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Sadewasser, Sascha
"This book gives a concise introduction into the method and describes various experimental techniques. Surface potential studies on semiconductor materials, nanostructures and devices are described, as well as application to molecular and organic materials. The current state of surface potential at the atomic scale is also considered. "
Berlin: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hui, Xie
"The atomic force microscope (AFM) has been successfully used to perform nanorobotic manipulation operations on nanoscale entities such as particles, nanotubes, nanowires, nanocrystals, and DNA since 1990s.
There have been many progress on modeling, imaging, teleoperated or automated control, human-machine interfacing, instrumentation, and applications of AFM based nanorobotic manipulation systems in literature. "
Berlin: Springer, 2011
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gault, Baptiste
"This book covers all facets of atom probe microscopy, including field ion microscopy, field desorption microscopy and a strong emphasis on atom probe tomography."
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Darin Fairus
"Cedera pada Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) sering terjadi pada atlet yang berpartisipasi dalam olahraga intensitas tinggi. Namun, kerusakan ACL juga bisa terjadi pada masyarakat umum. Fatigue dijelaskan oleh perubahan protein struktural utama, heliks kolagen tipe 1. Hal ini merusak ligamen dan menyebabkan kelemahan pada jaringan. Delapan puluh persen kerusakan ACL dilaporkan sebagai kerusakan tanpa kontak langsung, yang bertentangan dengan gagasan bahwa kerusakan ACL terjadi dalam kasus kelebihan beban. Chen dkk. menunjukkan bahwa tanda-tanda fatigue seperti rongga struktural, kekuatan tarik yang lebih rendah dan perubahan komposisi kimia dari heliks kolagen normal menjadi untaian terdenaturasi (1740cm-1) dapat mengurangi integritas struktural ACL yang pada akhirnya menyebabkan kegagalan dini. Penelitian ini membutuhkan lebih banyak detail dalam tanda-tanda baru yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan ACL akibat fatigue. Proyek ini menganalisis topografi, komposisi kimia, mekanika jaringan seperti kekakuan, dan perubahan sinyal autofluoresensi menggunakan Atomic Force Microscopy Infrared Spectroscopy (AFM-IR) dan endoskopi konfokal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hubungan antara kekakuan dan kerusakan akibat kelelahan adalah semakin tinggi proporsi kolagen gangguan, semakin rendah frekuensi PLL dan semakin rendah kekakuan material. Efek kerusakan mekanis juga ditunjukkan pada salah satu fitur topografi, D-spacing. Peningkatan D-spacing dapat disebabkan oleh deformasi plastik fibril kolagen.

Injuries to the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) are prevalent in athletes who participate in high-intensity sports. However, ACL damage can also occur in the general public. Fatigue is explained by changes in the major structural protein, the type 1 collagen helix. This destroys the ligaments and causes weakness. Eighty percent of ACL damage is reported to be non-contact damage, which contradicts the notion that failure occurs in the case of a single overload. Chen et al. showed that fatigue signatures such as structural voids, lower tensile strength and change in chemical composition from normal collagen helices to denatured strands (1740cm-1) could reduce the structural integrity of the ACL ultimately leading to early failure. However, the study needs more detail in these novel signatures of fatigue damage. This project analyses topography, chemical composition, tissue mechanics such as stiffness, and changes in autofluorescence signal using Atomic Force Microscopy Infrared Spectroscopy (AFM-IR) and confocal endoscopy. Other techniques can be explored for the future but are not the focus of this project. The results show that the relationship between stiffness and fatigue damage is that the higher the proportion of disorder collagen, the lower the PLL frequency and the lower the material's stiffness. The effect of mechanical damage is also shown on one of the most critical topographical features, D-spacing. The increase in D-spacing may be due to the plastic deformation of collagen fibrils."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gusti Ayu Made Irenee Sarasvati
"Tulisan ini menganalisis bagaimana pentingnya penerapan mekanisme pemberitahuan (notifikasi) keadaan kahar pada praktik kontrak dewasa ini, khususnya terhadap kebijakan dan implementasinya di Indonesia dan Belanda. Tulisan ini disusun dengan menggunakan metode penelitian doktrinal. Dalam hal prestasi tidak dapat dilaksanakan karena suatu peristiwa yang berada di luar kontrol debitur, maka debitur dapat mendalilkan keadaan kahar sebagai dasar untuk mengurangi atau membebaskan debitur dari tanggung jawab atas biaya, ganti rugi, maupun bunga terhadap tuntutan wanprestasi. Dalam praktiknya, selalu ada kemungkinan dimana debitur mendalilkan keadaan kahar atas itikad buruk, misalnya dengan menggunakan keadaan kahar sebagai alasan yang mengakibatkan tidak terlaksananya suatu prestasi padahal wanprestasi terjadi karena kelalaiannya sendiri, atau debitur yang tidak mematuhi persyaratan prosedural dalam kontrak seperti ketentuan untuk memberikan notifikasi tertulis atas keadaan kahar yang menimpanya segera setelah keadaan tersebut terjadi. Maka dari itu, demi memberikan perlindungan kepada kreditur dari tindakan-tindakan demikian, penting bagi Indonesia untuk memiliki kepastian hukum mengenai ketentuan mekanisme pemberitahuan/notifikasi keadaan kahar sebagai syarat prosedural debitur yang mendalilkan keadaan kahar, berikut dengan implikasi hukum apabila gagal melakukannya. Berbeda dengan Indonesia, Belanda sebagai negara pembanding telah mengenali pentingnya mekanisme ini dalam doktrin, praktik kontrak, serta per timbangan Hakim dalam kasus hukum konkret.

This paper analyzes the importance of the application of force majeure notification mechanism in recent contract practices, especially on its policy and implementation in Indonesia and the Netherlands. This paper is prepared using doctrinal research method. In the event that the performance cannot be fulfilled due to an event that is beyond the debtor's control, the debtor can claim force majeure as a basis for reducing or relieving the debtor from liability for costs, damages, and interest on the default claim. In practice, there is always the possibility that the debtor may argue force majeure in bad faith, for example by using force majeure as an excuse that results in the non-performance of a performance when the default occurred due to his own negligence, or a debtor who does not comply with procedural requirements in the contract such as the provision to provide written notification of force majeure as soon as it occurs. Therefore, in order to provide protection to creditors from such actions, it is important for Indonesia to have legal certainty regarding the provisions of the force majeure notification mechanism as a procedural requirement for debtors who postulate force majeure, along with the legal implications of failing to do so. As opposed to Indonesia, the Netherlands as a comparative country has recognized the importance of this mechanism in doctrine, contractual practice, as well as the consideration of Judges in concrete legal cases."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Luthfan Haqi
"Artikel ini membahas operasi Angkatan Udara Revolusioner (AUREV) PRRI di Indonesia timur pada April hingga Mei 1958. Didirikan pada 18 Maret 1958, AUREV didukung Amerika Serikat melalui Operasi HAIK dengan pesawat, pilot, serta krunya. Selain AS, AUREV juga didukung pemerintah Filipina dan Taiwan. Dengan bantuan ini, pada April-Mei 1958, AUREV gencar melakukan pengeboman ke Ambon, Balikpapan, Donggala, Jailolo, Palu, Ternate, Makassar, dan Morotai. Pengeboman menyasar berbagai target vital, antara lain kapal pengangkut dan tanker, landasan udara, pesawat, dan berbagai infrastruktur milik Angkatan Perang Republik Indonesia (APRI). Operasi AUREV kemudian terhenti mendadak setelah satu bulan berjalan. Hasil penelitian artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor penyebab singkatnya operasi AUREV adalah terhentinya bantuan AS yang dilatarbelakangi tiga faktor utama, yakni serangan balik APRI, tertangkapnya Allen Pope, dan perubahan kebijakan AS itu sendiri. Serangan balik APRI pada 15 Mei 1958 menghancurkan nyaris seluruh armada AUREV. Tiga hari setelahnya, pada 18 Mei 1958, pilot sewaan asal AS, Allen Pope, berhasil ditangkap kala pesawatnya ditembak jatuh. Di saat yang bersamaan, ada perubahan kebijakan AS yang muncul seiring dengan kedua faktor sebelumnya dan faktor lainnya, seperti kegagalan meredam pengaruh komunisme. Akibat kombinasi ketiga faktor ini, AS memutuskan untuk menghentikan bantuan kepada PRRI, dan AUREV. Artikel ditulis dengan metode sejarah dengan sumber berupa surat kabar sezaman, buku, skripsi, tesis, dan artikel jurnal.

This article discusses the operations of the PRRI’s Revolutionary Air Force (AUREV) in eastern Indonesia from April to May 1958. Founded on March 18, 1958, AUREV was supported by the United States through Operation HAIK with aircrafts, pilots and crews. Apart from the US, AUREV was also supported by the governments of the Philippines and Taiwan. With this assistance, in April-May 1958, AUREV intensively bombed Ambon, Balikpapan, Donggala, Jailolo, Palu, Ternate, Makassar, dan Morotai. The bombings targeted various vital targets, including transport ships and tankers, airfields, aircrafts and various infrastructure belonging to the Republic of Indonesia War Forces (APRI). AUREV's operation was then suddenly stopped after one month. The results of this research indicates that the factor causing the short period of AUREV’s operation was the cessation of American aid due to three main factors, namely APRI's counterattack, the capture of Allen Pope, and changes in American policy to PRRI. An APRI counterattack on 15 May 1958 nearly destroyed all of AUREV’s fleet. Three days later, on May 18, 1958, a chartered pilot from the US, Allen Pope, was caught by the Indonesian Army after his plane was shot down over Ambon. And at that time, there were major changes in American policy to PRRI due to the previous two factors and failure to curb communist influence. With these factors, the US decided to entirely abandon PRRI, with AUREV included. This article is written using the historical method with sources in the form of newspapers, books, theses, and article."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dahlia Hajariana
Pada dasarnya perjanjian mengikat para pihak layaknya seperti undang-undang. Namun, terdapat hal-hal yang memungkinkan para pihak untuk terbebas dari kewajibannya yakni force majeure. Penelitian ini mengangkat permasalahan apakah kondisi kritis hingga wafatnya orang tua dapat dijadikan force majeure atau tidak. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah yuridis-normatif. Analisis dilakukan terhadap kasus mengenai penyanyi terkenal yang membatalkan pertunjukkan lantaran ayahnya yang kritis. Terdapat putusan pengadilan tingkat pertama dan pengadilan tingkat banding di mana yang terakhir ini telah berkekuatan hukum tetap. Kondisi kritis hingga wafatnya orang tua ini dapat dijadikan alasan force majeure dengan syarat unsur force majeure dalam KUHPerdata terpenuhi. Peristiwa ini relevan dengan ketidakmungkinan moral dan itikad baik. Penelitian ini menyarankan bahwa tidak hanya hakim harus memperhatikan fakta dan alat bukti yang ada, namun turut menjunjung tinggi rasa keadilan.

Basically, contract is binding to the parties like statute power. However, there is a thing that accuses the parties of failing to perform obligations, called force majeure. This research points out issue whether serious health condition and the death of a family member can be force majeure or not. The method in this research is juridical normative. Analysis is done toward case about well-known singer who cancelled performance because of her father critical condition. There are decree from district court and appeal court which the second one is already legal binding. The serious health condition and death of a family member can be force majeure with requirement of force majeure elements in Indonesian Civil Code fulfilled. This event is relevant to moral impossibility and good faith. This research suggests that not only judges must notice facts and evidences, but also uphold sense of justice.
Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Masagus Salman Isfahani
"The search for European security cooperation form post the Cold War has become very important due to the dynamic change in Europe in the fields of economy, politics, social and culture. This dynamic has led to the changing threats in Europe. Because of this, European Union (EU) feels necessary to form a more proper security cooperation. The objective of this writing is to identify the form and dynamics experienced by European Union (EU) in obtaining a securitycooperation that is relevant and suitable with the condition faced by Europe at the present time.
The research will be carried out by using security communities theory. This theory is selected because it can explain the relationship between security cooperation needs with the current phenomenon. The data is obtained by library research and processed with data analysis method. The result of this research has shown that Europe needs a new cooperation form in facing the current challenges. However it will still be in cooperation with the previous cooperation form."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dimas Seti Adtya
"Tesis ini dikerjakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian yaitu apa yang menyebabkan UNPROFOR Dutch Battalion gagal dalam melindungi warga sipil di Srebrenica. Konsep yang digunakan adalah konsep Just War, yaitu pada konsep Jus In Bello, sebagai konsep yang menemukan rules of engagement dalam konflik, terutama untuk perlindungan terhadap warga sipil dan juga konsep mengenai pasukan penjaga perdamaian. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan, maka ditemukan bahwa kegagalan UNPROFOR Dutch Battalion dalam melindungi warga sipil di Srebrenica karena adanya mandat yang saling berseberangan dan tidak adanya kerjasama yang baik dengan pihak-pihak yang terkait.

This thesis was done to answer the research question, what factors that caused UNPROFOR Dutch Battalion failed to protect the civilians in Srebrenica. Concept that uses in this thesis is the Just War concept, and Jus In Bello concept, as a concept that found the rules of engagement in a conflict, particularly, the protection for the civilians, and the concept about peacekeeping forces. From the research that has been done, find that the failure of the UNPROFOR Dutch Battalion in protecting the civilians in Srebrenica because there was two different mandate, and there was no good cooperation between UNPROFOR Dutch Battalion and the headquarter of UNPROFOR."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
McLeod, Doug
"There's no question about it! Sales force turnover can be disastrous to the financial health of an organization, whatever its size, whatever its products or services. With a salesperson's exit often costing at least 150% of that employee's annual compensation, a high rate of turnover can translate into millions of dollars lost each year. "The Zero-Turnover Sales Force" exposes the outdated Old School management practices that perpetuate this costly but avoidable problem. This eye-opening book examines the real reasons for high turnover, explains how it can be avoided, and gives readers specific strategies for maximizing the effectiveness of their sales force. The book demonstrates how to combat 'the 12 Assassins of Sales Force Stability', such as cold calling, straight commission sales compensation, weak recruiting, unfocused training, fuzzy goals, and unrealistic expectations. Sparkling with fresh thinking on hiring smarter, appreciating the values of younger salespeople, retaining top sellers, eliminating wasteful cold calling, and conducting sales meetings that work, "The Zero-Turnover Sales Force" is a powerful must-read for any corporate executive, sales manager, or salesperson who aspires to management."
New York: [American Management Association;, ], 2010
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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