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Penelitian ini mengangkat permasalahan terkait lembaga yang baru dibentuk
berdasarkan Undang-Undang No. 21 Tahun 2011, yaitu Otoritas Jasa Keuangan yang
pada awal pelaksanaan tugasnya menemui banyak permasalahan yang dihadapi,
diantaranya terkait pertanggungjawaban pengelolaan keuangan yaitu status
kewajiban perpajakan OJK. Disatu sisi sebagai WAPU, dan lainnya sebagai WP.
Selanjutnya, Kementerian Keuangan melalui Keputusan Direktur Jenderal
Perbendaharaan No. KEP-322/PB/2014, OJK ditetapkan sebagai Unit Badan Lainnya
(UBL) dalam konteks pengelolaan dan pertanggungjawaban keuangan negara.
Permasalahan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah: 1. Bagaimana perlakuan
pengenaan pajak kepada OJK berdasarkan surat Direktorat Jenderal Pajak Nomor S-
28/PJ/2015 tanggal 4 Februari 2015? 2. Bagaimana status dan kewajiban perpajakan
yang tepat diterapkan kepada OJK?
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian normatif yaitu penelitian hukum yang
dilakukan dengan cara meneliti bahan pustaka atau data sekunder. Data yang
digunakan dalam tesis ini adalah bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder, dan
bahan hukum tersier. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan suatu kegiatan studi
dokumen terhadap data sekunder.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pungutan pajak kepada OJK, tidak akan efektif
hingga ditetapkan dalam suatu produk perundang-undangan sebagaimana Pasal 23A
amandemen ketiga Undang-undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945.

This research raised issues related to the newly formed institutions under Indonesian
Law No. 21/2011, Otoritas Jasa Keuangan who is in the early exercise of their duties
encountered many problems faced, which were related to financial management
accountability, namely OJK status of tax obligations. On one hand as WAPU, and
others as WP. Furthermore, the Ministry of Finance through the Director General of
Treasury letter No. KEP-322 / NT / 2014, OJK sets as Other Board Unit (UBL) in
the context of financial management and accountability the state.
Issues examined in this research are: 1. How does the tax to OJK based on the letter
of the Directorate General of Taxation No. S-28 / PJ / 2015 dated February 4, 2015?
2. What is the status and tax obligations are applied to OJK?
The research using normative research method, it is law research conducted with
researching library materials or secondary materials. The materials using in this
research are primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, and tertiary legal
materials. The collection of materials conducted with the study of documents for
secondary materials.
The results showed that the determination OJK as the subject of taxes and OJK
income as taxes objects, will not be effective until a law is defined as of Article 23A
of the third amendment to the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945;This research raised issues related to the newly formed institutions under Indonesian
Law No. 21/2011, Otoritas Jasa Keuangan who is in the early exercise of their duties
encountered many problems faced, which were related to financial management
accountability, namely OJK status of tax obligations. On one hand as WAPU, and
others as WP. Furthermore, the Ministry of Finance through the Director General of
Treasury letter No. KEP-322 / NT / 2014, OJK sets as Other Board Unit (UBL) in
the context of financial management and accountability the state.
Issues examined in this research are: 1. How does the tax to OJK based on the letter
of the Directorate General of Taxation No. S-28 / PJ / 2015 dated February 4, 2015?
2. What is the status and tax obligations are applied to OJK?
The research using normative research method, it is law research conducted with
researching library materials or secondary materials. The materials using in this
research are primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, and tertiary legal
materials. The collection of materials conducted with the study of documents for
secondary materials.
The results showed that the determination OJK as the subject of taxes and OJK
income as taxes objects, will not be effective until a law is defined as of Article 23A
of the third amendment to the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945, This research raised issues related to the newly formed institutions under Indonesian
Law No. 21/2011, Otoritas Jasa Keuangan who is in the early exercise of their duties
encountered many problems faced, which were related to financial management
accountability, namely OJK status of tax obligations. On one hand as WAPU, and
others as WP. Furthermore, the Ministry of Finance through the Director General of
Treasury letter No. KEP-322 / NT / 2014, OJK sets as Other Board Unit (UBL) in
the context of financial management and accountability the state.
Issues examined in this research are: 1. How does the tax to OJK based on the letter
of the Directorate General of Taxation No. S-28 / PJ / 2015 dated February 4, 2015?
2. What is the status and tax obligations are applied to OJK?
The research using normative research method, it is law research conducted with
researching library materials or secondary materials. The materials using in this
research are primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, and tertiary legal
materials. The collection of materials conducted with the study of documents for
secondary materials.
The results showed that the determination OJK as the subject of taxes and OJK
income as taxes objects, will not be effective until a law is defined as of Article 23A
of the third amendment to the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Vinantia Lona
Skripsi ini membahas tentang tugas pengaturan dan pengawasan perbankan oleh
Otoritas Jasa Keuangan dan pungutan yang harus dibayar oleh lembaga
perbankan serta lembaga keuangan lainnya. Setelah beralihnya tugas mengatur
dan mengawasi lembaga perbankan oleh Bank Indonesia kepada Otoritas Jasa
Keuangan, penataan kembali fungsi pengaturan dan pengawasan yang lebih
terintegrasi diperlukan terhadap lembaga-lembaga yang menjalankan fungsi
pengawasan pada industri perbankan maupun industri keuangan bukan bank
sehingga dapat tercapai mekanisme koordinasi yang efektif dan dengan demikian
dapat tercapai stabilitas sistem keuangan. Lembaga yang terintegrasi ini oleh
pemerintah dilahirkan dalam bentuk Otoritas Jasa Keuangan. Pokok permasalahan
yang dibahas dalamp enelitian ini perbandingan tugas pengaturan dan
pengawasan lembaga perbankan serta pungutan yang dilakukan oleh Otoritas Jasa
Keuangan. Bentuk penelitian ini adalah yuridis normative dengan melakukan
studi dokumen dan menggunakan metode analisis data secara kualitatif. Untuk
mendukung isi dari penelitian ini dilakukan juga wawancara untuk melengkapi
penulisan ini. Penelitian menunjukan bahwa didasarkan padaPasal 2 ayat (1)
Peraturan Pemerintah Tentang Pungutan oleh OJK yang menyebutkan bahwa
OJK mengenakan Pungutan kepada Pihak. Hal ini sebagai amanat dari pasal 37
ayat (1) Undang-undang OJK.Pungutan yang diterapkan pada lembaga perbankan
mempunyai manfaat seperti fungsi pengaturan dan pengawasan yang lebih baik
serta perlindungan konsumen dan nasabah lebih diperhatikan dan potensi
permasalahan berkaitandengan konsistensi perlakuan OJK dalam pemberian izin
dan atau pengenaan sanksi terhadap bank, Pengeluaran biaya operasional bank
bertambah yang berdampak pada nasabah.

This thesis discusses about the banking regulation and supervision byOtoritas Jasa
Keuangan and dues must be paid by the banks and other financial institutions.
After the transfer of duties set up and oversee banking institution by Bank
Indonesia to Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, structuring back the function of regulation
and supervision that more integrated institutions necessary against who runs the
supervisory function on banking industry and the financial industry is not bank so
that the mechanism can achieve an effective coordination and thus be achieved
financial system stability. This integrated institutions by the government this man
was born in the form of financial services authority. The main issues discussed in
this research comparison duty regulations and supervision of banking institutions
as well as charges that carried out by OJK. The form of this research is juridical
normative by conducting the study documents and using methods data analysis
qualitatively. To support the content of this research is also an interview for
completing the writing. Research shows that based on article 2 paragraph ( 1 )
PP No. 11 / 2014 about The Dues by OJK mentioned that OJK wearing the dues
to the party.It is the implementation of article from article 37 paragraph ( 1 ) of
the UU OJK. Dues on banks have adopted the benefits of such regulation and
surveillance functions better and more customer and consumer protection and
potential problems with regard to be consistent handling ojk in granting licences
and the imposition of sanctions against a bank the operational costs of banks
adding that affects the customers."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Manurung, Adler Haymans, 1961-
Jakarta: Adler Manurung Press, 2013
332.678 MAN o
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hafizh Amrullah
This thesis analyzes the jurisdiction for the Otoritas Jasa Keuangan policytowards the Pandawa Group with the prevailing regulations for the fundsinstitutions. The research method conducted on this thesis is based on normativejuridical research, and it is found that that OJK had regulatory and supervisionpower over several funds institutions institusi penghimpun dana cooperatingwith several others financial supervision bodies, such as Bank of Indonesia,BAPEPAM LK, and Bappebti with regards to the macro financial activities. Otherthan that, OJK also had power to supervise and regulates a micro financialinstitutions where it activities focuses on funding the savings of the society and ormember of the institution itself, and it may be in form of limited liability companyor a micro financial which owned by a cooperative. Based on license issued by theMinistry of Cooperative and SMEs, Pandawa Group is in a form of Savings andLoan cooperative, in which they are regulated under the Ministry of Cooperativeand SMEs. After analyzing the form and the activity of the Pandawa Group itself,the action taken by the OJK was out of their jurisdiction, yet it was necessary toactively interfere the Pandawa Group activity. Based on these findings, this thesisrecommends to make every license of any funding activity in any form ofinstitution should be from one single institution to avoid the scamming based onlicense which permitted by one of the one of the authorized state institutions.

Tesis ini menganalisis yurisdiksi kebijakan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan terhadap GrupPandawa dengan peraturan yang berlaku untuk institusi penghimpunan dana.Metode penelitian yang dilakukan pada tesis ini didasarkan pada penelitian yuridisnormatif, dan ditemukan bahwa OJK memiliki kewenangan pengatur danpengawasan terhadap beberapa lembaga penghimpun dana bekerjasama denganbeberapa lembaga keuangan lainnya, seperti Bank Indonesia, BAPEPAM - LK,dan Bappebti berkenaan dengan kegiatan keuangan makro. Selain itu, OJK jugamemiliki wewenang untuk mengawasi dan mengatur lembaga keuangan mikrodimana kegiatannya berfokus pada Simpan-Pinjam terhadap masyarakat dan / atauanggota institusi itu sendiri, yang dapat berbentuk perseroan terbatas atau lembagakeuangan mikro yang dimiliki oleh koperasi. Berdasarkan izin yang dikeluarkanoleh Kementrian Koperasi dan UKM, Pandawa Group berbentuk koperasi simpanpinjam, yang diatur di bawah Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM. Setelahmenganalisis bentuk dan aktivitas Kelompok Pandawa itu sendiri, tindakan yangdiambil oleh OJK berada di luar yurisdiksinya, namun tindakan tersebut dirasaperlu untuk secara aktif mengintervensi aktivitas Pandawa Grup yang melawanketentuan dari peraturan Koperasi Simpan Pinjam. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut,skiprsi ini merekomendasikan agar setiap lisensi dari setiap kegiatanpenghimpunan dana dalam bentuk badan apa pun harus berasal dari satu institusitunggal agar tidak melakukan penipuan berdasarkan lisensi yang diizinkan olehsalah satu lembaga negara yang berwenang."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bryan Sonny Wisaksono
"Kedudukan khusus yang dimiliki bank sebagai financial intermediary menjadikan bank sebagai suatu lembaga kepercayaan dan hubungan hukum antara bank dan nasabahnya dilandasi oleh asas kepercayaan (fiduciary relations). Dalam hubungan tersebut, bank menanggung risiko reputasi yang berasal dari publikasi negatif terkait kegiatan usaha bank atau persepsi negatif terhadap bank sehingga bank harus memiliki mekanisme pengaduan nasabah. Apabila pengaduan tidak dapat diselesaikan, hal tersebut dapat menimbulkan sengketa. Penelitian dalam skripsi ini akan membahas mengenai pengaturan penyelesaian sengketa antara bank dan nasabah sejak berdirinya Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) serta bagaimana pelaksanaan penyelesaian sengketa tersebut berdasarkan Peraturan OJK. Berdasarkan peraturan tersebut terdapat mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa dalam tahap internal oleh bank dan tahap eksternal oleh OJK, Lembaga Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa Perbankan Indonesia (LAPSPI), dan Pengadilan. Adapun ditemukan bahwa penyelesaian sengketa oleh LAPSPI belum efektif karena lembaga tersebut baru memiliki izin beroperasi pada tahun 2016. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang bersifat yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan penelitian kepustakaan. Sumber penelitian yang digunakan adalah bahan hukum primer, sekunder, dan tersier. Pengumpulan data digunakan dengan wawancara dengan pihak-pihak terkait yang kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif.

Bank as a financial intermediary create an exceptional position for bank as an institution of trust and the relationship between bank and its customers is based on the principle of trust (fiduciary relations). Therefore, bank bears the risk of reputational damage from negative publicity related to the business or negative perception of the bank so that bank shall have a mechanism for customer complaints. If the complaints could not be resolved, it will rise to disputes. This thesis will discuss the dispute resolution regulations between bank and its customers since the Financial Service Authority (FSA) is established as well as how the implementation of the dispute resolution based on the FSA Regulations. Based on those rules, there are stages of dispute resolution which are internal stage by the bank and external stage by FSA, Alternative Dispute Resolution Institution of Indonesian Banking (ADR Institution of Indonesian Banking), and Court. As it was found that the dispute resolution by ADR Institution of Indonesian Banking has not been effective because the institution just had its operating license in 2016. This research is a normative judicial research with literature approach. The research sources which are used are primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials. The data collections used by interviews with related parties which analyzed by qualitative methods.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurul Hayati
"[Jumlah LKM yang sudah beroperasi di Indonesia sangat banyak yang tidak berbentuk Koperasi dan/atau Perseroan Terbatas. Ketiadaan bentuk hukum yang jelas menimbulkan potensi kerugian terhadap nasabah dan bagi LKM itu sendiri. Oleh karena itu, penulis mengangkat rumusan masalah pada penelitian ini bagaimana pengaturan dan pengawasan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan terhadap Lembaga Keuangan Mikro dan bagaimana sinkronisasi peraturan Lembaga Keuangan Mikro dengan peraturan Koperasi Simpan Pinjam dan Peraturan Pebankan. Metode penelitian adalah studi kepustakaan dan didukung dengan wawancara. Pengaturan dan pengawasan OJK terhadap LKM telah diatur dengan UU, Peraturan Pemerintah, dan Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan sedangkan implementasi pengawasan baru akan dimulai dilaksanakan OJK pada Januari 2016. LKM yang telah bertransformasi menjadi Bank Perkreditan Rakyat tunduk pada peraturan BPR, sedangkan LKM yang telah memperoleh izin usaha sebagai koperasi tunduk pada UU Perkoperasian sehingga tidak wajib memperoleh izin usaha dari OJK.
, The number of Micro Finance Institution that has operated in Indonesia is so many. Mostly of them is not cooperative or limited company. The obscurity of legal entity could bring about potential losses to the client and also Micro Finance Institution itself. Therefore, the problem that will be elaborated in this research is how regulation and supervision Financial Services Authority to Micro Finance Institution and how synchronization Micro Finance Institution regulation with saving and loan cooperative regulation and banking regulation. The research methods in this research is literature study and also supported by interview. The regulation and supervision Financial Services Authority to Micro Finance Institution has been regulated by law, government regulations, and financial services authority regulations, while implementation of supervision Financial Services Authority to Micro Finance Institution will be started on January 2016. Micro Finance Institution thas was transfomed to the rural bank will obey rural bank regulation, while Micro Finance Institution that have got business license as cooperative will obey to cooperative regulation, so that getting business license from Financial Services Authority is not compulsory for them.
Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nainggolan, Nona Diana Mariana Taruli Basa
"Manusia akan menghindari keadaan yang tidak pasti, yang berwujud dalam berbagai bentuk dan peristiwa yang disebut risiko. Terhadap risiko yang mungkin dihadapi, manusia berupaya untuk menghindarkan diri atau melimpahkannya kepada pihak lain, yang menjadi asal mula perasuransian. Asuransi juga merupakan lembaga penghimpun dana masyarakat. Pembinaan dan pengawasan terhadap usaha perasuransian dilakukan oleh Menteri Keuangan yang beralih kepada Otoritas Jasa Keuangan. Penelitian ini akan membahas mengenai peranan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan dalam pendirian perusahaan asuransi dan reasuransi serta perbedaan pembinaan dan pengawasan terhadap perusahaan asuransi dan reasuransi sebelum dengan sesudah adanya Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, dengan menggunakan metode studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa Otoritas Jasa Keuangan memiliki peran dalam pendirian perusahaan asuransi dan reasuransi serta terdapat perbedaan pembinaan dan pengawasan perusahaan asuransi dan reasuransi sebelum dengan sesudah adanya Otoritas Jasa Keuangan.

Every person would avoid any state of being uncertain, that comes off as forms and events usually called risk. People would attempt to prevent themselves from any risk or delegate it to another party, which becomes the origin of insurance. Other than insurance is also an institution of public funds. Hence, management and supervision of insurance business are conducted by the Minister of Finance who later delegate them to Otoritas Jasa Keuangan. This research will discuss about the role of Otoritas Jasa Keuangan in establishment of insurance and reinsurance companies before and after Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, by using the methods of literature study. This research concludes that Otoritas Jasa Keuangan has a role in establishment of insurance and reinsurance companies, and there are differences in management and supervision of insurance and reinsurance companies before and after Otoritas Jasa Keuangan.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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