"Perkembangan industri batik tidak diimbangi dengan pengolahan limbah yang memadai. Sebagian besar penghasil batik membuang langsung limbah cairnya ke perairan tanpa mengolahnya terlebih dahulu. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan upaya pengolahan limbah batik menggunakan metode filtrasi dengan mengevaluasi pengaruh variasi konsentrasi bahan membran dan tekanan umpan terhadap kemampuan penyisihan pengotor. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan preparasi membran flat sheetberbahan polisulfon dengan pelarut N-metil-2-pirrolidon atau NMP dan aditif polivinilpirolidon (PVP). Membran yang dihasilkan dikarakterisasi menggunakan uji SEM, FTIR, dan sudut kontak. Membran dipreparasi dengan komposisi PSf dan PVP masing-masing 7,35 gram dan 0,15 gram untuk membran PSf/PVP0,15; 7,25 gram dan 0,25 gram untuk membran PSf/PVP0,25; dan 7,15 gram dan 0,35 gram untukPSf/PVP0,35; dengan pelarut NMP sebanyak 42,5 mL. Proses filtrasi membran dilakukan dengan variasi tekanan umpan 4, 5, 6, dan 7 bar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan membran PSf/PVP0,25memiliki jumlah pori terbanyak dan memiliki sifat paling hidrofilik dengan sudut kontak 50o. Filtrasi membran menunjukkan hasil bahwa semakin rendah tekanan, semakin tinggi persentase rejeksi sedangkan pengaruh komposisi membran berbeda-beda untuk tiap parameter. Dengan tekanan 4 bar, membran PSf/PVP0,25memiliki rejeksi COD dan warna tertinggi sebesar masing-masing 61,73% dan 61,16%; sedangkan membran PSf/PVP0,35memiliki rejeksi TDS dan konduktivitas tertinggi sebesar masing-masing 49,43%.Variasi tekanan umpan dan komposisi membran tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap penyisihan TSS dan perubahan pH permeat.
The development of the batik industry is not matched by adequate waste treatment. Most batik producers dispose of their liquid waste directly into the waters without processing it first. In this research an attempt was made to treat batik waste using a filtration method by evaluating the effect of variations in membrane material concentration and feed pressure on the ability of impurity removal. In this study, a flat sheet membrane made from polysulfone was prepared with N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone or NMP solvent and polyvinylpirolidone (PVP) additive. The resulting membrane was characterized using SEM, FTIR, and contact angletests. Membranes were prepared with PSf and PVP compositions of 7.35 grams and 0.15 grams for the PSf/PVP0,15 membrane; 7.25 grams and 0.25 grams for the PSf/PVP0,25membrane; and 7.15 grams and 0.35 grams for the PSf/PVP0,35 membrane; with NMP as much as 42.5 mL. The membrane filtration process is carried out with feed pressure variations of 4, 5, 6, and 7 bars. The results showed the PSf/PVP0,25membrane has the highest number of pores and has the most hydrophilic properties with a contact angle of 50o. Membrane filtration shows results that the lower the pressure, the higher the rejection percentage, while the effect of membrane composition vary with each parameter. With a pressure of 4 bar, the PSf/PVP0,25membrane has the highest COD and color content rejection of 61.73% and 61.16% respectively while the PSf/PVP0,35membrane has the highest TDS rejection and conductivity of 49.43% and 48.57%, respectively. Varying the feed pressure and membrane composition did not have a significant effect on TSS removal and permeate pH changes.