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Nurendro Adi Kusumo
PT. Marubeni Steel Processing Indonesia (MSPI) is one of manufactures that have
supported another manufactures in Indonesia, MSPI participates in steel processing. Its
activities are ?Slitting? the coils and ?Shearing? or Cutting in pieces the steel coils. The
company income is divided in three categories. The first category is material sales while
cutting, which has a good reputation for his high reliability in measuring of cutting
qualities. The second category is ?Tolling Job? or only cutting the steel coils that arc
belong to other companies or only the service income. The last category is ?Trading? the
steel coils without cutting. The best results of them are in the first category.
At this moment, PT. MSPI has lack of information as the result of inaccurate
anticipation in sales and stocks information. In 2000, PT. MSPI didn?t build his sales
budget. The enterprise has built it based on sales of the preceding year and adding them
about between 10% and 15% for each month. If we compare the budget and monthly
sales report, there is a gap between them and they vary more than 40%. It could influence
another budget such as the production budget, the treasury budget, and the finance report
Then, in the stock management, there are another gaps between the deliveries and
the stocks in Warehouse. The discrepancies inventory reports between the Delivery
department and the Accounting department has been caused by human error. Therefore,
due to these gaps, PT. MSPI could lose USD 224,980.56 in year 2000
In June 2001, PT. MSPI has obtained PT. Samatech that has an activity
«Stamping». MSPI has developed a new divisioni the finance division, This division has
an important role iii order to develop the sale budget ¡ 2002 and in the following years.
The most possible solution to resolve the problem is while developing a budget
but it should be based on the statistic theory. We can use « Time-Series Models ». The
Company could use this budget in order to diminish the gaps. But MSPI has to took
rough it in 2002 if this budget will be suit to the current sales. In stocks management, it
is better to use ?Bar code? to prevent gaps in the inventory account. But the company has
to spend a lot of money if they want to use it, whose Cost approximately IDR
100,000,000,00 or USD 10,000.00. Therefore MSPI must consider realizing it. The report
of the Delivery department has to be integrated with the report of the Accounting
department. We can use the information system in order to realize it.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Donny Warma Dewa
"Ce rapport cherche à analyser la politique de prix de Carrefour Indonésie en observant le processus de la fixation et l'ajustement des prix chez Carrefour Indonésie. A partir des observations aux ces deux éléments principales d'une politique de prix, L'auteur procède au raisonnement inductif concernant la politique de prix de Carrefour Indonésie. Le processus de raisonnement est base sur la comparaison entre les aspects théoriques et réels de la politique de prix, en ces cas la politique de prix du secteur de grande distribution et celle de Carrefour Indonésie
La politique de prix est un concept qui combine les aspects de comptabilité et marketing, de manière que le prix d'un produit doive satisfaire l'objectif den consommateurs, qui est d'acheter un produit duquel ils reçoivent certaine qualité d'utilité au prix raisonnable. Ces aspects sont couverts par le processus de fixation des prix de vente à partir des couts et demande.
Pendant la période du stage qui dure trois mois, l'auteur a observé et participe aux activités journalières de département de priming, de la division de marchandise de Carrefour Indonésie, notamment concernant la maintenance des prix de vente et marges commerciales de marchandise. Dans la réalisation de ces taches, l'auteur a développé une compréhension à fond sur le processus de la fixation des prix et la maintenance des marges. Ce type de compréhension aide l'auteur d'établir une perspicace de tous les aspects de politique des prix de Carrefour Indonésie.
La politique de prix de Carrefour Indonésie, comme celle de I ?industrie, couvre les deux aspects de la politique de prix. La fixation des prix de vente initiaux se procède de la méthode a partir des couts, cependant l'ajustement des prix de vente se procède de la méthode a partir des couts et demande. Afin de suivre la demande de consommateur, Carrefour Indonésie a développé une classification de marchandise orientée à la demande. Cette classification est basée sur la comparabilité des produits et la sensibilité des consommateurs à la variation des prix.
Ca rapport est conclu par quelques conclusions concernant la politique de prix de Carrefour Indonésie, particulièrement sur le processus d'ajustement des prix. A l'égard de ce facteur, Carrefour Indonésie doit clairement définir sa classification de marchandise orientée a la demande et réaliser plus d'études liées a la demande sur les produits auxquels l'entreprise peut maximiser son profit sans réduisant les ventes.

This report is an attempt to analyze the pricing policy of Carrefour Indonesia by observing the process of price setting and adjustment in Carrefour Indonesia. From the observations on these principal elements of pricing policy of Carrefour Indonesia. The analysis is based on the concerning the pricing policy of Carrefour Indonesia. The analysis is based on the asessment of theoretical and factual aspects of pricing policy, in this case, the pricing policy of the retail industry and the pricing policy of Carrefour Indonesia.
Pricing policy is a concept that combines the aspects of accounting and marketing, in a sense that the price of a product must satisfy the objective of the company, which is to sell a product more than the cost of producing it, and the objective of the consumers, which is to buy a product that gives them a certain kind of utility reasonables price. These aspects are covered by the process of price setting that based on cost and on demand.
During the internship program that last for three months, the writer has observed and participated in day-to-day activities of the pricing department in the merchandise division of Carrefour Indonesia, especially in the tasks of maintaining retail price and commercial margin of the merchandise. In performing these tasks, the writer has developed a profound comprehension on the process of price setting and margin maintenance. This kind of comprehension helps the writer to establish an insight of all the aspects of pricing policy of Carrefour Indonesia.
The pricing policy of Carrefour Indonesia, as that of the industry, covers the two aspects of pricing policy. THe initial price setting proceeds in a cost and demand oriented method. In order to follow the consumer's demand, Carrefour Indonesia has developed a demand-oriented method of merchandise classification. This classification is based on comparability of the products and consumer's price sensitiveness.
This report is concluded by several findings concerning the pricing policy of Carrefour Indonesia, particularly in the process of price adjustment. In this process, Carrefour Indonesia must clearly define its demand oriented product category and perform more demand-related study on the products where the company can maximize its profit without reducing the sales."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Animan Inoe
PT Mitra Permata a été fonde en aotlt 2004 par trois fondateurs. Les fondateurs n'ont eu aucune experience ou exposition aux affaires au detail mais ils a eu l?esprit d?étre entrepreneur. Cette circonstance conduit les fondateurs pour choisir franchise I licence de PT Modem Photo, le principal de Fujifilm en lndonesie. La raison prineipale de choisir la concession de Fujifilm est basse sur l'observation a plusieurs hypennarches a Jakarta qui menent a la conclusion ce Fujifilm toujours disponible toutes les fois que I'hyperrnarche s'est ouvert. Sans étude du marché, etude de faisabilite et clans absent des strategies, PT Mitra Permata a commence sa sortie en janvier 2005.
Identiiication De Probléme
Depuis son ouvert sa premiere sortie, PT Mitra Pen-nata a souffert de sa operation quotidienne. Bien que le chiffre d?aH`aire augmentait de la revue mensuelle, sa bénetioe d?exploitation est négatiti D' autre part, la PT Mitra Perrnata doit affronter aux concurrents qui sont plus gxands et avoir capital fort. Les concurrents ne sont pas prevus par des fondateurs puisqu'ils car ils pensait que ils sont le pnemier au nouveau centre de commercial. En l'absence des strategies, l'analyse du marché et le concurrent , menent sa gestion tendent a étre passifs au lieu d'acti£ Apres sept mois de son operation, la compagnie perd l?argent. Elle ne sait pas toujours de resoudre les problémes. D'aiIleurs, la gestion n?a pas le plan d'action pour repondre a Pauctioneer sur la perspective de compagnie a I?avenir.
Solutions et recommendations
Apres on a etudie et analyse des données primaires (des données opérationnels et de sondage) et des données secondaires (littérature, rapport de centre commercial) alors nous pouvons identifier plusieurs point clé:
- La compagnie servir a seulement de 0,6% de visitcur de centre commercial.
- Le potentiel du marché est assez grand.
- la plupart de chiftie d?al?faire a devenu des ventes des marchandises alors le grand potentiel du marche n'avait pas saisi.
- Actuellement, la technologie numerique a change l'industrie de photographic, cependant Jakarta a toujours beaucoup d'utilisateurs d'appareil photo de film au moins pendant 1'annee l ct l'annéc 2.
Pour obtenir Pavantage du occasions PT Mitra Permata doit
2. Faire les activites promotionnelles pour augmenter la conscience particulierement pendant la période de pointe (Jul-Aug et Oct, Nov, Dec).
3. Augmenter Ia capacité de photo imprimant en acquerant Ia nouvelle machine numerique en année 3.
4. Ne pas ignorer la Categorie de marchandises puisque le son situé au centre commercial alors PT Mitra Permala peut obtenir Pavantage de les vendre.
La PT Mitra Pennata a toujours la perspective a l'avenir bien qu'elle ait besoin de grands efforts de la faire se produire. Des strategies et les plans d'action avaient été développes pendant |'étude alors la gestion peut |'cmployer si besoins. Cependaut, en raison des changements dynamiq ues de Penvironnement, le gestion doit revoir le strategies regulierement."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adam, Thierry
"L'objectif de cet ouvrage est de faire prendre conscience des spécificités féminines lors d’une pratique sportive, qu'elle soit amateur ou de haut niveau. La méconnaissance constatée le plus souvent est à l’origine de nombreux préjugés qui peuvent affecter la qualité des soins. Cet ouvrage s’appuie sur des études récentes afin d’aider à une meilleure prise en charge des pathologies rencontrées par la femme sportive et à une meilleure prévention de ces maladies qui surviennent souvent à des périodes charnières de la vie d’une femme."
Paris: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Les psychologues et meme ceux qui n'ont jamais touche de la psychologie reconnaissent importance determinante du role de lamour maternel dans la vie humaine. Le bonheur et la reussite d'un homme sont souvent determines par lamour maternel qu'il a recu dans son enfance. Beaucoup souffrent de son absence, ou bien de son exces. L'amour maternel ne determine pas simple_ment la formation fondamentale de la vie psychique de 1'homme, mais aussi son attitude devant d'autres for_mes d'amour. Prenons une citation de Freud, pere de la psychologie; Le rapport d'un enfant a sa mere, comme son premier objet d'amour le plus fort, devient le prototype de tout rapport amoureux quisuit. Le caractere de tout rapport suivant est etabli par ce premier rapport d'amour qui n'est jamais parallele avec un autre. The child's relation to his or her mo_ther, as the first and strongest object of love, becomes the prototype of all subsequent love relationship. The cha_racter of all later relationship is established by that first unparalleled love relationship..."
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1976
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Pravitasari
"Provision of social security system in Indonesia has begun since 1947 through Law No.33 Year 1947 on Work-Related Accident. In the following years, social insurance continued to be developed by establishing administering body that covering death, accident, retirement and health insurances. This administering body is now called PT. Jamsostek (Persero), a state national enterprise taking care of social security system in Indonesia. Jamsostek is abbreviation of social security system in Indonesian language.
Law No.3 of 1992 on Workers Social Security System arranges economical protection for workers to cover social risks in dealing with illness, death and retirement age. It also protects workers' rights on health service, not only for themselves but also for their family. Membership of PT. Jamsostek (Persero) is obligatory for employers having more than 10 (ten) employees, or minimum salary of its employees is Rp.1.000.000,- (One million rupiah).
Protection for members is in the form of mandatory programs (Employment Accident Benefit/JKK, Death-Benefit Contribution/JKM, Old-Age BenefidJHT). Along with these protections, employers are also obligated to give health,_protection. Health Care Benefit Program/JPK provided by PT. Jamsostek (Persero) is not compulsory as long as companies can provide better health care protection from other health insurance companies. In this regard, author may call JPK as optional program.
Globalization occurred has brought a lot of impacts on business activities in Indonesia. It forces companies to adapt to fast changes on rapid technology, higher customers' demand, and tighter competition between national, multinational and transnational companies, including national state enterprises, which several years ago were monopolists in their field. Act on the scene as monopolists, their performance were signed by unclear performance, cost inefficiency, and profit disoriented.
These state national enterprises, including PT. Jamsostek (Persero), unavoidably, must improve their performance. If not, they could get bankrupt, while their existence is aimed to serve a lot of people. Meanwhile, they also compete with private enterprises, multinational companies, or transnational companies that offer better service in order to survive.
PT. Jamsostek (Persero) has now more than 20 million of workers for mandatory programs and more than 1 million of workers for health care benefit (JPK) program. The fact that gap between mandatory and optional is wide, may bring hypothesis that PT. Jamsostek (Persero) is still lack of the will and competence to compete with other health care insurances and does not really concern with its service quality. This results in reluctance of companies to become its members.
As a service company, one of the strategies can be applied by PT. Jamsostek (Persero) is to improve service value through service quality to meet expectations of their customers. In this regard, author views meeting expectations of customers through optional program can be the source to improve its profitability and to gain its competitive advantage.
Author tries to see how customers perceived service quality by research to customers that' are members of JPK program, and what they expected through this program. Research is done in both levels of service distribution, which are in Public Service Center (Puskesmas) and General Hospitals. All questions proposed in questionnaires are based on SERVQUAL model, to see if there is the gap between customers' expectations and perceptions of service quality delivered by seeing 5 important dimensions: tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy.
There were 79 respondents, with 3 of questionnaires considered as invalid. Research is also done by interviewing internal sources of JPK program, to see how procedure of service is delivered. This research has limitations in time limits, hectic times of sources, and reluctance of field respondents to fill out the questionnaires.
From research field, author finds out that all variables in performance - importance matrix are underperformed, which means that performance of PT. Jamsostek (Persero) has not been able to fill out expectations of its clients. In this regard, PT. Jamsostek (Persero) requires improving these variables in order to gain its competitive advantage.
What author underlines from the research is the fact that customers perceive service quality of JPK still low, mostly in the service procedural and communications with its customers. From this point of view, author proposes application of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) method in PT. Jamsostek (Persero).
Author also has seen that PT. Jamsostek (Persero) is eager to apply this strategy, as it is stated in its corporate values. Thus, CRM method will be useful as application of customer centric strategy, as it has three cornerstones that are relevant with its existence: how to create Customer Value Analysis (CVA), how to view the product as a process, and it is related to provider?s responsibilities.
With this method, it is expected that PT. Jamsostek (Persero) will create new paradigms in its organizational behavior to deliver its service and-rill-gain these four benefits:
1. Premium price paid by customers who expect superior customer value creation
2. Cost effective way by leveraging its existing strengths
3. Impact of Word of mouth is an effective and the cheapest media to grow market share
4. Superior value is worth with protection from losing market share, while nowadays it faces a lot of health insurance companies, mostly foreign insurance companies that offer higher benefits.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
David H. Yunus
Due to the prolonged economics crisis, the companies in Indonesia have to think
about the survival steps. The productivity, which is ultimately come from the human
resources, has to be retained. The productivity is influenced by the moral and the spirit of
the entire employees which is principally attributed to the job satisfaction.
This report of study has tried to simply measure the degree of employees job
satisfaction (dependent variable) at PT.SBS, a pharmaceutical company in Tambun, West
Java (20 km east of Jakarta). All of the 538 employees, ranging from the level of workers
to supervisor, were given a set of questionnaire containing 8 components of Quality Work
Life/QWL (independent variables), i.e., opportunity to develop capacity, growth and
security, social integration, fair and adequate compensaln, constitutionalism, safe and
healthy work environment, total life space, and social relevance.
The questionnaire consists of 10 demographic questions (age, sex, educational level, etc)
And 29 main questions. The main question has to be answer by choosing the 7 options of
Likert's scale (from l=extremely disagree to 7=strongly agree). The job satisfaction score
is the sum of the mam question value.
After 5 days, 461 questionnaires out of 504 questionnaires received were statistically
analysed by using the program SPSS 7.5 for Windows. First, the frequencies of
demographic data, dependent variable, and independent variables. Second, cross tabulation
of demographic data (no 1-10) toward job satisfaction score. Third, Chi-square tests, for
analysing the dependencies between variables. And finally, the Pearson correlation tests,
for analysing the correlation of the demographic data toward job satisfaction.
This study has shown that, in general, the respondents perceived a slight satisfaction
on their job. Their jobs have never bothered their personal/extra work affair. They neither
satisfied nor dissatisfied (neutral) of their salary earned. But they still express their grateful
of not being a jobless.
Job satisfaction is related to the employee's age. .The older, the higher (positively
correlated). The departments where they being stationed, could influence their sense of
satisfaction. The personnel department seems to be the most favorable. Meanwhile, the QC
department is the most unfavorable.
Job satisfaction is also depends on the employee's job/position. The security officer and
the administration officer indicated the higher satisfaction. But the leader position
(supervisor and group leader) shown lower satisfaction.
A cause de la crise economique, il faut que les entfeprises indonesiennes reflechissent
aux mesures pour survivre. La productivite qui est determinee par la ressource humaine
doit etre preserve. La productivite est influencee par le moral et I esprit de tout les
employee qui est determinee fondamentalement par la satisfaction au travail.
Ce rapport detude essaye de mesurer simplement de degre de satisfaction au travail
des employes (variable dependante) chez PT.SBS, une entreprise pharmaceutique a
Tambun, ouest Java (20 km Test de Jakarta). Tout les 538 employes, de niveau ouvrier
superviseur, ont regu un questionnaire qui contient 8 composants de Quality Work Life /
QWL (qualite de vie au travail = variables independante) cesadire : I opportunite
d ameliorer sa capacite, croissance et securite, Iintegration ociale, reniuneration juste et
suffisant, constitutionalisme, securite et sante de Ienvironement de travail, espace de vie,
et relevance sociale.
Le questionnaire contient 10 questions demographiques (age, sexe, niveau de formation,
etc) et 29 questions essentielles. Les questions essentielles doivent etre repondues en
choissant le 7 option de I echelle de Likert (de l extremement pas daccord
7 extremement d accord). Le chifffe de la satisfaction au travail est le somme de la valeur
des questions essentielles.
Apres 5 jours, 461 questionnaires de 504 questionnaires reu ont ete analyses
statistiquement en utilisant le logiciel SPSS 7.5 pour Windows. Dabord, la frequence des
donnees demographiques, des variable dependant, et des variables independantes. Puis, le
tableau croise des donnes demographiques (numero 1 10) visavis du chiffre dela
satisfaction de travail. Ensuite, un test chicarre, pour analyser la dependances entre les
variables. Enfm, le test de Pearson correlation, pour analyser la correlation de la donnee
demographique vis a vis de la salisEiction au travail.
Cette etude a montree que, en general, les repondants sentent peu de satisfaction au
travail. Leur travail ne derangent jamais leurs affaires personnelles endehor du travail Ils
ne sont pas ni satisfaits ni unsatisfaits (neutrales) des salaires obtenus, Mais ils expriment
toujours leur gratitude de ne pas etre la chomeurs.
La satisfaction au travail est reliee a Iage de remployc (correlation positive). Le
departement ou ils sont installes, pent influencer leur sensation de la satisfaction. Le
departement du Personnelles a I air tre le plus favorable. Cependant, le departement de
Controle de Qualite a Iair d etre le plus defavorable.
La satisfacton au travail eSt aussi dependante de la tache/position des employes. Lagent de
securite et Iadministration se montrent plus satisfaits Mais les leaders (superviseur et
leader dequipe) mbntrent moins de satisfaction."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Paris: Larousse, 2005
R PRA 049.44 LHI
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
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