Ditemukan 3731 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"Stereoscopic SPOT P and monoscopic SPOT XS data were tested for assessing the SPOT capability for geologic and soil mappings in Indonesia, down to 1:50,000 and 100,000 scales. Methodological approaches for spatial and spectral analysis of SPOT images are briefly discussed and illustrated. The operational SPOT capability was tested with the geologic soil mappings of Wonosari from monoscopic SPOT XS data. Generally speaking, results are compared well with mappings from 1:50,000 infrared aerial stereo-pairs. The paper concludes that SPOT has the potential of a major data source for operational small/medium scale geologic and soil surveys in Indonesia.
GEOUGM 19:57 (1989)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Dimas Hartanto Effendy
"Penelitian ini membahas strategi alternatif berupa pentargetan program-program bantuan pendidikan yang telah dijalankan oleh pemerintah diantaranya Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (BOS) dan Bantuan Siswa Miskin (BKM). Dilakukan analisis klaster untuk memetakan 497 kabupaten/kota di Indonesia berdasarkan ciri-ciri atau karakteristik pendidikan dasarnya. Pembentukan klaster menggunakan k-means clustering pada 8 variabel yaitu APS SD, APS SMP, Angka Melek Huruf, Lama Sekolah rata-rata, Jumlah Sarana SD, Jumlah Sarana SMP, Jumlah Guru SD dan Jumlah Guru SMP. Hasilnya terbentuk 5 klaster dengan kesamaan karakteristik, yang kemudian disusun strategi bantuan pendidikan yang sesuai untuk masing-masing klaster. Perhitungan Data Indeks Pendidikan juga dilakukan sebagai validasi hasil klaster. Hasil Indeks Pendidikan sejalan dengan asumsi hasil klaster yaitu mengarah pada klaster-4 sebagai klaster terbaik, dilanjutkan oleh klaster-3, klaster-1, klaster-2 dan terakhir klaster-5.
This study focus on formulating alternative strategy to optimize the targeting of educational aid such as School Operational Aid (BOS) and Poor Student Aid (BSM). Cluster analysis is conducted to map all regencies in Indonesia based on its basic education characteristics. Clustering is done by k-means clustering using 8 variables, which is elementary and junior high school enrollment rate, illiteracy, average years of schooling, number of building facility and number of teachers. The results are formed 5 clusters with the same characteristics, which is then used to set a strategy and priority for educational aid in each cluster. Education Indexing is also done to validate the cluster results. The Education Index results are consistent with cluster results, with cluster-4 as the best, then followed by cluster-3, cluster-1, cluster-2 and cluster-5."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Andika Sya`ban
"Terdapat banyak hasil penyelidikan tanah lapangan di DKI Jakarta yang tidak terpakai lagi setelah proyek pembangunan selesai. Sebagai bentuk pemanfaatan data hasil penyelidikan tanah di lapangan, pemetaan nilai N SPT serta qc dan FR CPT dilakukan untuk wilayah DKI Jakarta menggunakan data dari Laboratorium Mekanika Tanah, Universitas Indonesia. Pemetaan dilakukan untuk membuat prediksi hasil pengujian SPT maupun CPT sebagai data pembanding untuk penyelidikan tanah selanjutnya. Analisis geostatistik berupa kriging dilakukan untuk proses pemetaan. Sebelum dilakukan proses pemetaan, data hasil SPT dan CPT dikelompokkan berdasarkan kelompok kedalaman. Dengan bantuan aplikasi ArcGIS, hasil pemetaan prediksi nilai N SPT menunjukkan sebaran nilai yang membentuk kontur dari wilayah selatan menuju utara dengan nilai yang semakin meningkat ke arah selatan. Sedangkan pada peta prediksi nilai qc dan FR CPT ditemukan sebaran nilai yang cenderung homogen di setiap kedalaman yang ditinjau. Hasil prediksi nilai qc dan FR CPT juga digunakan untuk memetakan jenis tanah berdasarkan grafik
Soil Behavior Type Robertson. Peta prediksi jenis tanah menunjukkan pada kedalaman 0-10 m akan ditemukan jenis tanah lempung (
clay) dan campuran lanau-lempung (
silt mixtures). Sedangkan pada kedalaman 10-20 m diprediksi akan ditemukan jenis tanah campuran pasir-lanau (
sand mixtures).
There are many results of field investigations in DKI Jakarta that are not used anymore after the construction project is completed. As a form of utilizing data from soil investigations in the field, mapping of N SPT values as well as qc and FR CPT was conducted for the DKI Jakarta area using data from the Soil Mechanics Laboratory, University of Indonesia. Mapping is done to offer predictions of SPT and CPT test results as comparative data for further soil investigations. Geostatistical analysis in the form of kriging is carried out for the mapping process. Before the mapping process is carried out, the SPT and CPT result data are grouped by depth groups. With the help of the ArcGIS application, the results of mapping the predicted N SPT values shows the distribution of values that form the contours from the south to the north with increasing values to the south. Whereas on the prediction map, the values of qc and FR CPT were found to be uniformly distributed at each depth observed. In addition, the results of prediction of qc and FR CPT are used to map soil types based on Robertson's Soil Behavior Type Graph. A map of soil type predictions shows that at depths of 0-10 m, clay types and silt mixtures will be found. While at a depth of 10-20 m, it is predicted that sand mixtures will be found."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Sulman, Elizabeth
New York: Prentice-Hall, 1999
631.4 SUL i
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"The concentration of methana (CH4) in the atmosphere is increasing at 1% per annum and rice paddies are one of the sources that contrubute to about atmospheric CH4...."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"The accuracy of Landsat 5 multispectral scanner (MSS) data for mapping mangrove in Java is investigated and compared with SPOT 1 very-High-Resolution Scanner (XS) data. Supervised classification on mangrove is performed for SPOT XS data sets collected on August 1988 and Landsat MSS on August 1985. A detailed accuracy assesment is conducted based on ground data collected in 1988 and 1989. These results produce overall mangrove area classification accuracies of 74,2 and 82,8 percent for MSS and XS with 7 and 10 classes, respectively. While the accuracies for predominant categories are similar for both sensors, mangrove discrimination for less commonly occurring and/or spatially heterogeneous categories is improved with the XS data set. The MSS, however, performs similar, or better than the XS in classifying large homogeneous areas. The use of MSS data which is expensive than high resolution data appears promising for mangrove monitoring."
GEOUGM 22:63 (1992)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Bramantya Adji Pratama
"Value Stream Mapping harus dilakukan untuk menentukan kondisi arus proses perusahaan saat ini. Penelitian ini dilakukan di PT. X yang telah menjadi produsen pelumas sejak 1996. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Value Stream Mapping (VSM) sebagai kerangka kerja untuk aliran proses, Value-Added dan Non- Value-Added (VA-NVA) untuk memahami dan menentukan setiap kegiatan dalam aliran proses. Identifikasi limbah berdasarkan pada Seven Waste (7 Waste) kategori, dan Manufacturing Cycle Efficiency (MCE) untuk membandingkan peningkatan yang dilakukan dari Current VSM dan Proposed VSM. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efisiensi siklus manufaktur perusahaan. Ada 4 proses utama yang akan diukur dalam VSM; Delivery, Re-refinery, Blending, dan Filling. Perbaikan dapat dilakukan dengan mengikuti aturan lean thinking untuk mengurangi pemborosan yang terjadi. VSM saat ini menunjukkan, MCE dari PT. X hanya mencapai 0,62% sementara aktivitas Non-Value-Added mereka melebihi 1200 jam. Menggunakan 7 Waste, pemisahan limbah dan kemungkinan strategi peningkatan dibuat, yaitu; Pull System, arus informasi yang disederhanakan, dan pemeriksaan bahan secara teratur. Dengan menggunakan strategi, VSM yang diusulkan dibuat dan mampu mengurangi waktu Non-Value-Added menjadi 654 jam dan menaikkan MCE menjadi 1.17%.
Value stream mapping should be done to determine the condition of the current company process flow. This research conducted at PT. X which has been a lubricant industry producer since 1996. The methods use in this research are Value Stream Mapping (VSM) as a framework for the process flow, Value-Added and Non-Value- Added (VA-NVA) to understand and specified each activity within the flow of process. Identifying waste based on the seven waste (7 Waste) category, and Manufacturing Cycle Efficiency (MCE) to compare the improvement being made from the current and future VSM. The purpose of this research is to determine the company manufacturing cycle efficiency. There are 4 main process that are going to measure in the VSM; Delivery, Re- refinery, Blending, and Filling. Improvement can be made by following the rules of lean thinking in order to reduce the waste that occurs. Current VSM shows, MCE of PT. X is 0.62% while their non-value-added activities exceed 1200 hours. Using 7 Waste, separation of waste and possible improvement strategy was made, namely; pull system, simplified information flow, and regular material check. Using the strategy, proposed VSM was build and able to decrease non-value-added time into 654 hours and increase MCE into 1.17%."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Teuku Farhansyah Zagloel
"Value stream mapping sebagai metode implementasi konsep lean bertujuan untuk memvisualisasikan informasi dan aliran material pada suatu proses. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, sektor angkutan udara mengalami peningkatan dalam jumlah permintaan volume kargo dikarenakan peningkatan kebutuhan masyarakat yang beralih ke pembelanjaan secara online seiring dengan masa pandemi yang disertakan kelebihan strategis angkutan udara. Oleh karena itu, industri logistik dituntut untuk terus beradaptasi terhadap perubahan dalam pasar untuk memenuhi permintaan yang terus meningkat. Terminal Kargo Outgoing Domestik di Bandara Internasional Juanda PT Angkasa Pura Logistik seringkali tidak dapat mencapai target pengiriman angkutan udara yang telah ditetapkan. Identifikasi awal menunjukkan faktor penyebab keterlambatan yaitu terdapat beberapa barang yang tertinggal dalam proses, dan terdapat proses yang berulang. Dalam penelitian ini, value stream mapping dapat membantu untuk menggambarkan proses secara menyeluruh dan mengidentifikasi pemborosan pada proses Outgoing di Terminal Kargo PT Angkasa Pura Logistik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa lead time proses pergudangan berkurang 25%, processing time berkurang 28%, dan value added ratio proses pergudangan meningkat dari 48.63% menjadi 69.4%. Rencana perbaikan yang diusulkan dalam penelitian ini adalah perancangan konsep lean 5S, penerapan planned maintenance alat bantu Terminal Kargo, dan melakukan digitalisasi untuk perpindahan data.
Value stream mapping, as a method of implementing lean concepts, aims to visualize the flow of materials and information within a process. In recent years, the volume of air cargo transportation has increased due to the growing demand as people shift to online shopping during the pandemic, coupled with the strategic advantages of air transportation. Therefore, the logistics industry is required to continuously adapt to market changes to meet the ongoing increase in demand. The Outgoing Domestic Cargo Terminal at Juanda International Airport, operated by PT Angkasa Pura Logistics, often fails to achieve the set targets for air transportation deliveries. Initial identification reveals that some items are left behind in the process, and there exists repetitive processes causing delays. In this study, value stream mapping is used to comprehensively depict the overall process and identify waste in the Outgoing process at PT Angkasa Pura Logistics’ Cargo Terminal. The research results indicate a 25% reduction in warehouse lead time, a 28% reduction in processing time, and an increase in the value-added ratio of the warehousing process from 48.63% to 69.4%. Proposed improvement plans in this research include implementing lean 5S concepts, the implementation of planned maintenance for Cargo Terminal equipment, and the digitization of data transfer processes."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Farahjita Salsabilla
"Lean adalah pendekatan yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan proses kerja dengan menghilangkan aktivitas yang tidak memberikan nilai tambah agar proses tersebut menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien dengan tetap memperhatikan kualitas terbaik. Seiring meningkatnya pengguna internet pada masa pandemi, terjadi peningkatan gangguan dikarenakan jaringan yang terdegradasi. Hal ini dapat terlihat pada permasalahan yang terjadi di PT X, sebagai perusahaan penyedia jasa teknisi, dimana tingginya angka pelaporan gangguan memunculkan permasalahan pada penanganan gangguan yang belum dilaksanakan secara efektif dan efisien ditandai dengan target waktu penanganan atau TTR (time to repair) dari perusahaan yaitu tiga jam belum tercapai. Maka dari itu, perusahaan perlu meningkatkan efisiensi proses serta mengurangi pemborosan yang terjadi pada proses layanan penanganan gangguan agar dapat memberikan layanan terbaik kepada pelanggannya dengan memenuhi target tersebut. Penelitian ini menerapkan konsep lean dengan metode value stream mapping yang bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengeliminasi pemborosan pada proses layanan perusahaan. Dengan menggunakan metode value stream mapping serta waste relationship matrix untuk mengidentifikasi jenis pemborosan, serta analisis akar masalah menggunakan ishikawa diagram, didapatkan rancangan perbaikan serta mengeliminasi pemborosan yang terjadi. Hasil menunjukkan total lead time proses berkurang sebesar 25%, cycle time berkurang sebesar 24,84%, serta total waktu pemborosan (non-value added) berkurang 41% dan value added ratio meningkat 116%.
Lean is an approach that used to improve work processes by eliminating activities that do not give any value added so the process will becomes more effective and efficient but still giving the best quality. As internet users increase during the pandemic, there is also an increasing in disruption due the degraded network. This can be seen in the problems that occur at PT X, as a technicians service provider company, where the customer report about disturbances is very high that raises problems in handling disturbances that have not been implemented effectively and efficiently marked by the target time for handling disturbances or TTR (time to repair) that is three hours has not been reached. Therefore, PT. X need to improve process efficiency and reduce waste that occurs in the disruption handling service process to give the best service to the customers by meeting those targets. This study applies the lean approach with value stream mapping method which aims to identify and eliminate waste in the company's service processes. By using value stream mapping method and waste relationship matrix to identify the type of waste, also using ishikawa diagram to analyze the root cause of the problem, that will obtained the improvement design and eliminates the waste that occurs. The results show the total process lead time is reduced by 25%, cycle time is reduced by 24,84%, and the total waste time (non-value added activities) is reduced by 41% and also the value added ratio is increased by 116%."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library