"Tesis ini meganalisa faktor-faktor yang dihipotesiskan dapat mempengaruhi niat konsumen untuk membeli secara online. Ada lima variabel yang dihipotesiskan mempengaruhi niat untuk membeli secara online langsung yaitu Attitude, Product Knowledge, Online Information Search, Perceived Risk, and Trust. Model penelitian ini diambil dari berbagai peneliti seperti jurnal dan juga studi orang.
Menggunakan beberapa jurnal seperti, 'Online Purchase Determianants: Is Their Efect Moderated By Direct Experience?' by Broekhuizen and Huizingh 2009; 'The impact of online store environment cues on purchase intention: Trust and perceived risk as a mediator' by Chang and Chen, 2008; ?A Research Modeling to Understand Online Shopping Intention. Australian Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences? by Delafrooz, Paim, Khatibi, 2011; 'Consumer Behavior Research of Factors Influencing Online Purchase Intention' a thesis by Febriyanti, Institut Teknolgi Bandung, 2011.
Ada 13 hipotesis yang disimpulkan dari model yang dibangun. Berdasarkan 341 responden konsumer online di wilayah JABODETABEK yang mengetahui secara khusus tentang Bukalapak.com, ditemukan bahwa dari 5 variabel yang dihipotesiskan mempengaruhi niat beli online secara langsung, ditemukan bahwa sebenarnya dalam kenyataan hanya 2 variabel yang secara signifikan mempengaruhi niat untuk membeli secara online. Kedua variabel itu adalah Online Information Search dan Percieved Risk.
This thesis anlayzes the factors that are hypothesised to affect a consumer's intention to purchase online. There are five variables which are hypothesised to affect intention to purchase online directly which are Attitude, Product Knowledge, Online Information Search, Perceived Risk, and Trust. The model of this research is taken from various researchers such as journals and also past studies of people. The journals used in some consists of 'Online Purchase Determianants: Is Their Efect Moderated By Direct Experience?' by Broekhuizen and Huizingh 2009; 'The impact of online store environment cues on purchase intention: Trust and perceived risk as a mediator' by Chang and Chen, 2008; 'A Research Modeling to Understand Online Shopping Intention. Australian Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences' by Delafrooz, Paim, Khatibi, 2011; 'Consumer Behavior Research of Factors Influencing Online Purchase Intention' a thesis by Febriyanti, Institut Teknolgi Bandung, 2011. There are 13 hypotheses concluded from the model constructed. Based on 341 respondents in the JABODETABEK area who are online shoppers and know specifically about Bukalapak.com, it was found that from the 5 variable that are hypothesised to affect online purchase intention directly, it was found that there were actually in reality only 2 variables that significantly affects intention to purchase online. These two variables are online information search and perceived risk."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014