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Ira Indriani
"[Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan peran Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia (KPI) dalam pengawasan isi siaran televisi lembaga penyiaran swasta sesuai dengan Pedoman Perilaku Penyiaran Dan Standar Program Siaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data studi kepustakaan dan wawancara mendalam. Penelitian menggambarkan mekanisme yang diterapkan KPI merupakan pengawasan internal dan eksternal yaitu pemantauan langsung dan menerima aduan masyarakat Peran KPI dalam pengawasan belum maksimal karena sejumlah hambatan antara lain kurangnya sosialisasi kepada pihak terkait sanksi yang kurang tegas kewenangan pemberian Izin tidak dimiliki KPI kurangnya partisipasi masyarakat Lembaga Penyiaran Swasta kurang kooperatif dan rekrutmen komisioner KPI tidak transparan.

This research aims to describe the Role of KPI in controlling television broadcast content from private tv station according to P3SPS. This research use qualitative approach with literature study and in depth interview. This research describes that the control mechanisms applied are internal and external control which are direct control and receiving public complaints KPIs role in controlling television broadcast content has not maximized yet because a number of obstacles which are lack of sozialitation to stakeholders less strict sanctions lack of public participation the broadcasting lisence does not owned by KPI and recruitment of KPI commissioners is not transparent., This research aims to describe the Role of KPI in controlling television broadcast content from private tv station according to P3SPS This research use qualitative approach with literature study and in depth interview This research describes that the control mechanisms applied are internal and external control which are direct control and receiving public complaints KPI rsquo s role in controlling television broadcast content has not maximized yet because a number of obstacles which are lack of sozialitation to stakeholders less strict sanctions lack of public participation the broadcasting lisence does not owned by KPI and recruitment of KPI commissioners is not transparent ]"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yusti Fatmaningdyah
"Perizinan adalah simpul utama dari pengaturan mengenai penyiaran. Dalam sistem perizinan diatur berbagai aspek persyaratan, dari sisi proses dan tahapan pemberian atau perpanjangan izin penyelenggaraan penyiaran di butuhkan beberapa hal yang diberikan oleh KPI. Hal-hal tersebut sebagai rujukan bagi Ditjen PPI untuk mengeluarkan keputusan mengenai perizinan tersebut, beberapa di antaranya yaitu masukan dari hasil evaluasi dengar pendapat antara pemohon dan KPI, dan surat rekomendasi kelayakan penyelenggaraan penyiaran dari KPI.
Skripsi ini menjelaskan bagaimanakah pelayanan yang diberikan oleh Kementerian Komunikasi dan Infromatika dan Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia (KPI) dalam memberikan Izin Penyelenggaraan Penyiaran (IPP) kepada setiap lembaga penyiaran televisi swasta. Dalam skripsi ini juga menjelaskan kendala-kendala apa saja yang ditemui baik oleh pihak penyelenggara ataupun pihak pemohon perizinan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian dengan metode kualitatif dan paradigma pospositifis, dengan desain deskriptif. Pelayanan yang diberikan oleh setiap penyelenggara harusnya efektif dan efisien di lihat dari segala dimensi pelayanan publik.

The development of television broadcasting in indonesia is huges. There are many new tv stations exsist in local scope. One of the important to be submit in setting TV station is license which are involving both the Indonesian broadcasting commission (KPI) and Directorate General of Posts and Informatics (PPI) Minisyty of Communication and Informatics. As Authorized body in issuing such licenses. The main taste of KPI is to publish a letter of reference after evaluating the seasibility of the applicant in conducting TV broadcasting in Indonesia. Such letter of reference is based for Directorat Post and Informatics to issue licenses of permission for broadcasting (IPP) for TV broadcaster tough.
This Thesis describes the service level of the licensesing process provider of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commissions (KPI) and the Ministry of Communication and Informatics. In this Thesis, will be describest such constraits wich in countered by both applicant and authorized bodies. This research is qualitative research methods and paradigms pospositivist, with descriptive design. The service provided by each authorized body should be effective and efficient in view of all the dimensions of the public service.;The development of television broadcasting in indonesia is huges. There are many new tv stations exsist in local scope. One of the important to be submit in setting TV station is license which are involving both the Indonesian broadcasting commission (KPI) and Directorate General of Posts and Informatics (PPI) Minisyty of Communication and Informatics. As Authorized body in issuing such licenses. The main taste of KPI is to publish a letter of reference after evaluating the seasibility of the applicant in conducting TV broadcasting in Indonesia. Such letter of reference is based for Directorat Post and Informatics to issue licenses of permission for broadcasting (IPP) for TV broadcaster tough.
This Thesis describes the service level of the licensesing process provider of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commissions (KPI) and the Ministry of Communication and Informatics. In this Thesis, will be describest such constraits wich in countered by both applicant and authorized bodies. This research is qualitative research methods and paradigms pospositivist, with descriptive design. The service provided by each authorized body should be effective and efficient in view of all the dimensions of the public service.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eko Hin Ari Pratama
"Di Indonesia implementasi secondary market pada lembaga penyiaran swasta televisi secara tidak langsung telah terjadi dalam bentuk pengalihan saham perusahaan sehingga Ijin Penyelenggaraan Penyiaran IPP yang didalamnya terdapat alokasi spektrum frekuensi radio ikut berpindahtangan. Dampaknya terjadi monopoli dan broker spektrum frekuensi radio, tidak ada manfaat untuk pemerintah dan membatasi pemilik modal yang potensial. Ini terjadi karena belum ada regulasi yang mengatur secondary market pada lembaga penyiaran swasta televisi di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu pada penelitian ini diharapkan menghasilkan usulan model implementasi secondary market pada lembaga penyiaran swasta.Dalam penelitian ini usulan model secondary market diperoleh dengan benchmarking implementasi secondary market di Amerika Serikat, Australia, Guatemala dan Selandia Baru. Untuk menentukan parameter penilaian dilakukan Indepth Interview dengan stakeholder dalam industri penyiaran. Selanjutnya untuk memberikan penilaian yang rinci dan sistematis terhadap potensi dampak dari usulan model dan mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan dari aspek manfaat, biaya dan efeknya maka dianalisa menggunakan metode Regulatory Impact Analysis RIA .
Dalam penelitian ini diperoleh 3 usulan model secondary market yaitu model status quo tidak ada secondary market , model secondary market dengan mekanisme langsung dan model secondary market dengan mekanisme melalui badan pengawasan independen. Setelah dinilai dari aspek biaya dan manfaat dengan metode Plus-Minus Implication PMI didapatkan hasil model 1 mendapatkan nilai -10, model 2 mendapatkan nilai -2 dan model 3 mendapatkan nilai = 8, sedangkan dengan metode Multi Criteria Analysis MCA didapatkan hasil model 1 mendapatkan nilai 129, model 2 mendapatkan nilai 239 dan model 3 mendapatkan nilai = 180.Hasil analisis RIA terhadap 3 usulan model secondary market, usulan 3 dipilih sebagai opsi terbaik berdasarkan keunggulan penilaian dari parameter penataan spektrum frekuensi, pengendalian spektrum, kompetisi dan transparansi yang dapat mencegah monopoli spektrum frekuensi radio serta dari sisi konten yang isinya lebih beragam dengan adanya pengawasan dari badan independen dalam proses secondary market.

Secondary market has been implemented in Indonesia television private broadcasting institutions indirectly by stock acquisition including Ijin Penyelenggaraan Penyiaran IPP and allocation of radio frequency spectrum. The impacts is spectrum monopoly and no benefit for government. This happens because there are no regulations governing the secondary market in Indonesia television private broadcasting institutions. Therefore, this research is expected to produce proposal of secondary market implementation model at private broadcasting institution .The proposed secondary market model obtained by benchmarking the implementation of secondary markets in the United States, Australia, Guatemala and New Zealand. To determine the assessment parameters conducted Indepth Interview with stakeholders in the broadcasting industry. To provide a detailed and systematic assessment of the potential impact of the proposed model and to achieve the desired objectives from the aspects of benefits, costs and effects it is analyzed using the method of Regulatory Impact Analysis RIA.
This research proposed 3 secondary market model that is status quo model no secondary market , direct secondary market model and secondary market model through independent agency. After assessed from cost and benefit aspect with Plus Minus Implication PMI method, the result of model 1 get value 10, model 2 get value 2 and model 3 get value 8, whereas with Multi Criteria Analysis MCA method model 1 get value 129, model 2 get value 239 and model 3 get value 180.After analyzed by RIA method, the secondary market model through independent agency choosed as the best option based on the superiority of the assessment of frequency spectrum arrangement parameters, spectrum control, competition and transparency that can prevent the radio frequency spectrum monopoly as well as from a more diverse content side with the supervision of independent bodies in the secondary market process
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sirait, Ramli
"The requirements of the community for information presently have become the major requirements in the daily living.
The existing information media, both newspapers and radio broadcast like the television broadcast must be able to meet the requirements on information in accordance with the era. With the sophisticated technology, satellites for broadcast relays, both radio and television broadcast have been developed. Furthermore, telecommunication technology and computer (digital technology) have set up an internet information media.
The competition has occurred between the television broadcasting industries, since the establishment of the television station RCTI in 1989, and later followed by SCTV, Indosiar and so forth. Until 2004, there are already 15 national private television stations.
The development of business industries on television broadcasting conducted competitively among these television broadcasts, had brought forth the issuance of Constitution No. 32 year 2002 on Broadcasting.
With the validity of the constitution, there has occurred a number of responses both pro and contra, due to the impact on the private television industries.
From the results of research, this had motivated the writer to further know the impact of Constitution No. 32 year 2002 on Broadcasting towards the business industries on television broadcast. The writer had carried out a Field Research through the distribution of questionnaires on 30 respondents in the program and technical divisions, and HRD of PT, RCTI.
In order to know the impact on the Constitution on Broadcasting No. 32 year 2002, some articles were considered very crucial, and the questionnaire data showed an independent variable, i.e. the crucial articles that influence the dependent variables (Broadcasting Program) having 15 articles. These articles will influence the development of the broadcasting stations and working outlines (DPK) of RCTI as the National Television.
With the issuance of the Constitution on Broadcasting No. 32 year 2002, this will influence the performance of RCTI, particularly in obtaining the competition of the market segments on advertisements already available. Conversely, Constitution on Broadcasting No. 32 year 2002, will protect the local programs and become a information and entertainment media adjusting with the Indonesian culture in supporting the Regional Autonomy Constitution.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tanjung, Leanika
Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia (KPI) dibentuk berdasarkan UU Nomor 32 tahun 2002
tentang Penyiaran. Adapun tujuan bidang penyiaran adalah untuk memperkukuh
integrasi nasional, terbinanya watak dan jati diri bangsa yang beriman dan bertakwa,
mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, memajukan kesejahteraan umum, dalam rangka
membangun masyarakat yang mandiri, demokratis, adil dan sejahtera, dan
menumbuhkan industri penyiaran Indonesia. Pasal 7 UU Penyiaran menyebutkan KPI
terdiri atas KPI Pusat yang dibentuk di tingkat pusat dan KPI Daerah dibentuk di
tingkat provinsi. Namun, Undang-Undang tersebut tidak mengatur hubungan
kelembagaan dan pembagian tugas/wewenang antara KPI Pusat dan KPI daerah
sehingga sering terjadi tumpang tindih dalam mengawasi isi siaran dan proses
perizinan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis hubungan antara KPI Pusat dan KPI
Daerah, dengan metode penelitian evaluasi. Dari penelitian ini, peneliti menemukan
bahwa hubungan kelembagaan antara keduanya, yang selama ini bersifat koordinatif
atau berarti keduanya mempunyai hubungan yang sejajar, masih bisa dipertahankan.
Peneliti juga menemukan perubahan hubungan menjadi hierarki, seperti yang
diinginkan banyak KPI Daerah, belum tentu menyelesaikan masalah yang ada yaitu
tumpang tindih pelaksanaan tugas dan wewenang, masalah anggaran, dan hubungan
yang tidak harmonis antara KPI Daerah dengan Pemerintah Daerah.

Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) was established under Law No. 32 of
2002 on Broadcasting. The purpose of the broadcasting sector is to strengthen
national integration, building character and national identity of faith and piety,
educating the nation, promote the general welfare, in order to build a society that is
independent, democratic, justice and prosperous, and grow the Indonesian
broadcasting industry. Article 7 of the Broadcasting Act states KPI consists of Central
KPI which formed at the central level and the Regional KPI established at the
provincial level. However, the Act does not regulate the institutional relationship and
division of tasks/authority between the central and local KPI so overlaps often happen
in monitoring broadcast content and the licensing process. This study aimed to
analyze the relationship between Central KPI and KPI Regions, with the method of
evaluation research. From this study, researchers found that the institutional
relationship between the two, which has coordinative or means both have a parallel
relationship, can still be maintained. The researchers also found changes into a
hierarchical relationship, such as the Regional KPI much desired, not necessarily
solve the problem, the overlapping duties and authority, budget problems, and an
antagonistic relationship between KPI Regional and Local Government."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rissia Priyahita
"Penelitian ini fokus pada pemberitaan dugaan pelecehan seksual yang terjadi di Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia (KPI) yang melibatkan seorang pegawai laki-laki dan terungkap di media daring. Dengan mengetahui bahwa media daring memiliki kemampuan untuk mempengaruhi opini publik melalui berita, framing berita yang dimuat oleh Kompas.com dan Detik.com seputar pelecehan seksual KPI. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif konstruktivis dengan menggunakan metode analisis framing model Gamson dan Modigliani. Unit observasi penelitian ini adalah liputan berita pelecehan seksual di lingkungan KPI di Kompas.com dan Detik.com pada periode 1 September-12 Oktober 2021. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kompas.com menyajikan framing yang lebih menunjukkan empati terhadap korban dan membawa perhatian bahwa korban harus diberikan keadilan hukum atau bantuan untuk pemulihan mental. Sementara itu, Detik.com menggambarkan framing bahwa baik korban maupun pelaku sama-sama dirugikan dan membutuhkan bantuan, dan menekankan bahwa keduanya harus diberikan bantuan untuk diri mereka sendiri dan keluarga mereka agar dapat pulih sepenuhnya. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat melengkapi khasanah kajian komunikasi, khususnya yang menganalisis framing liputan berita media daring terkait pelecehan seksual yang melibatkan korban laki-laki. Untuk penelitian analisis framing lebih lanjutnya, disarankan untuk menganalisis pemberitaan pada lebih dari dua media daring.

The focus of this study highlights an alleged sexual harassment case that has occurred in the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) involving a male employee that was recently revealed on online media. Knowing that online media can affect public opinion through news, the purpose of this study is to analyze the framing of news coverage published by Kompas.com and Detik.com surrounding the KPI sexual harassment case. This research employs a constructivist qualitative approach using the Gamson and Modigliani model framing analysis method. The unit of observation for this study are the news articles of sexual harassment in the KPI environment published on Kompas.com and Detik.com from September 1 to October 12, 2021. Results show that Kompas.com presented a framework that shows more empathy towards the victim and brings attention that the victim must be provided with legal justice or assistance to recover mentally. Meanwhile, Detik.com depicts a framing that both the victim and perpetrator have been harmed and puts emphasis that both must be provided with assistance for themselves and their families to fully recover. This study are expected to complement the repertoire of communication studies, especially those analyzing the framing of online media coverage related to sexual harassment involving male victims. For further research on framing analysis, it is recommended to analyze news coverage in more than two online media."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bianca Michelle Marisi
"Isu #BubarkanKPI mempengaruhi reputasi Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia sebagai representasi publik di bidang penyiaran. Diperlukan manajemen isu yang baik untuk membentuk reputasi KPI. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengelolaan isu KPI dalam membentuk reputasi menghadapi isu #BubarkanKPI serta upaya dan kendalanya menghadapi isu ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan paradigma post positivistik dan pengumpulan data melalui teknik wawancara, observasi, studi pustaka. Teknik Analisa data menggunakan data reduction, data display, dan verification. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam melakukan pengelolaan atau manajemen isu khususnya di media sosial, KPI belum melakukannya secara maksimal. KPI melalui humasnya menggunakan 4 tahap manajemen isu, yakni planning, monitoring, analysing, dan communicating dan melakukan upaya untuk membentuk reputasi menggunakan influencer dan publik figur. Kendala yang dihadapi KPI adalah tidak adanya juru bicara dan kurangnya kompetensi sumber daya manusia dalam mengelola isu di media sosial.

The #BubarkanKPI issue has quite influenced the reputation of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission as public representation in the broadcasting field. Issue management is needed to form the reputation of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission. This study aims to analyze issue management in Indonesian Broadcasting Commission and analyze effort and difficulties in forming KPI's reputation. This research uses qualitative descriptive approach with post-positivist paradigm by collecting data with, interview, observation and literature study. The data analyzed through data reduction, data display, and verification. The results showed that in managing issues especially on social media, KPI had not done it maximally. KPI through its public relations uses 4 stages of issue management; planning, monitoring, analyzing, and communicating and making efforts to build a reputation using influencers and public figures. The difficulties faced by KPI is the absence of a spokesperson and the lack of human resource competence in managing issues on social media."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Peny Novarina
"Digitalisasi penyiaran televisi di Indonesia merupakan suatu keniscayaan yang disebabkan oleh perkembangan teknologi penyiaran. Implikasinya, seluruh lembaga penyiaran swasta harus mengubah teknologi siarannya dari analog menuju digital. Pada awalnya pemerintah menetapkan analogue switch off pada tahun 2018, namun akibat terganjal oleh regulasi yang belum matang dan penolakan dari beberapa pihak menyebabkan pelaksanaan digitalisasi penyiaran televisi terhambat. Penelitian ini menganalisis interaksi yang terjadi diantara aktor yang terlibat dalam digitalisasi penyiaran televisi di Indonesia menurut perspektif tata kelola interaktif. Analisis interaksi dilakukan pada aktor negara, pasar dan masyarakat sipil. Dalam menganalisis interaksi yang terjadi diantara aktor yang terlibat dalam digitalisasi penyiaran televisi, penulis menggunakan teori interactive governance yang dikemukakan oleh Kooiman. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis interaksi antara negara, pasar dan masyarakat sipil dalam digitalisasi penyiaran televisi menurut perspektif tata kelola interaktif (interactive governance). Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan postpositivis dengan metode kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara mendalam dengan informan terkait. Hasil dari data dan informasi yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis ilustratif. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh hasil bahwa (1)bentuk interaksi yang disengaja pada level aktor merupakan campuran dari bentuk interaksi partisipatif, kolaboratif serta kebijakan dan manajemen. (2) bentuk interaksi yang dominan pada level struktural adalah interaksi pemerintah hierarki.

The digitalization of television broadcasting in Indonesia is a necessity caused by the development of broadcast technology. The implication is that all private broadcasters must change their broadcast technology from analog to digital. Initially the government set the analogue switch off in 2018, but due to being hampered by immature regulations and the refusal of some parties, the implementation of television broadcasting digitalization was impeded. This study analyzes interactions between actors involved in digitizing television broadcasting in Indonesia according to an interactive governance perspective. Interaction analysis is carried out on state, markets and civil society actors. In analyzing the interactions that occur between actors involved in digitizing television broadcasting, the writer uses the theory of interactive governance proposed by Kooiman. The purpose of this study is to analyze the interaction between the state, the market and civil society in digitizing television broadcasting according to an interactive governance perspective. This study uses a postpositivist approach with qualitative methods with data collection techniques in the form of in-depth interviews with relevant informants. The results of the data and information obtained were analyzed using illustrative analysis techniques. The results of the study show that (1) the form of intentional interaction at the actor level is a mixture of participatory, collaborative and policy and management interactions. (2) the dominant form of interaction at the structural level is the interaction of the hierarchical government."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sofia Averilliana
Tulisan ini membahas tiga permasalahan. Pertama mengenai pengaturan
penyelenggaraan penyiaran televisi yang berkaitan dengan siaran yang bermuatan
unsur cabul. Kedua mengenai kondisi penyelenggaraan penyiaran yang ditinjau
dari perspektif perlindungan anak. Ketiga mengenai kendala-kendala dalam upaya
perlindungan anak terhadap adanya siaran yang bermuatan unsur cabul.
Penggunaan metode penelitian kepustakaan yang dipadu dengan penelitian
lapangan ditujukan untuk memberikan paparan mengenai hukum yang berlaku
dan penerapannya di bidang penyiaran televisi dalam rangka perlindungan anak.
Hukum yang berlaku terdiri atas berbagai peraturan yang memberikan larangan
terhadap adanya siaran yang bermuatan unsur cabul yang dibuat oleh Pemerintah
dan Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia (KPI). Selain itu juga disertakan analisis
terhadap peraturan yang dibuat oleh internal lembaga penyiaran dan juga
peraturan negara lain sebagai pembanding. Selanjutnya peraturan-peraturan
tersebut dianalisis berdasarkan prinsip perlindungan anak. Sedangkan penerapan
hukum yang dimaksud ditinjau dari data KPI yang menggambarkan kepatuhan
lembaga penyiaran terhadap hukum yang berlaku. Dari paparan tersebut kemudian
dapat ditemukan hambatan-hambatan dalam upaya perlindungan anak beserta
solusi dalam menghadapi permasalahan tersebut.

This writing mainly discusses about three problems. The first is a matter regarding
to regulation towards television programs containing obscene materials. Secondly,
implementation of television broadcasting considered from child protection?s
perspective. The third is obstacles to protect children from television programs
containing obscene materials. By using literature research method combined with
field research method, this writing aims to explain applied law and its
implementation toward television broadcasting sector in the child protection
perspective. The applied law includes regulations that provide prohibition to any
obscene materials in television broadcasting and made by government and
Indonesian Broadcasting Committee (KPI). Moreover, related internal rules of
television station and regulations from other countries are provided as an
assessment. Then, the regulations are analyzed by the principles of child
protection. On the other hand, the implementation is by KPI?s data showing has
the television station complied with the regulations or not. Then, from the
explanation, the obstacles to protect children from television program containing
obscene materials and its solution can be found."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Nur Rohim
Kredit merupakan salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan oleh pelaku usaha untuk memenuhi kekurangan modal. Kebutuhan pelaku usaha akan tambahan modal kemudian bertemu dengan Bank yang menawarkan kredit. Kemudian timbul hubungan hukum dalam bentuk Perjanjian Kredit. Dalam setiap perjanjian, tidak selamanya berjalan dengan baik. Permasalahan dapat senantiasa timbul selama perjanjian masih berjalan. Begitupun dengan Perjanjian Kredit. Salah satu permasalahan yang dapat timbul dalam Perjanjian Kredit adalah tidak dibayarnya utang oleh nasabah debitor atau umumnya disebut Kredit Macet. Penelitian ini memaparkan pengaturan mengenai perkreditan perbankan di Indonesia serta menyajikan analisis terhadap kesesuaian penyelesaian kredit macet PT Y pada Bank X dalam putusan nomor 47/PDT.G/2013/PN JKT.PST dengan peraturan perkreditan yang berlaku. Masih terdapat ketidaksesuaian dengan peraturan yang berlaku meskipun di satu sisi terdapat pula kesesuaian dengan peraturan yang berlaku. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian hukum normatif dengan melakukan studi dokumen.

Loan is one of the means available for a business to take in order to cover up its lack of capital. Business?s needs for additional capital can be met with loan offered by Bank. Thus, create a legal relation in the form of loan agreement. There is no guarantee for every agreement to be honored without any problems arises between the parties. Problems may arise anytime as long as the agreement still exist. The same could be said about loan agreement. One of the problem that may arise from loan agreement is non-performing loan. This research shows how Bank credit is regulated in Indonesia and to present an analysis on the conformity of non-performing loan settlement used in the Central Jakata District Court?s Decision Number 47/PDT.G/2013/PN.JKT.PST. This research conclude that there are still some issues not in accordance with the regulations even though there are also some issues in accordance with the regulations. This research use normative juridical method through documents study.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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