ABSTRAKIndonesia memiliki potensi biomassa yang sangat besar, salah satunya adalah Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit (TKKS) yang mengandung lignoselulosa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengoptimumkan proses konversi TKKS menjadi etanol, furfural, dan listrik melalui prinsip ko-produksi supaya menghasilkan performa ekonomi dan lingkungan yang optimum. Performa ekonomi diukur dengan NPV, sedangkan performa lingkungan diukur melalui emisi CO2 hasil analisis life cycle. Hasil simulasi proses pada Unisim dan SuperPro kemudian diregresi menggunakan MATLAB ke dalam persamaan-persamaan polinomial yang selanjutnya dioptimisasi oleh GAMS. Optimisasi multi-objektif secara simultan mampu menunjukkan kapasitas dan kondisi operasi optimum yang dihasilkan dalam bentuk kurva Pareto. Daerah optimum didominasi oleh temperatur hidrolisis terendah, yaitu 162 oC di mana biaya produksi etanol sebesar 1,02 $/liter pada solusi NPV maksimum dan faktor emisi 21,698 kg-CO2/kg-furfural; 2,818 kg-CO2/MJ-etanol; serta 3,180 kg-CO2/MJ-listrik pada solusi emisi CO2 minimum.
ABSTRACTIndonesia has huge potential in Palm Oil Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB) which is a lignocellulosic biomass. The purpose of this research is to optimize the conversion process of EFB to ethanol, furfural, and electricity through co-production, to achieve optimum economic and environmental performances. Economic performance is measured by NPV, while environmental performance by CO2 emission through life cycle analysis. The process simulation results from Unisim and SuperPro are regressed using MATLAB into polynomial equations which are optimized using GAMS. The multi-objective optimization simultaneously determines optimum capacity and operating condition, which are represented by Pareto curve. The optimum solutions are dominated by the lowest hydrolysis temperature 162 oC, and reveal production cost of ethanol, which is $1,02/litre for the maximum NPV solution, and emission factor 21,698 kg-CO2/kg-furfural; 2,818 kg-CO2/MJ-ethanol; and 3,180 kg-CO2/MJ-electricity for the minimum emission solution., Indonesia has huge potential in Palm Oil Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB) which is a lignocellulosic biomass. The purpose of this research is to optimize the conversion process of EFB to ethanol, furfural, and electricity through co-production, to achieve optimum economic and environmental performances. Economic performance is measured by NPV, while environmental performance by CO2 emission through life cycle analysis. The process simulation results from Unisim and SuperPro are regressed using MATLAB into polynomial equations which are optimized using GAMS. The multi-objective optimization simultaneously determines optimum capacity and operating condition, which are represented by Pareto curve. The optimum solutions are dominated by the lowest hydrolysis temperature 162 oC, and reveal production cost of ethanol, which is $1,02/litre for the maximum NPV solution, and emission factor 21,698 kg-CO2/kg-furfural; 2,818 kg-CO2/MJ-ethanol; and 3,180 kg-CO2/MJ-electricity for the minimum emission solution.]"