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Sylvia Octaviani
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai hubungan antara perceived social support dan posttraumatic growth pada remaja. Perceived social support diukur menggunakan Social Support Questionnaire for Children (SSQC; Gordon, Thompson, Schexnaildre, & Burns 2010) dan posttraumatic growth menggunakan PTGI Revised for Children and Adolescents (PTGI-R-C; Yaskowich, 2002). Partisipan yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 276 remaja di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif yang signifikan antara perceived social support dan posttraumatic growth pada remaja. Ditemukan pula hubungan positif yang signifikan antara tiap sumber dan perceived social support dengan posttraumatic growth dengan korelasi paling erat pada sumber kerabat. Mengenai tiap jenis perceived social support dengan posttraumatic growth ditemukan pula hubungan positif dan signifikan antara tiap jenis perceived social support dengan posttraumatic growth dengan korelasi paling erat berasal dari jenis informational.

The aim of this research was to examine the relationship between perceived social support and posttraumatic growth among adolescents. Perceived social support was measured using Social Support Questionnaire for Children (SSQC; Gordon, Thompson, Schexnaildre, & Burns 2010) and posttraumatic growth was measured using PTGI Revised for Children and Adolescents (PTGI-R-C; Yaskowich, 2002). The sample comprised of 276 adolescent living in Indonesia. The result show that there is a significantly positive relationship between perceived social support and posttraumatic growth. Another result show that there is significanly positive relationship between source of perceived social support and posttraumatic growth and the biggest correlation is from the relative. Another result show that there is a significantly positive relationship between form perceived social support and posttraumatic growth and the biggest correlation is informational support"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tumanggor, Sarah Vanessa Isabel
"Latar Belakang Masalah kesehatan mental dan kelebihan berat badan saling terkait, terutama pada remaja dan dewasa muda. Penelitian ini menilai remaja dan dewasa muda mahasiswa baru Universitas Indonesia tahun 2022 yang mempunyayi masalah kesehatan mental dan kelebihan berat badan menggunakan self-reporting questionnaire (SRQ-20) dan klasifikasi kriteria IMT Asia-Pasifik. Metode Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Mahasiswa baru Universitas Indonesia dengan usia 12-24 tahun yang telah melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan di Makara Klinik Satelit UI dengan total 9,200 mahasiswa. Masalah kesehatan mental, kota asal, konsumsi makanan cepat saji, aktivitas fisik, dan kelebihan berat badan dievaluasi. Status nutrisi dikategorikan ke dalam kelompok IMT menurut klasifikasi Asia-Pasifik. Hasil Data yang diperoleh dari 9,001 mahasiswa baru Universitas Indonesia 2022 yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi menunjukkan sebagian besar peserta adalah perempuan (59%), dewasa muda (87%), bertempat tinggal atau lahir di kota besar (87.5%), mengonsumsi makanan cepat saji <3 kali per minggu (80.2%), dan melakukan aktivitas fisik (65.3%). Sejumlah 37.9% peserta memiliki berat badan berlebih, sedangkan 26.5% dianggap memiliki masalah kesehatan mental. Hubungan dapat ditemukan antara kedua variabel dengan analisis univariat (- < 0.05). Kesimpulan Penelitian ini menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan antara masalah kesehatan mental dan kelebihan berat badan. Beberapa faktor yang terkait dengan kelebihan berat badan meliputi jenis kelamin, kelompok usia, tempat asal, dan aktivitas fisik. Sebaliknya, faktor yang terkait dengan masalah kesehatan mental meliputi jenis kelamin, pengonsumsian makanan cepat saji, dan aktivitas fisik. Faktor-faktor tersebut menunjukkan signifikansi jika dibandingkan dengan kelebihan berat badan dan masalah kesehatan mental.

Introduction Mental health problems and excess weight are associated, especially among adolescents and young adults. The present study assessed adolescents and young adults in Universitas Indonesia’s freshmen 2022 with mental health problems and excess weight using the selfreporting questionnaire (SRQ-20) and Asia-Pacific BMI classification. Method Universitas Indonesia’s freshmen aged 12-24 who did the medical checkup in the Makara UI Satellite Clinic were selected for this study. There were 9,200 students. Gender, age group, place of origin, fast food consumption, physical activity, excess body weight, and mental health problems were evaluated. Nutrition status was categorized into different BMI groups according to the Asian-Pacific classification. Result Out of the 9,001 Universitas Indonesia’s freshmen in 2022 that met inclusion criteria, most of the participants were women (59%), young adults (87%), resided or were born in big cities (87.5%), consumed fast food <3 times per week (80.2%), and does physical activities (65.3%). 37.9% of the participants have excess body weight, whereas 26.5% are considered to have mental health problems. An association was found between the two variables after undergoing a univariate analysis (- < 0.05). Conclusion The association between mental health problems and excess body weight was significant in this study. Factors associated with excess body weight include gender, age group, place of origin, and physical activities. Contrastingly, factors associated with mental health problems include gender, fast food consumption, and physical activities. These factors show significance when compared to excess body weight and mental health problems."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suciati Zen Nur Hidayati
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran hubungan antara kualitas pertemanan dengan kesehatan mental pada remaja awal. Pengukuran kualitas pertemanan menggunakan alat ukur Friendship Quality Questionnaire yang disusun oleh Parker dan Asher (1993) dan pengukuran kesehatan mental menggunakan alat ukur yang Mental Health Continuum- Short Form yang disusun oleh Keyes (2002). Partisipan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 119 remaja berusia 12-14 tahun yang sedang duduk di bangku kelas 7 dan 8 SMP Kota Depok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kualitas pertemanan dan kesehatan mental pada remaja (r = 0,184; p = 0,046, signifikan pada L.oS 0,05). Artinya, semakin tinggi kualitas pertemanan maka semakin tinggi pula kesehatan mentalnya. Selain itu, hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan 3,38% skor kualitas pertemanan dapat dijelaskan dari skor kesehatan mental.

This study was conducted to get an overview of the relationship between the quality of friendship and mental health among early adolescence. Friendship quality is measured by Friendship Quality Questionnaire constructed by Parker and Asher (1993), and mental health is measured by Mental Health Continuum- Short Form compiled by Keyes (2002). Participants in this research were 119 adolescents,with the age range of 12-14 years old which currently are in the 7th and 8th grade junior high school in Depok. The result showed a significant relationship between friendship quality and mental health in adolescents (r = 0,184; p = 0,046, significant at L.oS 0,05), which mean the higher the quality of friendship, the higher mental health. In addition, the results also showed that 3.38% of friendship quality score can be explained by mental health scores."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raisatul Umami
"[Remaja yang ditinggal orangtuanya bekerja sebagai Buruh Migran di Luar negeri rentan mengalami loneliness dan memiliki kecenderungan psikotik. Periode remaja ini merupakan periode paling sulit dalam kehidupan remaja (Gender, 1998). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa tinggi persentase loneliness dan kecenderungan psikotik pada remaja. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan alat ukur The 6-Item De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale untuk mengethui tingkat loneliness partisipan dan Psychotic like-Experince (PLE). Penelitian ini mengikutsertakan 171 remaja, usia 11-16 tahun yang berdomisili di Desa Cilamaya, Karawang, Jawa Barat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa remaja mengalami lonelines sebesar 73.7% dan kecenderungan psikotik sebesar 81.9%.;Adolescent who were left behind by parent to work as migrant workers abroad prone to experience loneliness and has psychotic tendencies. This adolesence period is the most difficult period in their life (Gender, 1998). This study aims to determine how high percentage of loneliness and psychotic tendencies in adolescents. This study method using a quantitative approach using ?The 6-Item De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale? and ?Psychotic-like experinces (PLE). This study included 171 adolescents, age 11-16 years old in Cilamaya Village, Karawang, West Java. The results showed that lonliness have 73.7% and psychotic tendencies is 81.9%.;Adolescent who were left behind by parent to work as migrant workers abroad prone to experience loneliness and has psychotic tendencies. This adolesence period is the most difficult period in their life (Gender, 1998). This study aims to determine how high percentage of loneliness and psychotic tendencies in adolescents. This study method using a quantitative approach using ?The 6-Item De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale? and ?Psychotic-like experinces (PLE). This study included 171 adolescents, age 11-16 years old in Cilamaya Village, Karawang, West Java. The results showed that lonliness have 73.7% and psychotic tendencies is 81.9%., Adolescent who were left behind by parent to work as migrant workers abroad prone to experience loneliness and has psychotic tendencies. This adolesence period is the most difficult period in their life (Gender, 1998). This study aims to determine how high percentage of loneliness and psychotic tendencies in adolescents. This study method using a quantitative approach using “The 6-Item De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale” and “Psychotic-like experinces (PLE). This study included 171 adolescents, age 11-16 years old in Cilamaya Village, Karawang, West Java. The results showed that lonliness have 73.7% and psychotic tendencies is 81.9%.]"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khusnul Norma Fitriati
"Penelitian ini dibuat untuk mengetahui peran masing-masing trait kepribadian Five Factor Model dalam memediasi hubungan antara keberfungsian keluarga dan kesehatan mental. Di sini keberfungsian keluarga diukur menggunakan instrumen Family Adaptation and Cohesion Evaluation Scale II (FACES II) dan Family Communication Scale (FCS), kesehatan mental menggunakan Mental Health Inventory-5 (MHI-5), dan trait kepribadian menggunakan mini International Personality Item Pool (mini-IPIP). Penelitian dengan partisipan 185 orang ini dilakukan pada anak dari keluarga dengan riwayat kekerasan dalam rumah tangga (KDRT) yang telah menginjak usia dewasa muda. Dari hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan hanya satu trait kepribadian yang merupakan mediator, yaitu trait neuroticism (c = 0,09, p < 0,05; a1b1 = 0,04, p < 0,05, PM = 0,39; c? = 0,06, p > 0,05). Sedangkan keempat trait lainnya, yakni extraversion, openness, agreeableness, dan conscientiousness, bukan merupakan mediator.

This study is aimed to examine the mediating role of each personality trait from Five Factor Model on relationship between family functioning and mental health. This study using Family Adaptation and Cohesion Evaluation Scale II Family (FACES II) and Communication Scale (FCS) to measure family functioning, Mental Health Inventory-5 (MHI-5) to measure mental heslth, and mini International Personality Item Pool (mini-IPIP) to measure personality trait. The 185 people who participated in this study is an emerging adulthood?s child with domestic violence history. The present result showed that neuroticism was the only personality trait which mediated (c = 0,09, p < 0,05; a1b1 = 0,04, p < 0,05, PM = 0,39; c? = 0,06, p > 0,05) the relationship between family functioning and mental health. However the other traits, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiuosness, were not the mediator."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maria Veronika Ayu Florensa
Remaja berisiko mengalami masalah kesehatan jiwa. Sebesar 50 dari gangguan jiwa dialami pada usia 14 tahun, dan ditemukan sebesar 81.41 kejadian prodroma early psychosis pada remaja SMP yang sehat. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini untuk melihat pengaruh terapi kognitif perilaku kelompok dan psikoedukasi keluarga terhadap faktor risiko, faktor protektif serta kesehatan jiwa remaja SMP. Penelitian kualitatif ini dilakukan dengan desain penelitian quasi experiment dengan metode pre test-post test with control group. Kelompok intervensi 1 diberikan tindakan keperawatan ners TKN dan latihan mandiri TKN, sedangkan kelompok intervensi 2 diberikan TKN, terapi kognitif perilaku kelompok TKPK dan psikoedukasi keluarga dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 43 remaja pada masing-masing kelompok. Uji analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu independent t-test, chi-square, repeated Anova serta uji korelasi spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian tindakan keperawatan ners, terapi kognitif perilaku kelompok dan psikoedukasi keluarga mampu meningkatkan kesehatan jiwa remaja, menurunkan prodroma early psychosis, menurunkan masalah emosi, meningkatkan efikasi diri serta meningkatkan hubungan keluarga remaja secara bermakna. Tindakan keperawatan ners dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif promosi kesehatan jiwa remaja di sekolah. Terapi kognitif perilaku dan psikoedukasi keluarga juga dapat digunakan sebagai promosi kesehatan dan prevensi masalah kesehatan jiwa remaja berbasis sekolah.

Adolescence have a risk to have mental health problem. Fifty percent of mental health problem start from 14 years old, and a research found that 81.41 of healthy adolescence in secondary school suffer from prodromal early psychosis. The aim of this study is to know the effect of cognitive behavior group therapy and family psychoeducation to adolescences mental health. This quantitative study used quasi experimental design, pre test post test with control group. Group intervention 1 was given the general nursing intervention and self practicing for the intervention, on the other side the group intervention 2 was given the general nursing intervention, cognitive behavior group therapy and family psychoeducation. There are 43 adolescences for each group. This study used independent t test, chi square, repeated Anova and Spearman correlation to analyze the data. The result show that the using of general nursing intervention, cognitive behavior group therapy and family psychoeducation significantly increasing mental health, reducing prodromal early psychosis and emotional problem, and increasing self efficacy and family relationship in adolescence. General nursing intervention could be used as alternative of mental health promotion in school. Cognitive behavior therapy and family psychoeducation recommended to used as mental health promotion and prevention therapy to healthy adolescence based on school. "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Septiana Arini
"[Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara perceived social support dan kesehatan mental pada anak jalanan usia remaja. Perceived social support diukur menggunakan Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social
Support (MSPSS) yang dikembangkan oleh Zimet, Dahlem, Zimet, dan Farley (1988) sedangkan kesehatan mental diukur menggunakan Mental Health Continuum-Short Form (MHC-SF) yang dikembangkan oleh Keyes (2002). Penelitian ini melibatkan anak jalanan usia remaja sebanyak 60 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif yang signifikan antara perceived social support dan kesehatan mental pada anak jalanan usia remaja (r
= 0,377, n = 60, p < 0,01, two tailed).;This study was conducted to investigate correlation between perceived social support and mental health among adolescent street children. Perceived social support was measured by Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) that developed by Zimet, Dahlem, Zimet, and Farley (1988) and mental health was measured by Mental Health Continuum-Short Form (MHCSF) that developed by Keyes (2002). A sample 0f 60 adolescent street childrens participated in this study. The result show positive and significant correlation between perceived social support and mental health (r = 0,377, n = 60, p < 0,01, two tailed).;This study was conducted to investigate correlation between perceived social
support and mental health among adolescent street children. Perceived social
support was measured by Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support
(MSPSS) that developed by Zimet, Dahlem, Zimet, and Farley (1988) and
mental health was measured by Mental Health Continuum-Short Form (MHCSF)
that developed by Keyes (2002). A sample 0f 60 adolescent street childrens
participated in this study. The result show positive and significant correlation
between perceived social support and mental health (r = 0,377, n = 60, p < 0,01,
two tailed), This study was conducted to investigate correlation between perceived social
support and mental health among adolescent street children. Perceived social
support was measured by Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support
(MSPSS) that developed by Zimet, Dahlem, Zimet, and Farley (1988) and
mental health was measured by Mental Health Continuum-Short Form (MHCSF)
that developed by Keyes (2002). A sample 0f 60 adolescent street childrens
participated in this study. The result show positive and significant correlation
between perceived social support and mental health (r = 0,377, n = 60, p < 0,01,
two tailed)]"
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Avicenia Andita Putri
"Populasi remaja rentan mengalami masalah kesehatan mental (Gadagnoto dkk., 2022) dan ditemukan adanya kenaikan prevalensi gangguan kesehatan mental pada populasi usia remaja di Indonesia (Riskesdas, 2018). Riset menunjukkan bahwa intensi yang dimiliki untuk mencari bantuan kepada tenaga profesional masih rendah (Moen dkk., 2018; Barus, 2022). Salah satu faktor protektif remaja terhadap masalah kesehatan mental adalah dukungan sosial dan persepsi mereka terhadap ketersediaan sumber dukungan tersebut dari lingkungan sekitarnya dinilai penting. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat hubungan antara persepsi dukungan sosial dan intensi mencari bantuan kesehatan mental profesional pada remaja SMA/sederajat di Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian korelasional. Pengukuran persepsi dukungan sosial menggunakan Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) dan intensi mencari bantuan kesehatan mental profesional menggunakan Mental Help-Seeking Intention Scale (MHSIS) dilakukan kepada 144 partisipan remaja SMA/sederajat di Kota Bandung. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara persepsi dukungan sosial dan intensi mencari bantuan kesehatan mental profesional (r = 0,410, p < 0,01).

The adolescent population is prone to experiencing mental health problems (Gadagnoto et al., 2022) and an increase in the prevalence of mental health disorders has been found in the adolescent population in Indonesia (Riskesdas, 2018). Research shows that the intention to seek help from professionals is still low (Moen et al., 2018; Barus, 2022). One of the protective factors for adolescents against mental health problems is social support and their perception of the availability of this source of support from the surrounding environment is considered essential. This research examined the relationship between perceived social support and mental health professional help-seeking intention among high school adolescents in Indonesia. The research method used is a quantitative method with a correlational research design. Measuring perceived social support using the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) and mental health professional help-seeking intention using the Mental Help Seeking Intention Scale (MHSIS) was conducted on 144 high school adolescent participants in Bandung. The study found a positive and significant relationship between perceived social support and mental health professional help-seeking intention (r = 0.410, p < 0.01)."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raissa Fatikha
"Bagi penyintas kanker remaja-dewasa muda, mengidap kanker adalah peristiwa yang sangat menantang dan mengubah hidup. Walaupun dapat membawa dampak negatif, kanker sebaliknya dapat menjadi pemicu dialaminya posttraumatic growth (PTG) pada penyintas kanker remaja-dewasa muda. Salah satu faktor protektif yang berhubungan dengan kemunculan PTG adalah persepsi dukungan sosial. Kemudian, diduga bahwa mekanisme yang dapat menjelaskan terdapatnya hubungan antara persepsi dukungan sosial dan PTG pada penyintas kanker remaja-dewasa muda adalah kemunculan self- compassion. Maka dari itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki hubungan antara persepsi dukungan sosial dan PTG pada penyintas kanker remaja-dewasa muda dengan self-compassion sebagai mediator. Penelitian korelasional ini melibatkan 55 penyintas kanker di Indonesia dengan usia diagnosis 15—39 tahun yang saat ini berusia 18—39 tahun (Musia = 27,64; SD usia = 5,74; 78,18% perempuan). Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah PTGI-SF (Posttraumatic Growth Inventory-Short Form), MSPSS (Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support), dan SWD-SF (Skala Welas Diri-Short Form). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi dukungan sosial dan self-compassion berkorelasi positif signifikan dengan PTG pada penyintas kanker remaja-dewasa muda. Akan tetapi, self-compassion tidak terbukti menjadi mediator pada hubungan antara persepsi dukungan sosial dan PTG pada penyintas kanker remaja-dewasa muda. 

For adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer survivors, living with cancer is a challenging and life-changing experience. Although it causes several negative impacts, cancer can induce the process of experiencing posttraumatic growth (PTG) in AYA cancer survivors. One of the protective factors associated with PTG is perceived social support. Furthermore, it hypothesized that a mechanism that can explain the relationship between perceived social support and PTG is the emergence ofself-compassion. Therefore, this study explores the relationship between perceived social support and PTG in AYA cancer survivors with self-compassion as a mediator. This correlational study involved 55 cancer survivors with the age of diagnosis of 15—39 years old who currently is 18—39 years old (Mage = 27,64; SDage = 5,74; 78,18% female). The instruments used in this study are PTGI-SF (Posttraumatic Growth Inventory-Short Form), MSPSS (Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support), and SWD-SF (Skala Welas Diri- Short Form). This study shows that perceived social support and self- compassion correlate positively and significantly with PTG in AYA cancer survivors. However, self-compassion is not mediating the relationship between perceived social support and PTG in AYA cancer survivors."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farah Ayu Anggraeni
"Perubahan rutinitas dan pembatasan interaksi sosial yang terjadi selama pandemi Covid-19 turut memperburuk kesehatan mental seseorang (Kudinova et al., 2021). Perceived social support dapat melindungi seseorang dari masalah kesehatan mental. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu hubungan kedua variabel selama pandemi Covid-19 pada individu emerging adulthood yang berusia 18-25 tahun dan merupakan Warga Negara Indonesia yang tinggal di Indonesia. Menggunakan metode korelasional, hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa secara keseluruhan masalah kesehatan mental memiliki korelasi negatif yang signifikan dengan perceived social support r (249) = -,417 p < ,001, dimana tiap sumber dan kombinasi perceived social support yang tinggi dapat menurunkan tingkat masalah kesehatan mental individu emerging adulthood selama pandemi Covid-19.

Changes in routine and restrictions on social interaction that occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic also worsened a person's mental health (Kudinova et al., 2021). Perceived social support can protect a person from mental health problems. The aim of this study is to find out the relationship between the two variables during the Covid-19 pandemic in emerging adulthood who are 18-25 years old and are Indonesian citizens living in Indonesia. Using the correlation method, the results showed that mental health problems had a significant negative correlation with perceived social support r (249) = -,417 p < .001, where each source and combination of perceived social support could reduce the level of mental health problems."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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