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Baltazar Bimo Bisara
Tujuan: Menilai keamanan injeksi intrakamera levofloksasin 0,5 sediaan tetes mata dosis tunggal 0,6 mL steril tanpa pengawet pada hewan coba kelinci. Desain: Penelitian ini merupakan uji eksperimental dengan desain paralel, acak, tersamar terhadap hewan coba kelinci albino New Zealand White . Metode: Dua puluh empat mata dari dua belas ekor kelinci dibagi kedalam ketiga kelompok, kelompok pertama LFX mendapat perlakuan injeksi intrakamera levofloksasin 0,5 sediaan tetes mata dosis tunggal steril tanpa pengawet 0,6 mL n = 6 , kelompok kedua CRAV mendapat injeksi intrakamera levofloksasin 0,5 sediaan tetes mata botol 5 mL n = 6 dan kelompok ketiga BSS mendapat balanced salt solution intrakamera sebagai kontrol n = 12 . Hasil: Skor klinis pada hari 1, 3, 5, dan 7 tidak menunjukkan adanya perbedaan antara ketiga kelompok. Perubahan klinis maksimal yang ditemukan berupa kekeruhan kornea ringan serta sel dan flare ringan dalam bilik mata depan. Pemeriksaan histopatologi tidak menunjukkan adanya perbedaan statistik kelainan akibat efek toksik yang signifikan pada semua kelompok. Vakuolisasi endotel ditemukan pada semua kelompok sehingga tidak signifikan sebagai perubahan akibat efek toksik. Kesimpulan: Injeksi intrakamera 0,1 mL levofloksasin 0,5 dalam sediaan tetes mata dosis tunggal 0,6 mL steril tanpa pengawet memiliki keamanan yang sama dengan sediaan tetes mata botol 5 mL tanpa pengawet pada mata hewan coba kelinci dalam hal perubahan klinis dan histopatologis.
Purpose To evaluate the safety of intracameral injection of levofloxacin 0,5 eye drop single dose 0,6 mL preservative free LFX on rabbit eye. Methods This was an experimental, pararel, and randomized study. Twenty four eyes of twelve New Zealand White rabbit were divided to three groups. First group LFX were treated with 0,1 mL intracameral injection levofloxacin 0,5 eye drop single dose 0,6 mL preservative free n 6 , second group CRAV were treated with 0,1 mL intracameral levofloxacin 0.5 eye drop bottle 5 mL preservative free n 6 , and third group BSS were treated with 0,1 mL intracameral injection balanced salt solution n 12 . The clinical evaluation was performed on day 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th. Each eye was enucleated on day 7th and underwent histopathology examination. Results The clinical scores among three groups did not show any significant difference on day 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 7th p 0.05 . Mild corneal opacity, mild cells and flares in anterior chamber were the only noted in clinical scores. Histopathology score demonstrated no statistically significant difference between three groups p 0.05 . Vacuolization of corneal endothelial cells were notes in all groups, but not statistically significant.Conclusion Intracameral injection of levofloxacin 0.5 eye drop single dose 0.6 mL preservative free was safe to rabbit eye, in clinical and histopathology scores, similar with levofloxacin 0.5 eye drop bottle 5 mL preservative free"
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ikhwanuliman Putera
"Latar Belakang: Fibrosis dalam bentuk adhesi jaringan maupun jaringan parut teregang menjadi salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi luaran hasil operasi strabismus. Obat golongan anti-inflamasi non-steroid, salah satunya natrium diklofenak, merupakan obat yang mampu menekan proses inflamasi sehingga dipikirkan dapat memodulasi penyembuhan luka, termasuk fibrosis pada otot ekstraokular pasca operasi strabismus.
Tujuan: Membandingkan efek pemberian diklofenak sediaan oral atau tetes mata 0,1% terhadap pembentukan fibrosis pasca operasi strabismus pada hewan coba kelinci model.
Metodologi: Penelitian eksperimental ini dilakukan pada kelinci model yang dilakukan operasi reses otot rekrus superior. Dilakukan randomisasi acak terkontrol tiga kelompok dengan membagi kelinci menjadi: kelompok dengan terapi diklofenak oral 2 x 5 mg/kg selama 3 hari (kelompok A), tetes mata natrium diklofenak 0,1% 3x sehari selama 3 hari (kelompok B), dan kontrol (kelompok C). Setelah hari ke-14 pasca operasi, dilakukan enukleasi lalu dinilai skor adhesi makroskopik, histopatologi inflamasi (haematoxylin & eosin), skor adhesi mikroskopik dan persentase area fibrosis (Masson’s trichrome), serta ekspresi α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA, imunohistokimia) oleh ahli patologi anatomik menggunakan penilaian semi-kuantitatif dan kuantitatif (ImageJ) dengan nilai reciprocal staining intensity (RSI).
Hasil: Enam kelinci (12 mata) terbagi dalam tiga kelompok perlakuan. Tidak terdapat perbedaan skor adhesi makroskopik (p=0,13), adhesi mikroskopik (p=0,28), dan histopatologi inflamasi (p=0,26). Persentase area fibrosis kelompok diklofenak tetes mata (12,44 % (8,63 - 18,29)) lebih sedikit dibandingkan kelompok diklofenak oral (26,76 % (21,38-37,56)) maupun kontrol (27,80 % (16,42 - 36,28); uji Kruskal-Wallis p = 0,04, post-hoc kelompok oral vs tetes mata p = 0,03 dan kelompok tetes mata vs kontrol p=0,04). Penilaian ekspresi α-SMA semi-kuantitatif tidak dijumpai perbedaan antar ketiga kelompok. Analisis RSI mendapatkan bahwa kelompok diklofenak tetes mata memiliki ekspresi α-SMA yang lebih rendah (diklofenak tetes mata = 174,08 ± 21,78 vs diklofenak oral = 206,50 ± 18,93 vs kontrol = 212,58 ± 12,06; one-way ANOVA p = 0.03; post-hoc bonferroni diklofenak tetes mata vs kontrol p= 0,04).
Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat perbedaan skor adhesi makroskopik, mikroskopik, serta histopatologi inflamasi antara kelompok perlakuan diklofenak oral, diklofenak tetes mata, maupun kontrol. Pemberian diklofenak tetes mata 0,1% menunjukkan penurunan area fibrosis dibandingkan kelompok diklofenak oral maupun kontrol. Melalui penilaian RSI, terdapat penurunan ekspresi α-SMA dengan pemberian diklofenak tetes mata 0,1%."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The completely revised, Third Edition of Ocular Therapeutics Handbook is directed at the needs of optometrists, nurses, and primary care physicians and provides information for the most common ocular problems encountered in a primary care setting. --
The handbook is divided into three sections: Quick Reference, Ocular Therapeutics, and Appendices. The Quick Reference section covers such topic: as ocular microbiology, laboratory tests and procedures, pharmaceutical agents, and side effects of medications. The Ocular Therapeutics section discusses diseases, traumatic injuries, and ocular urgencies and emergencies, as well as in-office systemic emergencies. The Appendices provide a summary of abbreviations, conversion charts, case report sheets, and important phone numbers. --
The chapters have been developed to serve as a snapshot, presenting the clinician with the most relevant information regarding the pathophysiology and etiology of diseases, patient demographics, signs and symptoms, laboratory tests, and recommended approaches to treatment. --
New to this Edition --
Clinical color images --
Expanded laboratory tests and procedures chapter --
Chapter on neuro-rehabilitation and low vision --
Rapid-review chapters of clinical presentations --
Update of systemic medications --
Outline format and extensive use of algorithms allow readers to quickly access information --
Utilizes problem-oriented approach --
Resources now include pertinent and up-to-date websites"
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams Wilkins, 2011
617.706 OCU
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hasudungan, Victor Crist
Tujuan : Mengevaluasi ada tidaknya perbedaan kualitas air mata pada penderita glaukoma yang
mengalami mata kering antara yang diberi tetes mata sodium hialuronat 0,1% mengandung bahan
pengawet benzalkonium klorida dan tetes mata sodium hialuronat 0,1% tanpa bahan pengawet.
Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian prospektif terandomisasi. 30 pasien glaukoma yang
mengalami mata kering dirandomisasi ke dalam kedua kelompok. Kelompok
pertama,mendapatkan obat tetes mata artificial tear mengandung sodium hialuronat 0,1% dengan
pengawet benzalkonium klorida, sedangkan kelompok II, mendapatkan obat tetes mata artificial
tear mengandung sodium hialuronat 0,1% tanpa pengawet selama 1 bulan. Pemeriksaan Schirmer
test, TFBUT, OPI, dan sitologi impresi dilakukan pada kedua kelompok baik sebelum dan sesudah
1 bulan penetesan obat tetes mata artificial tear.
Results: Nilai median sitologi impresi sel goblet pasca penetesan artificial tear meningkat pada
kelompok I (118,15-485) dan kelompok II (67.0-200), namun secara statistik tidak ada perbedaan
bermakna. Nilai rata ? rata TFBUT pasca penetesan pada kelompok I (14,45±7,85) dan kelompok
II (13,91±7,46) meningkat dibandingkan sebelum penetesan, serta secara statitstik memiliki
perbedaan yang bermakna. Nilai Schirmer test dan OPI pasca penetesan pada kedua kelompok
mengalami peningkatan secara klinis dibandingkan sebelum penetesan, namun tidak terdapat
perbedaan bermakna secara statistik.
Conclusions : Pemberian artificial tear mengandung sodium hialuronat 0,1% baik dengan
pengawet maupun tanpa pengawet selama 1 bulan memberikan peningkatan Schirmer test,
TFBUT,OPI dan sitologi impresi sel goblet.

Objectives: To evaluate the difference of quality of tears between glaucoma patients suffering
from dry eyes treated with 0.1% sodium hyaluronat eyedrops with preservative
benzalconiumchloride and those treated with 0.1% sodium hyaluronat eyedrops without
Methods: This is a randomized prospective study. Subjects were 30 glaucoma patients suffering
from dry eyes, whom later randomized into two groups. Group I was treated with artificial tears
eye drops, which contained 0.1% sodium hyaluronat and benzalconium chloride preservative,
whereas Group II was treated with artificial tears eye drops, which contained 0.1% sodium
hyaluronat without preservative for one-month duration. Before and after the treatment with
artificial tears eyedrops, subjects of both groups were tested with Schirmer test, TFBUT, OPI, and
impression cytology.
Results: The median of goblet cells in impression cytology after treatment with artificial tears eye
drops increased in group I (118, 15 ? 485) and group II (67, 0 ? 200), even though not statistically
significant. Mean TFBUT after treatment was also higher in Group I (14.45±7.85) and Group II
(13.91±7.46), yet not statistically significant. Schirmer test and OPI results after treatment showed
a clinical improvement in both groups, however no statistic result was found to be significant.
Conclusions: Treatment with artifical tears eye drops containing 0.1% sodium hyaluronat with or
without preservative for one month will improve Schirmer test, TFBUT, OPI, and goblet cells
impressions cytology result on glaucoma patients suffering from dry eyes.;Objectives: To evaluate the difference of quality of tears between glaucoma patients suffering
from dry eyes treated with 0.1% sodium hyaluronat eyedrops with preservative
benzalconiumchloride and those treated with 0.1% sodium hyaluronat eyedrops without
Methods: This is a randomized prospective study. Subjects were 30 glaucoma patients suffering
from dry eyes, whom later randomized into two groups. Group I was treated with artificial tears
eye drops, which contained 0.1% sodium hyaluronat and benzalconium chloride preservative,
whereas Group II was treated with artificial tears eye drops, which contained 0.1% sodium
hyaluronat without preservative for one-month duration. Before and after the treatment with
artificial tears eyedrops, subjects of both groups were tested with Schirmer test, TFBUT, OPI, and
impression cytology.
Results: The median of goblet cells in impression cytology after treatment with artificial tears eye
drops increased in group I (118, 15 – 485) and group II (67, 0 – 200), even though not statistically
significant. Mean TFBUT after treatment was also higher in Group I (14.45±7.85) and Group II
(13.91±7.46), yet not statistically significant. Schirmer test and OPI results after treatment showed
a clinical improvement in both groups, however no statistic result was found to be significant.
Conclusions: Treatment with artifical tears eye drops containing 0.1% sodium hyaluronat with or
without preservative for one month will improve Schirmer test, TFBUT, OPI, and goblet cells
impressions cytology result on glaucoma patients suffering from dry eyes., Objectives: To evaluate the difference of quality of tears between glaucoma patients suffering
from dry eyes treated with 0.1% sodium hyaluronat eyedrops with preservative
benzalconiumchloride and those treated with 0.1% sodium hyaluronat eyedrops without
Methods: This is a randomized prospective study. Subjects were 30 glaucoma patients suffering
from dry eyes, whom later randomized into two groups. Group I was treated with artificial tears
eye drops, which contained 0.1% sodium hyaluronat and benzalconium chloride preservative,
whereas Group II was treated with artificial tears eye drops, which contained 0.1% sodium
hyaluronat without preservative for one-month duration. Before and after the treatment with
artificial tears eyedrops, subjects of both groups were tested with Schirmer test, TFBUT, OPI, and
impression cytology.
Results: The median of goblet cells in impression cytology after treatment with artificial tears eye
drops increased in group I (118, 15 – 485) and group II (67, 0 – 200), even though not statistically
significant. Mean TFBUT after treatment was also higher in Group I (14.45±7.85) and Group II
(13.91±7.46), yet not statistically significant. Schirmer test and OPI results after treatment showed
a clinical improvement in both groups, however no statistic result was found to be significant.
Conclusions: Treatment with artifical tears eye drops containing 0.1% sodium hyaluronat with or
without preservative for one month will improve Schirmer test, TFBUT, OPI, and goblet cells
impressions cytology result on glaucoma patients suffering from dry eyes.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elisabeth Irma Dewi K.
"Endoftalmitis merupakan kegawatdaruratan dibidang mata yang bila tidak ditangani cepat akan mengalami penurunan tajam penglihatan bahkan kebutaan. Fasilitas vitrektomi sebagai terapi baku emas jarang tersedia di RS begitupula antibiotika (seftazidim) intra vitreal belum tersedia secara komersil dengan dosis yang sesuai, sehingga perlu diracik dan dapat berisiko meningkatkan kontaminasi atau kesalahan pengenceran. Tujuan mencari alternatif antibiotika intra vitreal untuk pengobatan endoftalmitis akibat Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Metode menggunakan dua belas kelinci New Zealand White terbagi dua kelompok (n=6). Dibentuk endophthalmitis dengan injeksi intra vitreal P. aeruginosa 2x105 CFU/0,1mL. Kelompok A mendapat intra vitreal levofloksasin 0,5% 0,1mL dan kelompok B mendapat intra vitreal seftazidim 2,25 mg/0,1 mL setelah 24 jam inokulasi bakteri. Penilaian klinis dilakukan hari ke-1 hingga ke-6. Pada hari ke-6 dilakukan pemeriksaan mikrobiologi dan histopatologik.
Hasil selisih skor klinis hari ke-1 dan 6 kedua kelompok tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna. Terdapat 2 kelinci mengalami perbaikan di kelompok levofloksasin namun secara statistik tidak bermakna. Penghitungan jumlah bakteri memberikan hasil kelompok A dan kelompok B mengalami penurunan menjadi 1,5x102 (4x101-7,3x103) CFU/0,1mL dengan hasil yang tidak berbeda bermakna begitu pula dengan skor pemeriksaan histopatologik. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan injeksi intra vitreal tetes mata levofloksasin 0,5% 0,1mL sama efektif dengan seftazidim dan dapat dijadikan alternatif dalam terapi endoftalmitis akibat P. aeruginosa.

The purpose of this study was to find and evaluate intravitreal 0.5% levofloxacin as an alternative treatment for Pseudomonas aeruginosa endophthalmitis in an experimental model. Twelve New Zealand White rabbits were divided into two groups (n = 6 in each). Vitreous cavity of the right eye was inoculated with 2x105 CFU / 0,1mL of Pseudomonas aeruginosa suspension. Group A treated with intravitreal 0.5% levofloxacin and group B received intravitreal injection of 2.25 mg / 0.1 mL ceftazidime. Results showed mean clinical assessment scores in both groups were similar at 24 hours after inoculation (p> 0.05). Clinical score at day 1 and day 6 do not show any significant difference. Two rabbits experienced improvement in the levofloxacin group but there was no statistically significant difference. The number of microbiological bacteria results in group A and group B were decreased to 1,5x102 (4x101-7,3x103) CFU/ 0,1mL, but microbiological analysis and histopathological scoring demonstrated no statistically significant difference between both group (for each, P>0,05). The conclusion in this sudy was intra vitreal 0,5% levofloxacin ophthalmic appeared to be effective in the treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa endophthalmitis in rabbits, but was not superior to intravitreal ceftazidime administration. Therefore, intravitreal 0,5% levofloxacin may be a useful alternative to ceftazidime for Pseudomonas aeruginosa endophthalmitis.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pegagan (Centella asiatica L. Urban) mengandung asiatikosid yang dapat dimanfaatkan dalam penggunaan kosmetik anti-aging yang terbukti dapat meningkatkan sintesis kolagen. Asiatikosid memiliki berat molekul yang besar dan bersifat hidrofilik sehingga menyebabkan sulit berpenetrasi melalui kulit. Transfersom merupakan salah satu sistem pembawa yang cocok untuk meningkatkan penetrasi zat aktif. Penelitian ini bertujuan memformulasikan dan mengkarakterisasi transfersom ekstrak daun pegagan. Selanjutnya transfersom dengan formula terbaik diformulasikan ke dalam bentuk sediaan gel serta dibuat gel kontrol tanpa transfersom. Kedua sediaan tersebut dievaluasi dan diuji penetrasi secara in vitro menggunakan sel difusi Franz pada tikus betina galur Sprague Dawley. Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan optimasi formula transfersom, yaitu F1, F2 dan F3 dengan konsentrasi asiatikosid berturut-turut adalah 0,3%; 0,5%; dan 0,7% Hasil menunjukan bahwa F1 adalah formula terbaik dengan morfologi yang sferis, efisiensi penjerapan 85,80 ± 0,22 %, Dmean volume 124,62 ± 0,86 nm, nilai indeks polidispersitas 0,125 ± 0,008, zeta potensial -36,3 ± 0,30 mV dan indeks deformabilitas 1,12 sehingga digunakan pada formulasi gel. Jumlah kumulatif asiatikosid yang terpenetrasi dari sediaan gel, yaitu 1050,85 ± 19,82 μg/cm2 untuk gel transfersom dan 540,21 ± 12,28 μg/cm2 untuk gel kontrol. Presentase jumlah asiatikosid terpenetrasi dari sediaan gel transfersom dan sediaan gel kontrol secara berturut-turut adalah 51,80 ± 0,97 % dan 26,63 ± 0,60%. Fluks dari sediaan gel transfersom dan gel kontrol berturut-turut 47,92 ± 1,74 μg/cm2/jam dan 26,57 ± 0,77 μg/cm2/jam. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa sediaan gel transfersom memiliki daya penetrasi yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan gel kontrol.
Asiaticoside from Gotu kola leaves extract (Centella asiatica L. Urban) could be used as an active substance for anti-aging cosmetics. It has proven to increase collagen synthesis. Asiaticoside is hydrophillic and has a high molecular weight, therefore it would be difficult to penetrate to the skin. Transfersome is a suitable carrier system that can enhance the penetration of active substances. This study aims to formulate and characterize transfersome Gotu kola leaves extract and formulated it into a gel, a control gel also prepared without transfersome. Both gels were evaluated and penetration tested using Franz diffusion cells with the skin of female Sprague Dawley rats. Transfersome was formulated with different concentration of active substance; equals of asiaticoside 0,3% (F1), 0,5% (F2), and 0,7% (F3). The F1 transfersome were incorporated into gel dosage form, since the F1 transfersome had spherical morphology, the highest entrapment efficiency 85.80 ± 0.22%, Dmean volume 124.62 ± 0.86 nm, polydispersity index 0.125 ± 0.008, zeta potensial -36,3 ± 0,30 mV and deformability index 1.12. The cumulative amount of asiaticoside that was penetrated is 1050.85 ± 19.82 μg/cm2 for transfersome gel and 540.21 ± 12.28 μg/cm2 for control gel. Cumulative percentage of penetrated asiaticoside for transfersome gel and control gel were 51.80 ± 0.97% and 26.63 ± 0.60%, respectively. The flux of transfersome gel containing asiaticoside and control gel are respectively 47.92 ± 1,74 μg/cm2/hours and 26.57 ± 0.77 μg/cm2/hours. Based on these results it can be concluded that asiaticoside contained in transfersome gel has a better penetration compared to the control gel.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book comprises an integrated review of ocular therapeutics across all relevant fields. It addresses the real-world requirements of ophthalmologists, pharmacists and optometrists, as observed through working alongside these practitioners for two decades. Knowledge surrounding  agents used in ophthalmic practice has, historically, been scattered. The book facilitates understanding of ocular drug therapy by compiling all key aspects of the pharmacology, toxicology, pharmaceutical science, ocular biochemistry and cell biology of these agents.
Chapters detail drug transfer across barriers, systemic toxicity of topically applied drugs, autonomic drugs used for diagnostics, as well as anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, glaucoma and antimicrobial therapies, and avenues for the development of new ocular drugs. Applications of extemporaneously prepared formulations are described to inform day-to-day clinical practice.  The use of mucoadhesive polymers in tear substitutes, ocular drug delivery systems, stem cell therapy, pharmacogenomics and antiangiogenic ocular chemotherapy are also explored. The book also provides insights from drugs of herbal origin, and a historical perspective on drugs for ocular use.
Practicing and resident ophthalmologists, optometrists, pharmacists, nursing professionals, scholars in ocular drug research and students will equally benefit from this comprehensive guide."
Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2016
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sandi Salim
"Siklovalon merupakan analog kurkumin yang memiliki aktivitas antioksidan lebih tinggi daripada kurkumin. Akan tetapi siklovalon masih belum digunakan sebagai obat karena efeknya yang belum optimal. Substitusi basa Manich dapat meningkatkan aktivitas biologis sebagian besar senyawa. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan sintesis siklovalon tersubstitusi basa Mannich morfolin dan dievaluasi aktivitas antioksidannya. Sintesis dilakukan melalui 2 tahap. Pertama, sintesis siklovalon dengan pereaksian sikloheksanon dan vanilin hingga mengendap pada temperatur 50°C. Pada tahap kedua, dilakukan penambahan basa Mannich menggunakan paraformaldefida dan morfolin dengan pelarut asetonitril yang direfluks selama 8 jam. Senyawa tahap 1 dan 2 diuji kemurniannya menggunakan KLT dan titik lebur. Senyawa tahap 1 dielusidasi menggunakan spektrofotometri UV-Vis dan spektrofotometri FT-IR. Sedangkan senyawa tahap 2 dielusidasi dengan tambahan spektrometri 1H-NMR dan 13C-NMR. Senyawa tahap 1 yang diperoleh memiliki nilai rendemen 58,0 %. Sedangkan senyawa tahap 2 memiliki nilai rendemen 68,3 %. Kedua senyawa diuji aktivitas antioksidan dan dibandingkan dengan kuersetin. Nilai IC 50 yang diperoleh untuk senyawa tahap 1 dan 2 sebesar 72,02 μM dan 163,09 μM. Sedangkan nilai IC 50 kuersetin sebesar 29,38 μM. Aktivitas antioksidan senyawa 2 lebih rendah dari senyawa 1.

Cyclovalone is curcumin analogue that has antioxidant activity higher than curcumin. However, cyclovalone has not used as a drug because its effect has not optimal yet. Mannich base substitution can improve the biological activity of some compound. Therefore, synthesis of substituted cyclovalone with morpholine Mannich base was done and evaluated its antioxidant activity. Synthesis was done through two phases. First, synthesis of cyclovalone with reaction of cyclohexanone and vanillin until precipitate at 50°C. In the second stage, the addition of Mannich basic was done with paraformaldehyde and morpholine in acetonitrile by reflux method for 8 hours. The compound of phase 1 and 2 was tested for the purity by thin layer chromatography and melting point determination. The compound of phase 1 was elucidated by spectrophotometry UV-Vis and spectrophotometry FT-IR. While the compound of phase 2 was elucidated by additional spectrometry 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR. The compound of phase 1 that was obtained has 58.0 % yield value. While the phase 2 compound has 68.3 % yield value. Both of the compound tested with antioxidant assay and compared with quercetin. IC 50 value that was obtained for phase 1 and 2 compounds were 72.02 μM dan 163.09 μM. While quercetin?s IC 50 value was 29.38 μM. Antioxidant activity of compound 2 was lower than compound 1.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rieka Widihasputri
"Diabetes melitus merupakan penyakit dengan tingkat prevelensi cukup tinggi. Penyakit ini berupa gangguan metabolisme yang ditandai dengan hiperglikemia dan abnormalitas metabolisme karbohidrat, lemak, dan protein. Diabetes melitus dapat diobati dengan inhibitor -glukosidase. Penelitian terdahulu dilaporkan bahwa ekstrak metanol daun Antidesma neurocarpum Miq.memiliki memiliki aktivitas penghambatan yang kuat terhadap -glukosidase (IC50=2,18 μg/m). Peneltian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui ekstrak dan fraksi teraktif pada penghambatan aktivitas -glukosidase serta mengetahui golongan senyawa kimia dari ekstrak dan fraksi teraktif tersebut. Ekstraksi dilakukan dengan maserasi bertingkat (n-heksan, etil asetat dan metanol). Uji penghambatan aktivitas -glukosidase dilakukan dengan microplate reader (=405 nm). Sebagai standar, digunakan akarbosa (IC50=38,37 μg/mL). Ekstrak metanol memiliki aktivitas penghambatan -glukosidase paling kuat dengan persen inhibisi paling tinggi (89,53%). Ekstrak metanol tersebut diidentifikasi golongan senyawa kimianya dan difraksinasi dengan kromatografi kolom dipercepat. Fraksinasi menghasilkan 15 fraksi gabungan. Fraksi gabungan yang lebih dari 200 mg diuji aktivitas penghambatannya terhadap -glukosidase. Fraksi gabungan ke-8 adalah fraksi gabungan teraktif (IC50=40,77) dengan mekanisme penghambatan secara kompetitif terhadap -glukosidase. Golongan senyawa kimia yang terdapat pada ekstrak metanol dan fraksi gabungan daun Antidesma neurocarpum Miq. adalah flavonoid, tanin, glikosida, fenol dan alkaloid.

Diabetes mellitus has high frequency levels. Symphyton of metabolism disfunction showed by hyperglikemia and abnormallity of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins metabolism. It’s known can be cured with -glycosidase inhibitor. Previous experiment reported that methanol extract from leaves of Antidesma neurocarpum Miq. has a strong inhibitory activity of -glukosidase (IC50 of 2,18 μg/mL). This experiment is done to know about the most active extract and fraction of inhibitory activity of -glycosidase and also the chemical compounds from those most active extract and fraction. Extraction is done by using multilevel maceration (n-hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol). Inhibitory activity of - glycosidase tested with microplate reader (=405 nm). As standard, used akarbosa (IC50 of 38.37 μg/mL). Methanol extract has the strongest inhibitory activity of - glycosidase with the highest inhibitor percentage (89,53%). It’s identified the chemical compounds and fracinationed by accelerated column chromatography. Fractination produced 15 combined fractions. Combined fractions which more than 200 mg tested to know their inhibitory activity of -glukosidase. Result showed that the most active fraction is the 8th (IC50=40,77 μg/mL) with a competitive inhibitor mechanism to -glycosidase. Chemical compounds that is found in the methanol extract and 8th fraction of Antidesma neurocarpum Miq. leaves are flavonoids, tannins, glycosides, fenol and alkaloids."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nuriza Ulul Azmi
"Inhibitor tirosinase merupakan senyawa yang dapat mengatur metabolisme melanin sehingga sering digunakan sebagai agen untuk mencegah hiperpigmentasi kulit dan agen pemutih pada produk kosmetik. Telah dilakukan pengujian penghambatan aktivitas tirosinase pada tanaman Cassia fistula. Cassia siamea dan C. fistula merupakan tanaman dari marga yang sama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti adanya aktivitas penghambatan tirosinase dan mengidentifikasi golongan senyawa kimia yang terkandung pada ekstrak dan fraksi teraktif dari daun johar (C. siamea Lamk.). Serbuk simplisia dimaserasi secara bertingkat menggunakan pelarut n-heksan, etil asetat, dan metanol. Ketiga ekstrak tersebut diuji aktivitas penghambatan tirosinase menggunakan plate reader melalui pengukuran pembentukan L-dopakrom pada 490 nm. Ekstrak teraktif yaitu ekstrak metanol difraksinasi menggunakan kromatografi kolom dipercepat dan dilakukan pengujian aktivitas penghambatan tirosinase dari fraksi gabungan yang diperoleh. Selanjutnya diidentifikasi golongan senyawa kimia pada ekstrak dan fraksi teraktif. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa dari ketiga ekstrak yang diuji, ekstrak metanol memiliki aktivitas penghambatan tertinggi dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 170,268 μg/mL dan mengandung senyawa fenol, flavonoid, saponin, dan glikon. Fraksi teraktif memiliki nilai IC50 sebesar 482,355 μg/mL dengan kandungan senyawa fenol, flavonoid, dan glikon. Hasil pengujian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak metanol memiliki aktivitas penghambatan tirosinase paling tinggi dengan tipe penghambatan nonkompetitif.

Tyrosinase inhibitors are compounds that can regulate the metabolism of melanin so it is often used as an agent to prevent hyperpigmentation and skin whitening in cosmetic products. Have investigated tyrosinase inhibitory activity of Cassia fistula. Cassia siamea and C. fistula are the plants with the same genus. This study aims to investigated the inhibition of tyrosinase activity and identified chemical compounds in the most active extract and fraction of johar (C. siamea Lamk.) leaves. Crude drug powder was macerated using n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol. The three extracts were tested using the plate reader by evaluated the formation of L-dopachrome at 490 nm. The methanol extract was fractionated using vacuum column chromatography and the tyrosinase inhibitory activity assays were performed in the combined fractions. The chemical compounds identified in the most active extract and fraction. The results showed that methanol extract has the highest inhibitory activity with IC50 values 170.268 μg/mL and contains phenolic, flavonoid, saponin, and glycone. The most active fraction has IC50 value 482,355 μg/mL with the content of phenolic, flavonoid, and glycone. The results show that the methanol extract has the highest activity of tyrosinase inhibition by a noncompetitive type of inhibition."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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