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Caranissa Ayudia Djatmiko
Studi constructivist grounded theory ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan
pemahaman mengenai perspektif orang tua dan guru mengenai kelas tari khusus
penyandang Down syndrome di Gigi Art of Dance berdasarkan pengalaman mereka.
Walau kelas tersebut terbukti menyediakan banyak kesempatan bagi para murid ini, ia
juga memiliki makna yang signifikan bagi orang tua dan guru yang terlibat. Berdasarkan
observasi partisipan selama tiga bulan, delapan wawancara mendalam dan memo writing,
studi ini berhasil menemukan tiga kategori emergent: ?Mewujudkan Rumah?,
?Menginginkan Anak Bersosialisasi? dan ?Mengubah Persepsi?. Hasilnya berkontribusi
terhadap manfaat kegiatan seni, khususnya tari, bagi orang tua dan guru penyandang
Down syndrome. Ditambah lagi, studi ini menggarisbawahi pentingnya memperhitungkan
pengalaman partisipan dalam memahami proses konstruksi makna. Yang terakhir, ia
menunjukan penggunaan dari constructivist grounded theory yang sebelumnya mungkin
jarang dihubungkan dengan metode tersebut

This constructivist grounded theory study aims to develop a deeper understanding
of parents and dance teacher?s perspectives on Down syndrome dance class in Gigi Art of
Dance based on their experiences. Although the class itself proves to provide great
opportunities for these students, it also means a great deal for the parents and teacher
involved. Drawing on three months of participant observation, eight in-depth interviews
and memo writing, this study manages to reveal three emergent categories: ?Realizing a
Home?, ?Wanting the Children to Socialize? and ?Changing the Perception?. The results
contribute to the benefits of the arts, particularly dance, for parents and teachers of people
with Down syndrome. In addition, this study highlights the importance of accounting for
participants? experiences in understanding the process of meaning construction. Finally, it
demonstrates the use of constructivist grounded theory in the field of communications,
which might be rarely associated with the method before;"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imami Nur Rachmawati
"Persalinan merupakan hal penting bagi ibu dan juga tenaga kesehatan dalam konteks kesehatan maternal. Keperawatan sangat memperhatikan keluhan nyeri selama persalinan dengan mengembangkan berbagai metode mengurangi nyeri tetapi belum banyak diterapkan di Indonesia. Studi ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi konsep penerapan manajemen nyeri persalinan di Indonesia, khususnya di daerah perkotaan melalui rancangan constructivist grounded theory. Sebanyak 36 orang yaitu 17 ibu dan 19 tenaga kesehatan (dokter dan bidan) yang dipilih melalui theoretical sampling dari Rumah Sakit dan Klinik di Jakarta, Depok, Bekasi, dan Tangerang berpartisipasi. Data yang diperoleh dari wawancara mendalam, observasi dan studi dokumen dianalisis dengan pengodean awal, pengodean berfokus, pengodean berporos, dan pengodean teoretis.
Studi ini mengungkapkan bahwa manajemen nyeri persalinan merupakan suatu proses dan terjadi divergensi dalam penerapannya, yaitu pendekatan partisipatif, pendekatan medis dan pendekatan koersif. Kondisi ini terjadi karena pengaruh individu (ibu bersalin dan tenaga kesehatan), institusi profesi, sistem sosio-struktural, sistem kultural, perlindungan pasien dan kontingensi. Pendekatan koersif merupakan pendekatan yang mayoritas diterapkan di Indonesia. Model ini dapat dibandingkan dengan teori manajemen nyeri akut dan teori bureaucratic caring. Hasil ini merekomendasikan pentingnya peran perawat dalam persalinan, karena perawat mampu memberikan pelayanan yang komprehensif berdasarkan filosofi caring. Sistem institusi pelayanan juga perlu mendukung tenaga kesehatan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan perempuan dan keluarganya dalam persalinan.

Childbirth is an important moment for the mother as well as care providers in the context of maternal health. Nursing is very concerned about pain during labor through the development of various methods of alleviating the pain that has not been widely applied in Indonesia. This study aimed to identify the concept of labor pain management practices in Indonesia, particularly in urban areas through constructivist grounded theory. A total number of 36 people consisting of 17 mothers and 19 care providers participated in this study. They were selected through theoretical sampling from Hospitals and Clinics in Jakarta, Depok, Bekasi and Tangerang Data was obtained through in-depth interviews, observation and document analysis. The data was analyzed with initial coding, focused coding, axial coding, and theoretical coding.
This study revealed that pain management during labor is a process and a divergence occurs in its application, namely participatory approach, medical approach and coercive approach. This condition can occur because of the influence of maternal individual, care provider individual, professional institutions, socio-structural system, cultural system, the protection of patients, and contingency. Coercive approach is the majority approach applied in Indonesia. This model could be compared to the theory of acute pain management, bureaucratic caring theory, and organization culture theory.These results recommend the importance of the involvement of the nurse?s role in the labor care, because the nurse is able to provide comprehensive care based on the philosophy of caring. The health care institution system also needs to support care provider in meeting the needs of women and families in childbirth."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ari Saadah Az Zahro
"Orang tua merupakan orang terdekat anak yang menjadi pendidik, pelindung, dan penanggung jawab anak. Orang tua yang memiliki anak down syndrome memiliki tingkat stres yang lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan orang tua tanpa anak down syndrome. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat stres orang tua yang memiliki anak down syndrome. Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Sampel penelitian ini adalah orang tua yang memiliki anak down syndrome yang tergabung dalam POTADS (Persatuan Orang Tua dengan Anak Down syndrome) sebanyak 64 orang dengan menggunakan teknik total sampling dan menggunakan analisis univariat. Hasil penelitian menunjukan 37 responden (57,8%) memiliki tingkat stres yang rendah, sedangkan 27 responden (42,2%) memiliki tingkat stres yang tinggi. Perawat disarankan dapat menjadi konselor dan edukator dalam mengurangi tingkat stres orang tua yang memiliki anak down syndrome.

Stress Level of Parents with Down Syndrome Children. As children?s closest kin, parents are their educators, protectors, and guardians. Parents with children who suffer from Down syndrome thus have a higher rate of stress compared to parents without them. This research aims to understand the stress rate of parents who have children with Down syndrome. The design of this research is descriptive quantitative. Using the total sampling technique, the sample of this research is parents of children with Down syndrome who are 64 members of the Down Syndrome?s Parents Association (POTADS) and use univariat analiyse. The research found that 37 respondents (57.8%) have a low rate of stress, while 27 respondents (42.2%) have a high stress rate. Nurses are advised to be conselors and educators in reducing the stress levels of parents of children with down syndrome."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sienni Sanchia Santoso
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai hubungan antara keterlibatan orang tua dan kompetensi sosial remaja down syndrome. Kompetensi sosial diukur berdasarkan keterampilan sosial dan perilaku adaptif, yang tergambarkan dari ada tidaknya perilaku maladaptif. Pengukuran keterlibatan orang tua menggunakan alat ukur Alabama Parenting Questionnaire (APQ) (Frick, 1990) dan pengukuran kompetensi sosial menggunakan alat ukur Social Skills Rating System (SSRS) (Gresham & Elliott, 1990). Partisipan berjumlah 31 orang tua dan pengasuh utama dari remaja down syndrome berusia antara 11 hingga 24 tahun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan positif yang signifikan antara keterlibatan orang tua dan keterampilan sosial remaja down syndrome (r = 0.422; p = 0.018, signifikan pada L.o.S 0.05). Artinya semakin tinggi keterlibatan orang tua, semakin tinggi keterampilan sosial remaja down syndrome. Akan tetapi, terdapat hubungan yang tidak signifikan antara keterlibatan orang tua dan perilaku maladaptif (r = 0.063; p = 0.737, tidak signifikan pada L.o.S 0.05). Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, orang tua disarankan untuk terlibat dalam kehidupan anaknya yang menyandang down syndrome dengan mengajarkan keterampilan sosial dan perilaku adaptif sesuai norma sosial.

This research was conducted to find the correlation between parental involvement and social competence behavior in adolescent with down syndrome. Social competence is measured based on social skills and adaptive behavior, which is illustrated from the absence of maladaptive behaviors. Parental involvement was measured using an instrument called Alabama Parenting Questionnaire (APQ) (Frick, 1990), and social competence was measured using Social Skills Rating System (SSRS) (Gresham & Elliott, 1990). The participants of this research are 31 parents and primary caregiver of adolescent with down syndrome at the age of 11 to 24 years old. The result of this research show that parental involvement positively correlated significantly with social skills (r = 0.422; p = 0.018, significant at L.o.S 0.05). This means that the higher the parental involvement, the higher the social skills of adolescent with down syndrome. However, there is no significant correlation between parental involvement and maladaptive behavior (r = 0.062; p = 0.737, not significant at L.o.S 0.05). Based on these results, it is advisable for parents to become involved in their child?s life to teach appropriate social skills and adaptive behavior according to social norms."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dhiya Syakara
"Tari merupakan salah satu perwujudan ruang yang memanfaatkan gerak tubuh sebagai media utamanya. Seni penyampaian komunikasi melalui gerak tubuh manusia itulah yang menjadi wujud bahasa keruangan tari yang dinamis. Kosmos (semesta) adalah wujud ruang tanpa batas; ruang bagi bumi, ruang bagi pulau, ruang bagi bangunan, ruang bagi manusia. Kosmologi Bali mempercayai bahwa perwujudan semesta terdiri dari unsur dualitas makrokosmos dan mikrokosmos. Tubuh yang hadir dalam ruang skala besar (makrokosmos) adalah aktor dari ruang skala kecil (mikrokosmos). Dualitas makro-mikro terwujud karena adanya keterlibatan spiritual, yakni Dewa Siwa sebagai penjaga keharmonisan semesta. Tari kreasi Siwa Nataraja adalah pencerminan dari tarian kosmis konsep dwi tunggal Dewa Siwa sekaligus Nrtyamurti (kekuatan nari dan menata tari) tergabung menjadi sosok yang mewujudkan keseimbangan semesta. Studi kasus Tari Siwa Nataraja dikaji dengan pengetahuan akan tubuh, ruang, dan waktu penari tradisional Bali yang terjadi dalam keselarasan spiritual dan kosmologi Bali. Hasil dari studi kasus ini memperlihatkan bahwa adanya kehadiran ruang kosmologi tradisional Bali dalam wujud ruang tari tradisional Bali.

Dance is a manifestation of space that uses body movement as its main medium. The art of communicating through human body movements is the form of dance’s spatial language. Cosmos (universe) is a form of infinite space; space for earth, space for islands, space for buildings, space for humans. Balinese cosmology believes that the universe contains the duality of macrocosmos and microcosmos. Human bodies that exist in a large-scale space (macrocosmos) are actors from a small-scale space (microcosmos). The duality of macro-micro is involved by the spiritual existence, namely, Lord Shiva, as the guardian of the harmony of the universe. The traditional dance “Siwa Nataraja'' reflects the dual concept of Lord Shiva’s cosmic dance as well as Nrtyamurti (the power of dancing and arranging dance) combined into a figure that embodies the balance of the universe. This Siwa Nataraja Dance case study is approached with the knowledge of human body, space, and time within traditional Balinese dancers that is in tune with the spiritual and Balinese cosmology concept. Results of this case study show that there is the existence of the traditional Balinese cosmology concept within the form of Balinese traditional dance’s space."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dhilla Fadiyahsari
"Perdebatan antara tradisi dan modernitas telah menjadi fokus perhatian dalam berbagai generasi, menciptakan perbedaan pandangan yang nyata. Generasi tua seringkali menganggap nilai-nilai tradisional sebagai fondasi kestabilan sosial dan keberlangsungan budaya. Sementara itu, generasi muda cenderung lebih terbuka terhadap gaya hidup yang lebih modern. Film Into the Beat digunakan untuk meneliti bagaimana konflik dan rekonsiliasi antargenerasi direpresentasikan melalui seni tari. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menganalisis adegan-adegan dalam film yang menggambarkan pertentangan antara tradisi dan modernitas serta konflik antargenerasi yang dimaknai menggunakan teori konflik generasi oleh Karl Mannheim. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bagaimana film Into the Beat menggambarkan konflik nilai antargenerasi yang dialami tokoh utama melalui penggunaan seni tari sebagai medium utama. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa dengan saling memahami dan mendukung, generasi yang berbeda dapat menemukan titik temu dan menghargai pandangan satu sama lain.
The debate between tradition and modernity has been the focus of attention in various generations, creating a real divergence of views. Older generations often consider traditional values as the foundation of social stability and cultural continuity. Meanwhile younger generations tend to be more open to a more modern lifestyle. The film Into the Beat is used to examine how intergenerational conflict and reconciliation are represented through dance. The research was conducted by analyzing scenes in the film that depict the conflict between tradition and modernity and intergenerational conflict. Further analyses were interpreted using Karl Mannheim’s theory of generational conflict. The results of this study show how the film Into the Beat depicts the intergenerational value conflict experienced by the main character through the use of dance as the main medium. This research also shows that by understanding and supporting each other, different generations can find common ground and respect each other’s views."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Locke, Karen
London: Sage, 2001
658.403 LOC g
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bryant, Antony
"The book is addressed to investigators with some knowledge of and familiarity with research methodswho are keen to learn more about the grounded theory method [GTM]. The method is located against general research issues, such as the nature of doctoral and other research, discussions on epistemology and ontology, and the initial motivations for undertaking a specific research project. The key features of GTM are discussed and exemplified using numerous examples taken from several of the authors many successful PhD students. The focus is on distinguishing the core and essential features of the method, from those that can be regarded as accidental. The authors concept of Methodological Sensitivity is introduced to explain how insightful research is often dependent on researchers adapting one or more methods to their specific project and context. The grounded theory method is illustrated through several examples taken from PhD theses supervised by the author; also the derivation of a grounded theory is drawn from more than 100 published GTM papers. The book includes chapters devoted to discussions of the concept of abduction and abductive logic, now seen as central to GTM, set against an overview of different forms of reasoning-i.e. induction and deduction. Other chapters include personal accounts of GTM-in-use by four successful PhD candidates and a guide that summarizes ways in which issues around GTM can be taken into account and addressed both by researchers (not only PhD students) and by assessors and evaluators (PhD examiners, journal editors, reviewers, and those refereeing research proposals)."
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Esti Budi Rahayu
"Intra Uterine Fetal Death (IUFD) atau kematian janin merupakan salah satu dari peristiwa kehilangan yang menimbulkan respon berduka, bahkan jika berkepanjangan respon tersebut dapat menjadi bersifat patologis sehingga menimbulkan dampak negatif baik fisik maupun psikologis ibu. Sementara belum ada penelitian yang spesifik tentang respon dan koping ibu dengan IUFD tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan desain penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan grounded theory.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan suatu konsep tentang respon dan pola koping ibu dengan IUFD. Jumlah partisipan yang berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini sampai dengan terjadi saturasi data sebanyak 7 orang. Prosedur sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Prosedur pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara dan observasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan langkah - langkah analisis Hutchinson (2001 dalam Streubert & Carpenter, 2003).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tiga bentuk respon ditunjukkan oleh ibu dalam menjalani proses berduka yaitu menolak untuk menerima kehilangan, tawar menawar dan kesedihan yang mendalam. Ibu melakukan berbagai upaya dalam bentuk koping yang adaptif dan maladaptif. Ibu dengan IUFD dalam berespon dan membentuk koping terhadap peristiwa kehilangan dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal dan eksternal. Rekomendasi untuk pelayanan keperawatan agar menjadikan hasil penelitian sebagai pedoman dan strategi dalam memberikan asuhan keperawatan khususnya dukungan kepada ibu dengan IUFD. Rekomendasi juga ditujukan pada penelitian selanjutnya agar menggunakan partisipan yang lebih banyak.

Intra Uterine Fetal Death (IUFD) is loss of fetus that consider as a grieving loss event of the mother. Prolonged reactions following a fetal loss or gradually increase in intensity overtime are labeled as pathological grief process and it can potentially have a negative impact on physical and mental health on mother. This research is using a qualitative research design with grounded theory method.
The aim of this research is to develop a concept of mother’s response and coping mechanism with IUFD. Mothers who involved to this research until saturated data processes and participating as participant are 7 people. Sampling procedure utilized is purposive sampling. Collecting data procedures using in-depth interview techniques and observationall. Data analyzing using the Hutchinson (2001) cited in Streubert & Carpenter, 2003).
Research result shown that the grief responses of mothers with IUFD consist of the three levels, those are denial, bargaining and circumstantial sadness. Some of them used an adaptive coping mechanism while another group used a maladaptive coping mechanism. Internal and external factors influence the response and coping mechanism that they used. Research recommended to nursing professionals to used this result as a guidance and strategy in giving support in nursing care to mothers with IUFD, further research with more participants are also recommended.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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