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Ditemukan 124444 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the essential oil of Kaempheria galangal as an anti-inflammatory agent, by evaluating its effect on interleukin 1B (IL-1B ???), produced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) E. coli stimulated macrophages. Macrophage cells were stimulated with LPS E. coli and essential oil of Kaempheria galangal at concentrations of 3 ul/ml, 1.5 ul/ml, 0.75 ul/ml and 0.25 ul/ml. All of the treatment groups were incubated at 37°C in an atmosphere containing 5% CO2 for 24 hours. The concentrations of IL-1B supernatant were determined by using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit. Statistical analysis using ANOVA showed significant differences between the treatment groups (p<0.05). This study indicates that the essential oil of Kaempheria galangal suppressed IL-1B produced by LPS E. coli stimulated macrophage cells."
[Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, Journal of Dentistry Indonesia], 2007
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Regina TC. Tandelilin
Based on the content of the galangal's essential oil which can be used as antimicroorganism, analgesic, and antiseptic characterized with inhibiting and destructing microorganism life process, it is predicted that there is a possibility of essential oil can be used for anti-inflammatory agent. Nitric-oxide (NO) is an unstable gas produced by cell such as macrophage and has the function as antimicroorganism. The aim of this study was to investigate whether essential oil of galangal components has an effect to the macrophage NO production, which stimulated by LPS E. coli.
The both curative and preventive analysis using ANOVA showed that the NO productions differences were significant (p< 0,01). This study showed that the NO levels produced by murine macrophages induced by LPS E. coli were suppressed by essential oil in a dose dependent fashion, suggesting anti-inflammatory activities. Curatively, increased doses of the essential oil resulted in increased its anti-inflammatory functions. Five micro liter of the essential oil was preventively the most concentration as anti inflammation."
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Guenther, Ernest, 1895-
Jakarta: UI-Press, 1987
661.806 GUE m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adang Rusdaya
"Minyak atsiri merupakan minyak yang diekstrak dari tanaman yang memiliki banyak kegunaan, terutama dalam industri farmasi, kosmetik, dan aroma terapi untuk kesehatan. Untuk itu perlu dikembangkan alat penyuling minyak atsiri agar minyak atsiri lebih memasyarakat dan sumber daya alam dalam bidang perkebunan dapat lebih termanfaatkan.
Untuk tujuan tersebut di atas, maka dibuat alat penyuling minyak atsiri skala kecil/lab dengan menggunakan bahan yang lebih murah agar terjangkau oleh masyarakat yang ingin memproduksi sendiri minyak atsiri atau melakukan percobaan-percobaan dalam rangka pengembangan proses penyulingan minyak atsiri.
Dari hasil percobaan proses penyulingan menggunakan alat yang telah dibuat, dapat simpulkan bahwa kualitas dan kuantitas minyak tergantung dari kondisi bahan baku, kepadatan bahan baku, jenis material alat dan lamanya waktu penyulingan.
Bahan bakar briket lebih murah digunakan daripada minyak tanah, tetapi waktu penyulingan menjadi lebih lama. Alat penyuling skala kecil kurang ekonomis untuk keperluan produksi massal / bisnis, sehingga lebih tepat digunakan untuk percobaan-percobaan atau produksi sendiri dengan menggunakan berbagai jenis bahan baku.

Essential Oils are extracted from plants which very useful, especially in farmacy, cosmetics industries and aroma theraphy for health.
So, it is very important to develop essential oil distiller in order to make the essential oils more popular and get more benefits from our nature recources in botanical/plantations.
For those purposes, mini essential oil disstiller was made using cheaper material, so it can be reached by people who want to produce essential oils by themselves or to do experiments in order to develop essential oils distillation process.
From essential oil distillation experiments used this mini distiller, can be concluded that the quality and quantity of essential oil depend on raw plantation condition, it's density, kind of material which is used to make distiller and how long the distillation process is.
The use of coal briquet is more economical than kerosine, but it takes longer time to do distillation process. This mini essential oil distiller is not economical for mass production or business, so it is more appropriate for experiments or self production uses many kind of raw plantations.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Guenther, Ernest, 1895-
Jakarta: UI-Press, 1990
661.806 GUE m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Guenther, Ernest, 1895-
Jakarta: UI-Press, 1990
661.806 GUE et III A
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Guenther, Ernest, 1895-
Jakarta: UI-Press, 1990
661.806 GUE et IV A
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pinem, Widya Sandi
Tesis ini menganalisa pengaruh daya saing terhadap kinerja ekspor minyak atsiri Indonesia pada sepuluh negara tujuan ekspor. Metode yang digunakan adalah regresi data panel dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa daya saing mempengaruhi kinerja ekspor minyak atsiri Indonesia pada sepuluh negara tujuan utama secara positif. Berdasarkan perhitungan RCA Dinamis pada negara Amerika Serikat, India, Cina, Perancis, Belanda, Spanyol, Swiss, Inggris dan Jerman diketahui minyak atsiri Indonesia masuk dalam kategori Rising Star, artinya minyak atsiri Indonesia memiliki keunggulan daya saing pada negara-negara tersebut. Di Singapura, minyak atsiri Indonesia masuk dalam kategori Lagging Opportunity, artinya minyak atsiri Indonesia kehilangan peluang pasarnya

This thesis analyzes competitive effects of Indonesian essential oil exports performance in ten export destinations. By using regression panel data and interviews. The results showed that the competitiveness influence the Indonesian essential oil export performance in ten main destination countries. Based on RCA Dynamic calculations on the United States, India, China, France, the Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, the UK and Germany are known Indonesian essential oil in the category of Rising Star, which means the essential oil Indonesia has a competitive advantage in these countries. In Singapore, Indonesia essential oil into the category Lagging Opportunity, means the essential oil Indonesia lost market opportunities."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Teguh Baruji
Pestisida nabati berbasis minyak atsiri (essential oils) dapat dijadikan alternatif sebagai
protektan tanaman terhadap serangan hama. Senyawa eugenol dalam minyak atsiri cengkeh
menunjukkan beberapa aktivitas sebagai insektisida, anti jamur dan anti bakteri, namun
bersifat sensitif terhadap degradasi oleh cahaya, panas, oksigen dan masa simpan yang
pendek jika disimpan dalam kondisi tidak tepat. Enkapsulasi senyawa eugenol dirasa sangat
penting untuk melindungi senyawa yang sensitif dari degradasi, menutupi sifat yang tidak
diinginkan dari suatu senyawa, mengurangi kerugian akibat penguapan, mencegah terjadinya
ikatan atau interaksi dengan komponen matriks lainnya dan memfasilitasi pelepasan yang
terkontrol pada kondisi yang diiinginkan sehingga sesuai untuk dijadikan formula pestisida
nabati. Proses optimasi nano enkapsulasi minyak cengkeh menggunakan Response Surface
Methodology (RSM). Central Composite Design (CCD) digunakan untuk mempelajari
pengaruh konsentrasi cengkeh, buffer fosfat dan kalsium klorida terhadap loading capacity
dan efisiensi enkapsulasi produk nano-cengkeh. Persamaan kuadratik terhadap respon
loading capacity didapatkan Y= 60,46+ 7,06A + 6,81B - 0,088 C ?2,26AB + 1,75AC +
2,49BC ? 4,99A2 ? 2,39B2 -2,36C2 , dan terhadap respon efisiensi enkapsulasi Y= 57,65 -
20,67A ? 1,13B + 10,68 C ?5,32AB + 13,59AC + 0,65BC ? 1,00A2 + 11,85B2 -0,50C2.
Optimasi variabel bebas untuk mendapatkan kondisi optimal respon loading capacity dan
efisiensi enkapsulasi berturut-turut sebesar 64,67% dan 79,64% dengan volume cengkeh ,
fosfat dan kalsium masing-masing sebesar 9,82 ; 75 dan 18 ml. Diameter rata-rata
nanocengkeh terbaik yang didapatkan 179,83 nm. Dari uji sitotoksisitas dengan Brine Shrimp
Lethality Test (BSLT) didapatkan data LC50 minyak cengkeh tanpa enkapsulasi sebesar 7,35
ppm (konsentrasi eugenol 4,445 μg/ml) sedangkan sediaan nanocengkeh sebesar 11,50 ppm
(konsentrasi eugenol 0,264 μg/ml ) menunjukkan secara statistik efek enkapsulasi berbeda
sangat signifikan terhadap kematian larva Artemia salina Sp. dibandingkan tanpa enkapsulasi
dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%.

Essential oils based pesticides can be used as an alternative as crop protectant against pests.
Eugenol in clove essential oil showed some activity as insecticides, anti-fungal and antibacterial
but it is sensitive to degradation by light, heat, oxygen and short shelf life when
stored in improper conditions. Encapsulation of eugenol was considered very important to
protect sensitive compound from degradation, covering undesirable properties, reducing
losses due to evaporation, prevent bonding or interaction with other matrix components, and
facilitate the controlled release conditions, so meet the requirement of a plant based
pesticides. Optimization process of nano encapsulation of clove oil extract using Response
Surface Methodology (RSM). Central Composite Design (CCD) employed to study the effect
concentration of clove oil, phospat buffer and calcium chloride on the loading capacity and
encapsulation efficiency of nano-clove product. Quadratic equation of the loading capacity
response was obtained Y= 60,46+ 7,06A + 6,81B - 0,088 C ?2,26AB + 1,75AC + 2,49BC ?
4,99A2 ? 2,39B2 -2,36C2, dan encapsulation efficiency response was obtained Y= 57,65 -
20,67A ? 1,13B + 10,68 C ?5,32AB + 13,59AC + 0,65BC ? 1,00A2 + 11,85B2 -0,50C2.
Optimization of independent variables to obtain optimum conditions loading capacity and
encapsulation efficiency response respectively for 64.67% and 79.64% by volume clove oil,
phospat buffer and calcium chloride respectively 9.82; 75 and 18 ml. The average diameter
of the obtained nano-clove was 179.83 nm. The cytotoxicity assay using Brine Shrimp
Lethality Test (BSLT) LC50 data obtained, clove oil without encapsulation was 7.35 ppm
(eugenol concentration 4.445 μg/ml), while preparations nano-clove was 11.50 ppm (eugenol
concentration 0.264 μg/ml) showed that a statistically encapsulation effects different very
significantly on mortality of larvae Artemia salina Sp. compared without encapsulation with a
confidence level of 95%., Essential oils based pesticides can be used as an alternative as crop protectant against pests.
Eugenol in clove essential oil showed some activity as insecticides, anti-fungal and antibacterial
but it is sensitive to degradation by light, heat, oxygen and short shelf life when
stored in improper conditions. Encapsulation of eugenol was considered very important to
protect sensitive compound from degradation, covering undesirable properties, reducing
losses due to evaporation, prevent bonding or interaction with other matrix components, and
facilitate the controlled release conditions, so meet the requirement of a plant based
pesticides. Optimization process of nano encapsulation of clove oil extract using Response
Surface Methodology (RSM). Central Composite Design (CCD) employed to study the effect
concentration of clove oil, phospat buffer and calcium chloride on the loading capacity and
encapsulation efficiency of nano-clove product. Quadratic equation of the loading capacity
response was obtained Y= 60,46+ 7,06A + 6,81B - 0,088 C –2,26AB + 1,75AC + 2,49BC –
4,99A2 – 2,39B2 -2,36C2, dan encapsulation efficiency response was obtained Y= 57,65 -
20,67A – 1,13B + 10,68 C –5,32AB + 13,59AC + 0,65BC – 1,00A2 + 11,85B2 -0,50C2.
Optimization of independent variables to obtain optimum conditions loading capacity and
encapsulation efficiency response respectively for 64.67% and 79.64% by volume clove oil,
phospat buffer and calcium chloride respectively 9.82; 75 and 18 ml. The average diameter
of the obtained nano-clove was 179.83 nm. The cytotoxicity assay using Brine Shrimp
Lethality Test (BSLT) LC50 data obtained, clove oil without encapsulation was 7.35 ppm
(eugenol concentration 4.445 μg/ml), while preparations nano-clove was 11.50 ppm (eugenol
concentration 0.264 μg/ml) showed that a statistically encapsulation effects different very
significantly on mortality of larvae Artemia salina Sp. compared without encapsulation with a
confidence level of 95%.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fauzan Nurdinsyah
"Pada penelitian tentang alat penyuling minyak atsiri sebelumnya, telah dibuat alat penyuling minyak atsiri skala lab yang materialnya terbuat dari aluminium, dengan kapasitas 2 kg bahan baku nilam kering dan produktivitas rata-rata yang mampu mencapai rendemen 1,5 % dalam waktu penyulingan 4-5 jam. Berbekal dari alat yang sudah ada tersebut, maka dalam penelitian kali ini dilakukan pengembangan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kuantitas hasil rendemen, yaitu dengan memperlancar aliran uap pada tanki bahan dan memperlancar aliran kondensat pada kondenser. Untuk dapat mempelajari karakteristiknya, dilakukan juga pemasangan alat ukur termokopel dan pressure gauge pada beberapa bagian alat.
Berdasarkan penelitian terhadap alat penyuling minyak atsiri skala lab tersebut, maka dibuat rancangan perbaikan yang diantaranya meliputi penambahan luas area perpindahan kalor pada dasar ketel untuk mempercepat pemanasan air, membuat tingkatan dan jalur uap pada tanki bahan dengan sarangan, serta kondenser yang dibuat spiral persegi agar memudahkan proses pembuatan dan meminimalkan tempat.
Dari rancangan tersebut, kemudian dibuatlah prototipe alat penyuling minyak atsiri skala industri rumah tangga kapasitas 3 kg bahan baku nilam kering, Material yang digunakan merupakan kombinasi besi pada ketel kukus, tanki bahan dan tanki kondenser yang berasal dari drum berdiameter 35 cm, stainless steel 0.4 mm sebagai material pada tutup ketel, serta pipa stainless steel 5/8 - pada pipa uap dan pipa kondenser. Hasil dari prototipe yang dibuat tersebut menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi material pada alat relatif mengurangi biaya investasi alat, sedangkan penambahan luas perpindahan kalor pada dasar ketel kukus dan penambahan sarangan bertingkat pada tanki bahan mampu meningkatkan produktivitas.

"At previous research of essential oil distiller, have been made essential oil distiller at lab level which its material from aluminum. Its capacity is 2 kilogram of raw material, and the average productivity capable to reach 1,5 % rendemen in distillation during 4-5 clock. Based on the previous version of distiller, and then in this research has been conducted development which purpose is to increase the amount of rendemen, with smoothing the steam pipeline in the material tank and smoothing pipeline condensate in condenser. To learn its characteristic, thermocouple and pressure gauge installed at some part of appliance.
Depend on research of essential oil distiller, then repairing design made, including addition of heat transfer area at the of kettle base to quicken water heating, making level and steam track at material tank with tray, and made condenser with spiral shape in order to facilitate the process and minimize the places.
From that design, then be made prototype of essential oil distiller for home industry level of capacities 3 kg of raw material. Used to material represent iron combination at steam kettle, material tank and condenser tank coming from drum have diameter 35 cm, stainless steel 0.4 mm as material at cover, and also pipe of stainless steel 5/8" at steam pipe and the condenser pipe. Output from that prototype indicate that material combination, decrease cost investment, while wide addition of heat transfer area at kettle base and addition high rise tray at material tank, able to improve productivity.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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