ABSTRAKAdanya peraturan baru mengenai kenaiksn tarif Pajak Penghasilan Atas Impor khususnya impor telepon selulsr menimbulkan suatu fenomena pro dan kontra. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk rnengetahui latar belakang dan proses palyusunan kebijakan kenaikan tarif Pajak Penghasilan Pasal 22 atas impor khususnya impor telepon seluler. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori kebijakan fiskal dan kebijakan tarif Penelitian ini menggunakan pndekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian eksplanatif dengan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa latar belakang kebijakan penentuan tarif PPh Pasal 22 impor menjadi 7.5 % dari nilai impor adalah untuk menimbulkan dampak arus kas yang harus disediakan lebih awal oleh importir untuk menutupi kenaikan tarif PPh 22 impor sehingga secara ekonomi importir akan menanggung opportunity loss dari arus kas. Selain itu, proses penyusunan kebijakan kenaikan tarif PPh Pasal 22 atas impor telepon seluler yang tertuang dalam peraturan menteri keuangan nomor 175/PMK.0lll20l3 berlangsung dalam tiga tahap yaitu pertama tahap perumusan masalah, yang kedua tahap peramalan dan yang ketiga tahap rekomendasi.
ABSTRACTThe new regilations regarding to the increase af Income Tu of Imports rate, especiolly in mobile phones import gives a phenomenon of pro and contra. The purpose of this study is to determine the background and the process af policy making in increasing income tax rate of Article 22 for the import af mobile phones. Theary used in this study is the theory fiscal policy and tax rate policy. This study used a qualitative approach with explanatory research with in*depth interviews. The results showed that the determination of the policy background Article 22 Import Tax rates to 7.5/o of the value of imports is to generate cash flow impact to be provided earlier by the importer to caver the increase in income tax rstes article 22 of imports that are economically importers will beor the opportrmity loss oJ'cash flow. Moreover, the proeess in policy making income tax rate increase of Anicle 22 on the import of mobile phones contqined in PMK No. t75 / PMK.7|I / 2013 takes three stages, the first stage is formulation of the problem, the second stage is forecasting stage and the third stage is recommendation stage., The new regilations regarding to the increase af Income Tu of Imports rate, especiolly in mobile phones import gives a phenomenon of pro and contra. The purpose of this study is to determine the background and the process af policy making in increasing income tax rate of Article 22 for the import af mobile phones. Theary used in this study is the theory aff$cal poliqt and tax rate policy. This snt$ used a
qualitative approach with explanatory research with in*depth interviews. The results showed that the determination of the policy background Article 22 Import Tax rates to 7.5/o of the value of imports is to generate cash flow impact to be provided earlier by the importer to caver the increase in income tax rstes article 22 of imports that are
economically importers will beor the opportrmity loss oJ'cash flow. Moreover, the proeess in policy making income tax rate increase of Anicle 22 on the import of mobile phones contqined in PMK No. t75 / PMK.7|I / 2013 takes three stages, the first stage is formulation of the problem, the second stage is forecasting stage and the third stage is recommendation stage.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014