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Eka Kurniawati Rahayu
"Kasus bermula pada tahun 1969 dengan ditempatinya rumah oleh YW atas dasar surat izin menempati rumah dari Walikota Sukabumi. Pada tahun 1974 terbit sertipikat atas nama AB dan kemudian terjadi jual beli tanah dengan RI yang menimbulkan sengketa dengan melibatkan YW hingga terbit putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 3819 K/Pdt/1988 yang menyatakan sah jual beli dan surat izin menempati. Pada tahun 2012 para ahli waris YW mengajukan gugatan untuk menindaklanjuti putusan tersebut dan berakhir dengan putusan Mahkamah Agung nomor 2753 K/Pdt/2013.Yang menjadi permasalahan dalam tesis ini yaitu bagaimana keberlakuan dari Surat Izin Menempati tersebut apabila pemegang hak izin menempati telah meninggal dunia? dan bagaimana keabsahan dari jual beli terhadap objek tanah yang terdapat izin menempati rumah dari Walikota serta status dari Sertipikat Hak Guna Bangunan 3/Cikole yang diterbitkan oleh Kantor Pertanahan Sukabumi?. Tidak adanya aturan dan meninggalnya pemegang surat izin menempati menjadikan surat izin menempati tidak berlaku lagi dikarenakan pemberian izin bukan pemberian hak yang dapat diwariskan. Mengenai jual beli yang dilakukan adalah sah dikarenakan objek jual beli bukan lagi merupakan aset Pemda dan status SHGB adalah sah dengan telah dipenuhinya prosedur penerbitannya.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif dengan mengkaji suatu putusan Mahkamah Agung dan kemudian dikaji beradasarkan peraturan yang berlaku sesuai dengan kasus dan dituangkan dalam bentuk tulisan preskriptif analitis yang memberikan saran dan pendapat mengenai penyelesaian permasalahan yang terjadi.Kata Kunci : Surat Izin Menempati, Jual Beli Tanah, Penerbitan SHGB.

Case began in 1969 with the house occupied by YW based on a license to occupy the land and house from the Mayor of Sukabumi. In 1974, published a Building Rights Certificate on behalf of AB and sold to RI which generate a dispute involving YW. The dispute of land transaction issued a Supreme Court rsquo s Decision number 3819 K Pdt 1988 which stated the validity of the transaction and the licence to ocuppy the house. The heirs of YW filed a lawsuit in 2012 to follow up the previous supreme court decision and its end with the supereme court decision number 2753 K Pdt 2013. The main problems in this thesis on how is the validity of the permission to occupy the house which held on the local government land if the holder of the permission has passed away and how is the authenticity of the land trading that contains a land that has a permission to occupy by the local government an how is the status of the land certificate which published by the land office . The absence of rules and the death of the holder of a license to occupies the house makes the license is no longer valid due to the granting of entitlements that can not be inherited. Regarding the purchase being made is legitimate because the object of purchase is no longer an asset to the local government and the Building Rights Certificate status is valid in the fulfillment of its issuance procedure. This research was using juridical normative method by researching the case of a supreme court decision then arranged by positive regulation and manisfested it in analytical prescriptive written which give an advice and opinion about the problem which occured.Keywords Licence to Occupy the Land and House, Land Transaction, The Publishing of Building Rights Certificate."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Joko Saputro
"Fokus dari penelitian untuk tesis ini adalah tentang jual beli hak atas tanah yang dilakukan secara lisan. Dalam kenyataannya jual beli lisan masih sering ditemukan di masyarakat, seperti kasus dalam Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Surabaya Nomor 836/Pdt.G/2020/PN.Sby. Sengketa dalam Putusan a quo dipicu oleh tidak adanya itikad baik dari pembeli yang mengakibatkan kerugian bagi penjual. Untuk itu, permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah tentang keabsahan jual beli hak atas tanah yang dilakukan secara lisan dan perlindungan hukum kepada penjual apabila ternyata pembeli tidak memiliki itikad baik. Penelitian yuridis normatif ini menggunakan studi dokumen (kepustakaan). Data sekunder yang diperoleh selanjutnya dianalisis secara kualitatif. Dari hasil analisis, dapat dinyatakan bahwa jual beli hak atas tanah yang dilakukan secara lisan dapat dibatalkan kesepakatannya oleh hakim apabila salah satu pihak wanprestasi (dalam hal ini adalah pembeli) karena jual beli lisan itu sendiri dianggap sah berdasarkan sifat jual beli hak atas tanah menurut hukum adat yaitu terang, tunai dan riil, serta didasari oleh beberapa Yurisprudensi Mahkamah Agung yang memutuskan keabsahan jual beli hak atas tanah yang dilakukan secara lisan. Adapun perlindungan hukum yang diberikan kepada penjual yang sertipikat tanahnya dibawa oleh pembeli yang tidak memiliki itikad baik adalah dengan mengajukan permohonan penerbitan sertipikat pengganti sebagaimana ditentukan dalam Pasal 58 Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 24 Tahun 1997 tentang Pendaftaran Tanah dan Pasal 138 Peraturan Menteri Negara Agraria/Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional No. 3 Tahun 1997 tentang Ketentuan Pelaksana Peraturan Pemerintah No. 24 Tahun 1997 tentang Pendaftaran Tanah.

The focus of this thesis research discuss about lang purchase agreement which done by verbally. In reality, oral purchasing is still often found in public, such as the case on the Surabaya District Court Decision Number 836/Pdt.G/2020/PN.Sby. The dispute in the a aquo decision triggered by the absence of good faith from the buyer which impact an losses for the seller. For this reason, the problems raised in this study are about the validityof lang purchase agreement which are carried out orally and legal protection to the seller if it turns out that the buyer does not have good faith. This normative legal research uses studies document (library research). The secondary data obtained were then analyzed qualitatively. From the results of the analysis, it can be stated that the sale and purchase of land rights carried out verbally can be canceled by the judge if one of the parties defaults (in this case the buyer) because the oral sale is considered valid based on the nature of the sale of land according to customary law, namely clear, cash. and real, and is based on several Jurisprudence of the Indonesia Supreme Court which decides the validity of the sale and purchase of land rights by oral. The legal protection given to sellers whose land certificates are taken away by buyers who do not have good faith is to apply for the issuance of replacement certificates based on Article 58 of The Republic Indonesia Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 about Land Registration and Article 138 of the Ministry of Agrarian/Head of the National Land Agency Regulation Number 3 of 1997 about Implementing Provisions of Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 about Land Registration."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ibrahim Budhiman
Pengaturan dalam Undang-Undang Pokok Agraria mengharuskan jual beli hak atas tanah agar dilangsungkan secara terang dan tunai. Hal tersebut menyulitkan proses negosiasi awal di mana akta jual beli belum dapat dibuat namun kepastian hukum bagi para pihak sudah dibutuhkan guna menjamin terlaksananya perbuatan hukum yang mereka lakukan secara baik. Meskipun demikian, tidaklah berarti kepastian hukum dalam jual beli hak atas tanah tidak dapat diciptakan sejak awal proses. “Asas Kebebasan Berkontrak” yang dianut oleh hukum perjanjian dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata memberikan kebebasan kepada masyarakat untuk membuat berbagai macam perjanjian dengan batasan-batasan tertentu yang ditentukan oleh undang-undang. Karenanya lahirlah perjanjian pengikatan jual beli di dalam masyarakat. Perjanjian pengikatan jual beli hak atas tanah pun menjadi hal yang lazim diadakan dalam tiap proses awal jual beli hak atas tanah. Lazimnya perjanjian pengikatan jual beli dilakukan di hadapan notaris dengan dituangkan ke dalam suatu akta otentik. Namun adakalanya perjanjian pengikatan jual beli tersebut hanya dibuat di bawah tangan dengan berbagai macam bentuk yang ditentukan sendiri oleh para pihak. Dengan tidak dibuatnya secara otentik perjanjian pengikatan jual beli tersebut menimbulkan persoalan terkait keabsahan maupun pembuktian dalam implementasinya. Dalam penulisan ini dibahas mengenai keabsahan perjanjian pengikatan jual beli hak atas tanah yang dibuat dalam bentuk nota kesepakatan, yaitu dalam perkara sengketa perjanjian pengikatan jual beli antara H. Maming Daeng Tata selaku Pembeli dengan Darma Setiawan selaku Penjual dengan obyek tanah warisan di wilayah Jakarta Selatan. Nota kesepakatan yang dibuat para pihak tidak mengatur secara lengkap mengenai bagaimana jual beli akan dilaksanakan, sehingga di luar nota kesepakatan tersebut terdapat pula kesepakatan-kesepakatan tidak tertulis antara para pihak. Hal tersebut menimbulkan perselisihan antara para pihak hingga pada akhirnya berakibat dinyatakan tidak sahnya perjanjian pengikatan jual beli tersebut oleh pengadilan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan yuridis normatif dengan cara mengkaji suatu kasus dalam suatu putusan, kemudian diterapkan dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku serta dituangkan dalam bentuk tulisan deskriptif analitis mengenai pembahasan dari suatu permasalahan yang terjadi.

The regulation of the Principal Agrarian Laws requires that the purchase of land rights should be done in bright and cash. That requirements has brought difficulties for the beginning of the negotiation process in which the deed of sale yet has not been able to be made, meanwhile in the other side, legal certainty for the parties has been required in order to guarantee the implementation of legal acts which they do. Nevertheless, this does not mean a legal certainty in the beginning of the process on a sale and purchase of land rights cannot be created. The principle of “Freedom of Contract” in the contract law adopted by the Civil Law has granted freedom to the people to create a wide variety of agreements with certain limitations. Those has made the sale and purchase binding agreements born in the society. Sale and purchase binding agreement of land rights has became a common thing that held in many of the initial process of buying and selling land rights. Sale and purchase binding agreement usually conducted in the presence of a public notary to be made into an authentic deed. But sometimes a sale and purchase binding agreement could be made ​​with an underhand deed by the parties. A non authentic deed ​​of sale and purchase binding agreement might raises legal problems regarding the validity of the agreement in its implementation. This study discusses the validity of the sale and purchase binding agreement of land right which is made ​​in the form of a memorandum of understanding which held in the dispute of sale and purchase binding agreement between H. Maming Daeng Tata as a buyer and Darma Setiawan as a seller with an inherited land in South Jakarta as the object. Memorandum of understanding made ​​by the parties in this case were not regulate comprehensively on how the purchase proccess will be conducted, so that beside the memorandum of understanding, there were also unwritten agreements made between the parties. This has raise dispute between the parties and finally brought the sale and purchase binding agreement declared as an invalid agreement by the court. This research was using normative juridical approach method, which examine a case on one decision, then implemented it with the regulation applied, then laid out in the form of a descriptive analytical writing, of a discussion on which the problems happen."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nina Natalia
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai kekuatan hukum atas kuasa yang terdapat dalam perjanjian pengikatan jual beli. Pemberian kuasa sekarang ini semakin sering digunakan oleh masyarakat. Dalam perkembangannya pemberian kuasa merupakan perbuatan hukum yang paling banyak dijumpai dalam masyarakat, baik dalam proses hubungan hukum maupun bukan hubungan hukum dimana seseorang menghendaki dirinya untuk diwakili oleh orang lain untuk menjadi kuasanya dalam melaksanakan segala kepentingannya. Pemberian kuasa dalam perkembangannya menjadi luas, akan tetapi dalam tulisan ini dikaitkan dengan suatu akta notaris perjanjian pengikatan jual beli dengan menggunakan kuasa lisan. Apakah kuasa lisan untuk membeli tersebut memiliki kekuatan hukum dan bagaimanakah cara pembuktiannya. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan sumber primer, sekunder, dan tersier serta analisis data secara kualitatif. Data penelitian juga digunakan dengan pengumpulan data melalui studi dokumen dan wawancara dengan notaris. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, akhirnya diperoleh simpulan bahwa perjanjian pengikatan jual beli dengan kuasa lisan tersebut sah dan dapat berlaku, namun dikarenakan Undang Undang tidak secara tegas mengatur mengenai kuasa lisan, maka susah untuk dibuktikan kebenaran pembuktiannya. Karena kuasa lisan sangat susah untuk dibuktikan secara hukum apabila terjadi sengketa, oleh karena itu notaris dituntut kehati ? hatiannya dalam membuat akta yang memakai kuasa lisan, meskipun kuasa lisan untuk membeli tidak dilarang dan dapat digunakan dalam suatu akta notaris.

This thesis discusess the power of law of the authorities that is involved in a buy sell binding agrement. The act of giving authority to do a certain action is now more often used by the general public. In its development, the act of giving authority has now become one of the most common act of law that you see in society today. In the process of affilitions that are both bound and not bound by law where a person wills another party to do a certain act in his behalf to do any kind of activities in his interest. Though the act of giving authority in its development has become too vast in definition this thesis will link it to a notary certificate of a buy sell binding agreement that uses oral authority. Will oral authority to buy have the force of law? and what are the ways to prove it. The investigation methods employed will be normatif jurisdiction using primary, secondary and tertiary sources with qualitative data analysis. Investigation data will also be used together with data collection therough documents study and an interview with a notary. From the investigation result, a conclusion that the buy sell binding agrement with oral authority is legitimate and effective is procured; though is quite hard to prove its authenticity when a dispute takes place because the statute law does not regulate oral authority explicitly. As such, even though the giving of oral authorisation to purchase is not prohibited and can be used in a notary certificate, notaries are demanded to be extra cautious in making certificate where authority is given orally.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hutabarat, Agnes
"Dalam pemberian fasilitas Kredit Pemilikan Rumah (KPR), Bank memerlukan agunan berupa hak atas tanah yang diikat dengan Hak Tanggungan. Bank selaku pemegang Hak Tanggungan atas fasilitas KPR seharusnya mempunyai hak preferen terhadap hak atas tanah tersebut, namun kepentingan Bank sering tidak terlindungi dengan adanya putusan pengadilan yang antara lain menyatakan hak atas tanah yang sedang diagunkan di Bank batal demi hukum. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara yuridis normatif, bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana perlindungan hukum bagi Bank selaku pemegang Hak Tanggungan yang beritikad baik dalam pemberian KPR dalam hal peralihan hak atas tanah dinyatakan tidak sah menurut hukum dan bagaimana penerapan ketentuan hukum dalam Putusan Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia Nomor 1606 K/Pdt/2013 tanggal 1 Oktober 2013. Melalui penelitian ini diketahui bahwa kepentingan Bank selaku kreditur sekaligus pemegang Hak Tanggungan yang beritikad baik belum sepenuhnya terlindungi secara hukum dan hakim juga belum menggunakan kebebasan yang dimilikinya untuk mempertimbangkan menerapkan yurisprudensi yang menyatakan bahwa terhadap jaminan utang tidak dapat dikenakan sita jaminan, guna memberikan perlindungan hukum bagi Bank selaku pemegang Hak Tanggungan yang beritikad baik dalam pemberian fasilitas KPR kepada debiturnya.

In the granting of House Ownership Credit (House Loan), the Bank requires land right as collateral which is bound by Encumbrance Right. Bank as the holder of Encumbrance Right should have preferential rights, but the interests of the Bank are often unprotected by any court ruling that among other states the right to land that is being pledged to the Bank is null and void. This study was conducted in normative, aims to determine how the legal protection for Bank as the holder of Encumbrance Right which has good faith in the case of transfer of land right is decided unlawful regarding to the laws and how the implementation of sentence of Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1606 K/Pdt/2013 dated October 1, 2013. Through this research is known that the interests of creditors as well as the holder of Encumbrance Right are acting in good faith is not yet fully protected by the law and the judge also has not used its freedom to consider applying the jurisprudence which states that the guarantee of the debt can not be subject to sequestration, in order to provide legal protection for the Bank as holder of the Encumbrance Right which has a good faith in the provision of House Ownership Credit to debtors.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurul Hudia
"Perkawinan di Indonesia diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan. Namun pada kenyataannya banyak terjadi permasalahan dalam pelaksanaannya. Salah satunya adalah perkawinan yang hanya dilakukan secara hukum agama dan tidak dicatatkan. Dimana suatu perkawinan yang hanya dilakukan menurut hukum agama atau biasa disebut dengan perkawinan di bawah tangan tentunya tidak memiliki kepastian hukum karena tidak memiliki bukti autentik berupa akta nikah. Apabila harta yang diperoleh dalam masa perkawinan di bawah tangan (dalam hal ini tanah dan bangunan) dan harta tersebut ingin dialihkan melalui jual beli dimana perbuatan hukum tersebut memerlukan persetujuan pasangan kawin, hal ini akan menimbulkan masalah. Adapun permasalahan yang diangkat dalam tesis ini adalah mengenai akibat hukum pengesahan perkawinan yang dilakukan setelah salah satu pihak meninggal dunia, keabsahan jual beli tanah yang dilakukan tanpa persetujuan istri dalam perkawinan yang dicatatkan setelah suami meninggal dunia, dan pertimbangan hakim terhadap jual beli tanah tanpa persetujuan istri dalam perkawinan di bawah tangan yang kemudian dicatatkan setelah suaminya meninggal dunia. Untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut digunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan jenis data sekunder berupa bahan hukum primer dan bahan hukum sekunder. Kesimpulan yang didapat dari penelitian ini bahwa jual beli yang dilakukan tanpa persetujuan istri dalam perkawinan di bawah tangan adalah sah. Pengesahan perkawinan dapat dilakukan meskipun salah satu pasangan kawin telah meninggal dunia, setelah mendapatkan pengesahan perkawinan dari Pengadilan Agama maka wajib dicatatkan di Kantor Urusan Agama agar perkawinan tersebut menjadi sah dan diakui oleh negara dan timbul akibat hukum atas pencatatan perkawinan tersebut, dan terdapat kekurangan pada pertimbangan hakim dalam Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 2394 K/Pdt/2019

Marriage in Indonesia is regulated within Law Number 1 Year 1974 regarding Marriage. However, in practice, a lot of problems arise in its implementation. One of which is a marriage which is only conducted according to religious law and is not registered. Whereas, within a marriage which is only conducted based on religious law or often known as private marriage (perkawinan di bawah tangan) surely does not have any legal certainty due to the absence of an authentic evidence in the form of a marriage deed. If the asset(s) obtained during the private marriage (in this case land and building) are going to be transferred through sale and purchase, whereas such legal action requires a spousal consent, this will give rise to a problem. Within this thesis, the problem being discussed is regarding the legal consequence for ratification of a marriage which is conducted after one party is deceased, validity of sale and purchase of land which is conducted without spousal (wife) consent within a private marriage which is then registered after the spouse (husband) is deceased. To answer such problem, the juridical normative research method is used, complemented with secondary data in the form of primary and secondary legal material. The conclusion drawn from this research is that a sale and purchase conducted without a spousal (wife) consent within a private marriage is legitimate. Ratification of marriage may be conducted despite the fact that one of the spouse had passed away, and after obtaining a marriage ratification from the Religious Court, such marriage shall be registered within the Office of Religious Affairs (Kantor Urusan Agama) so that such marriage will be legitimate and recognized by the state as well as giving rise to legal consequences pertaining to such marriage and that there is a shortfall within the judge’s consideration in the Supreme Court Verdict Number 2394 K/Pdt/2019."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kartika Yoland Shinta Martuani
"Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pelaksanaan jual beli tanah dengan menggunakan akta jual beli tanah atas objek yang telah terikat dengan perjanjian pengikatan jual beli tanah dengan pihak lain sehingga menimbulkan kerugian dari pembeli pertama yang kemudian mengajukan gugatan ke pengadilan. Pokok permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah keabsahan akta jual beli tanah yang objeknya sudah terikat dengan perjanjian pengikatan jual beli pihak lain dan perlindungan hukum bagi pembeli beritikad baik yang dirugikan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif khususnya mengenai perjanjian dan keabsahan jual beli tanah. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yang di dukung dengan data primer berupa wawancara. Hasil analisis (1) Akta Jual Beli tanah yang objek terikat dengan PPJB pihak lain tetap sah dan mengikat para pihak apabila pembeli merupakan pembeli beritikad baik, dan pihak dalam PPJB belum memenuhi persyaratan berpindahnya hak yuridis atas tanah, yaitu pelunasan, dan penguasaan fisik atas tanah tersebut dan (2) pihak yang dirugikan dalam pembuatan akta ini merupakan pembeli beritikad baik yang wajib dilindungi oleh hukum. Pembeli beritikad baik ini berhak menuntut pemenuhan prestasi dan mendaftarkan dirinya sebagai pemilik tanah dengan didahului dengan pembuatan akta jual beli tanah yang sah di hadapan PPAT.

This research is motivated by the implementation of land sale and purchase by using a land sale and purchase deed on objects that have been bound by a land sale and purchase binding agreement with other party, resulting to a material damage to the first buyer that ended up suing the seller to the district court. The subject matter of this research is the validity of the deed of sale and purchase of land whose object has been bound by a binding agreement of sale and purchase of other parties and legal protection for good faith buyers who are harmed. The research method is normative juridical, especially regarding agreements and the validity of land sale and purchase. The type of data used is secondary data supported by primary data in a form of interview. The results of the analysis (1) The Sale and Purchase Deed of land whose object is bound by another party's PPJB remains valid and binding on the parties if the buyer is a good faith buyer, and the party in the sale and purchase binding agreement has not fulfilled the requirements for the transfer of juridical rights to land, namely payment, and physical control of the land. and (2) the injured party in making this deed is a good faith buyer who must be protected by law. This good faith buyer has the right to demand the fulfillment of performance and register himself as the owner of the land preceded by the making of a valid land sale and purchase deed before a land deed officer"
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Winengku Rahajeng
"Dalam jual beli hak atas tanah, terdapat syarat-syarat yang harus dipenuhi agar jual beli tersebut dapat sah dan mengikat menurut hukum. Selain harus memenuhi syarat sahnya perjanjian, dalam jual beli hak atas tanah juga harus memenuhi syarat materiil dan syarat formil. Kasus yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdapat jual beli yang tidak memenuhi syarat-syarat tersebut, yaitu jual beli hak atas tanah dilakukan tanpa sertifikat asli karena sedang dijaminkan dengan hak tanggungan. Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah (PPAT) sebagai pejabat umum yang berwenang membuat akta jual beli harus lebih teliti dan berhati-hati dalam menerbitkan suatu akta, jika ada syarat-syarat yang belum terpenuhi seperti tidak adanya sertifikat asli maka PPAT harus dengan tegas menolak pembuatan akta tersebut, Permasalahan yang dibahas mengenai keabsahan jual beli hak atas tanah tanpa sertifikat asli karena sedang dijaminkan menurut hukum tanah nasional dan peran serta tanggung jawab PPAT yang menerbitkan akta jual beli tanpa sertifikat asli. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian yang bersifat yuridis normatif. Hasil peneilitian ini menyatakan bahwa jual beli hak atas tanah yang terikat jaminan tanpa sertifikat asli tidak sah menurut hukum tanah nasional dan dapat dinyatakan batal demi hukum, serta PPAT yang memiliki peran untuk menerbitkan akta jual beli tanpa sertifikat asli tersebut dapat dimintakan pertanggungjawaban.

In land rights transaction, there are some requirements that must be fulfilled so the transaction can be legal and binding according the law. Besides must fulfilled the legal terms of agreement, in land rights transaction also required to fulfilled the material and formal requirements. The case that used in this research is about the land rights transaction that is not fulfilled the requirements, where the land rights transaction carried out without the original certificate because it was being pledged with mortgages. Official Land Deed Maker as a general official that have an authority to make a Sale and Purchase Agreement must be more careful in issuing a deed, if there is a requirements that unfulfilled like lack of original certificate, he should refused to make the deed. The issues that discussed are about the legality of the land rights transaction without the original certificate based on national land law and the roles and responsibilities of the Official Land Deed Maker that issued a Sale and Purchase Agreement without original certificate. This research uses juridical normative research methods. The outputs of this research stated that the land rights transaction that banded with collateral without original certificate was invalid and could be declared null and void, and the Official Land Deed Maker which has the role in issuing the Sale and Purchase Agreement without original certificate can be held accountable."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sukimto Fahruddin
Nama : SUKIMTO FAHRUDDINNPM : 1506807924Program Studi : Magister KenotariatanJudul : KEABSAHAN JUAL BELI TANAH DAN BANGUNAN TANPA LEVERING STUDI PUTUSAN MAHKAMAH AGUNG REPUBLIK INDONESIA NOMOR 1172 K/Pdt/2015 Sengketa seharusnya tidak terjadi pada transaksi jual beli tanah dan bangunan jika para pihak melakukannya sesuai dengan koridor perundang-undangan yang berlaku, yaitu setelah pihak pembeli membayar harganya, penjual dalam suatu waktu tertentu langsung menyerahkan obyek jual belinya kepada pembeli dalam keadaan kosong. Hal ini dikarenakan jual beli dianggap telah terjadi antara kedua belah pihak apabila asas terang dan tunai terpenuhi sebagaimana diatur dalam ketentuan Undang Undang Pokok Agraria yang menganut sistem hukum adat. Lalu bagaimanakah keabsahan jual beli tanah dan bangunan tanpa levering menurut putusan mahkamah agung nomor 1172/K/Pdt/2015 dan Bagaimanakah akibat hukum yang ditimbulkan dari transaksi jual beli tanah dan bangunan tanpa levering menurut Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 1172/K/Pdt/2015 apabila obyek jual beli dikuasai oleh pihak ketiga? Tesis ini merupakan hasil penelitian kualitatif dengan metode penelitian normatif yaitu penelitian hukum yang memiliki kegiatan mengumpulkan bahan pustaka ataudata sekunder belaka atau suatu prosedur penelitian ilmiah untuk menemukan kebenaran berdasarkan logika ilmu hukum dari sisi normatifnya. Dengan dilakukannya penandatanganan jual beli di hadapan PPAT, maka Jual Beli Tanah dan Bangunan tanpa levering tersebut adalah sah dan mengikat para pihak yang melakukan jual beli dan pihak ketiga yang menguasai obyek jual beli. Hal ini dikarenakan asas jual beli dalam UUPA adalah terang, tunai, dan riil. Sedangkan akibat hukumnya adalah transaksi tersebut tetap sah dan berlaku mengikat para pihak dan pihak ketiga, namun diperlukan upaya hukum lanjutan untuk mengambil kembali obyek jual beli dari tangan pihak ketiga.

Nama SUKIMTO FAHRUDDINNPM 1506807924Program Studi Magister KenotariatanJudul LEGALITY OF LAND AND BUILDING TRANSACTION WITHOUT LEVERING STUDY OF SUPREME COURT OF REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA rsquo S DECISION NUMBER 1172 K Pdt 2015 Disputes should not occur in the transactions of land and building if the parties do so in accordance with the applicable legislation corridor, In example, after the buyer pays the price, the seller in a certain time directly submit the object of the transactions to the buyer. This is because the sale and purchase is considered to have occurred between both parties if the principle of light and cash is fulfilled as stipulated in the provisions of Basic Agrarian Law which adheres to customary law system. What is the validity of the sale and purchase of land and buildings without levering according to the decision of Supreme Court of Republic of Indonesia number 1172 K Pdt 2015 and how the law resulted from the sale and purchase transactions of land and buildings without levering according to the decision of Supreme Court Number 1172 K Pdt 2015 if the object of sale and purchase controlled by a third party This thesis is the result of qualitative research with normative research method that is law research which have activity of collecting bibliography or mere secondary data or a procedure of scientific research to find truth based on legal logic from normative side. With the signing of the sale and purchase transactions in the presence of PPAT, the Sale and Purchase of Land and Building without levering is legitimate and binding the parties who do the buying and selling and the third party who controls the object of sale and purchase. This is because the principle of sale and purchase in the Basic Agrarian Law is bright, cash, and real. While the legal consequences are those transactions remain valid and apply binding to the parties and third parties, but required further legal efforts to retrieve the objects of sale and purchase from the hands of third parties. "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Purba, Jeremia Sintong Parsaulian
Tesis ini membahas tentang jual beli hak atas tanah bersama yang dilakukan setelah perceraian oleh salah satu pihak didasarkan pada hukum pertanahan.Oleh karena merupakan harta bersama, analisa dalam tesis ini juga menggunakan berbagai sumber hukum lain seperti hokum perkawinan dan hokum perdata untuk menganalisa keabsahan transaksi jual beli tanah hak atastanahbersamatersebut. Jual beli hak atas tanah bersama oleh salah satu pihak setelahperceraian dalam prakteknya merupakan hal yang umum dilakukan oleh masyarakat dan sangat mudah dijumpa dalam kehidupan sehari-sehari. Akan tetapi masyarakat tidak mengetahui aturan-aturanhukum yang mengaturhal tersebut, sehingga banyak terjadi penyimpangan hukum yang tidak disengaja akibat kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat awamakanhukum. Oleh karena itu kasus ini dapat memberikan penyuluhan hokum secara sederhana kepada masyarakat yang tidak mengerti atau tidak mengetahui adanya aturanhukum yang mengatur mengenai jual beli hak atas tanah bersama setelah perceraian tersebut.Tesis ini menggunakan penelitian yuridis normative karena menitikberatkan pada penelitian kepustakaan yang meneliti asas-asas hukum, sistematika hokum dan sinkronisasi hukum dengan cara menganalisanya.Tipe penelitian dalam tesis ini adalah tipe penelitian preskriptif yang memberikan saran atau opini hukumdalammenyelesaikans uatupermasalahan hukum.Permasalahan yang dibahas dalam Tesis ini adalah mengenai akibat hokum terhadap hak atas tanah bersamasetelah perceraian menurut hukum yang berlaku dan keabsahan transaksi jualbeli tanah sebagai hartabersama yang dilakukan oleh salah satu pihak setelah perceraian diputuskan.

This thesis is discussing about the rights of selling and buying land which came after a divorce by one side and it is based on the law of the land. Because of a joint, this thesis is also using the analysis of many other laws like the marriage of civil law and legitimacy to analyze the purchase of land and rights of the land. The rights of selling and buying the land by purchase rights of either party after a divorce is common in practice, carried out by community and is easily be found in daily life. But society might not know the rules of law to regulate this case, so that unintentional violation of a law community easily happened due to a lack of common law education. Thus, this case can provide simple explanation to the society who doesn't understand the rule of law that regulates about the rights of selling and buying land after a divorce. This thesis is using the juridical normative because it emphasize research literature that focusing on research that examines theories of the law, systematic law and law synchronization with analyze it .Type of research in this thesis is prescriptive research that gives legal advice or opinion to resolve a legal issue .The problems that is discussed in this thesis is about the impact of laws against the rights of the land after divorce. According to applicable laws and the validity of the transactions purchase of the land as a sharing- property-together that is be done by one party after a divorce.;This thesis is discussing about the rights of selling and buying land which came after a divorce by one side and it is based on the law of the land. Because of a joint, this thesis is also using the analysis of many other laws like the marriage of civil law and legitimacy to analyze the purchase of land and rights of the land. The rights of selling and buying the land by purchase rights of either party after a divorce is common in practice, carried out by community and is easily be found in daily life. But society might not know the rules of law to regulate this case, so that unintentional violation of a law community easily happened due to a lack of common law education. Thus, this case can provide simple explanation to the society who doesn't understand the rule of law that regulates about the rights of selling and buying land after a divorce. This thesis is using the juridical normative because it emphasize research literature that focusing on research that examines theories of the law, systematic law and law synchronization with analyze it .Type of research in this thesis is prescriptive research that gives legal advice or opinion to resolve a legal issue .The problems that is discussed in this thesis is about the impact of laws against the rights of the land after divorce. According to applicable laws and the validity of the transactions purchase of the land as a sharing- property-together that is be done by one party after a divorce.;This thesis is discussing about the rights of selling and buying land which came after a divorce by one side and it is based on the law of the land. Because of a joint, this thesis is also using the analysis of many other laws like the marriage of civil law and legitimacy to analyze the purchase of land and rights of the land. The rights of selling and buying the land by purchase rights of either party after a divorce is common in practice, carried out by community and is easily be found in daily life. But society might not know the rules of law to regulate this case, so that unintentional violation of a law community easily happened due to a lack of common law education. Thus, this case can provide simple explanation to the society who doesn't understand the rule of law that regulates about the rights of selling and buying land after a divorce. This thesis is using the juridical normative because it emphasize research literature that focusing on research that examines theories of the law, systematic law and law synchronization with analyze it .Type of research in this thesis is prescriptive research that gives legal advice or opinion to resolve a legal issue .The problems that is discussed in this thesis is about the impact of laws against the rights of the land after divorce. According to applicable laws and the validity of the transactions purchase of the land as a sharing- property-together that is be done by one party after a divorce.;This thesis is discussing about the rights of selling and buying land which came after a divorce by one side and it is based on the law of the land. Because of a joint, this thesis is also using the analysis of many other laws like the marriage of civil law and legitimacy to analyze the purchase of land and rights of the land. The rights of selling and buying the land by purchase rights of either party after a divorce is common in practice, carried out by community and is easily be found in daily life. But society might not know the rules of law to regulate this case, so that unintentional violation of a law community easily happened due to a lack of common law education. Thus, this case can provide simple explanation to the society who doesn't understand the rule of law that regulates about the rights of selling and buying land after a divorce. This thesis is using the juridical normative because it emphasize research literature that focusing on research that examines theories of the law, systematic law and law synchronization with analyze it .Type of research in this thesis is prescriptive research that gives legal advice or opinion to resolve a legal issue .The problems that is discussed in this thesis is about the impact of laws against the rights of the land after divorce. According to applicable laws and the validity of the transactions purchase of the land as a sharing- property-together that is be done by one party after a divorce.;This thesis is discussing about the rights of selling and buying land which came after a divorce by one side and it is based on the law of the land. Because of a joint, this thesis is also using the analysis of many other laws like the marriage of civil law and legitimacy to analyze the purchase of land and rights of the land. The rights of selling and buying the land by purchase rights of either party after a divorce is common in practice, carried out by community and is easily be found in daily life. But society might not know the rules of law to regulate this case, so that unintentional violation of a law community easily happened due to a lack of common law education. Thus, this case can provide simple explanation to the society who doesn't understand the rule of law that regulates about the rights of selling and buying land after a divorce. This thesis is using the juridical normative because it emphasize research literature that focusing on research that examines theories of the law, systematic law and law synchronization with analyze it .Type of research in this thesis is prescriptive research that gives legal advice or opinion to resolve a legal issue .The problems that is discussed in this thesis is about the impact of laws against the rights of the land after divorce. According to applicable laws and the validity of the transactions purchase of the land as a sharing- property-together that is be done by one party after a divorce.;This thesis is discussing about the rights of selling and buying land which came after a divorce by one side and it is based on the law of the land. Because of a joint, this thesis is also using the analysis of many other laws like the marriage of civil law and legitimacy to analyze the purchase of land and rights of the land. The rights of selling and buying the land by purchase rights of either party after a divorce is common in practice, carried out by community and is easily be found in daily life. But society might not know the rules of law to regulate this case, so that unintentional violation of a law community easily happened due to a lack of common law education. Thus, this case can provide simple explanation to the society who doesn't understand the rule of law that regulates about the rights of selling and buying land after a divorce. This thesis is using the juridical normative because it emphasize research literature that focusing on research that examines theories of the law, systematic law and law synchronization with analyze it .Type of research in this thesis is prescriptive research that gives legal advice or opinion to resolve a legal issue .The problems that is discussed in this thesis is about the impact of laws against the rights of the land after divorce. According to applicable laws and the validity of the transactions purchase of the land as a sharing- property-together that is be done by one party after a divorce.;This thesis is discussing about the rights of selling and buying land which came after a divorce by one side and it is based on the law of the land. Because of a joint, this thesis is also using the analysis of many other laws like the marriage of civil law and legitimacy to analyze the purchase of land and rights of the land. The rights of selling and buying the land by purchase rights of either party after a divorce is common in practice, carried out by community and is easily be found in daily life. But society might not know the rules of law to regulate this case, so that unintentional violation of a law community easily happened due to a lack of common law education. Thus, this case can provide simple explanation to the society who doesn't understand the rule of law that regulates about the rights of selling and buying land after a divorce. This thesis is using the juridical normative because it emphasize research literature that focusing on research that examines theories of the law, systematic law and law synchronization with analyze it .Type of research in this thesis is prescriptive research that gives legal advice or opinion to resolve a legal issue .The problems that is discussed in this thesis is about the impact of laws against the rights of the land after divorce. According to applicable laws and the validity of the transactions purchase of the land as a sharing- property-together that is be done by one party after a divorce., This thesis is discussing about the rights of selling and buying land which came after a divorce by one side and it is based on the law of the land. Because of a joint, this thesis is also using the analysis of many other laws like the marriage of civil law and legitimacy to analyze the purchase of land and rights of the land. The rights of selling and buying the land by purchase rights of either party after a divorce is common in practice, carried out by community and is easily be found in daily life. But society might not know the rules of law to regulate this case, so that unintentional violation of a law community easily happened due to a lack of common law education. Thus, this case can provide simple explanation to the society who doesn't understand the rule of law that regulates about the rights of selling and buying land after a divorce. This thesis is using the juridical normative because it emphasize research literature that focusing on research that examines theories of the law, systematic law and law synchronization with analyze it .Type of research in this thesis is prescriptive research that gives legal advice or opinion to resolve a legal issue .The problems that is discussed in this thesis is about the impact of laws against the rights of the land after divorce. According to applicable laws and the validity of the transactions purchase of the land as a sharing- property-together that is be done by one party after a divorce.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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