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Winatty Krisma
"Tingkat kebersihan gigi tiruan mempengaruhi terjadinya denture stomatitis pada mukosa pendukung gigi tiruan rahang atas. Akumulasi plak pada permukaan internal basis gigi tiruan lepas merupakan masalah umum yang dapat ditemukan pada pemakai gigi tiruan lepas. Kebersihan gigi tiruan yang kurang adekuat dapat meningkatkan kolonisasi Candida albicans dan dapat menyebabkan reaksi peradangan pada mukosa pendukung gigi tiruan yaitu denture stomatitis. Tujuan: Menganalisis pengaruh tingkat kebersihan gigi tiruan terhadap
terjadinya denture stomatitis pada mukosa pendukung gigi tiruan rahang atas (RA) pada pasien yang menerima perawatan gigi tiruan lepas di Poliklinik Gigi RS Moh. Hoesin (RSMH) Palembang serta untuk mengetahui bagaimana cara pasien dalam menjaga kebersihan gigi tiruan lepas. Metode: Subjek penelitian berjumlah sebanyak 30 orang. Tingkat kebersihan gigi tiruan diukur melalui pewarnaan plak pada permukaan internal basis gigi tiruan RA dengan menggunakan disclosing solution dan dinilai dengan menggunakan kriteria kebersihan gigi tiruan Budtz-Jorgensen. Pemeriksaan klinis dilakukan untuk melihat ada atau tidaknya denture stomatitis. Data mengenai cara pasien dalam menjaga kebersihan gigi tiruan lepas didapat dari hasil wawancara. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji alternatif Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Hasil: 40% subjek penelitian memiliki kebersihan gigi tiruan RA yang buruk. Denture stomatitis ditemukan di mukosa pendukung gigi tiruan RA pada 43,3% subjek penelitian. Hasil uji alternatif Kolmogorov-Smirnov menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kebersihan gigi tiruan berpengaruh secara bermakna terhadap terjadinya denture stomatitis di mukosa pendukung gigi tiruan rahang atas (p<0,05). Simpulan: Tingkat kebersihan gigi tiruan mempengaruhi terjadinya denture stomatitis di mukosa pendukung gigi tiruan rahang atas pada pasien yang menerima perawatan gigi tiruan lepas.

Plaque accumulation on internal surface of denture is a common problem among removable denture wearers. Poor denture cleanliness can increase colonization of Candida albicans and cause inflammatory reaction of denture-bearing mucosa, i.e. denture stomatitis. Objective: To find out the effect of denture cleanliness level on denture stomatitis on maxillary denture-bearing mucosa in a group of removable denture wearers who received prosthodontic treatment at Poliklinik Gigi RSMH Palembang and to investigate the denture hygiene habits of removable denture wearers. Methods: Thirty subjects participated in this study. Denture cleanliness level was assessed with disclosing solution to disclose denture plaque on internal surface of maxillary denture. Cleanliness level was graded according to Budtz-Jorgensen. Intraoral examination was done to determine any visible signs of denture stomatitis. Data referring to denture hygiene habits of removable denture wearers was collected from interview using questionnaire. Data were analyzed using the Komolgorov-Smirnov test. Results: Result of the study showed that 40% subjects had poor upper denture cleanliness. Denture stomatitis was observed on maxillary denture-bearing mucosa in 43.3% subjects. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test showed that there was a significant effect of denture cleanliness level on denture stomatitis on maxillary denture-bearing mucosa (p<0.05). Conclusion: Denture cleanliness level influence the occurence of denture stomatitis on maxillary denture bearing-mucosa in a group of removable denture wearers who received prosthodontic treatment."
Universitas Sriwijaya, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Natasya Tarib
To investigate the effect of alkaline peroxide type denture cleanser agents on the microbial profle, namely Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, and Candida species, in maxillary complete dentures. Methods: A total of 20 patients with maxillary complete dentures were recruited. Three denture cleanser agents were selected (n = 5): Polident (P); Steradent (S); and Pearlie White (PW), with distilled water (DW) as control. Dentures were brushed before immersion with denture cleansers. Denture bioflm was collected from the palatal impression surface of the denture before and after immersion. The collected microorganisms were cultured and colony forming units (CFU) were counted. Results: Signifcant reduction in the numbers of Streptococcus an Staphylococcus was observed after immersion with all denture cleanser agents (p< 0.05). On the other hand, no denture cleanser was signifcantly effective against Candida species (p>0.05). Furthermore, S was more effective among other cleansers compared to DW (p< 0.05). Conclusion: Immersion of dentures in denture cleansers can reduce the amount of microorganisms on denture surfaces; thus, leading to effective denture hygiene. Steradent denture cleanser showed the highest percentage reduction of polymicrobial organisms."
Jakarta: Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2018
J-pdf 25:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Neill, D.J.
London; Boston: Wright, 1990
617.692 NEI c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Candidal leukoplakia pada pasien dengan gigi tiruan lepasan. Infeksi kandida merupakan masalah yang umum terjadi pada pasien dengan gigi tiruan lepasan, dengan bentuk tersering adalah denture stomatitis. Namun, bentuk lain dari infeksi candida juga dapat terjadi pada pasien dengan gigi tiruan lepasan, seperti halnya candidal leukoplakia. Kami melaporkan seorang pasien wanita berusia 61 tahun yang mengeluhkan adanya lesi yang sakit di bawah gigi tiruan rahang bawahnya. Pemeriksaan klinis menunjukkan adanya plak putih yang tidak dapat
diangkat di atas ulkus pada daerah lingual prosesus alveolaris di bawah plat gigi tiruan lepasan rahang bawah dan area eritematous pada palatum durum di balik plat gigi tiruan rahang atas. Pasien diduga mengalami candidal leukoplakia pada rahang bawah dan denture stomatitis pada palatum. Perawatan pasien meliputi suspensi oral
mengandung nistatin, larutan klorheksidin, multivitamin, disertai penggantian gigi tiruan dan pendidikan kesehatan mulut. Semua lesi membaik dalam terapi selama 2 bulan. Perawatan infeksi kandida pada pasien dengan gigi tiruan tidak hanya memerlukan terapi medikasi ataupun penggantian gigi tiruan, namun diperlukan juga kepatuhan
pasien untuk memperoleh hasil yang maksimal.

Candida infection is a common problem in patients using removable dentures, with the most frequent type is denture stomatitis. But other type of candidal infection could also happen in these patients, such as candidal leukoplakia. We reported a 61 years old female patient who complained a painful lesion under her lower removable denture. Oral examination revealed white plaque that could not be rubbed over an ulcer on the lingual part of alveolar processes under the lower removable denture plate, and also an erythematous area on palatum durum above the upper full denture. The patient was suspected to have candidal leukoplakia on the lingual part of the mandible and denture stomatitis on the palate area. The treatment consisted of nystatin oral suspension, chlorhexidine solution, multivitamins, along with denture replacement and oral health education. The entire lesion resolved within 2 months therapy. Candidal infection treatment on denture patient needs not only medication or denture replacement, but also patient compliance to achieve maximal result."
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Boy M. Bachtiar
Salah satu bentuk kandidiasis mulut adalah kandidiasis atropik kronik atau denture stomatitis yang terutama disebabkan oleh jamur Candida albicans dan dipicu oleh pemakaian protesea lepasan di dalam mulut. Secara teoritis, mekanisme sistem pertahanan tubuh primer berperan dalam mencegah kolonisasi C. albicans pada permukaan mukosa mulut. Mekanisme ini meliputi deskuamasi epitel mukosa mulut, sIgA yang mengagregasi sel jamur dari pembersihannya dari dalam mulut, serta berbagai protein saliva yang bersifat kandidasidal, seperti lisozim, histatin, dan laktoferin2. Selain itu, granulosit dan makrofak merupakan sel-sel imunokompeten yang berperan dalam mekanisme respon inflamasi dan sebagai sel efektor pada tahap respon imun adoptif.
Masih terdapat ketidaksesuaian pendapat tentang potensi serotipe C. albicans, yaitu serotipe A dan serotipe B, dalam patogenesis denture stomatitis_ Sebagain peneliti mengatakan bahwa sifat invasif C. albicans pada mukosa mulut berbeda menurut serotipe tersebut. Peneliti yang lain menyatakan bahwa induksi antibodi yang protektif terhadap C. albicans lebih ditentukan oleh distribusi epitop tertentu yang merupakan bagian dari lipomanan, molekul yang terdapat pada permukaan sel blastarporta. Namun demikian para ahli sepakat, bahwa sifat patoigen oportunis jamur ini berkorelasi dengan defek imun yang terjadi pada inang, baik defek imun secara umum, maupun defek imun yang terjadi secara lokal."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Latar Belakang: Perencanaan perawatan, proses fabrikasi, dan dukungan gigi tiruan yang adekuat akan menghasilkan retensi dan stabilitas yang baik. Penggunaan material tambahan berupa denture adhesive untuk meningkatkan retensi pada gigi tiruan lepasan harus sesuai dengan indikasi. Maraknya iklan komersial dapat berkontribusi terhadap persepsi sendiri pada pengguna gigi tiruan akan indikasi denture adhesive. Dokter gigi perlu mengetahui penggunaan denture adhesive secara tepat sehingga dapat memberi edukasi kepada masyarakat untuk menghindari dampak yang berkelanjutan. Guna mengidentifikasi pengetahuan, sikap, dan implementasi denture adhesive di kalangan dokter gigi dibutuhkan alat ukur yang valid dan reliabel yang belum ada dan belum pernah dilakukan di Indonesia. Tujuan: Memperoleh alat ukur yang valid dan reliabel untuk menilai pengetahuan, sikap, dan implementasi denture adhesive di kalangan mahasiswa profesi dan dokter gigi, serta melihat tingkat pengetahuan, sikap, dan implementasi denture adhesive pada mahasiswa profesi dan dokter gigi. Metode Penelitian: Pengembangan alat ukur dilakukan melalui dua tahap, yaitu formulasi kuesioner yang dilanjutkan dengan uji psikometri. Formulasi dilalui dari tahap studi literatur dan diskusi pakar untuk menggali item kuesioner yang selanjutnya diujicobakan melalui wawancara untuk mendapatkan kuesioner yang mudah dipahami responden. Uji psikometri untuk mengetahui uji validitas dan reliabilitas dengan total subjek penelitian 148 orang yang terdiri dari 73 mahasiswa profesi dan 73 dokter gigi. Analisis univariat dan bivariat dilakukan terhadap pengetahuan, sikap, dan implementasi pada setiap kelompok responden. Hasil Penelitian: Kuesioner yang dihasilkan memiliki tiga domain, berupa pengetahuan, sikap, dan implementasi dengan validitas alat ukur yang baik serta reliabilitas domain sikap dengan nilai koefisien Cronbach’s alpha 0,440 dan nilai ICC 0,743. Rerata pengetahuan dihasilkan nilai yang mendekati nilai maksimal menunjukkan pengetahuan yang baik mengenai material denture adhesive seperti sediaan, indikasi, kontraindikasi, keuntungan, serta kerugian. Mayoritas mahasiswa profesi dan dokter gigi telah menunjukkan rerata sikap yang positif dalam penggunaan denture adhesive yang sesuai. Terdapat perbedaan rerata implementasi denture adhesive antara mahasiswa profesi dan dokter gigi dengan mayoritas responden belum pernah mengaplikasikan denture adhesive pada praktik klinis kedokteran gigi. Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna secara statistik pengetahuan dan sikap mengenai denture adhesive antara mahasiswa profesi dan dokter gigi, serta adanya perbedaan bermakna secara statistik implementasi denture adhesive pada kedua kelompok tersebut. Kesimpulan: Validitas alat ukur pengetahuan, sikap, dan implementasi denture adhesive di kalangan dokter gigi sudah cukup baik, namun untuk reliabilitas perlu dilakukan pengembangan terutama pada domain sikap. Mayoritas responden telah mengetahui dan bersikap positif tehadap penggunaan denture adhesive. Mayoritas responden juga belum pernah mengaplikasikan denture adhesive. Pengalaman bekerja dalam merawat kasus gigi tiruan lepasan dapat menjadi salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi pengetahuan, sikap, dan implementasi dari penggunaan denture adhesive.

Background: Treatment planning, fabrication process, and adequate denture support will result in good retention and stability. The use of additional material in the form of denture adhesive to increase retention in removable dentures must be according to indications. The rise of commercial advertisements can contribute to denture users' self-perception of denture adhesive indications. Dentists need to know the proper use of denture adhesive so that they can educate the public to avoid lasting impacts. In order to identify knowledge, attitudes, and implementation of denture adhesive among dentists, a valid and reliable measurement tool is needed which does not yet exist and has never been done in Indonesia. Objectives: Obtain a valid and reliable measurement tool to assess knowledge, attitudes, and implementation of denture adhesive among dental students and dentists, and to see the level of knowledge, attitudes, and implementation of denture adhesive among dental students and dentists. Research Methods: The development of a measuring instrument was carried out in two stages, namely the formulation of a questionnaire followed by a psychometric test. The formulation was passed from the stage of literature study and expert discussion to explore the questionnaire items which were then tested through interviews to obtain a questionnaire that was easy for respondents to understand. Psychometric test to determine the validity and reliability test with a total of 148 research subjects consisting of 73 professional students and 73 dentists. Univariate and bivariate analyzes were carried out on knowledge, attitudes and implementation of each group of respondents. Research Results: The final questionnaire has three domains, consists of knowledge, attitudes, and implementation with a good validity, the reliability of the attitude domain with a Cronbach's alpha coefficient value of 0.440 and an ICC value of 0.743. The average knowledge resulted in a value close to the maximum value indicating good knowledge of denture adhesive materials such as preparations, indications, contraindications, advantages and disadvantages. The majority of dental students and dentists have shown an average positive attitude in using the appropriate denture adhesive. There is a difference in the average implementation of denture adhesive between dental students and dentists with the majority of respondents having never applied denture adhesive in dental clinical practice. There were no statistically significant differences in knowledge and attitudes regarding denture adhesives between professional students and dentists, and there were statistically significant differences in the implementation of denture adhesives in the two groups. Conclusion: The validity of the measuring instrument for knowledge, attitude, and implementation of denture adhesive among dentists is quite good, but for reliability it is necessary to develop especially in the attitude domain. The majority of respondents already know and have a positive attitude towards the use of denture adhesive. The majority of respondents also had never applied denture adhesive. Experience working in treating removable denture cases can be one of the factors that influence knowledge, attitudes, and implementation of the use of denture adhesive"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Candrika Kusuma Pujnadati
"Latar belakang : Tingginya prevalensi karies dan penyakit periodontal merupakan masalah kesehatan gigi dan mulut yang dapat menyebabkan kehilangan gigi. Kehilangan gigi dapat mengganggu keseimbangan sistem stomatognati dan menyebabkan perubahan struktural dan fungsional serta menyebabkan dampak negatif pada kualitas hidup. Untuk memperbaiki kondisi kehilangan gigi, klinisi dapat merekomendasikan perawatan prostodontik. Namun kebutuhan (need) terhadap perawatan prostodontik tidak selalu diikuti oleh permintaan (demand) gigi tiruan. Faktor lokal dan sosiodemografi dapat mempengaruhi proses perubahan kebutuhan (need) menjadi (permintaan) terhadap gigi tiruan.
Tujuan : Menganalisis hubungan antara kebutuhan dan permintaan gigi tiruan serta faktor-faktor yang berperan.
Metode : Subyek terdiri dari 129 orang dan diwawancarai oleh pewawancara yang telah dikalibrasi untuk menjawab pertanyaan kuesioner mengenai kebutuhan dan permintaan gigi tiruan. Kemudian dilakukan pemeriksaan rongga mulut untuk memeriksa kehilangan gigi dan penggunaan gigi tiruan. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah analitik potong lintang dan analisis uji Chi-square.
Hasil : Terdapat hubungan antara kebutuhan dan permintaan gigi tiruan (p<0,05). Biaya perawatan merupakan faktor yang berperan terhadap permintaan gigi tiruan.
Kesimpulan : Terdapat hubungan antara kebutuhan (need) dan permintaan (demand) gigi tiruan dan terdapat hubungan antara permintaan (demand) gigi tiruan dan biaya perawatan. Selain itu, terdapat ketidaksesuaian antara jumlah kebutuhan terhadap gigi tiruan dengan jumlah kehilangan gigi dan terdapat ketidaksesuaian antara jumlah permintaan gigi tiruan dengan jumlah pemakai gigi tiruan.

Background : High prevalence of caries and periodontal disease was main oral health problem causing tooth loss. Tooth loss could interfere stomatognatic system balance and causing structural and functional changes and also had negative effect to quality of life. Clinician could recommended prosthodontic treatments to treat condition of tooth loss. Prosthodontic treatment need does not always followed by denture demand. Local factor and sociodemography could affect prosthodontic treatment need-demand process.
Purpose : To analyze association between need and demand for denture also its confounding factors.
Method : Subjects of this research were 129 person. They were interviewed by callibrated interviewers to answer questionnaire about denture need and demand. After the interviewed, subjects tooth loss and use of denture were examined intraorally. This research design was cross sectional and analyzed with Chi-square test.
Result : There was association between need and demand for denture (p<0,05). Treatment cost found as influencing faktor of denture demand.
Conclusion : There was an association between need and demand for denture and there was association between demand for denture and treatment cost. Beside that, there was inconsistence between need of denture number and tooth loss amount was found, also inconsistence found between demand of denture and number of denture wearer.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reny Mawardini
Oral Health Literacy OHL adalah tingkat kemampuan seseorang untuk menerima, memproses, dan memahami informasi kesehatan gigi dan mulut dasar untuk menentukan tindakan perawatan kesehatan gigi yang tepat untuk dirinya. Tingginya skor OHL menunjukkan kemampuan individu menggunakan informasi kesehatan gigi dan mulut untuk menjaga status kesehatan gigi dan mulutnya termasuk untuk memilih perawatan akan kehilangan gigi. Namun, rehabilitasi kehilangan gigi dengan gigi tiruan di Indonesia masih sangat sedikit dilakukan. Saat ini belum ada penelitian tentang hubungan skor OHL dengan pemakaian gigi tiruan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis hubungan tingkat oral health literacy dengan pemakaian gigi tiruan, hubungan tingkat oral health literacy dengan pemakaian gigi tiruan berdasarkan status kehilangan gigi dan faktor sosiodemografi usia, jenis kelamin, tingkat pendidikan, pendapatan, dan pekerjaan . Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode potong lintang dan melibatkan 70 responden diatas 18 tahun di Kota Depok, Jawa Barat. Kedua tahap penelitian menggunakan kuesioner Health literacy in Dentistry HeLD-29 untuk menilai skor OHL serta pemeriksaan klinis untuk melihat pemakaian gigi tiruan dan menilai status kehilangan gigi berdasarkan jumlah kehilangan gigi. Rerata skor OHL dari responden adalah 2.86 0.66 dengan jumlah presentase pemakai gigi tiruan adalah 30 dari jumlah responden. Terdapat hubungan antara skor OHL dengan pemakaian gigi tiruan. Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan tingkat oral health literacy dengan pemakaian gigi tiruan.

Oral Health Literacy OHL is a degree of individual comptenece to gain, process, and understand basic oral health information and services needed to determine appropriate oral health care. High OHL score shows individu has good capability to use oral health information as a direction to maintain their oral health and decide the treatment, especially treatment of tooth loss replacement with denture. However, the number of denture usage as rehabilitation of tooth loss in Indonesia is still low. At this time, there is no study has been done to analyze the relationship between oral health literacy score with denture usage. The purpose of this study is to analyze the correlation between OHL score with denture usage. Cross sectional study was done in 70 respondents in Depok, Jawa Barat using Health Literacy in Dentistry HeLD 29 questionnaires to assess OHL score and clinical examination to check denture usage and classify tooth loss based on the amount of tooth loss. Total 70 respondent participated this research with OHL score 2.86 0.66 and denture usage percentage was 30 of total respondents. There were correlations between OHL score and denture usage p"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Good cooperation between patient and the dentist is needed in full denture fabrication. This case report presents problems that occurred when the dentist had to face a hysterical patient with uncontrolled tongue movement. The problems include patient's dentispsychological state that showed hesitant towards the dentist. In this case, the patient already had two pairs of full dentures when seeking for another one. The second problem was related to the uncontrolled tongue movement, which could decrease lower denture stability. The dentist had to be very patient in listening to patient's complaints and assure the patient to adjust with the new dentures."
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Indonesian Journal of Dentistry 2006; Edisi Khusus KPPIKG XIV: 243-248
The information about immediate denture treatment should be given clearly to the patient. The patient needs to understand about the treatment's aspects in order to give acceptance and agreement toward the treatment. This case represents 41 years old woman with protrusive upper and lower anterior teeth which makes the patient feel inconfident toward her performance. The immediate partial denture was prepared with interseptal alveolectomy on upper and lower jaws. The extraction procedure was planned toward 13, 12, 11, 21, 22, 23, and 32 ,31, 41, 42. The patient refused 13 and 23 extraction based on psychological consideration. The operator approached the patient by re-explaining the treatment procedure and its purposed and they came up with a solution that the extraction would be spritted in two phases. This compromies resulted in satisfying final treatment's result. Patient was satisfied by the dentures and her overall performance since the esthetic problem have been solved."
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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