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Ditemukan 144665 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Diana Dewi Prita
"Hukum pertanahan nasional melarang pemindahan hak milik atas tanah oleh orang asing sebagai tercermin dalam ketentuan Pasal 9 UUPA. Pokok permasalahan dalam tesis ini adalah bagaimana kepemilikan tanah hak milik oleh warga negara asing ditinjau dalam UUPA dan bagaimana akibat hukum kepemilikah hak atas tanah oleh WNA yang tidak sesuai dengan peraturan Perundang-Undangan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian yuridis-normatif dengan penelitian kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepemilikan tanah Hak Milik oleh Warga Negara Asing melalui perjanjian Pinjam Nama berakibat batal demi hukum. Sebagai solusinya, Warga Negara Asing dapat menggunakan tanah dengan status Hak Pakai atas tanah Hak Milik.

National land laws forbid foreigners to own the proprietary right of land as a reflection of clause 9 in UUPA. The issue of this thesis is how the proprietary rights of land ownership by foreigners in UUPA and how?s the consequence of the proprietary rights of land ownership by foreigners which is contra with Indonesian law. This is a juridical-normative research with literature research. The results shows that the ownership of proprietary rights of land by foreigners through nominee agreement is null and void. As the solutions, foreigners can use the right to use on the proprietary rights."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lazuardi Adnan
"Undang-undang tentang rumah susun yang merupakan bagian dari peraturan hukum tanah di Indonesia tentunya bersumber pada kaidah hukum tanah nasional. Walaupun demikian, Penerapan asas pemisahan horizontal yang merupakan asas hukum adat pada undang-undang rumah susun masih menjadi pertanyaan. Masalah yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan berlakunya Peraturan Menteri Agraria Dan Tata Ruang/Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional Nomor 29 Tahun 2016 mengakibatkan Warga Negara Asing dapat memiliki hunian dengan hak atas tanah selain Hak Pakai. Padahal, maksud dari asas pemisahan horizontal tidak seperti yang tercantum dalam Peraturan Menteri Agraria Dan Tata Ruang/Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional Nomor 29 Tahun 2016. Penerapan asas pemisahan horizontal dalam kepemilikan satuan rumah susun tidak hanya sebatas kepemilikan dan penggunaan satuan rumah susun itu sendiri. Melainkan juga terkait kepemilikan tanah yang tercantum dalam tanah bersama. Maka dari itu, bentuk penelitian yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah bentuk penelitian yuridis normatif. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif, dengan menggunakan pengumpulan data dan menganalisis suatu peraturan perundang-undangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Hak Pakai Atas Satuan Rumah Susun di atas tanah Hak Guna Bangunan yang dimiliki Warga Negara Asing bertentangan dengan kaidah hukum, yaitu kaidah non-kontradiksi dan juga bertentangan dengan asas hukum tanah nasional. Selain itu, penulis menyarankan bahwa pembuat/perancang peraturan perundang-undangan secepatnya memperbaiki Peraturan Menteri Agraria dan Tata Ruang/Kepala Badan Pertanahan Nasional Nomor 29 Tahun 2016, sehingga tidak menimbulkan disharmonisasi ketentuan mengenai kepemillikan sarusun oleh Warga Negara Asing dan mengakibatkan kekacauan hukum di Indonesia.

The apartment law which is part of the rules of land law in Indonesia certainly comes from the norms of national land law. Nevertheless, the application of the principle of horizontale scheiding that is the principle of customary law in the apartment law is still raise a question. The problem raised in this research is the enactment of the regulation of State Minister for Agrarian Affairs/ Head of the National Land Agency Number 29 of 2016 resulting in Foreign Citizens being able to have occupancy with land rights in addition to the Right to Use. In fact, the purpose of the principle of horizontale scheiding is not as stated in the regulation of State Minister for Agrarian Affairs/ Head of the National Land Agency Number 29 of 2016. The application of the principle of horizontale scheiding in the ownership of flat units is not only limited to ownership and use of the flat unit itself. It is also related to ownership of land listed in the shared land. Therefore, the form of research used in this research is a form of juridical-normative research. The method used is a qualitative method, using data collection and analyzing a statutory regulation. The results of the research show that the right to use the flat units above the right to build owned by foreign citizens is contrary to the rule of law, namely the rule of non-contradiction and, also contrary to the principle of national land law. In addition, the authors suggest that the drafters/legislators immediately improve the regulation of State Minister for Agrarian Affairs/ Head of the National Land Agency Number 29 of 2016, so as not to cause disharmony in provisions regarding the ownership of funds by foreigners and result in legal chaos in Indonesia."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Michael Wisnoe Barata
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai Kepemilikan Hak-Hak atas Tanah bagi Warga Negara Asing yang ditinjau dari Undang-Undang No. 5 Tahun 1960 tentang Peraturan Dasar Pokok-Pokok Agraria (UUPA) dan Undang-Undang No. 12 Tahun 2006 tentang Kewarganegaraan. Kewarganegaraan ganda artinya adalah seseorang selain mempunyai kewarganegaraan Indonesia, juga mempunyai kewarganegaraan negara lain (asing). Hal ini dapat terjadi karena adanya perkawinan campuran antara warga negara Indonesia (WNI) dengan warga negara asing (WNA), yang mana menyebabkan anak-anak keturunan mereka akan mempunyai kewarganegaraan ganda. Apabila anak hasil dari perkawinan campuran tersebut tetap menginginkan kewarganegaraan Indonesia-nya tidak hilang, anak-anak keturunannya juga tetap sebagai warga negara Indonesia, dan agar dapat memiliki tanah yang berstatus Hak Milik atau Hak Guna Bangunan, maka harus diperlakukan sebagai seorang WNI sampai berusia 18 tahun, apabila nanti ingin melepaskan WNI-nya barulah Sertipikat Tanah-nya gugur dan kembali ke Negara.

This Thesis discusses the Ownership Rights of Land for foreign citizens in terms of Act No 5 Year 1960 on Basic Agrarian Principles and Law No. 12 Year 2006 on Citizenship. Dual citizenship, meaning that the person has Indonesian nationality and also has the citizenship of other countries (foreign). This can occur because of mixed marriages between Indonesian citizens (WNI) by foreign nationals (WNA), which led to the children of their offspring will have dual citizenship. If the child is the result of mixed marriages still wants his Indonesian citizenship, and children are also descendants remain as a citizen of Indonesia, and in order to have leased hold land Ownership or Right to Build, then it should be treated as a citizen until the age of 18 years, if he wants to release its citizenship then Land Certificates will fall back to the State."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elsa Kurniawan
"Pasal 20-27 Undang-Undang Pokok Agraria mengatur tentang kepemilikan tanah hak milik di Indonesia termasuk didalamnya telah ditetapkan subjek hak milik dan akibat-akibat hukum jika hak milik jatuh ketangan pihak asing. Bentuk penyelundupan hukum yang umum dilakukan adalah dengan mengadakan perjanjian nominee. Praktek nominee agreement dapat menjadi bumerang bagi pihak asing karena sertipikat atas nama beneficiary maka secara jurudis mereka adalah pemilik sah tanah hak milik tersebut. Penulis berusaha menjelaskan resiko yang akan ditanggung oleh orang asing serta penulis berharap dapat memberikan saran bagi orang asing maupun kepada Pemerintah Indonesia sehubungan dengan praktek nominee agreement.

The Indonesia Agrarian Law (Undang-Undang Pokok Agraria) article 20-27 regulate land ownership in Indonesia, including the owner and legal implications in the case that land ownership falls to the hand of foreign national. The normal practice to circumvent this obstacle is in the form of signing a Nominee Agreement. This practice may well be a boomerang for foreign national involved, due to the fact that the land ownership certificate is under the name of the nominee (beneficiary) thus legally they are the rightful owner of the land. The author attempts to discuss the risk towards the foreign national involved and in the same time wishes to convey suggestion to the Indonesian government in relation to the utilization of Nominee Agreement."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yohana Alfa Agustina
"Tesis ini membahas perihal ahli waris terjadi karena adanya hubungan perkawinan dan karena adanya hubungan darah. Ahli waris karena adanya hubungan darah dalam hal ini adalah anak-anak yang dilahirkan dalam perkawinan. Dalam tesis ini penulis memfokuskan pada hak mewaris anak luar kawin, dimana anak luar kawin berbeda kedudukannya dengan anak sah dimata hukum menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 dan Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata. Dalam kenyataannya dimana anak luar kawin hanya mempunyai hubungan hukum dengan ibunya dan keluarga ibunya. Sasaran penulis dalam tesis ini adalah apakah anak luar kawin mempunyai hak untuk mewaris atas harta peninggalan orang tuanya sendiri (ayahnya) dan tindakan apa yang dilakukan seorang Notaris/PPAT untuk membantu agar harta peninggalan tersebut dapat dimiliki oleh isteri dan anak luar kawin yang ditinggalkan oleh si Pewaris. Semoga Tesis ini dapat menjadi bacaan bermanfaat dan menambah wawasan bagi pembacanya.
This thesis discusses the subject is due to the heirs of the marriage relationship and because of blood ties. Heirs of blood relationship in this case are the children who are born within marriage. In this thesis the author focuses on the inherited rights of the child outside of marriage, where the child outside of marriage different from his position with a legitimate child before the law, according to Law No. 1 of 1974 and the Book of Civil Law Act. In fact, where a child outside of marriage has only a legal relationship with her mother and her family. Target the author in this thesis is whether the child has the right to marry outside the inherited legacy of his own parents (his father) and what action is undertaken by a Notary / PPAT to help make these treasures can be owned by the wife and children outside marriage are left by the heir. Hopefully this thesis can be useful reading and add insight to the readers."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hannah Wulan Sigar
"Tesis ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan betapa pentingnya peranan Konsolidasi Tanah Perkotaan di Indonesia sebagai reforma agraria dalam pengadaan tanah bagi kepentingan umum, bagaimana proses peralihan hak menjadi tanah Negara untuk selanjutnya dikembalikan kepada pemegang/pemilik hak atas tanah yang berhak, dan praktek peralihan Tanah Negara Obyek Konsolidasi Tanah dalam hal sertipikat baru belum diterbitkan, dan kepastian hukumnya dengan menggunakan Hukum Perikatan. Metode penelitiannya menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, dengan menggunakan data sekunder berupa bahan-bahan kepustakaan dan juga melakukan wawancara secara tertulis untuk mengetahui praktek pelaksanaan peralihan hak yang belum diatur dalam Undang-Undang.

This Thesis aims to explain and evaluate the importance of the Urban Land Consolidation in Indonesia in the procurement of land for public use, the process whereby rights over land is transferred to the state and henceforth returned to the entitled land-holder orowner, the transition process of the state land as the Object of The Land Consolidation with regards to unissued certificates and, the legal certainty thereof based on contracts law. The research method employed will be qualitative using academic literature and by conducting written interviews in order to understand transfer practices that have not been governed by positive laws."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pemerintah Indonesia pada tanggal 15 April 2015 menerbitkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 103 Tahun 2015 dan peraturan pelaksananya yaitu Peraturan Menteri Agraria Nomor 29 Tahun 2016, yang mengatur ketentuan mengenai syarat-syarat yang harus dipenuhi oleh WNA dalam pemilikan satuan ruamh susun. dengan adanya ketentuan yang memberikan syarat kepada WNA, dalam tesis ini dibahas tentang Kepemilikan tanah dan bangunan atas satuan rumah susun oleh WNA yang berkedudukan di Indonesia dengan mengkaji dan menganalisa PP No. 103/2015 dan Permen No.29/2016 dikaitkan dengan UU No. 5 /1960 tentang Peraturan Dasa Pokok-Pokok Agraria dan peraturan lain yang berkaitan. Sehingga dapat ditarik kesimpulan apakah PP No.103/2015 dan Permen No.29/2016 ini telah sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku di Indonesia ataukah belum.

Indonesia's Government on April 15th 2015 is enacted Government Regulation No.103 2015 on Ownership og Dwelling of Residency House By Foreign Persons Domiciled In Indonesia and Subordinate legislation is enacted by The Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning Affairs Regulation No.29 2016, is stipulated the condition of foreigners based in Indonesia concerning to completed the requirement of the ownership of land and building right on Apartments. According the requirement on the ownership of apartments, in this thesis is discussed and analyzed the government regulation No.103 2015 and The Ministry of Agrarian Regulation No.29 2016 in related to Law No. 5 1960 on Basic Agrarian Law. and others Law and regulation related to term and condition the ownership of apartments and foreigners. thereby, it would have concluded that the government reglation No.103 2015 and The Ministry Regulation No.29 2016 is connected to Indonesia's Law or not."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prasasti Budi Putri
Propinsi Bali merupakan wilayah Indonesia yang jumlah wisatawan yang datang
ke kian mengingkat setiap tahunnya. Hal ini menyebabkan banyak orang baik warga
negara Indonesia dan orang asing tertarik untuk tinggal atau membuka usaha di Bali.
Undang-Undang Pokok Agraria menyatakan bahwa hanya warga negara Indonesia yang
berhak untuk memiliki tanah. Sementara itu, orang asing diberi hak untuk menempati
lahan di Indonesia dengan hak pakai dan hak sewa atas bangunan. Tetapi pada
kenyataannya banyak orang asing menggunakan perjanjian pinjam nama untuk
menempati lahan di Bali dalam jangka waktu yang mereka inginkan. Perjanjian sewa
menyewa digunakan sebagai upaya untuk menutupi keberadaan perjanjian dapat dianggap
sebagai perjanjian pinjam nama sehingga perjanjian sewa menyewa merupakan suatu
upaya penyelundupan hukum. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif,
untuk memperoleh data yang dikehendaki penelitian ini dengan melakukan telaah bahan
pustaka atau data sekunder. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa rangkaian perjanjian
pinjam nama antara lain surat pernyataan, perjanjian sewa menyewa, surat kuasa
mengelola, surat kuasa menjual dan perjanjian perpanjangan sewa. Pada saat orang asing
datang kepada notaris untuk dibuatkan akta otentik sebaiknya notaris lebih teliti dan
seksama sehingga apabila terdapat indikasi pembuatan akta otentik dapat menyalahi
aturan hukum maka notaris dapat memberi penyuluhan hukum. Dalam menjalankannya
jabatannya seorang notaris itu harus bertindak amanah, jujur dan seksama karena notaris
wajib menjaga kepercayaan masyarakat dan negara dengan baik.

Bali Province is a major area of Indonesia tourism so that the number of tourists
who come to Bali is increasingly every year. This leads to a lot of people both Indonesian
citizens and foreigners keen to stay or open a business in Bali. Basic Agrarian Law states
that only Indonesian citizens who have the right to own land. Meanwhile, foreigners were
given the right to occupy land in Indonesia with the right to use and leases on buildings.
But in fact many foreigners use nominee agreement and loan agreement to occupy land in
Bali in the time period they want. The content of Indonesian citizen who appointed to be
a nominee states that the true owner of the land is the foreigner because the money she
used for the purchase of land was belongs to the foreigner. Lease agreement is used as an
attempt to cover up the existence of the agreement can be considered as a loan agreement
so that the name of the lease agreement is a legal smuggling attempt. This study uses
normative juridical, to obtain the desired data of this study by conducting research library
materials or secondary data. The analysis showed that a series of loan agreements include
a statement of the name, lease agreement, power of attorney to manage, power of attorney
to sell and lease extension agreement. By the time a foreigner came to the notary for the
notary should be made authentic act more carefully and thoroughly so that if there are
indications of an authentic deed may violate the rule of law, the notary can provide legal
counseling. A notary should act trustworthy, honest and thorough, as notaries are required
to maintain public confidence and the country well.;Bali Province is a major area of Indonesia tourism so that the number of tourists
who come to Bali is increasingly every year. This leads to a lot of people both Indonesian
citizens and foreigners keen to stay or open a business in Bali. Basic Agrarian Law states
that only Indonesian citizens who have the right to own land. Meanwhile, foreigners were
given the right to occupy land in Indonesia with the right to use and leases on buildings.
But in fact many foreigners use nominee agreement and loan agreement to occupy land in
Bali in the time period they want. The content of Indonesian citizen who appointed to be
a nominee states that the true owner of the land is the foreigner because the money she
used for the purchase of land was belongs to the foreigner. Lease agreement is used as an
attempt to cover up the existence of the agreement can be considered as a loan agreement
so that the name of the lease agreement is a legal smuggling attempt. This study uses
normative juridical, to obtain the desired data of this study by conducting research library
materials or secondary data. The analysis showed that a series of loan agreements include
a statement of the name, lease agreement, power of attorney to manage, power of attorney
to sell and lease extension agreement. By the time a foreigner came to the notary for the
notary should be made authentic act more carefully and thoroughly so that if there are
indications of an authentic deed may violate the rule of law, the notary can provide legal
counseling. A notary should act trustworthy, honest and thorough, as notaries are required
to maintain public confidence and the country well.;Bali Province is a major area of Indonesia tourism so that the number of tourists
who come to Bali is increasingly every year. This leads to a lot of people both Indonesian
citizens and foreigners keen to stay or open a business in Bali. Basic Agrarian Law states
that only Indonesian citizens who have the right to own land. Meanwhile, foreigners were
given the right to occupy land in Indonesia with the right to use and leases on buildings.
But in fact many foreigners use nominee agreement and loan agreement to occupy land in
Bali in the time period they want. The content of Indonesian citizen who appointed to be
a nominee states that the true owner of the land is the foreigner because the money she
used for the purchase of land was belongs to the foreigner. Lease agreement is used as an
attempt to cover up the existence of the agreement can be considered as a loan agreement
so that the name of the lease agreement is a legal smuggling attempt. This study uses
normative juridical, to obtain the desired data of this study by conducting research library
materials or secondary data. The analysis showed that a series of loan agreements include
a statement of the name, lease agreement, power of attorney to manage, power of attorney
to sell and lease extension agreement. By the time a foreigner came to the notary for the
notary should be made authentic act more carefully and thoroughly so that if there are
indications of an authentic deed may violate the rule of law, the notary can provide legal
counseling. A notary should act trustworthy, honest and thorough, as notaries are required
to maintain public confidence and the country well., Bali Province is a major area of Indonesia tourism so that the number of tourists
who come to Bali is increasingly every year. This leads to a lot of people both Indonesian
citizens and foreigners keen to stay or open a business in Bali. Basic Agrarian Law states
that only Indonesian citizens who have the right to own land. Meanwhile, foreigners were
given the right to occupy land in Indonesia with the right to use and leases on buildings.
But in fact many foreigners use nominee agreement and loan agreement to occupy land in
Bali in the time period they want. The content of Indonesian citizen who appointed to be
a nominee states that the true owner of the land is the foreigner because the money she
used for the purchase of land was belongs to the foreigner. Lease agreement is used as an
attempt to cover up the existence of the agreement can be considered as a loan agreement
so that the name of the lease agreement is a legal smuggling attempt. This study uses
normative juridical, to obtain the desired data of this study by conducting research library
materials or secondary data. The analysis showed that a series of loan agreements include
a statement of the name, lease agreement, power of attorney to manage, power of attorney
to sell and lease extension agreement. By the time a foreigner came to the notary for the
notary should be made authentic act more carefully and thoroughly so that if there are
indications of an authentic deed may violate the rule of law, the notary can provide legal
counseling. A notary should act trustworthy, honest and thorough, as notaries are required
to maintain public confidence and the country well.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kevin Dwinanto Prabowo
"Ketidak cocokan antara status tanah yang tersedia, degan subjek calon pemilik hak atas tanah, membuat beberapa pihak memikirkan berbagai cara untuk dapat memiliki bidang tanah yang diinginkan, salah satunya dengan cara Nominee. Seperti Tanah Hak Milik yang sudah jelas dalam peraturan perundang-undangan, hanya dapat dimiliki oleh Warga Negara Indonesia. Namun belakangan sering terjadi pmbelian tanah dengan status tanah Hak Milik yang mana pembelian tersebut di latar belakangi sebuah perjanjian Nominee yang dibuat dalam bentuk akta Notaris. Sehingga timbul masalah mengenai bagaimanakah Hukum Tanah Nasional mengatur mengenai pembelian bidang tanah dengan Nominee dan akibat hukum seperti apa yang timbul dari jual beli tanah Hak Milik dengan adanya Nominee. Penelitian ini bersifat Yuridis Normatif, dimana memperhatikan efektifitas asas-asas, sistematika hukum dalam UUPA dan PP 24/1997. Notaris sebagai jabatan kepercayaan seharusnya tidak malah memuluskan tindakan yang mengarah pada penyeludupan hukum.

The discrepancy between the status of the land with the subject of the prospective owner of the rights to the land, making some party thinking of ways to be able to have a land in Indonesia, one way is Nominee. Hak Milik Land already clear in the legislation, can only be owned by Indonesian citizens. But lately, phurcase common ground with soil status Proprietary where such purchases in the background backs a nominee agreement made in the form of notarial deed. Which raised the question of how the National Land Law governing the purchase of plots of land with the nominee and what the legal consequences arising from the sale and purchase of Hak Milik land by the nominee. This research is normative juridical, where attention to the effectiveness of the principles, legal systematics in UUPA and PP 24/1997. Notary as a position of trust should not even pave the actions that lead to smuggling law."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kevin Dwinanto Prabowo
"Ketidak cocokan antara status tanah yang tersedia, degan subjek calon pemilik hak atas tanah, membuat beberapa pihak memikirkan berbagai cara untuk dapat memiliki bidang tanah yang diinginkan, salah satunya dengan cara Nominee. Seperti Tanah Hak Milik yang sudah jelas dalam peraturan perundang-undangan, hanya dapat dimiliki oleh Warga Negara Indonesia. Namun belakangan sering terjadi pmbelian tanah dengan status tanah Hak Milik yang mana pembelian tersebut di latar belakangi sebuah perjanjian Nominee yang dibuat dalam bentuk akta Notaris. Sehingga timbul masalah mengenai bagaimanakah Hukum Tanah Nasional mengatur mengenai pembelian bidang tanah dengan Nominee dan akibat hukum seperti apa yang timbul dari jual beli tanah Hak Milik dengan adanya Nominee. Penelitian ini bersifat Yuridis Normatif, dimana memperhatikan efektifitas asas-asas, sistematika hukum dalam UUPA dan PP 24/1997. Notaris sebagai jabatan kepercayaan seharusnya tidak malah memuluskan tindakan yang mengarah pada penyeludupan hukum.

The discrepancy between the status of the land with the subject of the prospective owner of the rights to the land , making some party thinking of ways to be able to have a land in Indonesia, one way is Nominee. Hak Milik Land already clear in the legislation, can only be owned by Indonesian citizens . But lately, phurcase common ground with soil status Proprietary where such purchases in the background backs a nominee agreement made ??in the form of notarial deed . Which raised the question of how the National Land Law governing the purchase of plots of land with the nominee and what the legal consequences arising from the sale and purchase of Hak Milik land by the nominee . This research is normative juridical , where attention to the effectiveness of the principles , legal systematics in UUPA and PP 24/1997 . Notary as a position of trust should not even pave the actions that lead to smuggling law ."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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