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"Recognizing the importance of clean river water, the Indonesian government began to implement a national clean water program in 1989. It was commonly known as the Prokasih and concentrated on segments of rivers throughout Indonesia. Prokasih has been considered successful because the pollutant concentrations in these segments have decreased. This study examines the Prokasih from the perspective of ordinary people. The study evaluates their perception of the easily observable characteristics of specific segments of three rivers participating. Two important findings emerge from this study. First, people residing close to the three rivers believe that with regard to physical characteristics such as odor, color, mud, turbidity, suds, trash, and flow, the rivers’ condition have worsened even after the implementation of the program. Secondly, the majority of people familiar with Prokasih believe that the Prokasih has not played any positive role in preserving the rivers quality."
GEOUGM 29:74 (1997)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Ogiee Rakha Fauzan
Peningkatan jumlah penduduk merupakan fenomena yang tidak dapat dihindari. Di Indonesia sendiri terdapat kurang lebih 271 juta jiwa dan 56% diantaranya hidup di Pulau Jawa (Badan Pusat Statistik, 2014). Sehingga menyebabkan intensitas kegiatan antropogenik meningkat, mengakibatkan limpasan limbah yang dibuang ke dalam sistem sungai menjadi besar. Pencemaran ini dapat ditemui baik pada kolom air maupun sedimen yang telah terakumulasi dalam kurun waktu yang cukup lama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pencemar pada sungai perkotaan yang terletak pada kawasan Jabotabek, menganalisis hubungan antara tata guna lahan dengan kualitas sungai dan memberikan rekomendasi terkait opsi remediasi untuk diimplementasikan. Perolehan data dilakukan dengan pengambilan sampel yang terletak di hulu Sungai Ciliwung dan beberapa titik yang tersebar di kawasan Jabotabek. Pengujian yang dilakukan mencakup parameter organik dan unsur logam berat. Parameter organik berupa DO, TN, TP, TOC, pH, suhu dan TSS. Hasil analisis tata guna lahan dan jarak garis lurus tiap pengambilan sampel terhadap hilir Sungai Ciliwung dikaitkan terhadap data yang telah didapati dari pengujian sampel. Analisis logam berat dilakukan dengan menghitung nilai geoaccumulation index, dimana komposisi logam berat tiap titik pengambilan sampel dibandingkan dengan background value atau hulu Sungai Ciliwung. Ditemukan bahwa terdapat unsur-unsur seperti Mn, Cr, Ni, Eu, Mo, Yb dan Re yang menjadi beban pencemaran terbesar pada lokasi-lokasi tersebut. Setelah melalui perhitungan geoaccumulation index, didapati Sungai Mookervart tergolong dalam pencemaran ekstrem. Sehingga Sungai Mookervart merupakan opsi utama dalam melakukan pemulihan melalui metode remediasi. Metode remediasi yang direkomendasikan adalah pengerukan atau dredging dikarenakan geometri dari Sungai Mookervart yang cenderung kecil. Secara teknis, pengerukan Sungai Mookervart sepanjang 2,16 km membutuhkan biaya sekitar 8 miliar rupiah dengan lama pengerjaan 10 hari untuk menyelesaikan remediasi.

Population growth is an unavoidable phenomenon. There are a total of 271 million people living in Indonesia, with 56% of the majority resides in Java Island (Badan Pusat Statistik, 2014). This growth and intensity caused the escalation of antrophogenic activities, leading to an increase in quantity of waste water being discharged into the river causing  many environmental problems such as pollution. The polluted water could be broken down into two parts, pollution in water compartments and sediment compartments. The purposes of this research are to identify the pollution in urban rivers, analyze the correlation between landuse and river quality and recommending the best remediation option to implement. The data on this research are gained by doing sampling in various places including upstream of Ciliwung River and many locations that are spread on the Jabotabek region. The examination of samples includes organic parameters and heavy metal elements. The organic parameters includes DO, TN, TP, TOC, pH, temperature and TSS. The results on landuse and straight line distance of every sampling locations against downstream of Ciliwung River are to be correlated on the results of examinated samples. Geoaccumulation Index is used to analyze the rate of antrophogenic intensity through the quality of sediments. The results composition of heavy metals elements on every sampling locations are compared to the background value which is the upstream of Ciliwung River. There are many elements that standout on the analyzing proceess including Mn, Cr, Ni, Eu, Mo, Yb and Re. By doing the geoaccumulation index, Mookervart River is considered the most polluted river and categorized in extreme pollution. Which, makes it the priority to recover by remediation process. The remediation process used is dredging because of the geometry of the river that are considered narrow. Technically, the object of dredging in Mookervart River span around 2,16 km and would take around 8 billion rupiah to complete within 10 days of labor."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdulkadir Rahardjanto
"Air adalah salah satu kebutuhan dasar kehidupan dan merupakan sumber daya yang perlu dipertahankan kelestariannya secara kuantitas maupun kualitas untuk kepentingan manusia dan lingkungan. Pada saat ini, belum ada pelibatan partisipasi masyarakat pada konservasi DAS hulu berbasis bioindikator sebagai upaya pengelolaan sungai secara berkelanjutan. Selain itu, belum ada model pelibatan masyarakat yang dapat dijadikan acuan dalam kegiatan konservasi sungai berbasis bioindikator. Tujuan umum penelitian ini adalah untuk menyusun model konservasi DAS Brantas hulu berbasis bioindikator vegetasi Riparian, Makroinvertebrata dan Odonata dengan partisipasi masyarakat dalam mengelola lingkungan sungai sehingga terwujud pengelolaan sungai yang berkelanjutan. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan vegetasi Riparian pada daerah penelitian diketemukan 61 Ordo tumbuhan, 71 familia dan 188 species. Makroinvertebrata diketemukan 11 Ordo, 15 familia, 31 genus, dan 36 species; Odonata 2 sub Ordo, 3 familia, 11 genus, dan 15 species. Ketiga bioindikator dapat dijadikan penunjuk kondisi lingkungan yang baik pada daerah penelitian. Status kesehatan sungai berdasarkan kondisi substrat dasar berstatus baik dan dapat mendukung kehidupan organisme in stream perairan. Hasil analisis The Rapid Appraisal of River Conservation (RapRiCons) pada dimensi Ekologi, Sosial, Ekonomi, Teknologi dan Etika memperlihatkan kondisi daerah penelitian yang cukup baik dan berkelanjutan. Peningkatan pengetahuan bioindikator dapat dijadikan model partisipasi masyarakat pada konservasi DAS hulu berbasis bioindikator sebagai upaya pengelolaan sungai berkelanjutan.

Water is one of the basic needs of life and is a resource that needs to be preserved both quantity and quality for the benefit of humans and the environment. At this time there is no involvement of community participation in the conservation of the upstream watershed based on bioindicators as a basis of sustainable river management. In addition, there is no models of community participation that can be used as a reference in the river conservation based on bioindicators. The general objective of this research is to devise pattern of conservation based on bioindicators at the Brantas upstream watershed based on Riparian vegetation, Macroinvertebrates and Odonata with community participation in managing sustainable river management. The results showed Riparian vegetation in the study area were found 61 Ordo of plants, 71 species and 188 familia. Macroinvertebrates found 11 Ordo, 15 familia, 31 genera, and 36 species; Odonata 2 sub Ordo, 3 familia, 11 genera and 15 species. These three bioindicators can be used as a guide mark environmental conditions at research area. Health river status based on sediment at streambed condition, has a good result and can support life in stream organism. The results of the analysis of environmental sustainability, The Rapid Appraisal of River Conservation (RapRiCons) depicted in five dimensions (Ecology, Social, Economy, Technology, and Ethics) showed good results and sustainable. Understanding bioindicators knowledge can be used as model of community participation in watershed conservation based on bioindicator as a sustainable river management plan.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Qonita Hasna Ul Aini
"Sungai beserta daerah aliran sungainya merupakan salah satu sumber daya air yang dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air demi melangsungkan hidup. Hal ini terlihat dalam kehidupan masyarakat Desa Cipayung, Kecamatan Megamendung, Kabupaten Bogor yang hingga saat ini masih memanfaatkan DAS Ciratim untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air sehari-hari. Dalam memanfaatkan DAS Ciratim masyarakat Desa Cipayung tetap berusaha menjaga keberlanjutan DAS Ciratim melalui upaya konservasi DAS Ciratim dengan mengandalkan modal sosial. Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan upaya konservasi DAS Ciratim dengan mengandalkan modal sosial masyarakat Desa Cipayung serta peran dari modal sosial tersebut dalam konservasi DAS Ciratim. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan studi literatur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya upaya konservasi DAS Ciratim di Desa Cipayung dengan mengandalkan kepercayaan, norma dan jaringan sebagai modal sosial masyarakat Desa Cipayung. Keberadaan modal sosial tersebut telah beperan penting dalam mewujudkan tindakan kolektif masyarakat Desa Cipayung untuk melakukan upaya konservasi DAS Ciratim.

The rivers along with its watershed is one of the water resources utilized by the community to meet the needs of water for the sake of life. This can be seen in the life of society in Cipayung Village, Megamendung District, Bogor Regency which is still uses Ciratim river basin to fulfill daily water needs. In utilizing the Ciratim watershed, Cipayung Village community keep trying to maintain the sustainability of Ciratim watershed through the conservation of the Ciratim watershed by relying on social capital. This thesis aims to describe the efforts of Ciratim watershed conservation by relying on the social capital and the role of social capital for Cipayung Village community. This research uses qualitative descriptive technique with data collection techniques such as indepth interview, and literature study. The result of the research indicate the existence of conservation effort of Ciratim watershed in Cipayung Village by relying on trust, norms and networks as the capital of Cipayung Village community. The existence of social capital has become very important in realization the Cipayung Village community to make efforts to conserve the Ciratim watershed."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vicki Lusiagustin
"Aktivitas penambangan pasir di sungai Komering, Sumatera Selatan, telah ada sekitar waktu yang lama dan terus berkembang seiring dengan meningkatnya pembangunan yang terjadi di Kabupaten OKU Timur. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menilai sebaran lokasi penambangan pasir, dan dampak dari adanya aktivitas penambangan pasir terhadap perubahan lingkungan fisik Sungai Komering yang berupa kualitas fisik air sungai dan perubahan alur sungai. Penelitian ini menggunakan kombinasi aplikasi SIG dengan penginderaan jauh serta pengukuran langsung di lapangan. Citra Landsat 7, Landsat 8 dan Spot 4 digunakan untuk melihat perubahan alur Sungai Komering dan bentukan sedimentasi gosong sungai serta point bar secara spasial dan temporal dalam rentang waktu 2003-2014. Pengukuran langsung dan pengambilan sampel air sungai dilakukan pada 10 titik lokasi penambangan pasir dan digunakan untuk melihat kualitas fisik air Sungai Komering dengan parameter kekeruhan, TSS dan TDS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas penambangan pasir di Sungai Komering telah menyebabkan degradasi terhadap kualitas fisik air terutama pada parameter kekeruhan dan TSS karena melebihi baku mutu kualitas air kelas II, dan juga perubahan alur sungai serta mempengaruhi luas dari bentukan sedimentasi gosong sungai dan point bar.

The sand mining activities which are located in the Komering river, South Sumatera, have since a long time been exist and keep growing along with the developmental improvements that are occurred in the East OKU Regency. The aim of the study is to assess the distribution of sand mining activities to wards the Komering River's physical environment changes in the form of river water physical quality and river stream changes. This study uses the combinations of SIG application with a remote sensing and a direct measurement in the field. Landsat 7, Landsat 8 and SPOT 4 are used to view the Komering River's stream changes and the hirst river sedimentation forms and point bar spatially and temporally from the years 2003 2014. Direct measurement was collected at 10 locations of sand mining that was used to view the Komering River's water physical quality, particularly on the turbidity and TSS because they exceed the class II standard of water quality, and also they exceed the changes in the river stream, then affecting the spacious from the hirst river sedimentation forms and point bar
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Partoso Hadi
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bagian tengah sungai adalah daerah awal dari proses sedimentasi
sungai. Pada bagian ini sungai mulai membentuk belokan-belokan karena air
mulai menemui hambatan berupa kemiringan yang semakin landai. Aliran air
mulai mencari keseimbangan (equilibrium) dengan membentuk meander.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola meander Ci Liwung dan
perubahannya selama periode tahun 1901 hingga 2006 terkait dengan
tekstur tanah tanggul sungai dan perubahan tutupan lahan DA Ci Liwung
Hulu. Secara spasial perubahan meander dilakukan dengan cara overlay
untuk setiap seri tahun yang berbeda. Variabel yang digunakan dalam
penelitian ini adalah; kelengkungan, ketinggian, kelerengan, tekstur tanah
dan tutupan lahan daerah terbangun.
Sebagian besar meander Ci Liwung memiliki pola kelengkungan
sedang hingga besar yang terletak dalam region ketinggian 0 ? 105 m dpl.
Sebagian lainnya adalah meander dengan pola kelengkungan standar yang
terletak dalam region ketinggian 15 ? 105 m dpl.
Sebagian meander Ci Liwung mengalami perubahan enlargement dan
sebagian lainnya mengalami perubahan extension. Secara menyeluruh pada
periode 1901 hingga 2006 meander Ci Liwung mengalami perubahan
extension dan terletak dalam region ketinggian dibawah 100 meter.
Kandungan pasir tanggul sungai pada meander yang mengalami
perubahan enlargement berkisar antara 38 % hingga 92 %. Sedangkan
kandungan pasir pada meander yang mengalami perubahan extension
berkisar antara 29 % hingga 89 %.
Luas tutupan lahan daerah terbangun DA Ci Liwung hulu menunjukkan
peningkatan selama periode tahun 1983 hingga 2006 sebesar sebelas
persen (0.5% pertahun atau mencapai 109 Ha pertahun)."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"On river ecology and management in Indonesia."
Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press , 2017
577.64 PEN
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The stream character as such and its discharge behaviour are the gross results of a range of events and functions of nature. The word 'stream flow' as used in the present text, is referred to 'catchment yield'. This yield is obviously discharge, q, which has dimensions of volume, L3, and time, T, expressed here onwards in cumec (one cubic metre per second) which will ultimately be converted into a single voluminous unit litre and hence referred to as Q. As the Gola River is a spring fed river, its discharge behavior is absolutely dependent on the subsurface flow of Siwalik Ranges. It has been noticed that the subsurface flow fluctuates according to the monsoonal and non-monsoonal precipitation intensity. Hence, an interesting seasonal rhythm is noticed in the monsoonal and nonmonsoonal discharge with the changing values of stream magnitude and velocity."
GEOUGM 16:52 (1986)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This study is intended to simulate the river discharges in major watersheds of northwestern Java, Indonesia. The five largest watersheds are considered: Ciujung, Cisadane, Ciliwung,
Citarum, and Cimanuk. The simulation period covers the 20th
century and early 21st century,
from January 1901 to June 2006, at a monthly time step. Discharge simulation was carried out using STREAM (Spatial Tools for River Basins and Environmental and Analysis of
Management Option). The input data for the simulation are climate (precipitation and temperature), land cover and topographic data. Setup and analysis of input data are also part of
this study. The Mann-Kendall test and linear regression were used to detect trends. Temperature datasets show statistically significant increasing trends for all periods and areas. Significant
increasing trends of precipitation occurred in the latest 16-year period (1990-2006) in hilly and middle areas. A positive trend of simulated discharge is seen in all watersheds and periods.
They are only significant for Ciujung (periods of 1950-2006 and 1975-2006), Cisadane (periods of 1950-2006 and 1990-2006), and Ciliwung (periods of 1950-2006, 1975-2006, and 1990-2006). The most noteworthy trend is seen in the 1990-2006 period. Over the course of the 20th and early decade of the 21st century, monthly discharges have increased by 3% to 9%."
[Fakultas Teknik UI, Institut Teknologi Bandung. Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian], 2011
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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