"Monumen Nasional sudah dikenal sebagai landmark kota Jakarta dan merupakan Daerah Tujuan Wisata (DTW) utama Propinsi DKI Jakarta. Lebih dan setengah juta wisatawan mengunjungi monumen ini setiap tahunnya. Namun selama beberapa tahun terakhir jumlah pengunjung terns menurun. Hal ini menunjukkan penurunan kinerja pelayanan di Monumen Nasional. Beberapa alasan dikemukakan untuk menjelaskan laju penurunan jumlah pengunjung tersebut, diantaranya karena menurunnya kualitas, persepsi pengunjung akhir - akhir ini yang rnenganggap Monumen Nasional sebagai tempat yang kurang aman, serta kurangnya perawatan dan minimnya sarana prasarana pengunjung. Namun sampai saat ini belum pernah dilakukan penelitian yang berhubungan dengan penurunan kinerja tersebut.
Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana persepsi kepuasan pengunjung, dengan mengidentifikasi dan mendeskripsikan tingkat kesesuaian antara kualitas pelayanan yang dirasakan dengan kualitas yang diharapkan, faktor apa yang saja yang dipertimbangkan pengunjung datam persepsinya terhadap kepuasan, serta faktor apa yang periu diprioritaskan untuk segera dilakukan pembenahan oleh pihak pengelola. Pengunjung sebagaimana layaknya pelanggan yang lain, biasanya memiliki harapan terhadap kualitas jasa yang ditawarkan oleh pengelola. Harapan - harapan ini dimulai melalui informasi yang disampaikan melalui brosur, iklan, dan informasi dari mulut ke mulut. Terpenuhinya harapan pengunjung akan menentukan tingkat kepuasan, ketika atau sesudah kunjungan, mulai dari informasi awal sampai proses membayar jasa yang ditawarkan. Jika kinerja yang dirasakan memenuhi harapan, dikatakan pengunjung tersebut puas, dan sebaliknya jika kinerja yang dirasakan lebih rendah dari harapan, akan mengakibatkan pengunjung tidak puas.
Penelitian deskriptif ini dilakukan melalui pengumpulan data primer yang meliputi survey dan observasi terhadap responden dengan kuesioner tertutup, dengan delapan dimensi suplemen pelayanan yang terdapat pada kelopak bunga pelayanan yang dikemukakan oleh Christopher Lovelock (1994). Pada penelitian ini hanya digunakan tujuh dimensi pelayanan, yakni Information, Consultation, Order taking, Hospitality, caretaking, Exception, dan Billing dan payment. Dari 100 responden yang diteliti, secara umum menyatakan cukup puas dengan pelayanan di Monumen Nasional. Hasil ini dapat dijadikan tolok ukur keberadaan Monumen Nasional, khususnya terjadinya penurunan jumlah pengunjung. Berdasarkan analisis penelitian, Hospitality merupakan dimensi yang rawan, karena kurangnya sarana dan prasarana seperti perlindungan cuaca, dan sarana parkir yang Iebih dekat.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis faktor dan rotasi varimax, menghasikan empat faktor baru yang merupakan ekstraksi ke delapan suplemen pelayanan yang dinamakan faktor tangible, Communication, reliability, dan responsiveness, Berkaitan dengan urutan faktor prioritas tersebut, disimpulkan bahwa kurangnya fasilitas memainkan peran penting penurunan jumlah pengunjung. Meskipun demikian, penelitian sejenis perlu dilakukan, khususnya pada bidang yang sama, mengingat analisis faktor persepsi kepuasan pengunjung merupakan topik baru di dunia pariwisata permuseuman.
National Monument has been a popular as a landmark of Jakarta and form the pillar of the city's tourism industry as one of major tourist destinations. Over half million tourist visit The Monument every year. However, in recent years, it has shown increasing sign of poor performance, especially in the volume of tourists visiting the Monument. A number of reasons has been advanced to explain the current poor performance and decline of the tourists. These include the degradation and reduction of the quality, a recent perception of tourists of insecure tourist object, and a poorly maintained and less infrastructures. In other hands, most of these reasons has been proposed without any research pinpointing the underlying causes of the current poor performance.The study, therefore, describes factors perceived by tourists reluctant to visit National Monument, using factors analysis with tourist perception of satisfaction, especially the goals of the research are to describe the visitors' perception in service quality, to identify what factors considered by visitors in their perceived services, and to explain rank of priority factors. Tourists, like other customer, usually have initial expectations of type and quality of services to be offered in particular destination. These expectations are formed mainly through information provided via advertisements, brochures, and informal information from friends. The extent to which tourist expectation are met will eventually determine the level of tourist satisfaction. If the overall performance, while or after visiting, from information to payment, exceeds or meets initial expectation then the tourist is considered satisfied. However, if perceived performance falls below initial expectation then the tourist may be dissatisfied.This descriptive research applied the Flower of Service instrument as developed by Lovelock (1994) to identify whether there exist any gaps or discrepancies (positive or negative) in service encounters between tourists' expectations and perception of the quality of the tourism service offered in National Monument, through survey of respondents by dose ended Questionnaires. Not every core product is surrounded by supplementary elements from eight duster, therefore, the study applied seven of them, in which two of the instruments (billing and payment are combined). The seventh attributes are Information, Consultation, Order taking, Hospitality, Care taking, Exception, Billing and Payment. A total of 100 visitors has become respondents, and majority of them (78,46 %) stated that their perception are fairly satisfactory. Findings of the study provide an interesting basis for discussion on the overall current status of National Monument, particularly, as pertains to the decline in the number of visitors. The study showed that in Hospitality instruments are less satisfactory caused by lack of facilities needed by visitors such as weather protection, and nearest car parking, but fairly satisfied with employee service.Findings resulted from principal component factor analysis and subsequent varimax rotations indicated four factors extracted from eight flower of services. The four factor rank order and labels are tangible, Communication, reliability, and responsiveness. In regards with the rank order of factor, the study suggests that perception of tourist with lack infrastructure has an important role in declining tourists to National Monument. However, more empirical research needs to be conducted on the same field, since factor analysis with visitors perception of satisfaction is a new subject in the field of tourism industry in the subject of museum and therefore seems worthy of further research."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004