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Dinar Puspita Sari
"[Dengan maraknya isu pemanasan global di dunia yang sudah terjadi dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini penerapan desain yang ramah lingkungan untuk kehidupan sehari hari menjadi sesuatu yang penting dan harus diperhatikan Desain tersebut kemudian menjadi kontribusi bagi seorang arsitek untuk mengurangi pengaruh pemanasan global Penerapan sistem ramah lingkungan kecil dan sederhana pada suatu bangunan dapat sangat berpengaruh pada kemampuan sebuah bangunan untuk membantu mengurangi isu pemanasan global Hal ini memulai ide untuk menerapkan penggunaan Louvers pada bangunan untuk membantu mengatur jumlah cahaya matahari yang masuk ke dalam bangunan dan menggunakannya sebagai pemanas dan pendingin alami Penerapan sistem bangunan campuran dilakukan untuk memanfaatkan efisiensi ruangan pada bangunan Lewat analisis mendalam dari teori dan teknologi dari studi kasus dan preseden paparan ini akan dipresentasikan melalui diagram sketsa dan aplikasi langsung pada tapak ;With the global warming issues that has been happening in the world on the past centuries the application of sustainable design in daily life becomes something crucial and need to be concerned This design is part of contribution as an architect to reduce the effects of global warming The application of small and simple sustainable system in the building could give massive effect to the ability of the building to give back to the environment thus reducing the effect of global warming This started the idea to apply the usage of louvers on the building to help controlling the amount of sunlight that goes through the house and use it as passive heating and cooling system for the house The application of mix used building is used for space efficiency in the building Through analysis of the theory and technology from the study case and precedent this thesis would be presented through diagrams and direct application on the site ;With the global warming issues that has been happening in the world on the past centuries the application of sustainable design in daily life becomes something crucial and need to be concerned This design is part of contribution as an architect to reduce the effects of global warming The application of small and simple sustainable system in the building could give massive effect to the ability of the building to give back to the environment thus reducing the effect of global warming This started the idea to apply the usage of louvers on the building to help controlling the amount of sunlight that goes through the house and use it as passive heating and cooling system for the house The application of mix used building is used for space efficiency in the building Through analysis of the theory and technology from the study case and precedent this thesis would be presented through diagrams and direct application on the site ;With the global warming issues that has been happening in the world on the past centuries the application of sustainable design in daily life becomes something crucial and need to be concerned This design is part of contribution as an architect to reduce the effects of global warming The application of small and simple sustainable system in the building could give massive effect to the ability of the building to give back to the environment thus reducing the effect of global warming This started the idea to apply the usage of louvers on the building to help controlling the amount of sunlight that goes through the house and use it as passive heating and cooling system for the house The application of mix used building is used for space efficiency in the building Through analysis of the theory and technology from the study case and precedent this thesis would be presented through diagrams and direct application on the site ;With the global warming issues that has been happening in the world on the past centuries the application of sustainable design in daily life becomes something crucial and need to be concerned This design is part of contribution as an architect to reduce the effects of global warming The application of small and simple sustainable system in the building could give massive effect to the ability of the building to give back to the environment thus reducing the effect of global warming This started the idea to apply the usage of louvers on the building to help controlling the amount of sunlight that goes through the house and use it as passive heating and cooling system for the house The application of mix used building is used for space efficiency in the building Through analysis of the theory and technology from the study case and precedent this thesis would be presented through diagrams and direct application on the site , With the global warming issues that has been happening in the world on the past centuries the application of sustainable design in daily life becomes something crucial and need to be concerned This design is part of contribution as an architect to reduce the effects of global warming The application of small and simple sustainable system in the building could give massive effect to the ability of the building to give back to the environment thus reducing the effect of global warming This started the idea to apply the usage of louvers on the building to help controlling the amount of sunlight that goes through the house and use it as passive heating and cooling system for the house The application of mix used building is used for space efficiency in the building Through analysis of the theory and technology from the study case and precedent this thesis would be presented through diagrams and direct application on the site ]"
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pemanasan global merupakan fenomena alam, yaitu meningkatnya tempertaur rata-rata di atmosfer, laut dan daratan."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nimim Putri Safira
"Pertumbuhan penduduk yang terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun berbanding lurus dengan peningkatan kebutuhan akan hunian yang layak serta fasilitas pendukungnya yang lengkap namun berbanding terbalik dengan ketersediaan lahan yang dapat dikembangkan sebagai hunian, oleh karenanya pengembangan mixed-use properti merupakan solusi atas permasalahan kurangnya ketersediaan lahan. Bentuk penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian hukum normatif dengan metode studi kepustakaan. Peraturan perundang-undangan yang terdapat di Indonesia sebenarnya hanya mengenal istilah Rumah Susun, dan istilah-istilah yang lain merupakan istilah serapan dari bahasa asing yang digunakan oleh para pengembang dalam memasarkan produknya. Pada dasarnya UU 20/2011 sudah mengakomodir adanya konsep mixed-use properti. Hal ini dapat diperhatikan dalam ketentuan Pasal 50 serta penjelasan Pasal 50 huruf b UU Nomor 20 Tahun 2011 tentang Rumah Susun. Dalam setiap tahapan pengembangan mixed-use properti, terdapat aturan-aturan hukum yang tidak boleh dikesampingkan dan harus sangat diperhatikan, mulai dari tahapan pra-pembangunan, tahapan pembangunan, tahapan pasca-pembangunan. Dalam proses pengembangan mixed-use properti ini, terdapat beberapa permasalahan hukum yang perlu diperhatikan.Terkait studi kasus dimana penulis memilih pengembangan mixed-use properti di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, adalah dikarenakan di daerah tersebut telah diterbitkan beberapa Peraturan Daerah, khususnya di Kabupaten Sleman, yang cenderung menambah permasalahan hukum dalam rangka mixed-use properti.

The increase of population growth from year to year and directly proportional to the increase in demand for proper-residential with complete facilities, but inversely proportional to the availability of land that can be developed as residential, therefore the mixed-use development property is a solution to the problem of the lack of land availability. Form of study is a normative legal research with the literature study method. Legislation in Indonesia was only familiar with the term of ?Rumah Susun?. Other terms are term uptake of foreign languages ​​used by developers in marketing their products. Basically Law 20/2011 already accommodate the concept of a mixed-use property. This can be noted in the provisions of Article 50 as well as the elucidation of Article 50 paragraph b of Law No. 20 of 2011 on the ?Rumah Susun?. In every stage of the development of mixed-use properties, there are rules of law that should not be ruled out and should be very concerned, ranging from pre-construction stages, development, stage, and post-development stages. In the process of developing a mixed-use properties, there are some legal issues that need to be noted. Related to the case study in which the authors chose the mixed-use development property in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, is due in the area has issued several Regional Regulation, particularly in Sleman, which tends to add to the legal issues in the framework of a mixed-use development property."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alin Rusyda Saleh
"Di tengah kekhawatiran lingkungan yang mendesak, arsitek telah muncul sebagai peran krusial dalam upaya mencari solusi desain yang berkelanjutan dan peduli lingkungan. Skripsi sarjana ini mencakup eksplorasi solusi arsitektur berkelanjutan, seiring dengan menjaga nilai-nilai etika. Mengakui dampak besar lingkungan binaan terhadap perubahan iklim dan mengambil tanggung jawab untuk mempromosikan masa depan yang lebih hijau dan berkelanjutan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengatasi masalah berkelanjutan baik secara lingkungan maupun sosial di Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Australia melalui desain kontekstual spasial dan berbasis penelitian. Studi literatur, metode kualitatif, dan kuantitatif digunakan untuk skripsi ini. "Creative Bound" diusulkan dan menawarkan pendekatan arsitektur yang aktif terlibat dengan masalah perubahan iklim, menawarkan pusat partisipasi komunitas yang terpadu, berbentuk gedung dengan berbagai fungsi yang terinspirasi oleh warna dan semangat Bowen Hills. Konsepnya mencerminkan fusi kreativitas dan aspirasi masyarakat yang berkembang. Visi saya adalah menciptakan ruang yang menggabungkan kebutuhan para pekerja profesional dan non-profesional, mendorong kolaborasi, pembelajaran, dan pertumbuhan pribadi.

Amidst urgent environmental concerns, architects have emerged as crucial role in the quest for sustainable and environmentally conscious design solutions. This undergraduate thesis covers exploration of sustainable architectural solutions, adjacent to preserving ethical value. Acknowledging the substantial impact of the built environment on climate change and taken on the responsibility of promoting a greener and more sustainable future. Aiming to addresses both environmental and social sustainable issues in Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Australia through spatial and research-based contextual design, literature studies, qualitative and quantitative methods are used for this thesis. “Creative Bound” is proposed and presents an architectural approach that actively engages with climate change issues, offering a mixed-use, midrise, community engagement hub inspired by the spirit of Bowen Hills. The concept embodies the fusion of creativity and the aspiration of a thriving, inclusive community. My vision is to craft a space that seamlessly blends the needs of professional and non-professional workers, fostering an environment that encourages collaboration, learning, and personal growth."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pemanasan global oleh emisi karbon telah mengakibatkan perubahan iklim di dunia yang berdampak buruk terhadap kehidupan makhluk hidup. Di sisi yang lain kebutuhan energi semakin meningkat setiap tahun karena pertambahan jumlah penduduk, pertumbuhan ekonomi dan elektrifikasi peralatan. Pembangkitan listrik di Indonesia selama ini mayoritas menggunakan pembangkit energi fosil yang menghasilkan emisi karbon. PT. PLN (Persero) adalah Badan Usaha Milik Negara yang ditugaskan untuk mengelola sistem kelistrikan di Indonesia. PT. PLN (Persero) melalui Rencana Umum Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik (RUPTL) tahun 2021-2030 menargetkan pembangunan Pembangkit Listrik Energi Baru dan Terbarukan (PLT EBT) salah satunya Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Bayu (PLTB) di sistem tenaga listrik Sulawesi Bagian Selatan. Penggunaan PLTB diharapkan dapat mengurangi emisi karbon. Namun integrasi WPP menimbulkan permasalahan lain pada sistem yang ada seperti turunnya tegangan, bertambahnya pembebanan peralatan, meningkatnya arus hubung singkat dan menurunnya stabilitas. Maka perlu dilakukan studi untuk efek integrasi PLTB ke sistem eksisting. Dengan menggunakan software DIgSILENT Power Factory dilakukan simulasi Load Flow, Short Circuit dan Transient Analysis. Kemudian dilakukan analisis keekonomian meliputi perhitungan net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), profitability index (PI), pay back periode (PBP) dan levelized cost of energy (LCOE). Kemudian juga akan dilakukan analisis sensitivitas LCOE terhadap perubahan nilai tingkat inflasi, tingkat diskonto, faktor kapasitas, biaya operasi dan pemeliharaan, biaya investasi awal dan jangka waktu penjualan energi listrik terkontrak PLTB. Analisis-analisis ini dilakukan untuk membantu pengambilan keputusan. Penggunaan PLTB pada persentasi kapasitas tertentu dari kapasitas beban atau pembangkitan total pada sistem eksisting tidak akan mengganggu kestabilan sistem karena masih ditopang oleh pembangkit dengan respon cepat saat produksi PLTB variabel. Penurunan tegangan, pembebanan peralatan, dan arus hubung singkat juga tidak akan melebihi nilai desain sistem. Dengan asumsi tertentu, pembangunan PLTB baru layak secara ekonomi dengan LCOE sebesar 8,93 cUSD/kWh. Perubahan nilai faktor kapasitas PLTB memiliki pengaruh paling besar terhadap perubahan nilai LCOE.

Global warming due to carbon emissions has resulted in climate change in the world which has a negative impact on the lives of living things and occurs slowly. On the other hand, electricity demand is increasing every year due to increasing in human population, economic growth and equipment electrification. So far, most of the electricity generation in Indonesia uses fossil energy power plants which produce carbon emissions. PT. PLN (Persero) is a State-Owned Enterprise tasked with managing the electricity system in Indonesia. PT. PLN (Persero) through the General Plan for Electricity Supply (RUPTL) for 2021-2030 is targeting the construction of  New and Renewable Energy Power Plants (NRE PP), one of which is the Wind Power Plant (WPP) in the Southern Sulawesi electric power system. The use of WPP is expected to reduce carbon emissions. However, the integration of WPP causes other problems in the existing system such as dropped voltage, increased equipment loading, increased short circuit current and decreased stability. So, it is necessary to conduct a study on the effects of integrating  WPP into the existing system. Using DIgSILENT Power Factory software, Load Flow, Short Circuit and Transient Analysis simulations were carried out.. Then an economic analysis was carried out including calculating net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), profitability index (PI), payback period (PBP) and levelized cost of energy (LCOE). Then an LCOE sensitivity analysis will also be carried out to changes in the value of the inflation rate, discount rate, capacity factor, operation and maintenance (O&M) costs, initial investment costs and the contract term for WPP electricity sales. These analysis are carried out to assist decision making. The use of WPP at a certain capacity percentage of the total load or generation capacity of the existing system will not disrupt the stability and quality of the system's power because it is still supported by the fast response generators in the system as spinning reserves during variable WPP production. Also voltage drop, equipment loading and short circuit current will not exceed the design value of the system. With certain assumption, new WPP development is economically feasible with LCOE 8,93 cUSD/kWh. Changes in the value of the WPP capacity factor have the greatest influence on changes in the LCOE value."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Moch Toat
"Pemanasan global merupakan tantangan utama yang menyebabkan perubahan iklim yang menjadi kekhawatiran bagi kehidupan. Upaya mengurangi kenaikan suhu permukaan bumi rata-rata menjadi 1.5 0C menjadi sesuatu yang harus dilakukan. Kenaikan suhu disebabkan oleh gas rumah kaca, salah satunya karbon dioksida yang sebagian besar disebabkan oleh aktivitas manusia dalam pembakaran bahan bakar fosil. Pengamatan yang dilakukan oleh BMKG di GAW (Global Atmosphere Watch) berbiaya mahal. Penelitian yang akan dilakukan adalah pengembangan sistem pemantauan konsentrasi gas karbon dioksida menggunakan low-cost sensor berbasis Non-Dispersive Infrared (NDIR). Data pengukuran diproses oleh Arduino Mega 2560 dan dikirimkan ke IoT platform Firebase realtime database dengan modul wifi dari ESP8266. Komparasi dilakukan dengan alat Thermo 410i di BMKG. Peningkatan akurasi sistem dilakukan dengan deteksi data pencilan dengan Local Outliers Factor dan Savitzky-Golay Moving Average sehingga perlatan yang dikembangkan bisa meningkatkan akurasi rata-rata keseluruhan meningkat dari 91.2% menjadi 98.3 %.

Global warming is the main challenge that causes climate change which is a concern for life. Efforts to reduce the average increase in the earth's surface temperature to 1.5 0C must be done. The increase in temperature is caused by greenhouse gases, one of which is carbon dioxide, caused mainly by human activities in burning fossil fuels. Observations made by BMKG on GAW (Global Atmosphere Watch) are expensive. The research will be carried out by developing a monitoring system for carbon dioxide gas concentrations using a low-cost sensor based on Non-Dispersive Infrared (NDIR). The measurement data is processed by Arduino Mega 2560 and sent to the IoT platform Firebase real-time Database with the wifi module from ESP8266. The comparison was made with the Thermo 410i device at BMKG. The system accuracy is increased by detecting outlier data with the Local Outliers Factor and Savitzky-Golay Moving Average so that the developed equipment can increase the overall average accuracy from 91.2 % to 98.3%."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pangaribuan, Nicholas Juandito
"Skripsi ini membahas hubungan yang dapat terjadi dari pembangunan kawasan mixed use dalam potensinya mencapai keberlanjutan sosial di kawasan perkotaan. Untuk membahas potensi tersebut, dilakukan kajian teori tentang kawasan mixed use, melingkupi definisi, sejarah, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi, dampak yang dihasilkan, dan contoh penerapan dan isu yang muncul dari kawasan mixed use di berbagai negara. Setelah itu, dilakukan kajian teori keberlanjutan sosial melingkupi definisi, indikator dalam mengukur keberlanjutan sosial, serta peran faktor fisik dan non fisik dalam mencapai keberlanjutan sosial. Merujuk pada kajian kedua teori tersebut, kemudian dilakukan analisis kawasan mixed use dengan potensinya dalam mencapai keberlanjutan sosial, hal ini melingkupi hubungan antara kawasan mixed use dan keberlanjutan sosial, keuntungan sosial dari kawasan mixed use, dan mengukur keberhasilan kawasan mixed use dalam mencapai keberlanjutan sosial. Berdasarkan kajian teori dan analisis yang dilakukan, ditemukan bahwa pembangunan kawasan mixed use berpotensi dalam mencapai keberlanjutan sosial di perkotaan. Hal ini ditunjukkan dari hasil analisis bahwa manfaat yang dihasilkan oleh kawasan mixed use merupakan faktor-faktor yang dapat membangun keberlanjutan sosial di perkotaan.

This study discusses the relation that may happen between mixed use area development in its potential to achieve social sustainability in urban context. To examine that potential, the way is by doing theoretical study about mixed use area, including the definition, the history, factors influencing it, the impacts that may happen, and precedent studies with their issues coming from mixed use area implementations in various countries. Afterwards, theoretical study about social sustainability is done, including the definition, indicators used to measure social sustainability, and the role of physical and non physical factors in achieving social sustainability. Referring to those studies, the next thing done is to analyze mixed use area in its potential to achieve social sustainability, this analysis includes the relation between mixed use area and social sustainability, the social advantages from mixed use area development, and measuring the success of mixed use area development in achieving social sustainability. Based upon the studies and analysis done, it is found that mixed use area development is potential to achieve social sustainability in urban context. This is shown by the analysis that shows mixed use area development generates advantages that are the factors to achieve social sustainability in urban context."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Iput Kasiyanto
"Pemanasan global dan meningkatnya standar hidup manusia merupakan faktor
pendorong yang menyebabkan naiknya konsumsi energi untuk sistem HVAC. Peningkatan
teknologi HVAC yang mampu mengurangi konsumsi energi sektor bangunan, meskipun
kecil akan memberikan dampak yang signifikan bagi konsumsi energi secara agregat absolut. Pendekatan bilinier dalam pemodelan dan kendali sistem HVAC sudah banyak dilakukan baik secara teori maupun praktis dan terbukti memiliki banyak kelebihan.
Sistem HVAC berbasis Hammerstein-bilinear diturunkan secara matematis dan
berhasil diidentifikasi dengan struktur model linier OE sebagai dua buah sistem MISO dalam
tesis ini. Metode identifikasi yang penulis gunakan adalah algoritma pseudo-linear regression dan least-square. Model linier tersebut kemudian digunakan sebagai plant model pada
disain kendali model prediktif. Kinerja pengendali prediktif memberikan hasil yang memuaskan dan terbukti mampu memenuhi tujuan pengendalian yang diinginkan. Kinerja pengendali prediktif lebih baik daripada pengendali PI pada kasus lup kendali suhu, sebaliknya untuk kendali kelembaban kinerja pengendali PI lebih memuaskan.

Global warming and increasing human standard of living are the driving factors
leading to increased energy consumption for HVAC systems. Enhanced HVAC technology
that can reduce energy consumption in the building sector, despite of small amount, it will
have a significant impact on energy consumption’s absolute aggregate. The bilinear approach to modeling and control of HVAC systems has been done both theoretically and
practically and has proven to have many advantages.
An HVAC system based on Hammerstein-bilinear was derived mathematically and
was identified using an OE linear model structure as two MISO systems in this thesis. The
identification methods adopted by the author were pseudo-linear regression and least-square
algorithm. The linear models were subsequently used as plant models in the predictive model
control design. The predictive controllers’ performance gave satisfying results and was
proven being able to meet the desired control objectives. The predictive controller gave
better performance than the PI controller in the case of temperature control loop, on the contrary, for humidity control the PI’s performance was more satisfying.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Joanna Francisca Socaningrum
Energi listrik saat ini telah menjadi salah satu kebutuhan penting bagi masyarakat. Namun, Meningkatnya kekhawatiran tentang pemanasan global yang menjadi perhatian di seluruh dunia, menjadikan dibuat berbagai kebijakan pengurangan emisi CO2 yang bertujuan untuk dapat mengurangi tingkat pemanasan global dari sektor ketenagalistrikan. Sistem kelistrikan Jawa-Bali merupakan sistem kelistrikan terbesar di Indonesia. Pada tahun 2019 kebutuhan energi listrik di sistem Jawa-Bali adalah sebesar 189.606 GWh dan beban
puncaknya adalah sebesar 27.973 MW. Saat ini bauran energi di Jawa-Bali masih didominasi oleh batubara sebesar 70%, dan gas bumi sebesar 21,22%, sedangkan pemanfaatan energi terbarukan hanya 7,71% dan sisanya masih menggunakan BBM sebesar 0,14%. Untuk meningkatkan pemanfaatan sumber energi terbarukan dan mengurangi penggunaan bahan bakar fosil dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan energi listrik, pemerintah menetapkan target bauran energi di Indonesia untuk energi terbarukan sebesar 23% pada tahun 2025 dan 31% pada tahun 2050. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh skenario perencanaan pengembangan kapasitas pembangkit dengan pemanfaatan sumber energi terbarukan yang optimal dengan biaya terendah. Potensi sumber energi dan target bauran energi menjadi pertimbangan dalam penelitian ini. Optimasi model perencanaan pengembangan kapasitas pembangkit dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan aplikasi Balmorel Model dengan pemrograman GAMS (General Algebraic Modeling System). Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh skenario dengan
total penambahan kapasitas pembangkit sebesar 15.035 MW dengan proyeksi total biaya investasi sebesar 901 Trilyun Rupiah menjadi skenario pengembangan kapasitas pembangkit dengan pemanfaatan sumber energi terbarukan yang paling optimal dengan biaya terendah. Hasil dari skenario tersebut diperoleh komposisi energi terbarukan di
sistem Jawa Bali meningkat menjadi sebesar 16,95% dalam jangka waktu 10 tahun ke depan.

Electricity has become one of the important needs for the society. However, the increasing concern about global warming has made various policies to reduce CO2 emissions aimed at reducing the level of global warming, especially from the electricity sector. The Java-Bali
electricity system is the largest electricity system in Indonesia. In 2019 the total electricity demand in the Java-Bali system is 189,606 GWh and the peak load is 27,973 MW. At present the energy mix in Java-Bali is still dominated by coal by 70%, and natural gas by 21.22%, while the utilization of renewable energy is only 7.71% and the rest are still using fuel by 0.14%. To increase the utilization of renewable energy sources and reduce the use of fossil fuels in meeting electricity demand, the government set a target of the energy mix in Indonesia for renewable energy by 23% in 2025 and 31% in 2050. The aims of this research are to develop a Generation Expansion Planning (GEP) model with optimal renewable energy sources at the lowest cost. Potential energy sources and energy mix targets are considered in this study. The optimization of GEP models in this research is carried out using the Balmorel Model with coded in GAMS (General Algebraic Modeling System). From the results, a scenario with a total generation expansion capacity of 15,035 MW and total investment cost of 901 Trillion Rupiah being the scenario with the most optimal renewable resources at the lowest cost. In this scenario, the composition of renewable energy in the Java-Bali system has increased to 16.95% in the next 10 years."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pemanasan global merupakan salah satu indikator bahwa bumi ini sedang berada pada kondisi tertentu yang memerlukan perhatian lebih besar dari sebelumnya. Dalam isu pemanasan global, Arktik menjadi salah satu kawasan yang menarik perhatian dunia karena efek pemanasan global paling besar dapat dilihat di kawasan ini. Pada tahun 1996, sebuah forum kerjasama bernama Dewan Arktik dibentuk. Tujuan utama dari forum ini adalah untuk melindungi lingkungan, melestarikan sumber daya alam yang tersimpan, dan melaksanakan pembangunan berkelanjutan bagi masyarakat di kawasan Arktik. Setelah hampir 24 tahun pembentukan forum ini, kondisi Arktik justru semakin memprihatinkan. Lapisan es yang semula tebal menutupi permukaan, kini semakin menipis seiring dengan semakin bertambahnya suhu bumi. Sumber daya alam yang terkandung di dalam kawasan ini juga perlahan mulai berkurang kadarnya, dan hal ini bukan digunakan untuk kepentingan masyarakat Arktik itu sendiri. Dengan menggunakan teori regional security complex, penelitian ini akan menganalisa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pembentukan forum ini, serta alasan atas ketidakmampuan forum Dewan Arktik dalam mencapai tujuan pembentukannya. Pertanyaan yang hendak dijawab dalam peneltian ini adalah Mengapa pasca Dewan Arktik terbentuk masih terjadi eksploitasi sumber daya alam secara berlebihan serta militerisasi di kawasan Arktik yang menyebabkan dampak pemanasan global tidak berkurang di kawasan ini? Pertanyaan selanjutnya adalah Mengapa negara-negara anggota Dewan Arktik tidak dapat memenuhi komitmen awal pembentukannya?

Global warming is one of the indicator that the earth, to some extent, requires greater attention than it does before. On the issue of global warming, the Arctic has become one of the regions that has attracted global attention because of the greatest global warming effect could be seen in this region. On 1996, a cooperation forum, named the Arctic Council, was created. The main purposes of this forum are to protect the environment, to conserve the stored natural resources, and to manage sustainable development for people in Arctic. After nearly 24 years of its establishment, the Arctic condition is even more alarming. The layer of ice that was originally thick has become thinner as the earth's temperature increases. The natural resources contained in this region are also starting to diminish, but not for the good of Arctic society. Using the regional security complex theory, this research will analyze the factors that influence the formation of this forum, as well as the reasons for the inability of the Arctic Council forum to achieve its goals. The question that needs to be answered in this research is: Why is it that after the Arctic Council was establish there was still natural resources excessive exploitation and the militarization in the Arctic region that caused the effects of global warming to not diminish in this region? The next question is, why can't the members of the Arctic Council meet their commitments to establish the forum?."
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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