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Dwi Rahayu
"Pengomposan merupakan salah satu opsi teknologi yang efisien dan ramah lingkungan dalam penanganan limbah lumpur IPAL. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kualitas fisik-kimia kompos, aktivitas mikroorganisme dan enzim, serta pengaruh parameter fisik-kimia terhadap aktivitas mikroorganisme dan enzim selama proses pengomposan lumpur dengan bulking agent sampah daun. Pengomposan menggunakan sistem open windrow selama 48 hari dengan campuran lumpur dan bulking agent 1:1 dan 2:3 untuk Kompos 1 dan 2.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa temperatur kompos berada pada rentang 28o-37,5oC, namun pengomposan mampu mengurangi total koliform hingga mencapai 99,92% dan 99,96% pada Kompos 1 dan 2. Kualitas akhir pH, C/N, dan fecal koliform pada kompos secara umum telah memenuhi kriteria kompos matang (SNI No 19/2004). Aktivitas bakteri proteolitik dan selulolitik terus meningkat dan mencapai puncaknya pada hari ke-34 dengan jumlah mencapai 1010 dan 1012 CFU/gram. Parameter pH, rasio C/N, kadar air, dan kadar volatil memiliki pengaruh yang lebih signifikan terhadap aktivitas mikroorganisme dan enzim kompos (p<0,1).

Composting is one of technology options that can be considered as an alternative treatment to sewage sludge. The aimed of this study was to analyze the changes in physico-chemical parameters, microbial and enzyme activities, and effect of physico-chemical parameters on microbial and enzyme activities during the composting of sewage sludge and leaves as the bulking agents. The composting process was carried out for 48 days and use open windrow system. The mixture of sewage sludge and bulking agents for Compost 1 and 2 were 1 : 1 and 2 : 3, respectively.
The results showed that values for temperature ranged from 28o-37,5oC, yet it could reduce total coliform up to 99.92% and 99.96% for Compost 1 and 2. The quality compost on pH, C/N ratio, and fecal coliform generally have met the criteria as mature compost (SNI No. 19/2004). Proteolytic and cellulolytic bacterial activities tended to increase and reached peak value up to 1010 and 1012 CFU/gram on the 34th day. Parameters of pH, C/N ratio, moisture content, and volatile solid have a more significant effect on the microbial and enzyme activities (p<0,1)"
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cut Keumala Banaget
"Sampah sisa makanan yang dihasilkan di kantin Fakultas Teknik UI memiliki persentase sebesar 73% dari total timbulan sampah. Jumlah sampah yang besar serta sifatnya yang mudah membusuk dan memicu kehadiran hewan pembawa penyakit seperti tikus, membuat pengolahan sampah sisa makanan perlu menjadi prioritas. Salah satu teknik pengolahannya adalah pengomposan, yaitu proses degradasi sampah organik oleh mikroorganisme menjadi material sejenis humus yang dapat dimanfaatkan.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor (meliputi parameter fisik-kimia) yang mempengaruhi proses pengomposan, serta menganalisis hubungan dan pengaruh faktor tersebut terhadap aktivitas mikroorganisme selama proses pengomposan berlangsung. Analisis statistik dalam penelitian ini meliputi analisis faktor, korelasi, dan multivariabel.
Berdasarkan analisis faktor yang dilakukan, terbentuk 2 faktor baru yang mempengaruhi proses pengomposan, yaitu faktor 1 dinamakan parameter yang menunjukkan hasil dari proses pengomposan, terdiri dari konduktivitas, salinitas, dan kadar air; dan faktor 2 dinamakan parameter yang mendukung proses pengomposan, terdiri dari rasio C/N, kadar karbon, pH, dan kadar nitrogen.
Hasil analisis korelasi menunjukkan kadar air, rasio C/N, kadar karbon, pH, kadar nitrogen memiliki pengaruh terhadap aktivitas mikroorganisme. Berdasarkan analisis multivariabel, komposter 2 diperkirakan memiliki model regresi pengaruh faktor pengomposan terhadap aktivitas mikroorganisme yang terbaik. Sedangkan dilihat dari penurunan kadar karbonnya, komposter 1 memiliki konstanta laju pengomposan dan laju dekomposisi terbesar dibandingkan dua komposter lainnya, yaitu sebesar 0,0006 dan 0,0224%/hari.

Food waste is likely to degrade quickly and smell, become a breeding ground for bacteria and attract rodents. Food waste from canteen at Faculty of Engineering has a percentage of 73% of the total waste generation. Enormous amount of food waste and its nature made food waste processing needs to be a priority. One of food waste treatment is composting, which is a process of organic waste degradation by microorganisms into humus-like material.
This study aimed to analyze the factors (including physico-chemical parameters) that affect the composting process, and analyze the relationship and the influence of factors on microorganisms activities during the composting process. Statistical analysis in this study include factor analysis, correlation and multivariable analysis.
Based on factor analysis, there are two new factors that affect composting, factor 1 consist of conductivity, salinity, and water content, then named parameter that indicates the result of the composting process, and factor 2 consist of C/N ratio, carbon content, pH, and nitrogen content, then named parameters that support the composting process.
Results of correlation analysis showed that moisture, C/N ratio, carbon content, pH, and nitrogen content has correlation to microorganisms activities. Based on multivariable analysis, composter 2 were estimated to have the best regression models. While based on carbon reduction, composter 1 has the largest composting rate constant and decomposition rate than the two largest composter at 0,0006 and 0,0224 %/day"
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dini Aryanti
Limbah lumpur yang dihasilkan dari Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) Domestik dapat dimanfaatkan melalui pengomposan karena mengandung kandungan organik yang tinggi. Namun, kandungan logam berat pada limbah lumpur dapat menjadi penyebab utama timbulnya dampak negatif pada lingkungan dan kesehatan manusia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis perubahan parameter fisik-kimia, konsentrasi dan spesiasi kimia logam Cu dan Pb pada dua campuran kompos sebagai penilaian kelayakan kedua kompos untuk digunakan sebagai pupu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa parameter suhu, pH, dan rasio C/N pada kedua kompos telah memenuhi kualitas kompos sesuai SNI 19-7030-2004. Konsentrasi logam Cu pada kompos 1 dan kompos 2 berturut-turut adalah 150 mg/kg dan 237 mg/kg, sedangkan konsentrasi logam Pb sebesar 224 mg/kg dan 183 mg/kg. Besar konsentrasi kedua logam pada kedua kompos menghasilkan faktor resiko ekologi yang masuk ke dalam kategori resiko rendah (Er < 40). Selain itu, proses pengomposan pada penelitian ini telah mengurangi efek toksisitas kedua logam. Pada akhir pengomposan, fraksi logam Cu pada kedua kompos dominan pada fraksi organic bound yaitu sebesar 63,50% untuk kompos 1 dan 56,20% untuk kompos 2. Sedangkan logam Pb dominan pada fraksi residual yaitu sebesar 62,10% pada kompos 1 dan 71,50% pada kompos 2. Kedua fraksi ini merupakan fraksi stabil sehingga keberadaan logam Cu dan Pb tidak memberikan dampak negatif bagi lingkungan jika kedua kompos diaplikasikan ke tanah.

Sewage sludge generated from Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) can be reused by composting because it contains a high organic content. However, the content of heavy metals in sewage sludge can be a major cause negative impacts on the environment and human health. The purpose of this study is to analyze the changes in the physical-chemical parameters, concentration and chemical speciation of Cu and Pb in two compost mixtures as an assessment of the feasibility of both composts to be used as fertilizer. The result showed that the parameters of temperature, pH, and C/N ratio in both compost met the standard quality of compost according to SNI 19-7030-2004. Concentration of Cu in compost 1 and compost 2 were 150 mg/kg and 237 mg/kg respectively, while the concentration of Pb were 224 mg/kg and 183 mg/kg respectively. The concentration of both metals in two composts resulted Ecological Risk factor (Er) that go into a low risk category (Er < 40). In addition, the composting process in this study reduced the toxicity effect of two metals. At the end of composting, fractions of Cu in two composts were dominant in organic bound fraction in amount of 63.50% for compost 1 and 56.20% for compost 2. While Pb were dominant in the residual fraction that is equal to 62.10% for compost 1 and 71.50% for compost 2. These fractions are the stable fracion so that the existence of Cu and Pb in two compost do not give negative impact to the environment if two composts will be applied to soil.;Sewage sludge generated from Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) can be reused by composting because it contains a high organic content. However, the content of heavy metals in sewage sludge can be a major cause negative impacts on the environment and human health. The purpose of this study is to analyze the changes in the physical-chemical parameters, concentration and chemical speciation of Cu and Pb in two compost mixtures as an assessment of the feasibility of both composts to be used as fertilizer. The result showed that the parameters of temperature, pH, and C/N ratio in both compost met the standard quality of compost according to SNI 19-7030-2004. Concentration of Cu in compost 1 and compost 2 were 150 mg/kg and 237 mg/kg respectively, while the concentration of Pb were 224 mg/kg and 183 mg/kg respectively. The concentration of both metals in two composts resulted Ecological Risk factor (Er) that go into a low risk category (Er < 40). In addition, the composting process in this study reduced the toxicity effect of two metals. At the end of composting, fractions of Cu in two composts were dominant in organic bound fraction in amount of 63.50% for compost 1 and 56.20% for compost 2. While Pb were dominant in the residual fraction that is equal to 62.10% for compost 1 and 71.50% for compost 2. These fractions are the stable fracion so that the existence of Cu and Pb in two compost do not give negative impact to the environment if two composts will be applied to soil., Sewage sludge generated from Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) can be reused by composting because it contains a high organic content. However, the content of heavy metals in sewage sludge can be a major cause negative impacts on the environment and human health. The purpose of this study is to analyze the changes in the physical-chemical parameters, concentration and chemical speciation of Cu and Pb in two compost mixtures as an assessment of the feasibility of both composts to be used as fertilizer. The result showed that the parameters of temperature, pH, and C/N ratio in both compost met the standard quality of compost according to SNI 19-7030-2004. Concentration of Cu in compost 1 and compost 2 were 150 mg/kg and 237 mg/kg respectively, while the concentration of Pb were 224 mg/kg and 183 mg/kg respectively. The concentration of both metals in two composts resulted Ecological Risk factor (Er) that go into a low risk category (Er < 40). In addition, the composting process in this study reduced the toxicity effect of two metals. At the end of composting, fractions of Cu in two composts were dominant in organic bound fraction in amount of 63.50% for compost 1 and 56.20% for compost 2. While Pb were dominant in the residual fraction that is equal to 62.10% for compost 1 and 71.50% for compost 2. These fractions are the stable fracion so that the existence of Cu and Pb in two compost do not give negative impact to the environment if two composts will be applied to soil.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asalam Riady Christian
"Bandara Soekarno Hatta merupakan bandar udara aktif yang melayani berbagai penerbangan domestik dan internasional. Bandara Soekarno Hatta memiliki sistem pengolahan limbah untuk mengolah limbah dari seluruh kawasan bandara tersebut. Salah satu hasil dari pengolahan limbah tersebut adalah lumpur dari STP (Sludge Treatment Plant) yang hanya dikeringkan dan tidak dilakukan pengolahan lanjutan, sehingga tidak diketahui jenis dan jumlah logam berat, serta bahayanya terhadap lingkungan. Salah satu pengolahan lumpur yang dapat dilakukan adalah pengomposan. Kompos merupakan bentuk akhir dari bahan-bahan organik sampah domestik setelah mengalami dekomposisi atau perubahan komposisi bahan organik sampah domestik akibat penguraian oleh mikroorganisme pada suhu tertentu menjadi senyawa organik yang lebih sederhana. Pengomposan pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode passively aerated windrow dengan bin yang memiliki volume 200 Liter dengan dimensi diameter sebesar 50 cm dan tinggi sebesar 102 cm yang dilengkapi pipa perforasi untuk aerasi. Bahan pendukung kompos yang digunakan adalah sampah organik, berjenis daun kering. Kontrol harian dilakukan untuk mengukur pH, suhu, kelembapan, bau, dan warna setiap 2 hari sekali. Analisis risiko juga dilakukan dengan menganalisis nilai HQ atau Hazard Quotient untuk efek non-karsinogenik dan ECR atau Excess Cancer Risk untuk efek karsinogenik. Konsentrasi awal logam berat pada lumpur hasil pengolahan STP Bandara Soekarno Hatta: Pb adalah 66,58 mg/kg dan logam berat Cu adalah 28,1 mg/kg. Berdasarkan penelitian, rasio terbaik untuk menurunkan kadar logam dan logam berat pada penelitian ini adalah 50% daun kering dan 50% lumpur. Berdasarkan perhitungan HQ dan ECR, kompos memiliki risiko sedang sampai risiko tinggi.

Soekarno Hatta Airport is an active airport serving various domestic and international flights. Soekarno Hatta Airport has a waste treatment system to treat waste from the entire airport area. One of the results of this waste treatment is sludge from the STP (Sludge Treatment Plant) which is only dried and no further processing is carried out, so the type and amount of heavy metals, as well as the danger to the environment, are not known. One of the sludge treatments that can be done is composting. Compost is the final form of domestic waste organic matter after experiencing decomposition or changes in the composition of domestic waste organic matter due to decomposition by microorganisms at a certain temperature into simpler organic compounds. Composting in this study used the passively aerated windrow method with a bin that has a volume of 200 liters with a diameter dimension of 50 cm and a height of 102 cm which is equipped with a perforated pipe for aeration. The compost supporting material used is organic waste, dry leaves. Daily control was carried out to measure pH, temperature, humidity, odor, and color every 2 days. Risk analysis was also carried out by analyzing the HQ or Hazard Quotient values for non-carcinogenic effects and ECR or Excess Cancer Risk for carcinogenic effects. The initial concentration of heavy metals in the STP Soekarno Hatta Airport sludge treatment: Pb was 66.58 mg/kg and Cu was 28.1 mg/kg. Based on research, the best ratio for reducing metal content and heavy metal in this study was 50% dry leaves and 50% sludge. Based on HQ and ECR calculations, compost has moderate to high risk."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Frans Ferdinal
Ruang Lingkup dan Cara Penelitian : Pesatnya kemajuan bioteknologi menyebabkan peningkatan kebutuhan akan enzim sebagai agen biologi. Khususnya enzim proteinase kebutuhannya akan semakin meningkat karena fungsinya yang sangat luas. Akan tetapi pemakaian enzim secara konvensional dalam industri, selain tidak efisien dan efektif, juga berarti tidak menggunakan kemampuannya dengan optimum. Salah satu cara untuk memecahkan masalah stabilitas dan kebutuhan enzim tersebut ialah dengan menggunakannya dalam bentuk amobil. Dengan teknik ini, enzim dapat digunakan berulang kali atau terus menerus, sehingga peranannya dalam bidang biomedik; analisis; industri dan riset akan lebih luas. Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan proses amobilisasi kovalen, menurut metoda modifikasi Porath dick, dengan bahan utama bromelain batang, bahan matriks CNBr-Sepharose 4B, kasein dan BApNA. Prosedur amobilisasi dilakukan dengan reaksi rangkai selama 16 jam pada suhu 4°C antara 10 mg protein enzim dengan 1 g bahan matriks, dalam larutan NaHC03 0,1 M pH 8,0, yang mengandung merkaptoetanol, EDTA dan NaCl. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap : jumlah, kadar protein, aktivitas dan stabilitas enzim amobil.
Hasil dan Kesimpulan : Enzim amobil diperoleh dalam bentuk bubuk kering sebanyak 426,5 mg (rendemen 42,2% ), yang mengandung 5,1 mg protein enzim. Aktivitas relatif terhadap kasein dan BApNA, didapatkan masing-masing sebesar 34,7% dan 62,4%. Pada uji stabilitas terhadap pemakaian berulang ( N=10 ), diperoleh aktivitas-sisa 79,3% dan kadar proteinnya menurun sekitar 10%. Terhadap pengaruh pemanasan dan penyimpanan, enzim amobil memperlihatkan stabilitas yang lebih tinggi dibanding enzim bebas. Pra-inkubasi pada suhu 60°C selama 1 jam menyebabkan aktivitas-sisa 88,5%, sedangkan enzim bebas aktivitasnya tinggal 63,8%. Penyimpanan dalam bentuk suspensi selama 6 minggu pada suhu 4°C menyebabkan aktivitas-sisa 80,8%, sedang pada suhu kamar aktivitasnya menjadi 46,1%. Sementara kondisi yang sama menyebabkan aktivitas-sisa larutan enzim bebas, masing-masing menjadi 44,8% dan 9,1%.

The Effect Of The Stem Bromelain Immobilization By Covalent Attachment Onto CNBr-Sepharose 4B Towards Enzymatic Activities And StabilitiesScope and Method of Study: The rapid progress in biotechnology brings about the increase in needs for enzymes as a biological agent. The need for proteinase in particular, will increase much more because of its broad range in functions. However, the conventional use of enzyme in the industry, besides inefficient and ineffective, but also is not utilizing its potential as biocatalyst optimally. One way to solve the problem of the stability and the need for enzyme is by using them in immobilized form, through an immobilization process. With this technique, the enzymes can be use repeatedly or continuously, and hence its role in the field of biomedical, analysis, industry and research can be more extended. In this study a covalent-immobilization process has been carried out, according to the modification method of Porath et al, by using stem bromelain, CNBr- Sepharose 413, casein and BApNA as main materials. The immobilization procedure was carried out through a coupling reaction for 16 hours at 4°C, between 10 mg enzyme and I g matrix in a solvent of 0.1 M NaHC03 , pH 8.0 that contains mercaptoethanol, EDTA and NaCl. The immobilization process was evaluated with respect to: the yield, protein concentration, activity and stability of the immobilized enzymes.
Finding and Conclusions: The immobilized enzymes were obtained in a dry powder form of 426.5 mg (yield of 42.2%) that contains 5.1 mg of protein. The relative activity towards casein and BApNA were obtained at 34.7% and at 62.4%, respectively. At reuse stability test (N=10), the activity is seen retained at 79.3 % and its protein content diminished about 10%. Under the influence of heat and storage, the immobilized enzymes, showed a higher stability compared to free enzymes: A pre-incubation at 60°C for 1 hour caused a residual activity of 88.5%, whereas for the free enzymes activity remains at 63.8%. The storage in a suspension form during 6 weeks at 4°C caused a residual activity of 80.8%, whereas at a room temperature the activity became 46.1 %. The corresponding activities of the free enzymes were 44.8% and 9.1%, respectively.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ika Putri D.
"Pengomposan di rumah tangga merupakan salah satu upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengurangi jumlah sampah organik dari timbulan sampah yang makin bertambah di tempat pembuangan akhir. Proses pengomposan akan menghasilkan emisi berupa partikel pencemar udara yang mengandung mikroorganisme, berupa bakteri dan fungi. Hal ini akan menyebabkan terjadinya kenaikan konsentrasi pencemar bakteri dan fungi di udara. Kenaikan konsentrasi bakteri dan fungi di udara dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan baik terhadap masyarakat maupun pekerja yang melakukan pengomposan, akibat tingginya kemungkinan pemaparan. Penelitian ini akan mengukur konsentasi bakteri dan fungi pada kegiatan pengomposan skala laboratorium, terutama saat pengadukan berlangsung. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat perubahan konsentrasi mikrobiologis yang terjadi terhadap kontrol, umur kompos dan jarak pengambilan sampel. Konsentrasi mikrobiologis tertinggi adalah bakteri 5.954 CFU/m3 di umur 43 hari dan fungi 4.382 CFU/m3 di umur 8 hari, pada jarak pengambilan sampel 0 meter. Pada jarak 4 meter, diperoleh konsentrasi jamur dan fungi terendah. Faktor lain yang berpengaruh terhadap konsentrasi mikrobiologis di udara adalah sistem ventilasi udara, kelembaban dan material bangunan. Pemeriksaan kualitas udara mikrobiologis di luar ruangan tidak menunjukan sumber pencemar mikrobiologis.

Composting at home is one of the efforts taken to reduce the amount of organic waste from solid waste generation in final disposal. The composting process will result in air pollutant emissions in the form of airborne that contain microorganisms, such as of bacteria and fungi. This will cause an increase in microbial concentration in the air. The increase in the concentration of microorganisms in the air can affect the health of both the public and workers who do composting, due to the high possibility of exposure. This study will analyze bacteria and fungi concentration in composting process, laboratory scales, when turning happens. The purpose is to see the changes that occurred against the concentration of microbiological control, compost age and distance sampling. The highest concentration for bacteria is 5,954 CFU/m3 at the age of 43 days and fungi 4,382 CFU/m3 at the age of 8 days, at a 0-meter distance. Sampling distance showed the lowest concentration is 4 meters. Microbiological concentrations in the air are also affected by ventilation system, moisture and building material. Microbiological quality of outdoor air did not show a source of microbiological contaminants."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Jakarta adalah Ibu Kota Republik Indonesia dengan jumlah penduduk mencapai lebih dari 10 juta jiwa pada tahun 2011, dengan jumlah limbah padat yang dihasilkan mencapai 6.594,72 ton/hari (2.487,61 m3/hari). Salah satu elemen pengelolaan sampah di Jakarta adalah Tempat Penampungan Sampah Sementara, yang berfungsi sebagai lokasi penampungan dan pemilahan sampah yang dapat didaur ulang. TPS merupakan salah satu potensi sumber bioaerosol di udara. Selain proses degradasi sampah organik secara alami, teknis operasional pengelolaan sampah juga turut berperan terhadap tingginya konsentrasi bioaerosol di TPS. Analisis dalam penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan prinsip statistik korelasi bivariat dan multivariat. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, aktivitas penampungan, pemilahan, dan pengangkutan sampah merupakan aktivitas utama yang mempengaruhi konsentrasi bioaerosol. Selain itu, parameter meteorologis (temperatur udara, kelembaban udara, dan kecepatan angin) juga berperan cukup besar terhadap pertumbuhan dan persebaran bioaerosol di udara. Oleh sebab itu, diperlukan sebuah strategi pengendalian kualitas udara mikrobiologis di dalam maupun luar area TPS.

Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia with a population more than 10 million in 2011, that the amount of waste generated is approximately 6,594.72 tons/day (2,487.61 m3/days). In Jakarta, one element of solid waste management system is a transfer station. In Indonesia, transfer station handle solid waste that can be recycled and reused informally. Transfer station is a potential source of bioaerosol contaminants in the air. Besides the natural organic waste decomposition, operational techniques also gave a contribution to the high bioaerosol concentration at transfer station. The analysis was conducted based on bivariate and multivariate correlation statistics. Based on the analysis, collecting, sorting, and transporting are the main activities that affect bioaeorosol concentration. Moreover, meteorological parameters (air temperature, humidity, and wind velocity) also have a main role in growth and spread of bioaerosol to the ambient air. Consequently, it requires a strategy to control microbial air quality inside and outside the transfer station."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nasution, Chairiah
Pada penelitian ini dilakukan co-biodrying dengan mencampurkan lumpur dengan limbah padat organik. Limbah padat organik yang digunakan adalah sampah halaman yang terdiri dari dedaunan hijau dan dedaunan kering. Sedangkan lumpur yang berupa sludge cake, diperoleh dari instalasi pengolahan air limbah domestik di Bekasi. Co-biodrying dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan keseimbangan properti feedstock dan aspek mikrobiologis. Percobaan dilakukan dengan menggunakan tiga reaktor skala laboratorium dengan spesifikasi yang sama. Hasil percobaan yang didapatkan dari proses biodrying yang dilakukan selama 21 hari, menunjukkan bahwa reaktor dengan fraksi pencampuran lumpur terendah 5:1 memiliki profil temperatur yang lebih baik dan penurunan moisture content yang paling tinggi dibandingkan dengan reaktor lainnya. Kandungan moisture content awal dan VS awal pada reaktor ini secara berturut-turut adalah 52.25 dan 82.4 . Kecepatan aliran udara yang digunakan adalah 10 L/menit. Setelah proses biodrying selesai, moisture content akhir material pada reaktor ini adalah 22 , VS sebesar 75.9 , dan nilai kalor akhir sebesar 3179,28 kkal/kg.

In this study, organic waste was co biodried with sludge cake. The organic waste was consisted of dried leaves and green leaves, while the sludge cake was obtained from a waste water treatment plant in Bekasi. Co biodrying was done by balancing substrate rsquo s property and microbial aspect. The experiment was performed on 3 lab scale reactors with same specifications. After 21 days of experiment, it was found that the reactor with the lowest mixing fraction of sludge 5 1 has the best temperature profile and highest moisture content depletion compared with others. Initial moisture content and initial volatile solid content of this reactor rsquo s feedstock was 52.25 and 82.4 respectively. The airflow rate was 10 lpm. After biodrying was done, the final moisture content of this reactor was 22.0 , final volatile solid content was 75.9 , and the final heating value was 3179,28 kkal kg."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Epifani Satiti
"The purposes of this research are to identify & characterize the wastewater, discharged from a traditional market and also to evaluate its Sewage Treatment Plant performance. Case study is done in Glodok Traditional Market from November until December 2010. Wastewater identification and characterization took place in wet lot, which consist of fish lot, chicken lot, and meat lot. The source of fish lot wastewater are fish washing and rinsing, shrimp shell and squid cleaning, melting ice cube from fish storage, and hand washing from the seller itself; in chicken lot, wastewater is discharge from chicken slaughter; while in meat lot, the wastewater is released from washing cow stomach wall activities (in the making of tripe).
Result of the research in identification showed that the discharge of waste water can be identified using flow rate based on selling volume. Meanwhile, the result of characterization are: Fish lot : pH = 6.153, TSS = 786.667 mg/L, Total N = 123.330, Ammonia = 101.333, Total P = 24.981, BOD = 1109.388, COD = 2037.248, Oil and grease = 1004.5 ; Chicken lot : pH = 5.893, TSS = 666.667 mg/L, Total N = 75.557 mg/L, Ammonia = 54 mg/L, Total P = 16.247 mg/L, BOD = 598.963 mg/L, COD = 1392.304 mg/L, oil and grease = 518 mg/L; Meat lot : pH = 10.553 mg/L, TSS = 460 mg/L, Total N = 32.720 mg/L, Ammonia = 12 mg/L, Total P = 9.43 mg/L, BOD = 100.031 mg/L, COD = 1536.240 mg/L, oil and grease = 668 mg/L.
Result of STP evaluation showed that STP plan which is made based on office and hotel biological loading causing the performance of STP is not optimum. It can be displayed from the value of TSS and oil & grease of the effluent, whose not meet by the quality standard of Kepmenlh 112 tahun 2003. The low performance of STP also can be seen from high amount of ammonia in effluent because the process itself only can remove BOD without followed by nitrification."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Angga Kusuma
"Timbulan sampah domestik di Kota Depok mengandung 65,11% sampah organik. Untuk mengurangi timbulan sampah organik domestik yang dibuang pada Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA), dapat digunakan metoda pengomposan yang berbasis masyarakat. Salah satu metoda pengomposan yang dapat diterapkan masyarakat adalah dengan menggunakan bio-aktivator. Karena itu, perlu diketahui apakah penggunaan bio-aktivator berpengaruh dalam pengomposan. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh bio-aktivator, penelitian ini menggunakan bio-aktivator alami dan bio-aktivator yang beredar di pasaran. Bio-aktivator alami yang digunakan adalah tapai-nanas, tapai, dan rebung. Sedangkan bio-aktivator yang beredar di pasaran adalah merek Bioactive, EM4, dan Spidey. Kualitas yang di teliti adalah kecepatan penyusutan volume dan berat, kualitas kimia dan kualitas mikrobiologis yang mengacu pada parameter kualitas kompos SNI: 19-7030-2004. Kualitas kimia yang diperiksa adalah fosfor (P2O5), nitrogen (N), karbon (C), perbandingan karbon terhadap nitrogen (C:N), dan pH. Sedangkan kualitas mikrobiologis yang diperiksa adalah Fecal coliform.
Hasil penelitian membuktikan terdapat terdapat pengaruh bio-aktivator terhadap kecepatan pengomposan dan kualitas kompos. Bio-aktivator yang menghasilkan berat dan volume kompos yang kecil serta mempunyai penyusutan berat dan volume lebih cepat adalah bio-aktivator EM4 dan Spidey. Akan tetapi kualitas kimia kompos untuk setiap bio-aktivator memiliki kemiripan. Sedangkan kualitas mikrobiologis bio-aktivator yang beredar dipasaran lebih baik daripada bio-aktivator alami.

The heap of domestic solid waste in Depok contains 65.11% organic one. In order to reduce the domestic organic solid waste disposed at Landfill, it can be used composting method based on community. One of the composting method that can be applied to society is by using bio-activators. Therefore, it should be known whether the use of the bio-activators effecting in composting. To determine the effect, this study use natural bio-activators and branded one that available on the market. The natural bio-activators used are tapai-pineapple (fermented pineapple), tapai (fermented cassava), and bamboo shoots. While the branded bio-activators that sold on the market are Bioactive, EM4, and Spidey. The indicators of quality from this study are velocity of depreciation in weight and volume, the chemical and microbiological quality based on parameters of compost quality SNI: 19-7030-2004. The chemical quality checked are chemical phosphorus (P2O5), nitrogen (N), carbon (C), ratio of carbon to nitrogen (C: N), and pH. While the microbiological quality checked is from Fecal coliform.
The result of the study proves that the bio-activator is effecting to speed the composting and to improve compost quality. Bio-activators producing small weight and volume and having faster depreciation in weight and volume are EM4 and Spidey bio-activator. However, the chemical quality of the each compost adding by natural and branded bio-activator are similar. While the microbiological quality of branded bio-activator, sold in the market, better than the natural bio-activator."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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