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Alvin Lorenza
"Mal adalah tempat untuk berbelanja yang terdiri dari unit-unit toko yang mengapit dan menghadap ke sebuah koridor sirkulasi, dan diujung koridor tersebut terdapat toko besar yang disebut anchor. Mal juga berfungsi sebagai ruang publik karena memberikan tempat bagi orang untuk bersosialisasi dan berkumpul bersama orang lain, dalam lingkungan yang terkendali. Seperti bangunan-bangunan pada umumnya, mal juga mengalami proses penuaan yang mewajibkan pemilik untuk melakukan renovasi dan refurbishment, untuk menjaga mereka selalu terlihat baru dan menarik untuk dikunjungi. Karena persaingan yang ketat yang terjadi antara mal di kota, mal diharuskan untuk tetap beroperasi selama proses renovasi. Jika ditutup, yang ditakutkan adalah pengunjung akan menuju ke mal kompetitor dan merasa nyaman disana. Situasi ini dapat dihindari apabila tindakan renovasi dan refurbishment diantisipasi dalam proses desain awal suatu mal.

Mall is a place to shop, where shops are facing a single circulation area and at the ends of the circulation area stand a great store called anchor. Mall also functions as a public space, since it provides places for people to socialize and be with other people, in a controlled environment. As all buildings in general, mall is also experiencing the process of aging that necessitates the owner to refurbish and renovate them, to keep them always new and exciting to visit. Due to fierce competition between malls in a city, in order to maintain its customers, the mall is required to remain open during the renovation process. If it closes, it may loses the customers because they will be moving to the competitors and feel comfortable there. This situation can be avoided if in the design process, renovations and refurbishment are anticipated in the design of the mall.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Smith, Peter F.
Amsterdam: Architectural Press, 2004
720.472 SMI e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diani Putri Pracasya
"Penulisan Hukum ini membahas mengenai ketentuan unsur kebaruan dalam hak kekayaan intelektual atas desain industri baik yang diberlakukan di Indonesia, Inggris, dan juga Jepang, dimana pembahasan lebih terfokuskan pada pembahasan pengungkapan yang dikaitkan dengan tindakan uji pasar atas suatu desain industri yang dilakukan oleh pendesain yang bersangkutan. Tindakan uji pasar acapkali dilakukan oleh pendesain yang bersangkutan atas desain industri yang telah dihasilkan, maka Penulis mengkaji dan menganalisa pengaturan hukum atas tindakan uji pasar atas suatu desain industri yang dilakukan oleh pendesain yang bersangkutan dengan mengacu dan membandingkan ketentuan unsur kebaruan desain industri di Indonesia, Inggris, dan Jepang. Penulisan Hukum ini bersifat yuridis normatif, dimana Penulis melakukan penelitian kepustakaan, yaitu penilitian terhadap data sekunder, dimana data sekunder tersebut memiliki relevansi dengan permasalahan dan pembahasan pokok dalam Penulisan Hukum ini agar Penulis mampu membuat suatu kajian dengan menganalisis data sekunder tersebut. Penelitian yuridis normatif dalam Penulisan Hukum ini merupakan penelitian yang difokuskan untuk mengkaji penerapan kaidah-kaidah dan/atau norma-norma dalam hukum positif.

This Legal Research discusses about the novelty provisions of intellectual property rights for industrial designs which enforced in Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and also Japan, the discussion is focused on the disclosures which carried out by market tests of industrial designs conducted by the designer itself. Market test actions are usually conducted by the designer on industrial designs which have been produced, thus the Author the discuss and analyzes the legal provisions of market test actions on an industrial design which conducted by the designer by referring and comparing the provisions of the novelty of industrial design in Indonesia, the United Kingdom, and Japan. This Legal Research is normative juridical, where the Author conducts library research, namely research on secondary data, the secondary data has relevance to the main issues and discussion while compiling this Legal Research, thus the Author is able to make a document by analyzing the secondary data. Normative juridical research is focused on examining the practices of the rules and/or norms of the positive law."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Naiborhu, Melissa B.V.
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variabel Citra Mal terhadap variabel mall attitude, mall patronage dan word of mouth communication. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kuantitatif melalui survei responden untuk pengumpulan data. Responden pada penelitian ini merupakan pengunjung Mal Kelapa Gading. Pengumpulan data dianalisis dengan menggunakan structural equation model dengan perangkat lunak LISREL 8.5.
Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa citra mal berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap mall attitude, mall patronage dan word of mouth communication. Penelitian ini membuktikan citra mal memengaruhi positif signifikan terhadap mall attitude sebesar 94%, mall patronage sebesar 41% dan word of mouth communication sebesar 81%.

This study aimed to investigate the impact of mall image to mall attitude, mall patronage and word of mouth communication. The respondents were Mal Kelapa Gading shopper. The type of research used was the quantitative study and the data collected by survey. Data analysis method used were structural equation modelling with LISREL 8.5 software. The result of this research indicated that there were impacts of mall image measure significantly predict three endogenous variables.
Mall image has a significantly positive influence on mall attitude, mall patronage and word of mouth communication. Taken together, these results suggest that mall image is an important predictor of mall attitude explaining at average about 94%, mall patronage about 41% and word of mouth communication about 81%. This research was expected for retail companies to fully understand the importance of mall image in competitive positioning and the components of store image.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yasin Muhtadi Busyro
Dengan perubahan pola konsumsi dari masyarakat Indonesia yang mendorong konsumen lebih familiar dengan pembelanjaan secara online, salah satu dampak dari perubahan tersebut adalah pengurangan kunjungan pada mal dan pengurangan pembelian pada retailer yang berada di dalam mal. Pengelola mal dan retailer perlu mengetahui faktor faktor yang dianggap berpengaruh terhadap komitmen konsumen terhadap mal mulai dari culture, price perception, dan retail promotion. Metode purposive sampling dalam penelitian ini digunakan dengan menggunakan sample sebanyak 490 responden dengan menggunakan permodelan Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa faktor culture dan price perception dimediasi oleh retail promotion diketahui mempengaruhi tingkat komitmen konsumen terhadap mal.

With changes in consumption patterns from Indonesian society that encourage consumers to be more familiar with online spending, one of the effects of these changes is the reduction in visits to the mall and the reduction in purchases of retailers who are in the mall. Mall managers and retailers need to know the factors that are considered influential on consumer commitment to the mall ranging from culture, price perception, and retail promotion. The purposive sampling method in this study was used by using a sample of 490 respondents using the Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS SEM). The results of this study indicate that culture and price perception factors mediated by retail promotion are known to influence the level of consumer commitment to the mall."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mayang Wulandari Naro Putri
"Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia memunyai garis pantai terpanjang kedua setelah Kanada. Karena terletak di daerah tropis, diapit oleh dua benua (Asia dan Australia) dan dua samudera (Hindia dan Pasifik) menjadikan pantai di Indonesia sangat strategis. Dengan jumlah 13.466 pulau yang ada di Indonesia, banyak diantaranya yang belum terkelola dengan baik terutama pulau kecil. Kondisi ini menjadikan sektor pariwisata pesisir pulau kecil menjadi potensi yang layak untuk dikembangkan di masa mendatang. Pulau Ayer adalah salah satu pulau wisata di kawasan Kepulauan Seribu yang memunyai daya tarik berupa bangunan cottage dengan gaya arsitektur yang unik. Hanya saja dalam perkembangannya, wisata pesisir pulau kecil ini menemui ancaman perubahan iklim yang tidak dapat menunggu. Untuk itu, Arsitek pun dituntut untuk lebih kreatif merancang model bangunan yang sesuai dalam mengantisipasi perubahan iklim.

Indonesia as the largest archipelagic country in the world has the second longest coastline after Canada. Being situated in the tropics, flanked by two continents (Asia and Australia) and two oceans (Indian and Pacific) made beach condition in Indonesia is very strategic. With a number of 13.446 islands in Indonesia, many of them are not well managed, especially small island. That was made a small island coastal tourism sector into a viable potential to be developed in the future. Ayer Island is one of the islands in the Thousand Islands region that has the appeal of cottage building with a unique architectural style. However, the development of small coastal island tourism meets the threat of climate change that can’t wait. To that end, Architect was required to be more creative designing appropriate building models in anticipation of climate change."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Windi Roswidiyastuti
"Sebuah proyek agar mudah dikendalikan harus diuraikan dalam bentuk komponen-komponen individual dalam struktur hirarki, yang dikenal dengan Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). Pada dasarnya WBS merupakan suatu daftar yang bersifat top down dan secara hirarkis menerangkan komponen-komponen yang harus dibangun dan pekerjaan yang berkaitan dengannya. Struktur dalam WBS mendefinisikan tugas-tugas yang dapat diselesaikan secara terpisah dari tugas-tugas lain, memudahkan alokasi sumber daya, penyerahan tanggung jawab, pengukuran dan pengendalian proyek. Pembagian tugas menjadi subtugas yang lebih kecil tersebut dengan harapan menjadi lebih mudah untuk dikerjakan dan diestimasi lama waktunya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor dari kriteria WBS dan mengetahui besarnya rangking/ peringkat terhadap pengendalian proyek serta mendapatkan rekomendasi action plan yang dilakukan dari faktor kriteria WBS yang dominan berdasarkan kepada acuan standar Project Management Institute (PMI) Practice Standar for Work Breakdown Structure tahun 2001 dan berkolaborasi dengan A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK_ Guide) - Fourth Edition tahun 2008.
Metode penelitian ini dilakukan adalah metode studi kasus pada Proyek Pekerjaan Lanjutan Perluasan dan Renovasi Gedung dan Pembangunan Gedung Parkir Roda 2 Tahap II Badan Pusat Statistik, Jakarta dengan menggunakan kuisioner dan wawancara terhadap pakar. Data hasil kuisioner akan dianalisa dengan Pendekatan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) ialah suatu metode analisis untuk mencari faktor-faktor kriteria WBS yang berpengaruh terhadap pengendalian proyek dengan memberikan rangking/ peringkat dari hasil survey proyek.
Hasil penelitian ini adalah ada dua puluh faktor dari kriteria WBS yang dominan terhadap pengendalian proyek yang terdiri dari 4 variabel konsep yang berindikator deliverables dan manajemen; 1 variabel kegunaan WBS yang berindikator input utama; dan 15 variabel panduan pembuatan WBS yang berindikator pada resiko dan WBS, Perencanaan, sumberdaya, manajemen dan WBS, perincian level, Faktor-faktor yang dipertimbangkan, dan pertimbangan dalam mengukur WBS. Dari hasil temuan tersebut perlu menentukan action plan untuk mengendalikan proyek sehingga menjadi efektif yaitu seluruh pekerjaan WBS pada penyusunan dokumen kontrak harus mudah dikendalikan, dimonitor serta deliverables terukur.

A project is made manageable by first breaking it down into individual components in a hierarchical sructure, known as the work breakdown structure (WBS). Basically WBS constitutes a list that gets character top down and hierarchicaling to enlighten component who shall be built and work that gets bearing with it. Such a structure defines task that can be completed independently of other task, facilitating resource allocation, assigment of responsibilities, and measurement and control of the project. Different levels as task, sub-task, and work package becomes easier to be worked and gets most estimation.
This research intent to identify factors of WBS criteria which influence control of project and knows of influence level to project control and then get recommendation of action plan one that is done from WBS criteria factor that dominant bases from standard Project Management Institute (PMI) Practice Standar for Work Breakdown Structure 2001 and collaboration with A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK_ Guide) - Fourth Edition 2008. Approach of research that used is case study method project of Extensions Continuing Work and Building Renovation and Motorcycle Parking Building in Phase II at Badan Pusat Statistik, Jakarta by use of questioner and interviewing experts. Questioner's result data this will be analysed by used of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The method is used to find out WBS criteria's factor that influenced to project control by giving ranks/ level from project survey result.
This observational result is available twenty factors of dominant WBS criterion to project control that consisting of 4 concept variable that gets deliverables and management indicators; 1 using a WBS variable that gets primary input indicator; and 15 creates WBS variable that gets project risk and the WBS, resource planning, management and the WBS, WBS level of detail, factors to be considered, and WBS measurement considerations.Of that finding result needs to determine action plan for control of project as effective which is exhaustive WBS'S work in document contracts to easy have controlled, monitored and deliverables to be measured.
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rajab Ali Mehraban
A successful project requires a convenient cost estimation. The fragmentary of a construction project starts with an imperfect cost analyze and estimation. This paper is discussing about the analyze of cost estimation with different methods, the study is conducted by two different cost estimation coefficient which is SNI Indonesian standard MPW Ministry of Public Work 2016, price journal DKI Jakarta 2017 and private contractor perspective Expert Judgment . The work of raft foundation is a construction project with repetitive work activities. In this research, there were two analyses, namely comparison the cost analysis Identifying aspects, which makes different in cost analyzing result. This writing will compare the analysis of construction costs for raft foundation that done in the field with the value of the contract, so in this paper we will see the difference of cost estimation based on Indonesia standard MPW 2016, price journal of DKI 2017 and expert judgment with contractor.X who complete this project. The analysis done in this research is to study the use of coefficient value or index and unit price and wage on a materials, tools and workers in cost analysis at raft foundation job. The method used is a case study conducted at the Pesona City Mall Project. The data collection done by collecting the documents, materials and labor, then analyzing the data. The analysis done by comparing the contract value on raft foundation job with the result of project cost analysis using MPW 2016, Journal DKI Jakarta price list and expert judgment. So that obtained comparison of Analysis of Construction Cost between contractors values with project cost based on MPW 2016, Journal 2017 DKI Jakarta and expert judgment to identify the method and aspects, which affect cost estimation. In result the cost estimation based on Expert judgment have lower price than MPW 2016 coefficient and Jakarta price list 2017, but still it is higher than contractor.X price.
AbstractA successful project requires a convenient cost estimation. The fragmentary of a construction project starts with an imperfect cost analyze and estimation. This paper is discussing about the analyze of cost estimation with different methods, the study is conducted by two different cost estimation coefficient which is SNI Indonesian standard MPW Ministry of Public Work 2016, price journal DKI Jakarta 2017 and private contractor perspective Expert Judgment . The work of raft foundation is a construction project with repetitive work activities. In this research, there were two analyses, namely comparison the cost analysis Identifying aspects, which makes different in cost analyzing result. This writing will compare the analysis of construction costs for raft foundation that done in the field with the value of the contract, so in this paper we will see the difference of cost estimation based on Indonesia standard MPW 2016, price journal of DKI 2017 and expert judgment with contractor.X who complete this project. The analysis done in this research is to study the use of coefficient value or index and unit price and wage on a materials, tools and workers in cost analysis at raft foundation job. The method used is a case study conducted at the Pesona City Mall Project. The data collection done by collecting the documents, materials and labor, then analyzing the data. The analysis done by comparing the contract value on raft foundation job with the result of project cost analysis using MPW 2016, Journal DKI Jakarta price list and expert judgment. So that obtained comparison of Analysis of Construction Cost between contractors values with project cost based on MPW 2016, Journal 2017 DKI Jakarta and expert judgment to identify the method and aspects, which affect cost estimation. In result the cost estimation based on Expert judgment have lower price than MPW 2016 coefficient and Jakarta price list 2017, but still it is higher than contractor.X price. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shabrina Naila Amanda

Pembangunan mal seringkali mengubah fungsi lahan ruang terbuka dan menciptakan persepsi persaingan. Diperlukan integrasi untuk mengubah persepsi, sehingga mal dan ruang terbuka dapat saling melengkapi, meningkatkan nilai, dan keberlanjutan keduanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis persepsi pengunjung terhadap keberadaan ruang terbuka di mal-mal Kota Jakarta dan keterkaitan persepsi dengan pola kunjungan ruang terbuka di malmal Kota Jakarta (Studi Kasus: Mal Senayan Park, Mal Central Park dan AEON Mal Jakarta Garden City. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Variabel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah karakteristik lokasi ruang terbuka dan karakteristik pengunjung ruang terbuka. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui survei lapangan, wawancara dan studi pustaka. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan membuat peta sebaran titik lokasi ruang terbuka, sketsa fasilitas dari masing-masing ruang terbuka di mal, dan sketsa pola kunjungan ruang terbuka di mal. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis deskriptif dan spasial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan konsep dan profil pengunjung di ketiga ruang terbuka mal. Pengunjung “Urban Park” dan “Green Park” cenderung menggunakan ruang terbuka sebagai tempat interaksi sosial dan relaksasi. Sedangkan pengunjung “Family Friendly” menggunakan ruang terbuka sebagai tempat edukasi. Pengunjung yang berada di ruang terbuka dengan konsep “Urban Park” dan “Green Park” mempunyai kesamaan pada pola kunjungan yang hanya singgah ke ruang terbuka saja, sedangkan ruang terbuka “Family Friendly” menunjukkan adanya kunjungan ke mal untuk beraktivitas selain ke area ruang terbuka. Perbedaan pola kunjungan tersebut menunjukkan adanya perbedaan integrasi keruangan antara mal dan ruang terbuka.

Mall construction often changes the function of open space and creates a perception of competition. Integration is needed to change perceptions, so that malls and open spaces can complement each other, increasing the value and sustainability of both. This research aims to analyze visitors' perceptions of the existence of open space in Jakarta City malls and the relationship between perceptions and open space visit patterns in Jakarta City malls (Case Study: Senayan Park Mall, Central Park Mall and AEON Jakarta Garden City Mall. Research This method uses qualitative methods. The variables used in this research are the characteristics of open space locations and the characteristics of open space visitors. Data collection was carried out through field surveys, interviews and literature studies. Data processing was carried out by making a map of the distribution of open space location points, sketches of facilities for each -each open space in the mall, and a sketch of the visiting patterns of open spaces in the mall. Data analysis techniques were carried out using descriptive and spatial analysis. The results of the research show that there are differences in the concept and profile of visitors in the three open spaces in the mall. Visitors to "Urban Park" and "Green Park” tend to use open spaces as places for social interaction and relaxation. Meanwhile, "Family Friendly" visitors use the open space as a place for education. Visitors who are in open spaces with the "Urban Park" and "Green Park" concepts have similarities in the pattern of visits which only stop at open spaces, while "Family Friendly" open spaces indicate visits to the mall for activities other than the open space area. These differences in visit patterns indicate differences in spatial integration between malls and open spaces.

Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cut Maulidia Rahmatia Meudi
Elemen desain dan visual, sebagai stimulan, memegang peran penting dalam memengaruhi perilaku membeli konsumen. Namun, bukan hanya area ritel fesyen keseluruhan yang dapat bertindak sebagai penunjang aktivitas berbelanja, area kasir juga memegang peranan penting dalam menstimulasi perilaku membeli. Di dalam skripsi ini guna untuk mengetahui hubungan antara elemen desain visual, perilaku konsumen dan indera konsumen dalam kegiatan membeli di area kasir The Goods Dept Lippo Kemang Mall. Elemen desain dan visual yang berpengaruh dalam menstimulasi konsumen adalah visual merchandise, display, warna dan pencahayaan yang terbentuk dalam zonasi ruang ritel yang diaplikasikan ke area kasir untuk memunculkan persepsi dan kesan visual yang akan memberikan respons ke indera lainnya.

Design and visual elements, as stimulants, play an important role in influencing consumer buying activities. However, not just the whole fashion retail area that can act as a supporter of shopping activities, the cashier area also plays an important role in stimulating consumer buying activities. In order to acknowledge the consumer senses in buying activities in the cashier area of The Goods Dept Lippo Kemang Mall. The influence of visual and design elements in stimulating consumers are the visual merchandise, display, colors, and lighting formed in the zoning of retail space applied to the cashier area to elicit perceptions and visual impressions that will respond to other senses."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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