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Tumalun, Victor Larry Eduard
"Latar Belakang: Insidensi dan prevalensi diabetes melitus tipe 2 (DMT2) terus meningkat. Penurunan imunitas yang terjadi pada DMT2 dapat meningkatkan risiko infeksi. Kontrol gula darah yang baik bermanfaat dalam pengendalian infeksi dan pencegahan komplikasi makro dan mikrovaskuler tetapi penelitian yang melibatkan pasien DMT2 usia lanjut masih belum konklusif. Serial kasus ini dilakukan untuk melihat efektivitas kontrol gula darah terhadap kesintasan pasien DMT2 yang dirawat di rumah sakit, dan untuk implementasi tatalaksana nutrisi sesuai kebutuhan dan kondisi klinis pasien.
Metode: Pasien pada serial kasus ini berusia antara 47 ? 65 tahun. Penyulit infeksi pada keempat pasien ini yaitu gangren diabetikum, selulitis, dan sepsis dengan infeksi paru dan infeksi saluran kemih. Tatalaksana nutrisi pasien dilakukan sesuai dengan rekomendasi American Diabetes Association dan Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes disesuaikan dengan kondisi klinis dan toleransi pasien. Perhitungan kebutuhan nutrisi menggunakan rekomendasi untuk perawatan pasien sakit kritis bagi pasien yang dirawat di intensive care unit (ICU), dan menggunakan perhitungan dengan formula Harris-Benedict bagi yang dirawat di ruangan dengan faktor stres sesuai derajat hipermetabolisme pasien. Pasien dipantau selama 7 ? 11 hari. Edukasi diberikan kepada pasien dan keluarga selama perawatan dan saat akan pulang.
Hasil: Dalam pemantauan, tiga pasien menunjukkan perbaikan klinis, toleransi asupan, dan laboratorium, dan dapat dipulangkan, sedangkan satu pasien meninggal dunia.
Kesimpulan: Kontrol gula darah, asupan nutrisi yang adekuat, dan edukasi yang sesuai, dapat meningkatkan kesintasan pasien DMT2 dengan penyulit infeksi yang dirawat di rumah sakit.

Background: The incidence and prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is increasing. Immune disfunction in T2DM patient may increase the risk of infection. The appropriate blood glucose control has a benefit in infection control and macro and microvascular complication prevention. The Studies of glycaemic control included older patients did not find convincing evidence. The aim of this case series is to assess the association between glycaemic control and clinical outcome of hospitalized T2DM patient with comorbid infection, and to provide appropriate nutrition therapy based on individual nutrition needs.
Method: Patients in this case series were between 47 - 65 years old. There of those patients were diagnosed T2DM with comorbid gangrenous diabeticum, cellulitis, and sepsis with lung infection and urinary tract infection. Two patients need intensive care in ICU, and another patients in the ward. Two patients received nutrition therapy as critically ill condition, and the rest as American Diabetic Association recommendation, with basal calorie requirement were calculated using Harris-Benedict formula and stress factor suitable for metabolic changes. Monitoring was done for 7 - 11 days. Education was done for the patient and family during hospitalization and discharge planning.
Results: Three patients showed the improvement of clinical conditions, intake tolerance, and laboratory results, whatever one patient was pass away.
Conclusion: Glycaemic control, adequate nutrition intake, and intensive education, may improve survival rate in hospitalized T2DM patient with infection as comorbid.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sanny Ngatidjan
"Kaki diabetik merupakan komplikasi pada diabetes melitus (DM) tipe 2 tersering yang menyebabkan pasien menjalankan perawatan di rumah sakit. Penyulit lain pada DM tipe 2 berkontribusi terhadap peningkatan morbiditas dan mortalitas pasien. Terapi medik gizi pada pasien DM tipe 2 dan kaki diabetik dengan berbagai penyulit berperan penting dalam kontrol glikemik, mencegah perburukan status gizi, serta perbaikan penyembuhan luka. Serial kasus ini melibatkan empat pasien DM tipe 2 dan kaki diabetik dengan berbagai penyulit yang diberikan terapi medik gizi berupa asupan energi, makronutrien, mikronutrien, nutrien spesifik, dan edukasi gaya hidup. Pasien dilakukan pemantauan selama 19 hari sesuai fase proliferasi penyembuhan luka. Satu pasien dengan ketoasidosis diabetikum, satu pasien dengan hipertensi, dan dua pasien dengan diabetic kidney disease. Kontrol glikemik keempat pasien tercapai pada akhir perawatan di rumah sakit dan tidak didapatkan penurunan berat badan yang bermakna selama masa pemantauan. Penyembuhan luka berupa luka mengering, edema berkurang, dan timbulnya jaringan granulasi didapatkan pada tiga diantara empat pasien. Satu pasien tidak didapatkan penyembuhan luka yang signifikan karena adanya stenosis multipel pembuluh darah arteri di tungkai kiri. Terapi medik gizi pada pasien DM tipe 2 dan kaki diabetik dengan berbagai penyulit berperan pada perbaikan kontrol glikemik, mencegah perburukan status gizi, dan penyembuhan luka.

The most common cause of complication and hospitalization in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients are those associated with diabetic foot (DF). Complication of T2DM contribute to increasing morbidity and mortality. Medical nutrition therapy in patients with T2DM and DF with various complication plays an important role in management of glycemic control, worsening nutritional status, and repair wound healing. This case series include four patients T2DM and DF with various complication that given nutritional medical therapy consisting of energy intake, macronutrients, micronutrients, spesific nutrient, and healthy lifestyle education. Patients was monitored for 19 days according to the proliferation phase of wound healing. One patient with diabetic ketoacidosis, one patient with hypertension, and two patients with diabetic kidney disease. All patients got glycemic control during hospitalization. No significant weight loss was observed during monitoring period. Wounds in three of the four patients appeared to heal with dry wound, reduced edema, and formation of granulation tissue. One patient found insignificant wound healing due to multiple arterial stenosis in the left leg. Medical nutrition therapy with type 2 diabetes and diabetic foot with various complications plays an important role in management of glycemic control, preventing worsening nutritional status, and repair wound healing.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Laurentius A. Pramono
Latar Belakang. Prevalensi disfungsi tiroid lebih tinggi pada pasien diabetes dibandingkan populasi
umum. Hipotiroidisme memperburuk komplikasi, morbiditas, mortalitas, dan kualitas hidup pasien
diabetes melitus tipe 2 (DM tipe 2). Faktor risiko hipotiroidisme pada pasien DM tipe 2 selama ini masih
kontradiktif dan belum dikaji secara lengkap. Keberadaan sistem skor hipotiroidisme pada pasien DM
tipe 2 diperlukan untuk membantu diagnosis dan menapis pasien DM tipe 2 yang memerlukan
pemeriksaan laboratorium fungsi tiroid sebagai baku emas diagnosis hipotiroidisme.
Tujuan. Mengetahui prevalensi dan determinan hipotiroidisme pada pasien DM tipe 2.
Metode. Penelitian dengan desain potong lintang dilakukan di Poliklinik Divisi Metabolik Endokrin
(Poliklinik Diabetes) RSCM pada Juli sampai September 2015 dengan metode sampling konsekutif.
Subjek menjalani anamnesis, pemeriksaan fisis, dan pemeriksaan laboratorium (TSH dan fT4). Analisis
data dilakukan dengan program statistik SPSS Statistics 17.0 untuk analisis univariat, bivariat,
multivariat, dan Receiving Characteristics Operator (ROC) dan SPSS Statistics 20.0 untuk analisis
bootstrapping pada Kalibrasi Hosmer-Lemeshow.
Hasil. Sebanyak 303 subjek dianalisis untuk mendapatkan proporsi disfungsi tiroid dan 299 subjek
dianalisis untuk mendapatkan determinan hipotiroidisme. Sebanyak 23 subjek (7,59%) terdiagnosis
hipotiroidisme, terdiri dari 43,5% subjek hipotiroid klinis dan 56,5% subjek hipotiroid subklinis
berdasarkan Indeks Zulewski dan/atau Indeks Billewicz, dengan 16,7% hipotiroid klinis dan 83,3%
hipotiroid subklinis berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan fT4. Determinan hipotiroidisme pada pasien DM
tipe 2 adalah riwayat penyakit tiroid di keluarga dengan OR sebesar 4,719 (95% Interval
Kepercayaan/IK 1,07-20,8, p = 0,04), keberadaan goiter dengan OR sebesar 20,679 (95% IK 3,49122,66, p = 0,001),
kontrol glikemik yang buruk dengan OR sebesar 3,460 (95%
IK 1,075-11,14, p = 0,037), dan adanya sindrom metabolik
OR sebesar 25,718 (95% IK 2,21-299,99, p = 0,01). Simpulan. Proporsi hipotiroidisme pada pasien DM tipe 2 adalah 7,59%. Determinan diagnosis dan komponen sistem skor hipotiroidisme pada pasien DM tipe 2 adalah riwayat penyakit tiroid di keluarga, keberadaan goiter, kontrol glikemik yang buruk, dan adanya sindrom metabolik. Sistem skor yang diberi nama Skor Hipotiroid RSCM ini diharapkan menjadi alat bantu diagnosis hipotiroidisme pada pasien
DM tipe 2.
Background. Prevalence of thyroid dysfunction is greater in diabetes patients compared to general
population. Hypothyroidism is worsening complications, morbidity, mortality, and quality of life in type
2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients. Risk factors of hypothyroidism in T2DM patients are still
contradictive and not assessed completely. Presence of scoring system to estimate hypothyroidism in
T2DM patients are needed to help diagnosing and screening of T2DM patients who need to undergo
thyroid function test as a gold standard diagnostic for hypothyroidism.
Aim. To identify prevalence and estimators of hypothyroidism in T2DM patients.
Methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted in Metabolic Endocrine (Diabetes) Outpatient Clinic
Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital from July-September 2015 with consecutive sampling method. All
subjects underwent interview, physical examination, and laboratory testing (TSH and fT4). Analysis
was done by using SPSS Statistics 17.0 for univariate, bivariate, multivariate, and ROC (Receiving
Operator Characteristics) analysis and SPSS Statistics 20.0 for bootstrapping analysis in HosmerLemeshow
Calibration. Results. 303 subjects included for proportion study of thyroid dysfunction and 299
subjects included for analysis of hypothyroidism determinants. 23 subjects (7,59%) are diagnosed as having
hypothyroidism, consisted of 43,5% clinical hypothyroidism and 56,5% subclinical hypothyroidism
based on clinical scoring index by Zulewski and Billewicz, and 16,7% subjects as having clinical
hypothyroidism and 83,3% subjects as having subclinical hypothyroidism based on fT4 examination.
Determinants for hypothyroidism in T2DM patients are family history of thyroid disease with OR 4,719
(95% Confident Interval/CI 1,07-20,8, p = 0,04), having goiter or difus struma with OR 20,679 (95%
CI 3,49-122,66, p = 0,001), poor glycemic control with OR 3,460 (95% CI 1,075-11,14, p = 0,037), and
metabolic syndrome with OR 25,718 (95% CI 2,21-299,99, p = 0,01). Conclusion. Proportion of hypothyroidism in T2DM patients is 7,59%. Determinants and components
of scoring system of hypothyroidism in T2DM patients consist of family history of thyroid disease,
having goiter or difus struma, poor glycemic control, and metabolic syndrome. Scoring system which is
called RSCM Hypothyroid Score is expected to be a tool for helping diagnosis of hypothyroidism in
T2DM patients.;Background. Prevalence of thyroid dysfunction is greater in diabetes patients compared to general
population. Hypothyroidism is worsening complications, morbidity, mortality, and quality of life in type
2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients. Risk factors of hypothyroidism in T2DM patients are still
contradictive and not assessed completely. Presence of scoring system to estimate hypothyroidism in
T2DM patients are needed to help diagnosing and screening of T2DM patients who need to undergo
thyroid function test as a gold standard diagnostic for hypothyroidism.
Aim. To identify prevalence and estimators of hypothyroidism in T2DM patients.
Methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted in Metabolic Endocrine (Diabetes) Outpatient Clinic
Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital from July-September 2015 with consecutive sampling method. All
subjects underwent interview, physical examination, and laboratory testing (TSH and fT4). Analysis
was done by using SPSS Statistics 17.0 for univariate, bivariate, multivariate, and ROC (Receiving
Operator Characteristics) analysis and SPSS Statistics 20.0 for bootstrapping analysis in HosmerLemeshow
analysis of hypothyroidism determinants. 23 subjects (7,59%) are diagnosed as having
hypothyroidism, consisted of 43,5% clinical hypothyroidism and 56,5% subclinical hypothyroidism
based on clinical scoring index by Zulewski and Billewicz, and 16,7% subjects as having clinical
hypothyroidism and 83,3% subjects as having subclinical hypothyroidism based on fT4 examination.
Determinants for hypothyroidism in T2DM patients are family history of thyroid disease with OR 4,719
(95% Confident Interval/CI 1,07-20,8, p = 0,04), having goiter or difus struma with OR 20,679 (95%
CI 3,49-122,66, p = 0,001), poor glycemic control with OR 3,460 (95% CI 1,075-11,14, p = 0,037), and
metabolic syndrome with OR 25,718 (95% CI 2,21-299,99, p = 0,01).
Conclusion. Proportion of hypothyroidism in T2DM patients is 7,59%. Determinants and components
of scoring system of hypothyroidism in T2DM patients consist of family history of thyroid disease,
having goiter or difus struma, poor glycemic control, and metabolic syndrome. Scoring system which is
called RSCM Hypothyroid Score is expected to be a tool for helping diagnosis of hypothyroidism in
T2DM patients.
;Background. Prevalence of thyroid dysfunction is greater in diabetes patients compared to general
population. Hypothyroidism is worsening complications, morbidity, mortality, and quality of life in type
2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients. Risk factors of hypothyroidism in T2DM patients are still
contradictive and not assessed completely. Presence of scoring system to estimate hypothyroidism in
T2DM patients are needed to help diagnosing and screening of T2DM patients who need to undergo
thyroid function test as a gold standard diagnostic for hypothyroidism.
Aim. To identify prevalence and estimators of hypothyroidism in T2DM patients.
Methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted in Metabolic Endocrine (Diabetes) Outpatient Clinic
Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital from July-September 2015 with consecutive sampling method. All
subjects underwent interview, physical examination, and laboratory testing (TSH and fT4). Analysis
was done by using SPSS Statistics 17.0 for univariate, bivariate, multivariate, and ROC (Receiving
Operator Characteristics) analysis and SPSS Statistics 20.0 for bootstrapping analysis in HosmerLemeshow
analysis of hypothyroidism determinants. 23 subjects (7,59%) are diagnosed as having
hypothyroidism, consisted of 43,5% clinical hypothyroidism and 56,5% subclinical hypothyroidism
based on clinical scoring index by Zulewski and Billewicz, and 16,7% subjects as having clinical
hypothyroidism and 83,3% subjects as having subclinical hypothyroidism based on fT4 examination.
Determinants for hypothyroidism in T2DM patients are family history of thyroid disease with OR 4,719
(95% Confident Interval/CI 1,07-20,8, p = 0,04), having goiter or difus struma with OR 20,679 (95%
CI 3,49-122,66, p = 0,001), poor glycemic control with OR 3,460 (95% CI 1,075-11,14, p = 0,037), and
metabolic syndrome with OR 25,718 (95% CI 2,21-299,99, p = 0,01).
Conclusion. Proportion of hypothyroidism in T2DM patients is 7,59%. Determinants and components
of scoring system of hypothyroidism in T2DM patients consist of family history of thyroid disease,
having goiter or difus struma, poor glycemic control, and metabolic syndrome. Scoring system which is
called RSCM Hypothyroid Score is expected to be a tool for helping diagnosis of hypothyroidism in
T2DM patients.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Louise Kartika Indah
"Latar belakang: Gagal jantung kongestif atau congestive heart failure CHF dan diabetes melitus DM tipe 2 merupakan dua kondisi yang saling memberatkan, yaitu terjadi gangguan metabolisme yang lebih berat akibat perubahan neurohormonal, dan struktur jantung yang berpotensi memperburuk prognosis. Tatalaksana nutrisi sejak awal diagnosis sangat penting dalam mendukung proses penyembuhan pasien dan mencegah komplikasi lebih lanjut.
Kasus: Dalam serial kasus ini terdapat empat pasien CHF dan DM tipe 2 dengan penyulit. Keempat pasien dengan hipertensi dan hiperurisemia, tiga pasien dengan status gizi obes, tiga pasien dengan infark miokard, satu pasien dengan unstable angina pectoris, dua pasien dengan acute kidney injury, dan satu pasien dengan chronic kidney disease. Pada awal pemeriksaan didapatkan defisiensi asupan makro- dan mikronutrien, kontrol tekanan darah dan glukosa darah yang kurang baik, retensi cairan, dan penurunan kapasitas fungsional. Tatalaksana nutrisi disesuaikan secara individual, berdasarkan kondisi klinis, hasil laboratorium dan pemeriksaan penunjang lainnya serta riwayat asupan makanan.
Hasil: Seluruh pasien mengalami peningkatan toleransi asupan, perbaikan kondisi klinis, dan kapasitas fungsional.
Kesimpulan: Tatalaksana nutrisi yang adekuat pada pasien CHF dan DM tipe 2 dengan penyulit dapat mendukung perbaikan kondisi klinis dan kapasitas fungsional, sehingga dapat menurunkan morbiditas dan mortalitas.

Background: Congestive heart failure CHF and type 2 diabetes mellitus DM are two mutually aggravating conditions, with more severe metabolic abnormalities due to changes in neurohormonal and cardiac structure which potentially worsen the prognosis. Nutritional management since early diagnosis is very important in supporting the healing process of patients and prevent further complications.
Cases: Four patients were diagnosed with CHF and type 2 DM with complicating conditions. Four patients with hypertension and hyperuricemia, three patients were obese, three patients experienced myocard infarct one patient had unstable angina pectoris, two patients had acute kidney injury, and one patient had chronic kidney disease. Nutritional problems in four patients at assessment were macro and micronutrient deficiencies, uncontrolled blood pressure and blood glucose, fluid retention and declined functional capacity. Nutrition therapy were planned individually including macronutrients, micronutrients and fluid intakes, based on clinical conditions, laboratory findings, other examinations, and previous food intakes.
Result: There were improvements of clinical conditions, intake tolerance, and functional capacity.
Conclusion: Adequate nutrition therapy for CHF and type 2 DM patients with complicating conditions supports the improvements of clinical condition and functional capacity, decreasing morbidity and mortality rates.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tarigan, Tri Juli Edi
"Latar belakang: Hipomagnesemia berhubungan dengan kejadian pre-diabetes, konversi ke diabetes tipe 2 dan juga komplikasi kronik diabetes, termasuk albuminuria. Hasil studi hubungan antara kadar magnesium dengan kejadian albuminuria pada diabetes melitus tipe 2 masih kontroversial. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan penelitian hubungan tersebut.
Metode: Potong lintang dengan consecutive sampling pada pasien DM tipe 2 yang sudah terdiagnosis nefropati diabetes. Dilakukan anamnesis faktor risiko, pemeriksaan fisik, kadar magnesium, albumine creatinine ratio dan A1C.
Hasil: Tiga puluh delapan subjek ikut dalam penelitian yang sebagian besar berusia lebih 50 tahun dan memiliki kontrol glikemik yang buruk (81,6%). Pada subjek penelitian yang memiliki kadar Mg <1,7 mg/dl 80% mengalami albuminuria, sementara subjek yang memiliki kadar Mg ≥ 1,7 mg/dl didapat 63,6% subjek penelitian yang mengalami albuminuria. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,006 yang menunjukkan hubungan yang lemah antara kadar magnesium dalam darah dengan albuminuria.
Kesimpulan: Secara statistik tidak ditemukan korelasi antara kadar magnesium dengan albuminuria.

Background: Hypomagnesemia associated with occurance of prediabetes, convertion to type 2 diabetes and also chronic complication of diabetes, including albuminuria. Studies that look for correlation magnesium concentration with albuminuria in type 2 diabetes still controvensial that?s why we need to do this research.
Method: Cross sectional study done in type 2 diabetes who have been diagnosed with nephropathy. Correlation Pearson test used to prove correlation between magnesium level with albuminuria.
Result: Thirty eight subjects follow this study, majority of them age more than 50 years old, mostly having bad glycemic control (81,6%).There are 80 % subject with hypomagnesemia (Mg <1,7 mg/dl) suffered from albuminuria while subject with normomagnesia (Mg ≥ 1.7 mg/dl) only 63.6% suffered from albuminuria. This study result in no correlation between magnesium level in type 2 diabetes.
Conclusion: No correlation between serum magnesium concentration with albuminuria.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nizmawardini Yaman
"Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Nees.) secara empiris telah digunakan sebagai obat alternatif untuk berbagai penyakit termasuk diabetes mellitus. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis efek hipoglikemik kapsul sambiloto sebagai terapi tambahan pada penyandang diabetes melitus tipe 2. Double-blind randomized controlled trial cross-over desain pada 34 subyek dibagi menjadi dua kelompok. Kelompok pertama sambiloto mendapat 2 kali 2 kapsul sehari selama 14 hari, dan kelompok kedua mendapat plasebo selama 14 hari. Kedua kelompok tetap menggunakan metformin sebagai terapi standar kemudian dievaluasi kadar glukosa darah pasca terapi 14 hari. Pada pemberian kapsul sambiloto selama 14 hari tampak penurunan kadar glukosa darah puasa lebih besar dibandingkan plasebo, tetapi tidak bermakna. Kapsul sambiloto bermakna menurunkan kadar glukosa darah 2 jam setelah makan. Kesimpulan: Kapsul sambiloto dapat menurunkan kadar glukosa darah namun bermakna secara statistik hanya 2 jam setelah makan.

Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Nees.) is empirically used as an alternative medicine for various diseases including diabetes mellitus, but the scientific evident for treatment in humans is still limited. This study analyze the effects of hypoglycemic sambiloto capsules as additional therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Double-blind randomized controlled trial, cross-over design in 34 subjects who were divided into two groups. The first groups sambiloto received 2 capsules 2 times daily for 14 days, and the second groups received placebo for 14 days. Both groups kept taking metformin as standard therapy with an the evaluation of blood glucose levels on day 14. The results showed that administration of sambiloto capsules for 14 days, the blood glucose levels is greater compared to placebo but not significantly. Sambiloto capsules significantly reduced blood glucose 2 hours after eating. Conclusions: sambiloto capsules shown to reduced blood glucose levels, but statistically significant only in 2 hours after eating."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kwan Francesca Gunawan
Diabetes melitus DM merupakan suatu epidemik global. Obesitas merupakan faktor risiko tersering pada terjadinya DM tipe 2. Salah satu komplikasi yang sering dialami oleh penderita DM ialah kaki diabetik. Pada pasien DM dengan obesitas dan kaki diabetik, terapi medik gizi penting untuk mencapai target berat badan, menjaga kadar glikemik, serta mencegah komplikasi DM. Selain itu pemberian nutrisi yang adekuat juga penting untuk mendukung penyembuhan luka. Pasien pada serial kasus ini berusia antara 41 ndash;59 tahun dengan dengan proporsi yang sama antara laki-laki dan perempuan. Keempat pasien memiliki status gizi obes dengan IMT sebesar 26-54,4 kg/m2. Awitan DM pada keempat pasien diketahui bervariasi antara 1-13 tahun. Terapi medik gizi diberikan sesuai dengan klinis, hasil laboratorium, dan asupan terakhir masing-masing pasien. Dari hasil pemantauan didapatkan bahwa dengan terapi nutrisi yang diberikan terjadi penurunan berat badan sebesar 3,2-4,8 kg 3,2-5,8 dan penurunan nilai HbA1c sebanyak 0,3-0,7. Selain itu juga didapatkan ukuran luka yang mengecil dan gejala neuropati berkurang. Pada pasien DM tipe 2 dengan obesitas dan kaki diabetik, terapi medik gizi yang adekuat berkaitan dengan penurunan berat badan, perbaikan kontrol glikemik, dan penyembuhan luka yang baik.

Diabetes mellitus is now a global epidemic. Obesity is a common risk factor in the occurrence of type 2 diabetes. One of the complications that are often experienced by people with diabetes is diabetic foot. In diabetic patients with obesity and diabetic foot, medical nutrition therapy is important to achieve targeted body weight, maintain glycemic levels, and prevent diabetes complications. Good nutrition is also essential for wound healing. This case series consists of four patients who are between 41-59 years old and obese with BMI of 26-54.4 kg/m2. The onset of DM in all four patients is known to vary between 1-13 years. Nutritional therapy is given in accordance with the clinical, laboratory outcomes, and patients' daily intake. It was found that medical nutrition therapy can lead to weight loss of 3.2-4.8 kg (3.2-5.8%) and decreased HbA1c by 0.3-0.7%. It was also observed that the wound size and neuropathy symptoms are reduced. Adequate medical nutrition therapy in type 2 DM patients with obesity and diabetic foot is associated with weight loss, improved glycemic control, and good wound healing."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Katuuk, Mario Esau
"Komplikasi kronis pada diabetes melitus berupa ulkus kaki diabetik dapat dicegah dengan melakukan perawatan kaki mandiri. Salah satu faktor yang berperan dalam perilaku perawatan kaki adalah efikasi diri.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan efikasi diri dengan perilaku perawatan kaki pada individu dengan diabetes melitus tipe 2 (DMT2).
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif observasional analitik dengan pendekatan crossectional, melibatkan 74 individu dengan DMT2. Alat ukur yang digunakan berupa kuesioner karakteristik demografi, Foot Care Confidence Scale, Nottingham Assessment of Functional Footcare, dan pengetahuan perawatan kaki.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan positif yang bermakna antara efikasi diri dengan perilaku perawatan kaki (r = 0.303; p = 0.009). Hasil analisis multivariat didapatkan efikasi diri menjadi prediktor terhadap perilaku perawatan kaki setelah dikontrol oleh pengetahuan dan tingkat pendidikan.
Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah perlunya upaya untuk memperbaiki perilaku perawatan kaki pada individu dengan DMT2 dengan meningkatkan efikasi diri menggunakan sumber-sumber efikasi diri yang ada.

Chronic complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus such as diabetes foot ulcer could be prevented by performing foot self care. Self efficacy is the most important role in foot care.
This study aims to investigate the relationship between self efficacy and foot care behavior.
This study was observational analytic with cross-sectional approach, recruited 74 people with type 2 diabetes mellitus using consecutive sampling method. Data collection was done using demographic questionnaire, Foot Care Confidence Scale, Nottingham Assessment of Functional Foot-care and diabetic foot self care knowledge.
The result showed that there was a positive relationship between self efficacy and foot care behavior (r = 0.303; p = 0.009). Multivariate analysis showed that self efficacy became a strong predictor of foot self care behavior along with knowledge and educational level.
In conclusion, it is needed to improve foot self care in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus through increasing self efficacy.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yati Darmiati
"Diabetes Melitus tipe 2 merupakan sekumpulan gangguan metabolik dengan karakteristik hiperglikemia. Komplikasi klinis akibat DM berkolerasi dengan status glikemik, sehingga diperlukan upaya pengontrolan status glikemik pasien DM, baik jangka pendek, jangka menengah maupun jangka panjang untuk mencegah atau mengurangi komplikasi progresif akibat penyakit tersebut. Parameter laboratorium untuk pemantauan status glikemik meliputi kadar glukosa darah harian, HbA1c, dan albumin glikat (AG).
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran kadar HbA1c dan kadar AG pada pasien DM tipe 2 tidak terkontrol, mendapatkan korelasi antara kadar HbA1c dan kadar AG, juga melihat penurunan kadar HbA1c dan AG sesudah terapi 1 dan 3 bulan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan desain studi diagnostik, yang melibatkan 32 subyek penelitian yang diikuti selama 3 bulan mulai bulan Februari hingga Mei 2014. Diagnosis DM tipe 2 ditegakkan oleh dokter Spesialis Penyakit Dalam dan diagnosis DM tipe 2 tidak terkontrol didapatkan dari hasil pemeriksaan HbA1c > 7 %.
Hasil penelitian mendapatkan rerata (SD) kadar glukosa darah puasa bulan ke-0, ke-1, dan ke-3 berturut-turut sebesar 170,5(51,6) mg/dL; 162,7(54,6) mg/dL, dan 147,3(45,9) mg/dL. Median (rentang) kadar glukosa darah 2 jam postprandial l(G2PP) bulan ke-0 dan ke-1 sebesar 220 mg/dL (90-544) mg/dL dan 191,5 mg/dL (114-468) mg/dL; rerata(SD) kadar G2PP bulan ke-3 sebesar 201(65,98) mg/dL. Korelasi antara kadar HbA1c dan kadar AG adalah : pada bulan ke-0, r=0,79, p<0,001, bulan ke-1 r=0,74, p<0,001 dan bulan ke-3 r=0,78, p<0,001.
Penurunan kadar HbA1c dari baseline (delta-1) dan pada bulan ke-3 (delta-3) adalah median (rentang) delta-1 sebesar 0,43% (0,35-0,74)%, p<0,001 dan median (rentang) delta-3 sebesar 0,89% (0,64-2,30)%, p<0,001. Penurunan kadar AG bulan ke-1 dari baseline (delta-1) dan pada bulan ke-3 (delta-3): median (rentang) delta-1 sebesar 0,94% (0,48-1,64)%, p<0,001, dan median (rentang) delta-3 sebesar 1,79% (0,33-1,40)%, p<0,001.
Kami menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat korelasi positif bermakna antara kadar HbA1c dan kadar AG pada bulan ke-0, ke-1, dan ke-3, dengan kekuatan korelasi kuat (r = 0.7-0.8), selain itu terdapat penurunan kadar HbA1c dan AG yang bermakna sesudah terapi 1 dan 3 bulan.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a group of metabolic disorders with hyperglycemic characteristic. Clinical complications of DM correlate with glycemic state, therefore it is necessary to make an effort to control DM glycemic state, in short-, medium-, and long-term to prevent or minimize progressive complications due to the disease. Laboratory parameters to monitor glycemic state include daily blood glucose, HbA1c, and glycated albumin (GA).
This study aimed to obtain HbA1c and GA levels in uncontrolled type 2 DM patients, the correlations between HbA1c and GA levels, and also the decrease in HbA1c and GA levels after 1 month and 3 months treatment. This was a diagnostic study involving 32 subjects that were followed for 3 months from February to May 2014. Type 2 DM was diagnosed by the internist in the Department of Internal Medicine and the uncontrolled type 2 DM was confirmed by HbA1c measurement of > 7%.
The results showed that mean (SD) fasting blood glucose levels at baseline, 1 month and 3 months were 170.5 (51.6) mg/dL; 162.7 (54.6) mg/dL, and 147.3(45.9) mg/dL, respectively. Median (range) 2 hours postprandial blood glucose levels at baseline and 1 month respectively, were 220 mg/dL (90-544) mg/dL and 191.5 mg/dL, respectively, and mean (SD) at 3 months was 201,7 (65,98) mg/dL. Correlations between HbA1c and GA levels : at baseline r =0.79, p<0.001, at 1 month r=0.74, p<0.001 and at 3 months r=0.78, p<0.001.
Decreases of HbA1c level from baseline, at 1 month (delta-1) and at 3 months (delta-3) : median (range) delta-1was 0.43% (0.35-0.74)%, p<0.001 and median (range) delta-3 was 0.89% (0.64-2.30)%, p<0.001. Decreases of GA level from baseline, at 1 month (delta-1) and at 3 months (delta-3) : median (range) delta-1 was 0.94%(0.48-1.64)%, p<0.001, and median (range) delta-3 was 1.79%(0.33-1.40)%, p<0.001.
We concluded that there were significant positive correlations between HbA1c and GA levels at baseline,1 month and 3 months, with strong correlations (r=0.7-0.8). In addition, there were also significant decreases in HbA1c and GA levels from baseline at 1 month and 3 months therapy.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Okta Festi Amanda
"Penyakit ginjal kronik (PGK) merupakan salah satu komplikasi serius yang sering terjadi pada pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2. Dibutuhkan sebuah penanda yang dapat mendeteksi PGK sejak awal untuk mencegah progresifitasnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara kadar malondialdehida (MDA) serum dengan estimasi laju filtrasi glomerulus (eLFG). MDA merupakan penanda stres oksidatif yang diprediksi berperan dalam tahap awal kerusakan ginjal.
Desain penelitian ini adalah potong lintang. Populasi yang digunakan adalah pasien DM tipe 2 rawat jalan di Puskesmas Pasar Minggu. Sampel yang dianalisis sejumlah 50 orang (14 laki-laki, dan 36 perempuan, rentang usia 39-74 tahun), diambil dengan tenik total sampling. Kadar MDA diukur secara spektrofotometri berdasarkan reaksi antara MDA dengan asam tiobarbiturat, dengan nilai koefisien korelasi (r) dari metode tersebut 0,9996 dan koefisien variasi (%KV) intra dan antar pengukuran berkisar 2,75-13,33%.
Nilai eLFG diukur berdasarkan metode kinetik Jaffe, dengan koefisien korelasi (r) 0,9994 dan %KV intra dan antar pengukuran berkisar 2,91 – 9,52%. Kadar MDA pasien DM tipe 2 diperoleh 0,82 ± 0,26 nmol/ml, dan nilai eLFG diperoleh 78,30 ± 26,77 (Cockroft-Gault); 76,08 ± 24,17 (MDRD study); dan 79,25 ± 21,04 (CKD-EPI). Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara kadar MDA dengan nilai eLFG berdasarkan persamaan Cockroft-Gault (p =0,039, r = -0,293), tetapi tidak terlihat hubungan yang bermakna dengan nilai eLFG berdasarkan persamaan MDRD study dan CKD-EPI (p = 0,051 dan p = 0,053; r = -0,277 dan r = -0,275).

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one of serious complication that most common in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. It is important to find a marker that can detect it earlier to prevent its progression. The aim of this study was to analyze the correlation between malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). MDA is an oxidative stress marker which was predicted allies in early stage of kidney damage.
The design of this study is cross sectional. The population was type 2 DM outpatients at Pasar Minggu Local Government Clinic. Total sampling method was used in sample selection. Samples being analyzed were as much as 50 patients (14 males, 36 females, age ranges : 39-74 years). MDA was measured by spectrophotometric based on its reaction with thiobarbituric acid. The coefficient correlation (r) of this method was 0.9996 and the coefficient of variation (%CV) within and between run were 2.75 - 13.33%.
eGFR was measured based on kinetic Jaffe method. Its coefficient correlation (r) was 0.9994 and %CV within and between run were 2.91-9.52%. MDA concentration in type 2 DM patients in this research was 0.82 ± 0.26 nmol/mL and the eGFR values were 78.30 ± 26.77 (Cockroft-Gault); 76.08 ± 24.17 (MDRD study); and 79.25 ± 21.04 (CKD-EPI). There was a significant correlation between MDA concentration and eGFR based on Cockroft-Gault formula (p =0.039, r = -0.293), but there were no significant correlation between MDA concentration and eGFR based on MDRD study and CKD-EPI (p = 0.051 and p = 0.053; r = -0.277 and r = -0.275).
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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