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"Reformation movement at the end of the 20th century changed some rules of the 1945 constitution. That movement among others changed state organs having authorities to make law. At first president used to be a state organ of law maker with consent of Parliament (Article 5 paragraph 1 of the former 1945 constitution. By that change it was determined that Parliament is that state organ of law maker (Article 20 paragraph 1 of the new 1945 constitution). But in the laws determined, since after the change of the 1945 constitution up to now, it was stated by formulating that President is the organ of law maker. Dealing with that disharmony, this article tends to discuss about forms of law that should prevail at the era of the enforcement of the reformed 19445."
340 JEPX 26:1 (2006)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
""Konstitusi menjadi dasar negara karena itu konstitusi memuat visi dan tujuan bernegara serta juga mengemukakan prinsip dan aturan dasar yang mengatur tata kehidupan berbangsa, bernegara, dan bermasyarakan. Salah satu instrumen penting yang utama dalam sistem kekuasaan suatu negara adalah kekuasaan kehakiman, Kekuasaan dimaksud harus senantiasa dijaga kemandiriannya dan ditingkatkan akuntabilitasnya.
Ada 2 (dua) periode perubahan konsitusi dalam perspektif sejarah ketatanegaraan, yaitu: pertama, perubahan konstitusi pasca kemerdekaan; dan kedua, perubahan konstitusi di akhir periode Orde Baru dan/atau di awal periode Orde Reformasi. Ada sekitar 4 (empat) kali amandemen, yaitu pada tahun 1999 hingga tahun 2002. Rumusan pasal yang dikemukakan di dalam UUD tahun 1945 pasca amandemen menyatakan secara tegas “kekuasaan kehakiman merupakan kekuasaan yang merdeka untuk menyelenggarakan peradilan guna menegakkan hukum dan keadilan”.
Independensi harus ditegakkan sebagai satu sisi koin mata uang yang disertai akuntabilitas pada sisi lainnya. Hal itu dimaksudkan agar independensi yang disertai akuntabilitas dapat secara signifikan meminimalisasi suatu potensi yang menyebabkan terjadinya anarkisme dan tindakan koruptif.""
JLI 7:1 (2010)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"Political party has been an important instution in the democracy system.The role is to unify nation and to grow free and justice and brotherhood to form an united nation...."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pembahasan terhadap metode penemuan dan penciptaan hukum oleh Hakim dalam Spirit Reformasi adalah antara lain, Pertama bertujuan untuk mengetahui hakim dalam melaksanakan tugas yang berfungsi ganda
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Syamsuddin Haris
Jakarta: Erlangga, 1999
321.8 SYA r
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Tjuk Atmadi
Jakarta: Balai Pustaka, 2002
361.6 TJU r
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
"Konstruksi berbangsa dan bernegara Indonesia sejauh ini belum mencapai bentuknya yang ideal dan final. Dinamika politik dan amandemen konstitusi yang berlangsung sejak tumbangnya Orde Baru tahun 1998 memberikan warna tersebdiri bagi ketatanegaraan dan politik di negara ini ....."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"Berbagi langkah telah dan terus menerus dilakukan pemerintah untuk segera dapat meningkatkan kinerja birokrasi kita....."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"The bureaucratic reform agenda during the first year will be expanded to 8 in 2009, a term of SBY presidency has only given priority to limited number of departements and agencies, 1 in 2008, expanded to 3 and cover three areas; administrative efficiency , administrative structures and human resources management. As an incentive to futher reform, the government through the MInistry of Finance is rewarding agencies which can demontrate performance improvement with an additional performance budget, given to staff as performance bonuses. These reform initiatives are seen as the first of a three phase approach to bureaucratic reform with the second phase the 2010 - 14 presidential term and the last phase being completed by 2020-2024. The second phase of Indonesia's bureaucratic reform needs to go beyond the three areas and the limited approach. To build a professional, a-political and high performance Indonesia's civil service the reform initiatives should focus on the following areas : a)Develop position based human resource management system, b) creating an independent authority for Indonesia's civil service, c)Develop multi - category civil service, d) Lunch salary and pension reforms."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"Discussing on bureaucracy reform is the same thing that making effort how to realize restructuring and reposition of the existing system and the behavior of government bureaucracy in order to create goog governance. The reform of the system and beahavior of government bureaucracy must be taking in account tree main thing as following : first, the desire to implement, consistently, the democracy; second, the chance from single majority system to multi - party system and ;third, the paradigm's changing from government to governance. How to reform the existing system and the behavior of government bureaucracy based on those three main aspects above mentioned will be the content of this paper."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library