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Ditemukan 175637 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"Realizing a basic human right's court is not as easy writing or speaking, but it needs a concrete policy that is the commitment of a country to implement basic human rights in the social and political life as the realization of respect to the humanity of human beings. Indonesia is one of the countries which has clear commitment toward the protection of basic human rights as stated in the Preambule of The 1945 Constitution. Such as a commitment has been followed up by a concrete policy in the form of AdHoc Basic Human Right;s Court by the enactment of No. 26/2000 Law which was enacted in May 2002. Considering that Indonesia has not yet ratified the Statuta of International Criminal Court it is hoped that Human Right's Court in Indonesia would be able and willing to bring various cases of heavy violations toward basic human right's occuring in Indonesia nowadays to trial independently and impartialy. In other words The Basic Human Right's Court in Indonesia could convince the world that Indonesian Government is willing and able to settle heavy violations toward Basic Human Rights that so far have occured in Indonesia based on the standard of International Law."
340 JEPX 24:1 (2004)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eddy Djunaedi Karnasudirdja
Jakarta: Tatanusa, 2003
343.014 3 EDD d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The Human Rights Court established in Indonesia is the first in its kind. Various opinion emerge regarding the exixtence of court. In one hand, Indonesia is considered against the international desire to bring the perpetrator to eliminate the assumption that Indonesia is unable and unwilling to bring the perpetrator who convicted breach gross violation on human rights. This article based on the writer personal explain the legal and non-legal difficult in the Indonesia HUman Rights Court."
HAM 2:2 (2004)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hiariej, Eddy O.S., 1973-
Jakarta: Erlagga, 2010
341.48 EDD p
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Suciati
Keberadaan Pengadilan HAM ad hoc di Indonesia menjadi sebuah harapan baru bagi para korban dan keluarganya yang tengah menanti keadilan atas kasus-kasus pelanggaran HAM berat yang terjadi di masa lalu. Akan tetapi, sejauh ini pengadilan ini dinilai kurang memberikan kepuasan atau bahkan gagal dalam memenuhi tututan keadilan. Di sisi lain, munculnya hybrid courts dalam tatanan hukum pidana internasional diharapkan mampu mengakhiri praktek impunitas dan menjadi alternatif baru ketika negara dianggap tidak mau atau tidak mampu unwilling or unable menyelesaikan kasus-kasus kejahatan internasional yang terjadi di wilayahnya. Skripsi ini membahas mengenai komparasi mekanisme pendirian pengadilan HAM ad hoc di Indonesia dan hybrid courts didirikan, yang mana sama-sama merupakan pengadilan ad hoc untuk kasus-kasus pelanggaran HAM masa lalu. Penelitian yang dilakukan dalam skripsi ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif, dengan sumber data sekunder berupa studi kepustakaan melalui buku-buku dan jurnal ilmiah, serta menggunakan sumber bahan hukum primer berupa peraturan perundang-undangan dan instrumen-instrumen hukum internasional. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa dalam proses pendirian Pengadilan HAM ad hoc di Indonesia, terdapat unsur campur tangan DPR sebagai lembaga politik yang banyak memunculkan perdebatan tentang kewenangan DPR yang seolah-olah turut menentukan ada atau tidaknya pelanggaran HAM dalam suatu kasus. Di sisi lain, hybrid courts memiliki model-model tertentu dalam pendiriannya yang tak lepas dari campur tangan organisasi internasional. Akan tetapi, bagaimanapun model maupun mekanisme dalam pembentukan suatu pengadilan untuk kasus-kasus pelanggaran HAM, diperlukanlah kehendak dan kerjasama dari negara yang bersangkutan. Bagi Indonesia pun, segala kekurangan dalam mekanisme pendirian Pengadilan HAM ad hoc tersebut bukanlah suatu penghalang dan seharusnya menjadi dorongan kuat bagi pembuat kebijakan untuk mengembangkan mekanisme dan memperbaiki loopholes dalam instrumen hukum yang telah ada, sehingga Indonesia mampu menjadi negara berdaulat yang dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan-permasalahan penegakan HAM dalam negerinya.

The existence of ad hoc human rights court in Indonesia granted a new expectation for the victims and the families who are still hoping for justice upon gross violation of human rights happened in the past. So far, the court is considered to give less satisfactory or even it is considered failed in fulfilling the demands of justice. On the other hand, hybrid courts emerged in the order of transitional justice with a high expectation to eradicate impunity and such a new alternative when a state is considered to be unwilling or unable to bring the perpetrator of international crimes to justice. This thesis analyzes the comparison on the establishment of an ad hoc human rights court in Indonesia and hybrid courts. The research conducted in this thesis is using a juridical normative approach with secondary data in the form of literature study books and journals , and primary legal materials in the form national regulations and international legal instruments. The results of the analysis showed that in the process of establishing an ad hoc Human Rights Court in Indonesia, there is an element of interference from the House of Representatives DPR as a political institution that raises the debate about the authority of the House of Representatives DPR which seems to contribute in determining whether or not human rights violations committed in a case. On the other hand, hybrid courts have certain models in its establishment that cannot be separated from the interference of international organizations. However, regardless of the model or mechanism in the establishment of a court for cases of human rights violations, the will and cooperation of the concerned state are extremely required. For Indonesia, any shortcomings in the mechanism of the establishment of the ad hoc Human Rights Court shall not be a barrier and must be a strong impetus for decisions makers to develop mechanisms and fix the loopholes in the existing legal instruments, thus Indonesia can become a sovereign state that can solve its own enforcement human rights issues."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Keberadaan pasal-pasal tentang HAM dalam UUD 1945 membuktikan bahwa indonesia adalah negara hukum yang berkomitmen mengakui dan menghormati HAM. Dalam rangka memberikan perlindungan dan jaminan hak asasi manusia, UUD 1945 memberikan kewenangan uji materil kepada Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK). Beberapa putusan MK dapat dijadikan bukti untuk menilai bahwa uji materil yang dilakukan MK adalah untuk melindungi dan memajukan HAM. MK tidak saja bertindak sebagai lembaga pengawal konstitusi (guardian of the constitution), melainkan juga sebagai lembaga pengawal tegaknya HAM. Melalui kewenangan uji materil yang dimilikinya, MK tampil sebagai lembaga penegak hukum yang mengawal berjalannya kekuasaan negara agar tidak terjebak pada tindakan sewenang-wenang dan melanggar HAM"
JK 11 (1-4) 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This article discuss the concepts of gross human rights violation, individual resposibility in international crime, element of crime of human rights violation, the concept of command responsibility and the settlement mechanism of human rights violation. The writer ask us to take lesson learn form the experiences of Timor Timur and Tanjung Priok trial and "the stuck" in the investigataion process in Trisakti, semanggi I dan II and Mei cases in the hand of Attorney General. The realities show that so many weaknesses are needed to be handled immediately. For that reason, it is important to make amendement of UU No. 26/200 of Human Rights Court. The writer also discuses the hybrid tribunal in Cambodia, Timor Leste and Sierra Leone as an effort to give peference to the state to conduct its obligation and in other side also to guarantee that the court is conducted in mutual accord with international standard"
HAM 2:2 (2004)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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