrum in the bands of 478-806 MHz through some conditions of service to the economic or monetary value. And then the economic feasibility is analyzed using Net Present Value technique.
Utilization of radio frequency spectrum in the bands of 478-806 MHz (UHF band) is classified into three (3) conditions, the existing condition, the transition condition, and the analog switch off condition. The most optimum potential result of the economic value of radio frequency spectrum utilization in the bands of 478-806 MHz (UHF band) is at the condition where the utilization of radio frequency spectrum in the band of 478-806 MHz is used for digital broadcast television service with the digital dividend used for broadband wireless services (the analog switch off condition). Utilization of digital dividend for broadband wireless services is used as a strategy to implement the broadband access development in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Luthfi Azizi Gumay
Dalam rangka meningkatkan pendapatan dan menjalankan strategi perusahaan dalam hal memimpin pertumbuhan bisnis broadband baru, tim bisnis secara terus menerus melakukan inovasi fitur-fitur paket broadband sesuai dengan kebutuhan pelanggan kemudian melakukan request perubahan kepada tim IT. Salah satu request perubahan tersebut adalah request terkait proyek teknologi informasi sistem ordering paket broadband. Tidak seluruh proyek teknologi informasi sistem ordering paket broadband mengalami keberhasilan. Permasalahan pada proyek tersebut antara lain adalah proyek yang melebihi target waktu dan proyek yang memiliki kualitas yang kurang diharapkan. Agar proyek teknologi informasi sistem ordering paket broadband mengalami peningkatan keberhasilan sehingga dapat membantu mencapai strategi perusahaan, maka analisis pemeringkatan faktor penentu keberhasilan proyek teknologi informasi sistem ordering paket broadband di PT Telkomsel perlu dilakukan.
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan peringkat faktor penentu keberhasilan proyek teknologi informasi sistem ordering paket broadband di PT Telkomsel. Selain itu penelitian ini juga dilakukan untuk mendapatkan rekomendasi solusi terhadap permasalahan faktor-faktor penentu keberhasilan proyek. Tinjauan pustaka dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor penentu keberhasilan proyek teknologi informasi di organisasi telekomunikasi. Hasil identifikasi dari tinjauan pustaka tersebut kemudian divalidasi oleh pakar manajemen proyek dan narasumber pemangku kepentingan proyek yang diteliti. Faktor-faktor penentu keberhasilan tersebut kemudian dilakukan pemeringkatan melalui kuesioner pairwise comparison yang diolah dengan metode Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa keterlibatan pengguna dan komunikasi yang efektif adalah faktor penentu keberhasilan yang paling penting diikuti kemampuan dan motivasi tim, manajemen dan metodologi proyek, kemampuan dan kepemimpinan manajer proyek, requirement management, tujuan proyek yang jelas, dan dukungan manajemen puncak dan budaya organisasi

In order to increase revenue and run the companys strategy in terms of leading the growth of the new broadband business, the business team continuously innovates broadband package features according to customer needs and then requests a change to the IT team. One of the change requests is a request related to the information technology project for broadband package ordering system. Not all information technology projects for broadband package ordering systems have been successful. Problems with the project include projects that exceed the target time and projects that have less expected quality. In order for the information technology project for broadband packet ordering system at PT Telkomsel to be more successfull so that it can help achieve the companys strategy, an analysis of the ranking of critical success factors of the information technology project for broadband packet ordering system at PT Telkomsel needs to be done.
This research was conducted to obtain a rank of critical success factors of information technology project for broadband packet ordering system at PT Telkomsel. In addition, this research was also conducted to obtain recommendations for solutions to the problems of critical success factors of information technology project for broadband packet ordering system at PT Telkomsel. The literature review was conducted to identify the critical success factors of information technology project in telecommunications organizations. The results of the identification from the literature review were then validated by project management experts and stakeholder of the project studied. The critical success factors then ranked through a pairwise comparison questionnaire which was processed using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The results of this study indicate that user involvement and effective communication are the most important critical success factors followed by team capability and motivation project management and methodology project managers capabilities and leadership, requirements management clear project goals , and top management support and organizational culture "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Washington: IEEE Computer Society Press, 1991
R 621.382 BRO
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kecepatan broadband yang optimal terhadap PDB per Kapita di negara negara pendapatan tinggi, menengah, dan rendah. Indikator ekonomi makro yang dikumpulkan pada peneltian ini berasal dari database Worldbank dan International Telecommunication Union ITU, kecuali data kecepatan broadband terukur yang dikumpulkan daari Ookla, sebuah perusahaan yang menyediakan pengujian broadband dan data aplikasi diagnostic jaringan berbasis web setiap hari. Data yang digunakan adalah data panel dari 84 negara pendapatan tinggi, menengah, dan rendah selama periode 20102017. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa 10% kecepatan broadband meningkatkan PDB per kapita di negara pendapatan tinggi, menengah, dan rendah masing masing sebesar 0.260, 0.364, dan 0.307 persen. Lebih lanjut, kecepatan broadband dalam meningkatkan PDB per Kapita tidak memiliki titik optimal/titik jenuh. Peningkatan kecepatan broadband secara terus menerus akan menghasilkan pertambahan (imbal hasil) PDB per kapita dengan skala yang semakin meningkat (increasing rate of return to scale). Tingkat kecepatan broadband optimal tidak stabil, sehingga tidak dapat ditemukan. Titik optimal kecepatan broadband merupakan tingkat kecepatan broadband dimana PDB per kapita suatu negara berada pada titik maksimum

This thesis aims to find the optimal broadband speed that maximize GDP per capita in high, middle and low income countries. The macroeconomic indicators collected in this research come from the Worldbank and International Telecommunication Union (ITU) databases, except measurable broadband speed data collected from Ookla, a company that provides web-based broadband testing and diagnostic network application data every day. The data used are panel data from 84 high, middle and low income countries during the period of 2010 - 2017. This study found that 10% broadband speed positively affects GDP per capita in high, middle and low income countries of 0.260, 0.364, dan 0.307 percent. Furthermore, there are not found the optimal broadband speed that creates the maximum GDP per capita, or there are not found an optimal point/saturation point. In other words, a continuous increase in broadband speed will have an impact on an increasing of GDP per capita or an increasing rate return to scale.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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