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Luthfia Nadia
"Obstetric Hemorrhage is one of leading causes for maternal death in developing country and cause for 50% of estimated 500.000 maternal death globally per year. It is known that 7,6% of complications during labor and delivery that happen in Indonesia is postpartum hemorrhage (PPH). The purpose of this study is to examine factors that associated with PPH complication in Indonesia. Research method which is used in this study is cross sectional that analyze Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey (SDKI) 2012?s data source. Population in this study is all woman in age range 15-49 year old that ever gave birth in Indonesia from January 2007 until SDKI 2012 started. This study find that mother with low education (PR=1,248; 95% CI: 1,108 ? 1,405), maternal age <20 and >35 years (PR= 1,157; 95% CI: 1,007 ? 1,329), smoking behavior (PR= 1,991; 95% CI: 1,047 ? 1,425), parity >3 children (PR= 1,221; 95% CI: 1,047 ? 1,425), pregnancy complications (PR= 2,805; 95% CI: 2,477 ? 3,175), past labor complications (PR= 1,765; 95% CI: 1,468 ? 2,123), and completeness of antenatal care (PR= 0,79; 95% CI: 0,664 ? 0,94) are associated with PPH complication. Government commitment is needed to improve health facility?s coverage, train health assistance, and educate people to increase awareness of rights and needs of maternal and newborn health.

Perdarahan obstetri adalah salah satu penyebab utama kematian maternal di negara berkembang dan penyebab 50% dari 500.000 kematian maternal yang diperkirakan terjadi per tahun di dunia. Sebesar 7,6% dari komplikasi persalinan yang terjadi di Indonesia adalah komplikasi perdarahan pascapersalinan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian komplikasi perdarahan pascapersalinan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi cross sectional dengan analisis data sekunder SDKI 2012. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh wanita usia 15-49 tahun yang pernah melahirkan di Indonesia dalam kurun waktu Januari 2007 sampai pelaksanaan SDKI 2012. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ibu dengan pendidikan rendah (PR=1,248; 95% CI: 1,108 ? 1,405), umur ibu <20 dan >35 tahun (PR= 1,157; 95% CI: 1,007 ? 1,329), perilaku merokok ibu (PR= 1,991; 95% CI: 1,047 ? 1,425), paritas >3 anak (PR= 1,221; 95% CI: 1,047 ? 1,425), komplikasi kehamilan (PR= 2,805; 95% CI: 2,477 ? 3,175), riwayat komplikasi persalinan (PR= 1,765; 95% CI: 1,468 ? 2,123), dan kelengkapan pelayanan antenatal (PR= 0,79; 95% CI: 0,664 ? 0,94) berhubungan dengan kejadian komplikasi perdarahan pascapersalinan. Perlunya komitmen pemerintah untuk memperbaiki cakupan fasilitas kesehatan, pelatihan lebih lanjut pada tenaga kesehatan, dan pemberian edukasi pada masyarakat sehingga menumbuhkan kesadaran hak dan kebutuhan tentang kesehatan ibu dan anak.
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Luky Satria Syahbanan Marwali
"Lebih dari 20 juta wanita di seluruh dunia memakai kontrasepsi progestin. Metode kontrasepsi ini sangat efektif dan dapat digunakan untuk jangka panjang. Salah satu jenis kontrasepsi progestin yang banyak digunakan adalah kontrasepsi suntik dengan depo-medroxy progesterone asetat (DMPA). Di Indonesia, menurut penelitian The National Social and Economic Survey (1997-1998), akseptor suntik mencapai 21,1% dari total jumlah akseptor KB. Tetapi pada sisi lain, pengguna kontrasepsi ini pada umumnya mengalami gangguan pola perdarahan menstruasi. Gangguan ini menimbulkan ketidaknyamanan bagi pemakainya sehingga mereka memutuskan untuk menghentikan pemakaian kontrasepsi tersebut, Hampir setengah (40-60%) pengguna kontrasepsi progestin memutuskan untuk berhenti menggunakan metode kontrasepsi ini karena gangguan tersebut.
Patogenesis perdarahan abnormal uterus pada pengguna metode kontrasepsi ini masih belum diketahui. Pada penelitian sebelumnya telah dilaporkan perubahan pada morfologi endometrium, profil reseptor steroid endometrium, morfologi vaskular endometrium, fungsi dan mekanisme hemostasis pada endometrium. Perdarahan diduga berasal dari kapiler dan venul endometrium dan terjadi peningkatan fragilitas pembuluh darah endometrium pada pengguna kontrasepsi progestin.
Matriks metalloproteinase (MMP) adalah suatu protease yang dapat mendegradasi matriks ekstraseluler. MMP terlibat dalam peluruhan endometrium pada saat menstruasi normal dan mendegradasi komponen matriks interstisial dan membran basal pada perimenstruasi yang menyebabkan hilangnya integritas pembuluh darah sehingga terjadi perdarahan menstruasi.MMP-9 adalah 92 k-Da metalloproteinase yang mendegradasi komponen matriks ekstraseluler dan komponen membran basal, khususnya kolagen IV, kolagen V, elastin dan gelatin. Pada fase menstruasi, MMP-9 ditemukan pada neutrofil, eosinofil, makrofag dan terutama di tempat terjadinya peluruhan jaringan.
Pada beberapa penelitian, dari biopsi endometrium pengguna kontrasepsi progestin ditemukan peningkatan MMP. Beberapa penelitian melaporkan terdapatnya peningkatan MMP-9 pada endometrium pengguna kontrasepsi progestin yang mengalami gangguan pola perdarahan menstruasi."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Depok : Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia , 2019
610 JKI 22:1 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Firtantyo Adi Syahputra
Salah satu komplikasi tersering PCNL adalah perdarahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi faktor prediktor jumlah total perdarahan PCNL, dan mengevaluasi pola transfusi darah. PCNL dilakukan acak oleh dua konsultan endourologi dan dianalisa prospektif. Pasien dewasa dengan batu ginjal pielum > 20 mm, kaliks inferior >10 mm, atau staghorn dijadikan sampel. Pasien dengan koagulopati, pengobatan antikoagulan, atau dilakukan konversi operasi terbuka dieksklusi. Pemeriksaan darah lengkap dilakukan pada awal dan 12, 24, 36, 72 jam paska-operasi. Faktor-faktor seperti stone burden, jenis kelamin, luas permukaan tubuh, perubahan kadar hematokrit dan jumlah transfusi darah dianalisa regresi untuk mendapatkan prediktor total blood loss (TBL). Didapatkan rerata TBL 560,92±428,43 ml dari total 85 pasien. Stone burden merupakan faktor paling berpengaruh terhadap TBL (p=0.037). Kebutuhan transfusi darah diprediksi dengan menghitung TBL (ml) = -153,379 + 0,229 stone burden (mm2) + 0,203 baseline serum hematokrit (%). Sebanyak 87,1% pasien tidak menerima transfusi peri-operatif, 3,5% menerima transfusi intra-operatif, 7,1% menerima transfusi post-operatif, 2,3% menerima transfusi intra dan post-operatif; sehingga menghasilkan cross-matched transfusion ratio 7,72. Rerata tranfusi darah peri-operatif 356,00±145,88 ml. Stone burden menjadi faktor prediktif paling berpengaruh terhadap jumlah perdarahan. Jumlah darah yang ditransfusikan dan dilakukan cross-matched ditemukan tinggi. Formula yang kami usulkan dapat mengurangi kejadian transfusi yang tidak dibutuhkan.

The most common complication of PCNL is bleeding. We aimed to identify predictive factors of PCNL blood loss and evaluate transfusion practice. A prospective study was randomly performed by two consultants of endo-urology. Adults with kidney stones in pelvic >20mm, inferior calyx >10mm or staghorn were included; those with coagulopathy, under anti-coagulant treatment or open conversion were excluded. Full blood count was taken at baseline and during 12, 24, 36, 72-hours post-operatively. Factors such as stone burden, sex, body surface area, hematocrit level shifting and amount of blood transfused were analyzed statistically using regression to identify predictive factors of total blood loss (TBL). Mean TBL was 560.92±428.43 ml from 85 patients enrolled. Our results revealed that TBL (ml): -153.379 + 0.229xstone burden (mm2) + 0.203xbaseline serum hematocrit (%); considerably predicted the need for blood transfusion. Amount of 87.1% patients did not receive perioperative transfusion, 3.5% received intra-operative transfusion, 7.1% post-operative, 2.3% both intra and post-operative, giving a cross-matched transfusion ratio 7.72. Mean peri-operative blood transfused was 356.00±145.88 ml. Stone burden was the most influential PCNL blood loss predictive factor. Amount of blood transfused and cross-matched was relatively high. An appropriate blood order using our equation would reduce any unnecessary transfusions.;;;;"
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
by Rumita S. Kadarisman
"Untuk mengetahui effektivitas dan keamanan injeksi intravitreal gas Sulfur Heksaflorida (SF6) tanpa tissue Plasminogen Activator (tPA) pada perdarahan subhialoid di premakula, 5 mata dari 5 pasen dimasukkan dalam penelitian ini. Setelah parasentesis cairan akuos, 0.3 ml gas sulfur hexafluoride murni disuntikkan intravitreal dan penderita diharuskan mempertahankan posisi muka kebawah selama 5 hari.. Foto fundus dibuat pre injeksi,pada 1 hari dan 7 hari pasca injeksi. Perdarahan subhialoid bergeser pada 4/5 (80%) mata dengan lama perdarahan subhialoid kurang dari 2 minggu. Tajam penglihatan pre-operatif pada ke-lima mata adalah hitung jari, dan mengalami perbaikan pasca-operatif pada 4/5 (80%) mata dalam 3 hari sampai 7 hari.. Tajam penglihatan berkisar antara 6/20 hingga 6/6. Penyakit sistemik yang mendasari, terdiri dari hiperkoagulasi pada 1 pasien, diabetes mellitus pada 2 pasien, hipertensi pada 1 pasien dan tidak ditemukan pada 1 pasien. Komplikasi akibat tindakan tidak ditemukan pada semua mata yang diinjeksi. Sebagai kesimpulan, injeksi gas SF6 tanpa penggunaan tPA ke dalam vitreus mampu menggeser perdarahan subhialoid, bila dilakukan dalam 14 hari, dan dapat menghasilkan perbaikan tajam penglihatan yang cepat. Tindakan ini terbukti aman. (Med J Indones 2007; 16:104-7).

To assess the efficacy and safety of intravitreal injection of Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) gas without the use of tissue Plasminogen Activator (tPA) in premacular Subhyaloid Hemorrhage ( SHH ), 5 eyes of 5 patients with premacular SHH were enrolled. After performing paracentesis of the anterior chamber, 0.3 ml pure SF6 gas was injected through pars plana with a 30 gauge needle. Facedown position was maintained for 5 days. Subhyaloid Hemorrhage was displaced in 4/5 ( 80% ) eyes with a duration of SHH less than 2 weeks. The pre-injection visual acuity of all 5 eyes was finger counting and improved in 4/5 ( 80% ) eyes within 3 days to 7 days post-injection to 6/20 - 6/6. The underlying disease was hypercoagulation in 1 patient , diabetes mellitus in 2 patients , hypertension in 1 patient and unknown in 1 patient. No complications were encountered. In conclusion, SF6 gas injected into the vitreous without the use of tPA, can displace SHH if performed within 14 days of duration, and results in rapid visual recovery. This procedure is proven to be safe. (Med J Indones 2007; 16:104-7)."
Medical Journal of Indonesia, 2007
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Latar Belakang
Perdarahan pascasalin adalah penyebab 25% kematian ibu diseluruh dunia,
bahkan mencapai 60% pada beberapa negara. Sekitar 60-90% disebabkan oleh
atonia uteri. Berbagai alat ditemukan dan digunakan seperti tamponade balon
uterus, NASG (Nonpneumatic Anti Shock Garment), Bakri Balloon dan The
Glenveigh Medical Complete Tamponade System namun memiliki efektifitas
sekitar 65-87,5% dan potensi komplikasi. Oleh sebab itu diperkenalkanlah suatu
metode baru untuk mengontrol perdarahan pascasalin.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat keamanan, kemudahan dan
efektifitas alat InPress mengatasi perdarahan pascasalin karena atonia uteri. Alat
InPress menggunakan mesin vakum bertekanan rendah untuk menurunkan
tekanan atmosfer dalam kavum uteri sehingga uterus menjadi kolaps dan
membuat tamponade sehingga perdarahan berhenti. Selain itu secara fisiologis,
dapat merangsang kontraksi uterus pascasalin yang normal dan retraksi uterus ke
bentuk dan ukuran semula.
Dari sepuluh subyek penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mesin vakum dengan cepat
menciptakan tamponade yang efektif melalui balon pengunci yang berada di
ostium uteri eksterna. Jumlah perdarahan yang dievakuasi dari kavum uteri sekitar
100-250 cc, tertampung dalam kanister. Uterus kolaps dan terjadi tamponade
dalam waktu 1-2 menit sehingga perdarahan berhenti. Alat InPress dipasang
selama minimal 1 jam dan maksimal 6,5 jam. Repair luka robekan perineum dan
vagina dapat dilakukan dengan mudah saat alat InPress terpasang di dalam uterus.
Pada sepuluh subyek tidak ada tindakan lanjutan untuk mengatasi perdarahan
setelah alat InPress dipasang. Tidak ditemukan adanya kelainan pada uterus,
serviks dan vagina pada saat dan sesudah pemasangan alat InPress.
Tamponade uterus yang berasal dari tekanan negatif mesin vakum terbukti aman dan efektif untuk mengatasi perdarahan pascasalin karena atonia uteri.
the Treatment of Postpartum Hemorrhage Due To Uterine
Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH) is responsible for +/- 25% of maternal mortality
worldwide, reaching as high as 60% in some countries. Approximately 60-90%
caused by uterine atonia. Many devices were invented and applied such as uterine
balloon tamponade, NASG (Nonpneumatic Anti Shock Garment), Bakri Balloon
dan The Glenveigh Medical Complete Tamponade System but the effectiveness
only about 65-87,5% control hemorrhage and have potential complications.
Therefor a new method to control PPH has been introduced.
The purpose of this study was to demonstrate patient safety, device efficiency, and
ease of use, as an overall Proof of Concept with a new device, the InPress Device,
for the treatment of primary postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) due to atony.
The InPress device uses gentle vacuum force to lower the atmospheric pressure
within the uterine cavity to collapse the uterus into and onto itself to stop
hemorrhage through tamponade. It also stimulates normal postpartum uterine
contractions, to effect hemostasis. In this hemostatic state the atonic uterus
recovers, physiologically, and retracts down to its? normal hemostatic postpartum
Results from our ten trial patients showed that: the vacuum created an immediate
effective tamponade confined to the uterus by our seal situated at the external
cervical ostium, 100-250 milliliters of residual blood were evacuated from the
uterine cavity into the vacuum canister. The uterus collapsed and regained tone
within 1-2 minutes, and hemorrhaging stopped, in all cases. The device stayed in
place while vaginal and perineal lacerations, which occurred during delivery, were
easily repaired. The device was left in for one-hour minimum up to 6,5 hours.
There were no further operative procedures required to stop hemorrhaging in any
of these cases. There was no abnormality of uterus, cervix and vagina while and
after InPress procedur performed.
Vacuum induced uterine tamponade using physiologic force, is a safe and
effective way to achieve rapid control of PPH due to atony.
the Treatment of Postpartum Hemorrhage Due To Uterine
Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH) is responsible for +/- 25% of maternal mortality
worldwide, reaching as high as 60% in some countries. Approximately 60-90%
caused by uterine atonia. Many devices were invented and applied such as uterine
balloon tamponade, NASG (Nonpneumatic Anti Shock Garment), Bakri Balloon
dan The Glenveigh Medical Complete Tamponade System but the effectiveness
only about 65-87,5% control hemorrhage and have potential complications.
Therefor a new method to control PPH has been introduced.
The purpose of this study was to demonstrate patient safety, device efficiency, and
ease of use, as an overall Proof of Concept with a new device, the InPress Device,
for the treatment of primary postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) due to atony.
The InPress device uses gentle vacuum force to lower the atmospheric pressure
within the uterine cavity to collapse the uterus into and onto itself to stop
hemorrhage through tamponade. It also stimulates normal postpartum uterine
contractions, to effect hemostasis. In this hemostatic state the atonic uterus
recovers, physiologically, and retracts down to its? normal hemostatic postpartum
Results from our ten trial patients showed that: the vacuum created an immediate
effective tamponade confined to the uterus by our seal situated at the external
cervical ostium, 100-250 milliliters of residual blood were evacuated from the
uterine cavity into the vacuum canister. The uterus collapsed and regained tone
within 1-2 minutes, and hemorrhaging stopped, in all cases. The device stayed in
place while vaginal and perineal lacerations, which occurred during delivery, were
easily repaired. The device was left in for one-hour minimum up to 6,5 hours.
There were no further operative procedures required to stop hemorrhaging in any
of these cases. There was no abnormality of uterus, cervix and vagina while and
after InPress procedur performed.
Vacuum induced uterine tamponade using physiologic force, is a safe and
effective way to achieve rapid control of PPH due to atony.
the Treatment of Postpartum Hemorrhage Due To Uterine
Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH) is responsible for +/- 25% of maternal mortality
worldwide, reaching as high as 60% in some countries. Approximately 60-90%
caused by uterine atonia. Many devices were invented and applied such as uterine
balloon tamponade, NASG (Nonpneumatic Anti Shock Garment), Bakri Balloon
dan The Glenveigh Medical Complete Tamponade System but the effectiveness
only about 65-87,5% control hemorrhage and have potential complications.
Therefor a new method to control PPH has been introduced.
The purpose of this study was to demonstrate patient safety, device efficiency, and
ease of use, as an overall Proof of Concept with a new device, the InPress Device,
for the treatment of primary postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) due to atony.
The InPress device uses gentle vacuum force to lower the atmospheric pressure
within the uterine cavity to collapse the uterus into and onto itself to stop
hemorrhage through tamponade. It also stimulates normal postpartum uterine
contractions, to effect hemostasis. In this hemostatic state the atonic uterus
recovers, physiologically, and retracts down to its? normal hemostatic postpartum
Results from our ten trial patients showed that: the vacuum created an immediate
effective tamponade confined to the uterus by our seal situated at the external
cervical ostium, 100-250 milliliters of residual blood were evacuated from the
uterine cavity into the vacuum canister. The uterus collapsed and regained tone
within 1-2 minutes, and hemorrhaging stopped, in all cases. The device stayed in
place while vaginal and perineal lacerations, which occurred during delivery, were
easily repaired. The device was left in for one-hour minimum up to 6,5 hours.
There were no further operative procedures required to stop hemorrhaging in any
of these cases. There was no abnormality of uterus, cervix and vagina while and
after InPress procedur performed.
Vacuum induced uterine tamponade using physiologic force, is a safe and
effective way to achieve rapid control of PPH due to atony.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Liza Amelia
"Pendahuluan: Perdarahan Intraventrikel Intraventricular Hemorrhage / IVH merupakan perdarahan spontan yang terjadi di dalam sistem ventrikel, 30-45 sering berhubungan dengan Intracerebral Hemorrhage ICH . Evaluasi aktifitas sehari-hari yang akurat dan tepat pada pasien pasca stroke sangat penting untuk kualitas perawatan dan pengukuran luaran pasca perawatan stroke. Modified Rankin Scale mRS merupakan skala pengukuran disabilitas yang dipakai secara global untuk evaluasi pemulihan dari stroke.
Tujuan: Menelaah data luaran penderita perdarahan intraventrikel yang dilakukan operasi di Departemen Bedah Saraf Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Nasional Cipto Mangunkusumo berdasarkan mRS.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian retrospektif dengan desain potong lintang cross sectional . Adapun variabel independent yaitu lokasi lesi perdarahan intraserebral, IVH-skor, GCS awal, dan variabel dependent yaitu luaran berdasarkan skoring mRS. Subjek penelitian adalah semua pasien penderita perdarahan intraventrikel yang dikelola Departemen Bedah Saraf RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo selama periode Januari 2010 sampai dengan Agustus 2016. Jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini didapatkan 23 sampel. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui catatan rekam medis, subjek dihubungi via telepon, kemudian subjek atau keluarga diwawancara untuk menilai status fungsionalnya dengan mRS. Data diolah dengan menggunakan program SPSS 21.
Hasil: Luaran 6 bulan IVH dengan menggunakan mRS secara keseluruhan didapatkan independent 11 pasien 47,8 dependent 4 pasien 17,3 dan 8 pasien meninggal 34,9 . IVH sebagian besar berusia di bawah 60 tahun 60,8 dan 39,2 yang berusia diatas 60 tahun, dari penelitian didapatkan IVH skor terbanyak adalah >15 sebanyak 15 pasien 65,2 . GCS rata-rata 7,6 2,14 . MAP terbanyak adalah >100 dengan jumlah 20 pasien 87 , dan faktor resiko yang mengalami hipertensi sebanyak 19 pasien 82,6.
Diskusi: mRS dapat digunakan sebagai standar penilaian luaran IVH.

Introduction: Intraventricular hemorrhage IVH is a spontaneous hemorrhage occurring within the ventricular system, 30 40 often associated with Intracerebral hemorrhage ICH, Accurate and precise daily evaluating activity in post stroke patients is critical for the quality of care and measurement of post stroke outcomes. Modified Rankin Scale mRS is a global disability measurement scale used for the evaluation of stroke recovery.
Aims: Configuring outcome data of patient with intraventricle hemorrhage operated at neurosurgery departmen of cm hospital based on mRS.
Methods This was an observational study with cross sectional design. The independent variables are location of intracerebral hemorrhage lesion, IVH score, initial GCS, and dependent variable is outcome based on mRS scores. Subjects of research were all patients with intraventricular hemorrhage administered by Department of Neurosurgery Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital during January 2010 until August 2016 period. The number of samples in this study were obtained 23 samples. Research data was obtained through medical record and transferred into data entry format, patients was contacted by telephone, then patients or family were interviewed to assess their functional status with Modified Rankin Scale. Data is processed by using SPSS 21 program.
Results: 6 months IVH overall outcomes are 11 independent patients 47.8 4 dependent patients 17.3 and 8 patients died 34.9. IVH were mostly under 60 years old 60,8 and 39,2 were aged over 60 years, from the study obtained IVH most scores were 15 as many as 15 patients 65.2. GCS averages 7.6 2.14 . Most MAPs were 100 with 20 patients 87, and hypertension risk factors were 19 patients 82.6.
Discussion: mRS can be used as standard outcome assessment of IVH.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ade Wirdayanto
"Latar Belakang: Perdarahan intraserebral spontan (PISS) berkaitan dengan luaran yang buruk dibandingkan dengan infark serebral, dapat menyebabkan disabilitas berat, yaitu menyebabkan kecacatan fisik, psikologis, dan fungsi sosial. Pada pasien yang secara CT scan terbukti terdapat hematom intraserebral supratentorial, pembedahan dan perawatan neurointensif mengurangi angka kematian atau kecacatan dibandingkan hanya dengan terapi medis saja. Pembedahan yang dilakukan dapat meningkatkan luaran pasien dengan PISS yang selektif.
Tujuan: Menilai luaran 6 bulan pasca operasi penderita perdarahan intraserebral spontan supratentorial yang di kelola Departemen Bedah Saraf RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo periode Januari 2013-Agustus 2014 serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi luaran tersebut.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian potong lintang terhadap pasien perdarahan intra serebral spontan supratentorial yang dilakukan operasi evakuasi hematom di Departemen Bedah Saraf RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo periode Januari 2013-Agustus 2014 menggunakan modified Rankin Scale (mRS). Data penelitian ini diperoleh melalui catatan rekam medis.
Hasil: Luaran 6 bulan setelah dilakukan operasi didapatkan luaran independent 7 pasien (38,9%) dan dependent 11 pasien (61,1%). Tidak didapatkan pasien meninggal selama follow up 6 bulan setelah operasi dari data ini. Berdasarkan lokasi perdarahan supratentorial, perdarahan lobar dengan luaran lebih baik dimana luaran independent 50% dibandingkan perdarahan deep seated dengan luaran independent 16,7%. Faktor faktor yang mempengaruhi seperti jenis kelamin, GCS, volume hematom, komorbiditas hipertensi serta diabetes melitus dan jenis tindakan tidak dapat dilakukan uji kemaknaan karena jumlah sampel yang sedikit.
Kesimpulan: Luaran 6 bulan PISS supratentorial pasca operasi evakuasi hematom secara keseluruhan didapatkan lebih banyak dependent dibandingkan independent, dimana pasien perdarahan intraserebral spontan supratentorial lobar lebih baik dibandingkan dengan deep seated.

Background: Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage associated with poor outcomes compared with cerebral infarction, can cause severe disability, that causes physical disability, psychological, and social functioning. In patients who are the CT scan proved there supratentorial intracerebral hematoma, surgery and neurointensive care reduce mortality or disability compared only with medical therapy alone. Surgery can improve the outcome of patients with selective spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage.
Purpose: Assessing outcomes 6 months postoperatively supratentorial spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage patients who managed the Department of Neurosurgery Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, the period January 2013-August 2014 and the factors that affect these outcomes.
Method: A cross sectional study on patients with supratentorial spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage and evacuation operation conducted in the Department of Neurosurgery Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital the period January 2013-August 2014. Evaluate outcomes using the modified Rankin Scale (mRS). The research data was obtained through medical record.
Result: Outcome 6 months after surgery obtained independent outcomes 7 patients (38.9%) and dependent 11 patients (61.1%). There were no patients died during the follow-up 6 months after surgery of this data. Based on the location supratentorial hemorrhage, lobar hemorrhage with better outcomes in which the outcome of the independent 50% compared to the deep-seated bleeding with independent outputs of 16.7%. Factors influencing such as sex, GCS, hematoma volume, comorbid hypertension and diabetes mellitus and type of action can not be performed because of the significance of test sample size slightly.
Conclusion: Outputs 6 months postoperatively PISS supratentorial hematoma evacuation as a whole gained more dependent than independent, which supratentorial spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage patients with lobar better than the deep-seated.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Istiana Sari
"LATAR BELAKANG: Pemeriksaan Sken CT kepala adalah Baku emas untuk mendiagnosa perdarahan intrakranial traumatik pada anak. Di Indonesia belum semua fasilitas kesehatan memiliki Sken CT kepala sehingga panting untuk mengetahui gejala klinis yang berhubungan dengan perdarahan intrakranial traumatik pada anak.
TUJUAN: Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui gejala klinis dan radiologis sederhana yang dapat digunakan sebagai indikator adanya perdarahan intrakranial traumatik pada anak.
METODE: Penelitian dilakukan secara potong lintang dengan menggunakan data primer dan sekunder dari catatan medik pasien usia < 15 tahun dengan cedera kepala dan telah dilakukan pemeriksaan foto kepala dan Sken CT kepala yang dirawat di bangsal Neurologi RSCM dalam kurun waktu Januari 1998 hingga Juli 2004.
HASIL: Dari 338 kasus yang diteliti didapatkan 117 kasus perdarahan intrakranial traumatik (34,61%): 33 (28,20%) epidural hematom, 34 (29,05%) subdural hematom, 26 (22,22%) perdarahan intraserebral, 12 (10,25%) perdarahan campuran, 11 (9,40%) perdarahan subarachnoid. Pasien terdiri dari 82 laki-laki (70,08%) dan 35 perempuan (29,91%), rentang usia terbanyak yang mengalami perdarahan intrakranial traumatik 11-15 tahun (53/45,29%), mekanisme tersering kecelakaan lalu Iintas (62,39%). Gejala: fraktur tengkorak (62/52,99%), Gangguan THT (26/22,22%), muntah (82/70,08%), lama penurunan kesadaran terbanyak 10 merit-6 jam (51/43,58%). Gejala neurologis: Skala Koma Glasgow (SKG) terbanyak 12-14 (63/53,84%), kelainan saraf kranial (9/7,69%), gangguan motorik (15/12,82%), kejang (13/11,11%), pupil anisokor (7/5,98%). Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara perdarahan intrakranial traumatik dengan SKG, kelompok umur, gangguan motorik, kejang, fraktur tengkorak dan lama penurunan kesadaran (p<0,05)
KESIMPULAN: Indikator adalah SKG, gangguan motorik, kelompok umur, kejang, fraktur tengkorak dan lama penurunan kesadaran. Dengan analisis multivariate SKG, kelompok umur dan gangguan motorik merupakan indikator kuat dan dapat digunakan sebagai formula klinik dalam memperkirakan perdarahan intrakranial traumatik pada anak.

BACKGROUND: Brain CT Scan is one of the evaluation methods for traumatic brain hemorrhage in children. However, not all Indonesian hospitals have these radiologic examination tools. Clinical features and skull x ray as an indicators have to be used as a predictor for traumatic brain hemorrhage cases in children.
OBJECTIVE: To predict traumatic brain hemorrhage in children using clinical features and skull x ray.
METHODOLOGY: 338 acute head trauma children,
RESULTS: Traumatic brain hemorrhage occurred in 117 children ( 34,61%), whereas 62 (52,99%) had skull fracture, 26 (22,22%) ENT bleeding,, 82 (70,08%) had vomiting. There was 43,58% had duration of loss of consciousness mostly between 10 minutes to 6 hours. In Neurological examination findings there were Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) mostly 12-14 (53,84%), 9 (7,69%) cranial nerves deficit, 15 (12,82%) hemiparesis, 13 (11,11%) seizure and 7 (5,98%) pupillary anisocoria. Brain CT scan image findings, 33 (28,20%) epidural hematoma, 34 (29,05%) subdural hematoma, 26 (22,22%) intraparenchymal bleedings, 12 (10,25%) combined intracranial hemorrhage and 11 (9,40%) subarachnoid hemorrhage. Variables of Glasgow Coma Scale, age, hemiparesis, seizure, skull fracture and duration of loss of consciousness were significant correlation (p<0,05) in traumatic brain hemorrhage cases in children.
CONCLUSION: There were some predictor variables, including Glasgow Coma Scale, hemiparesis, age, seizure, skull fracture and duration of loss of consciousness were analyzed. In multivariate analysis, there were three variables, Glasgow Coma Scale, age and hemiparesis have highly correlation with traumatic brain hemorrhage in children and could be made probability table of those traumatic brain hemorrhage cases in children.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elizabeth Dian Novita
"Latar belakang : Implan kontrasepsi adalah batang subdermal yang melepaskan progestin selama 3-5 tahun. Efek samping implan yang paling umum dan sering terjadi adalah perdarahan uterus abnormal (PUA). Berbagai teknik diagnostik tersedia untuk menentukan penyebab PUA. Namun, belum ada penelitian tentang temuan patologi endometrium dari ultrasonografi (USG) transvaginal dan histeroskopi yang dikonfirmasi dengan histopatologi endometrium pada akseptor kontrasepsi implan satu batang Monoplant®. Tujuan : Untuk menentukan temuan patologi endometrium dari USG transvaginal, histeroskopi, dan histopatologi pada akseptor kontrasepsi implan satu batang Monoplant® Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif observasional dengan metode cross sectionaldilakukan pada akseptor implan levonorgestrel batang tunggal yang mengalami perdarahan uterus abnormal usia 20-35 tahun. Wanita dengan kanker serviks, stenosis serviks, penyakit radang panggul, atau penyakit yang tidak memungkinkan dilakukan pemeriksaan ini dieksklusikan dari penelitian ini. Semua subjek dalam penelitian ini diperiksa menggunakan USG transvaginal, histeroskopi, dan pemeriksaan histopatologi. Data yang terkumpul kemudian dianalisis. Hasil : Sebanyak 20 subjek direkrut untuk penelitian ini. Semua subjek diperiksa menggunakan USG transvaginal, histeroskopi, dan pemeriksaan histopatologi. Tidak ada patologi lain selain penipisan endometrium dan atrofi endometrium. Hasil USG transvaginal dan histeroskopi dibandingkan dengan hasil histopatologi. Kesimpulan : Atrofi endometrium adalah penyebab utama perdarahan uterus abnormal pada wanita yang menggunakan implan satu batang levonorgestrel. Namun, pemeriksaan harus dilakukan untuk menyingkirkan etiologi tambahan yang menyebabkan perdarahan uterus abnormal.

Background:Contraceptive implants are subdermal rods that release progestins over a 3-5 year period. The most common and frequent side effect of implants is abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB). Various diagnostic techniques are available to determine the cause of AUB. However, there have been no studies on the findings of endometrial pathology from transvaginal ultrasound and hysteroscopy confirmed by endometrial histopathology in single-rod Monoplant®implant contraceptive acceptors Objective : To determine the findings of endometrial pathology from transvaginal ultrasound, hysteroscopy, and histopathology in single-rod Monoplant®implant contraceptive acceptors Methods:An observational descriptive study using cross sectional method was performed on acceptors of single rod levonorgestrel implant having abnormal uterine bleeding aged 20-35 years old. Women with cervical cancer, cervical stenosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, or any disease that would the examination impossible were excluded. All of the subjects in this study was examined using transvaginal ultrasound, hysteroscopy, and histopathology examination. Collected data was then analyzed accordingly. Results: A total of 20 subjects was recruited to the study. All of the subjects were examined using transvaginal ultrasound, hysteroscopy, and histopathology examination. There was no other pathology other than endometrial thinning and endometrial atrophy. Results of transvaginal ultrasound and hysteroscopy were compared to histopathologic results. Conclusion:Endometrial atrophy is the main cause of abnormal uterine bleeding in women using single rod levonorgestrel implant. However, examinations should be performed to eliminate additional etiologies causing abnormal uterine bleeding."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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