"Apotek merupakan sarana pelayanan kefarmasian tempat dilakukan pekerjaan kefarmasian oleh Apoteker. Praktik kerja profesi yang dilaksanakan di Apotek Kimia Farma No. 55 Kebayoran Lama ini, bertujuan agar mahasiswa mendapatkan pengalaman nyata dalam melakukan pekerjaan kefarmasian di apotek. Pekerjaan kefarmasian yang dilakukan di apotek diantaranya; pengelolaan sediaan farmasi, alat kesehatan, dan bahan medis habis pakai; serta pelayanan farmasi klinis. Pengelolaan sediaan farmasi, alat kesehatan, dan bahan medis habis pakai sendiri terdiri dari proses perencanaan; pengadaan; penerimaan; penyimpanan; pengendalian; pemusnahan; serta pencatatan dan pelaporan. Sementara itu, pelayanan farmasi klinis yang dilakukan di apotek terdiri dari: pengkajian resep; dispensing; pelayanan informasi obat; konseling; pelayanan kefarmasian di rumah; pemantauan terapi obat; dan monitoring efek samping obat. Pekerjaan kefarmasian yang telah ditugaskan secara khusus kepada mahasiswa adalah pembuatan leaflet mengenai penyakit dan obat gastritis sebagai sarana pendukung dalam pelayanan informasi obat. Tema gastritis dipilih karena angka kejadian gastritis tinggi; berisiko menimbulkan komplikasi serius; serta banyak diobati secara swamedikasi sedangkan swamedikasi berpotensi menimbulkan banyak kesalahan pengobatan. Materi leaflet berasal dari sumber terpercaya dan terkini, serta telah ditulis dengan bahasa yang mudah dimengerti pasien. Leaflet telah didesain dengan paduan layout, warna, jenis dan ukuran huruf yang tepat, dan telah disisipkan gambar dan ilustrasi untuk menarik minat baca pasien.
Apotek pharmacy is a pharmaceutical service facility where the pharmaceutical work is done by pharmacists. The internship that held at Apotek Kimia Farma No. 55 Kebayoran Lama, intended to make the students to get real experience in doing the pharmaceutical works in the pharmacy. The pharmaceutical works which had been conducted in pharmacy including management of pharmaceutical preparation and medical devices and clinical pharmacy services. Management of pharmaceutical preparation and medical devices consist of the planning procurement admission storage control removal as well as documentation and reporting process. Meanwhile, clinical pharmacy services at pharmacy consist of the assessment of prescription dispensing drug information service counseling home pharmacy care therapeutic drug monitoring and monitoring of drug side effects. The pharmaceutical working which had been commissioned to the student made leaflets about gastritis disease and its medicine as supporting tool for drug information services. Gastritis had been selected for the topic of leaflet because gastritis has high prevalence may lead to serious complications treated by self medication whereas the self medication potentially induces medication error. The content of the leaflets had been originating from the trusted and the last source, and had been written with diction that easily understood for the patient. Leaflet had been designed with proper layout, color, and font, and had been attached with pictures and illustrations to attract the patient interest."