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Setyawan Ajie Sukarno
Meningkatnya interaksi manusia dengan komputer, perangkat teknologi dan jaringan, telah membawa pada kebutuhan akan adanya sistem lokalisasi multi divais pada sebuah area tertentu. Akan tetapi, saat ini belum ada sistem yang cukup tangguh, yang mampu melakukan lokalisasi divais dengan akurasi yang baik, dengan toleransi kurang dari 10 cm. Dalam konteks ini, kami meneliti sebuah teknik yang inovatif dalam usaha lokalisasi dalam ruangan yang berbasis komunikasi nirkabel, WiFi. Tantangannya adalah bagaimana cara melakukan lokalisasi divais tanpa melakukan modifikasi pada perangkat divais, baik itu perangkat keras dan lunak, juga pada perangkat jaringannya. Dan dalam rangkan menjawab tantangan itu, kami mengembangkan sistem lokalisasi dalam ruangan ini.
Proyek yang saya kerjakan ini khusus melakukan capture MAC address dari setiap divais yang berada pada lingkup area tertentu. Proyek ini menggunakan LabView sebagai bahasa pemrograman, dan NI-USRP dari National Instrument sebagai perangkat kerasnya.

The increase of human interaction to gadgets, computers and networks, has needed an ability to localize multi devices or gadgets in a certain area. But nowadays, no robust technology can estimate a position and localization with sufficient accuracy (<10cm). In this context, we wish to study the technique of indoor localization system based on innovative approach of communication media wireless (WiFi). The challenge is how to define multi devices localization without any modification in hardware, software and wireless device. To answer this challenge, we need to develop a system of internal localization.
The potential impact of this solution is significant to the general public, to extent that these networks are very common. And the concern of this project is how to recovery and capture the MAC Address from devices inside the area of WiFi localization, using LabView as the programming language and NI-USRP from National Instrument as the hardware.
;The increase of human interaction to gadgets, computers and networks, has needed an ability to localize multi devices or gadgets in a certain area. But nowadays, no robust technology can estimate a position and localization with sufficient accuracy (<10cm). In this context, we wish to study the technique of indoor localization system based on innovative approach of communication media wireless (WiFi). The challenge is how to define multi devices localization without any modification in hardware, software and wireless device. To answer this challenge, we need to develop a system of internal localization.
The potential impact of this solution is significant to the general public, to extent that these networks are very common. And the concern of this project is how to recovery and capture the MAC Address from devices inside the area of WiFi localization, using LabView as the programming language and NI-USRP from National Instrument as the hardware.
;The increase of human interaction to gadgets, computers and networks, has needed an ability to localize multi devices or gadgets in a certain area. But nowadays, no robust technology can estimate a position and localization with sufficient accuracy (<10cm). In this context, we wish to study the technique of indoor localization system based on innovative approach of communication media wireless (WiFi). The challenge is how to define multi devices localization without any modification in hardware, software and wireless device. To answer this challenge, we need to develop a system of internal localization.
The potential impact of this solution is significant to the general public, to extent that these networks are very common. And the concern of this project is how to recovery and capture the MAC Address from devices inside the area of WiFi localization, using LabView as the programming language and NI-USRP from National Instrument as the hardware.
, The increase of human interaction to gadgets, computers and networks, has needed an ability to localize multi devices or gadgets in a certain area. But nowadays, no robust technology can estimate a position and localization with sufficient accuracy (<10cm). In this context, we wish to study the technique of indoor localization system based on innovative approach of communication media wireless (WiFi). The challenge is how to define multi devices localization without any modification in hardware, software and wireless device. To answer this challenge, we need to develop a system of internal localization.
The potential impact of this solution is significant to the general public, to extent that these networks are very common. And the concern of this project is how to recovery and capture the MAC Address from devices inside the area of WiFi localization, using LabView as the programming language and NI-USRP from National Instrument as the hardware.
Valenciennes, Prancis: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, [2014;2014;2014;2014, 2014]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Dalam laporan skripsi ini penulis akan memaparkan proses dan hasil pengembangan aplikasi indoor positioning system IPS berbasis iOS dengan menggunakan teknologi Small Cell sebagai alat pendeteksi lokasi objek di dalam gedung. Dan secara spesifik pengembangan ini akan menggunakan bandara sebagai skenarionya, dikarenakan kebutuhan akan IPS sangat tinggi di area ini serta banyak layanan tambahan yang dapat diimplementasikan sebagai komplementer seperti navigasi, jadwal penerbangan, pusat informasi, media komunikasi, dan sistem pengawasan. Secara spesifik dalam pengembangan ini akan dilakukan pengujian atau simulasi untuk mengukur kinerja dan kecepatan komunikasi realtime yang didukung oleh Socket.IO serta pengujian 3D graphic rendering oleh SceneKit."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erithiana Sisijoan Koesnadi
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai rancangan dan implementasi dari sistem translasi koordinat Indoor Positioning pada sistem absensi mahasiswa berbasiskan posisi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan dengan metode pengujian simulasi.
Hasil penelitian menyarankan bahwa untuk mengimplementasikan sistem absensi tersebut, dibutuhkan kekuatan processing seratus kali lipat dari kekuatan processing sistem dimana penulis mengembangkan sistem tersebut, dan juga penekanan sistem translasi pada translasi koordinat lokal kepada koordinat global.

This research deals with the design and implementation of Indoor Positioning coordinates translation system on position based student attendance system. This research is research development with simulated testing methods.
Research results suggest that to implement the absentee system, it takes the power of processing a hundredfold of power processing system where the author developed the system, and also the emphasis on translational translational system of lokal coordinates to global coordinates.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sharp, Ian G.
"This book focuses on non-GNSS positioning systems and approaches. Although it addresses both theoretical and practical aspects, the primary focus is on engineering practice. This is achieved by providing in-depth studies on a number of major topics such as tracking system architecture, link budget, system design, implementation, testing, and performance evaluation. It studies four positioning application cases in detail: covert vehicle tracking, horse racing, rowing, and tracking for field sports.
Its comprehensive and systematic treatment of practical issues in wireless positioning makes the book particularly suitable for readers who are interested in learning about practical wireless positioning solutions. It will also benefit researchers, engineers and graduate students in fields such as positioning and navigation, geospatial engineering and telecommunications."
Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Valda Orchidea Zahwa
"Meningkatnya intensitas pendakian di Indonesia tidak dibarengi dengan adanya peningkatan keamanan dan keselamatan pendaki. Pengetatan izin dilakukan dengan mewajibkan pendaki meninggalkan identitas di pos perijinan dan melakukan pengecekan perbekalan pendaki. Apabila pendaki belum turun sesuai izin pendakian yang ditentukan maka dapat diperkirakan telah terjadi kendala. Tugas Akhir ini mengembangkan Prototype SMES (Smart Monitoring and Emergency System). SMES adalah teknologi yang memanfaatkan teknologi nirkabel LoRa (Long Range) yang memiliki cakupan luas dengan konsumsi power yang kecil serta dilengkapi dengan node di setiap pos dan Gateway di pos perijinan. Dengan alat tersebut maka pendaki yang menggunakan tracking tools berbasi GPS akan otomatis terhubung pada sistem sehingga lokasi pendaki dapat dideteksi. SMES juga dilengkapi dengan tombol darurat untuk mempermudah pendaki dalam memberikan informasi ketika terjadi kondisi darurat tanpa harus melapor ke pos perizinan. SMES diharapkan dapat membantu tim SAR (Search and Rescue) dalam melakukan evakuasi dengan cepat dan tepat. SMES telah diuji coba di area Universitas Indonesia dengan 3 skenario berbeda yang mewakili kondisi pada area pendakian gunung.Skenario Line of Sight memiliki rata-rata RSSI -69,31 dBm dengan jangkauan 679 m, skenario non-Line of Sight mendapatkan rata-rata RSSI -76dBm dengan jangkauan 364 meter, dan skenario Top Down memiliki rata-rata RSSI -73dBm dengan jangkauan 1030 meter.

Increased intensity of moutaineers in Indonesia is not accompanied by an increase security and safety of mounteineers. Tightening of permits is done by requiring the mountaineer to leave the identity at the security post and to check the mountaineers supplies. If the climber has not gone down according to the specified climbing permit then it can be estimated that there has been a problem. This thesis discusses the Prototype of SMES (Smart Monitoring and Emergency System) which is a technology that utilizes Wireless Broadband Network LoRa (Long Range) technology with a small power consumption and equipped with node in every post and gateway in security post. With the tool then the mountaineer who uses a tracking tools completely with GPS (Global Positioning System) will automatically connect to the system so that the location of the mountaineer can be detected. And the tools is equipped with emergency buttons to facilitate mountaineer in providing information when an accident occurred without having to report to the permitions post. It can help the Search and Rescue team in doing evacuation quickly and accurately. SMES has been tested in Universitas Indonesia area with 3 different scenarios representing conditions on mountain climbing area. The scenario of Line of Sight has an average of RSSI -69.31 dBm with a distance of 679 m, non Line of Sight scenario has an average RSSI -76dBm with a range of 364 meters, and the Top Down scenario has an average RSSI -73dBm with a range of 1030 meters."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dedhy Susamto
"TELKOM mengembangkan layanan Indonesia WiFi (wireless fidelity) segmen carrier untuk menghasilkan pendapatan baru pada bisnis wholesale dengan memberikan layanan sebagai alternatif solusi bagi operator seluler dalam mengantisipasi lonjakan trafik data. Layanan Indonesia WiFi segmen carrier diawali kerjasama antara TELKOM dengan Telkomsel sejak April 2012 dengan layanan Web Service dan mulai Oktober 2012 dilengkapi dengan layanan Offload. Namun bagi TELKOM implementasi layanan ini belum berjalan baik ditandai adanya perbedaan yang cukup tinggi antara target dan realisasi pendapatan dan jumlah penggelaran titik akses pada tahun 2012 dan triwulan I 2013.
Penelitian ini mengevaluasi implementasi bisnis Indonesia WiFi segmen carrier sampai dengan triwulan I 2013. Menemukan penyebab tidak tercapainya target pendapatan pada bisnis ini dan memberikan usulan tindakan korektif berdasarkan hasil evaluasi implementasi layanan Wifi segmen carrier. Kemudian melakukan simulasi proyeksi pencapaian pendapatan layanan Indonesia WiFI segmen carrier Telkomsel tahun 2013 berdasarkan usulan tindakan korektif.
Hasil evaluasi menemukan penyebab tidak tercapainya pendapatan layanan Indonesia WiFI segmen carrier Telkomsel adalah adanya skema bisnis wholesale untuk layanan Web Service yang berpotensi tidak dapat menghasilkan pendapatan yang tinggi bagi TELKOM walaupun pemakaian layanan tinggi, jumlah penggelaran titik akses belum sesuai rencana, jumlah titik akses yang tidak berfungsi cukup banyak, dan penggunaan layanan WiFi Offload yang masih relatif sedikit baik jumlah pengguna maupun trafiknya.
Usulan tindakan korektif untuk perbaikan kondisi berupa perubahan skema bisnis dari pola bagi hasil (revenue sharing) menjadi berdasarkan jumlah pemakaian (volume based), perbaikan kinerja dalam penggelaran titik akses baik pencapaian jumlah penggelaran maupun meningkatkan availability titik akses sesuai kontrak TELKOM dan Telkomsel.
Hasil simulasi proyeksi pendapatan layanan WiFi segmen carrier berdasarkan usulan tindakan korektif berpotensi meningkatkan pendapatan layanan WiFi segmen carrier sebesar 158 kali lebih tinggi (dari 991 juta rupiah menjadi 157 miliar rupiah) untuk jumlah titik akses 250K dibandingkan tanpa melakukan tindakan korektif.

TELKOM develop Indonesia WiFi (wireless fidelity) carrier segment to generate new revenue in the wholesale business by providing services as an alternative solution for mobile operators in anticipation of a surge in data traffic. Indonesia WiFi carrier segment initiated cooperation between TELKOM and Telkomsel since April 2012 with a Web Service service began in October 2012 with Offload services. But for TELKOM implementation of these services has not gone well, characterized by a high difference between the target with the realization of revenue and the number of access point deployment in 2012 and the first quarter of 2013.
This study evaluated the business implementation of the Indonesian WiFi carrier segment until the first quarter of 2013. Finding the cause of not achieving the revenue targets on this business and proposes corrective actions based on the results of evaluation of Wi-Fi service carrier segment implementation. Then Simulate the estimated revenue performance in 2013 based on the proposed corrective actions.
Evaluation results have found the cause not achieving revenue targets of Indonesia WiFI carrier segment are a wholesale business scheme for Web Service service which can not generate high revenue for TELKOM despite high use of services, the number of access point deployment has not been as planned, many access points are disorder, and WiFi Offload services is still a few number of users and the traffic either.
Proposed corrective actions to improve conditions are changes in the wholesale business scheme from revenue sharing to be based on the amount of usage (volume based), improved performance of access point in the achievement of number of deployment and increase availability according to the contract of TELKOM and Telkomsel.
Simulation results of estimation of WiFi service carrier segment revenue based on the proposed corrective action could potentially increase revenue WiFi service carrier segment is 158 times (from 991 milion rupiahs to 157 billion rupiahs) higher than without corrective action for the number of access points 250K.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fikri Noerhadi
"Pada penelitian ini telah dikembangkan sistem pedometer dan penghitung detak jantung secara nirkabel berbasis Arduino untuk memantau aktivitas fisik seperti jumlah langkah, jarak tempuh, jumlah kalori terbakar dan detak jantung. Pemantauan jumlah langkah dan detak jantung secara nirkabel dapat memberikan keuntungan dalam pengolahan data secara langsung (real time) sehingga hasil analisa langsung terlihat. Pedometer atau penghitung langkah dirancang menggunakaan sensor accelerometer ADXL345 yang merasakan hentakan (percepatan) di pinggul sebagai langkah. Jumlah langkah dapat mennginformasikan jarak tempuh selama beraktivitas dan jumlah kalori yang terbakar. Detak jantung dihitung berdasarkan metode photoplethysmograph yang memanfaatkan perubahan intensitas cahaya aliran darah di ujung jari menggunakan led infra merah sebagai sumber cahaya dan fototransistor untuk menangkap intensitas cahaya. Dalam penelitian ini kami melakukan pengujian dengan berjalan/berlari dengan rentang kecepatan 3-10 km/jam. Dari penelitian ini terlihat bahwa detak jantung subjek saat berlari atau berjalan selama 5 menit yang divariasikan dengan kecepatan 3 km/jam hingga 10 km/jam tercatat mengalami kenaikan konstan mulai dari (mean ± SD) 90 ± 4 detak per menit sampai pada 10 km/jam tercatat sebesar 121 ± 5 detak per menit. Hal yang sama juga terlihat pada jumlah kalori terbakar yang terekam oleh alat meningkat mulai dari 13,9 kKal pada kecepatan 3 km/jam hingga 56,9 kKal saat berlari dengan kecepatan 10 km/jam.

Arduino wireless pedometer and heart rate monitoring system was developed for monitoring physical activities such as total step, distance travelled, calories burned and heart rate. One of the benefits of this wireless system is able to deliver a real time analysis. Pedometer or step counter is developed using ADXL345 digital accelerometer sensor which senses acceleration changing on the subject’s hip. The total step count can be derived to obtain other parameters for example distance travelled and calories burned. Heart rate is calculated based on photoplethysmograph method which recognizes the light intensity changing on fingertip blood vessel using an infra-red LED and a phototransistor. The system was tested on a subject running on a treadmill X which speeds are varied from 3-10 kph for five minutes each. The study’s results showed that subject’s heart rate are constantly increasing starting from (mean ± SD) 90 ± 4 beats per minute (BPM) when running at 3 kph until 121 ± 5 BPM at 10 kph. The total calories burned presents identical pattern that rising from 13,9 kCal after walking at 3 kph to 56,9 kKal after running at 10 kph."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Taufik Mulya Budiman. author
Telah berhasil dibuat rancang bangun modul praktikum sistem kendali yang dapat digunakan pada sistem Multiple-input-multiple-output. Pada rancang bangun digunakan mikrokontroller ATmega8 yang dikomunikasikan dengan komputer menggunakan perangkat lunak berbasis LabVIEW. Rancang bangun ini dapat digunakan untuk melakukan identifikasi proses dari suatu sistem tertentu. Sistem yang digunakan pada modul ini berupa sistem pengisian kapasitor, motor DC, dan temperatur. Sistem Multiple-input-multiple-output pada modul ini dirancang agar memiliki dua proses yang dapat saling berhubungan.
This research has been carried out the design and manufacture of control system practice module. Design of control system practice module can be used on systems Multiple-input-multiple-output. The design used ATmega8 microcontroller to communicated with a computer using software based on LabVIEW. This design can be used to identify the process of a particular system. The system in this module are used the capacitor charging system, the DC motor, and temperature. System Multiple-input-multiple-output in this module was designed to have two processes that can be interconnected.
, This research has been carried out the design and manufacture of control system practice module. Design of control system practice module can be used on systems Multiple-input-multiple-output. The design used ATmega8 microcontroller to communicated with a computer using software based on LabVIEW. This design can be used to identify the process of a particular system. The system in this module are used the capacitor charging system, the DC motor, and temperature. System Multiple-input-multiple-output in this module was designed to have two processes that can be interconnected.
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rifqi Hari Putranto
"Penelitian yang dilakukan pada laporan ini ditujukan untuk membuat suatu sistem yang dapat melakukan monitoring performa Wi-Fi, sehingga bila ada salah satu jaringan yang memiliki masalah dapat ditindak lanjuti dengan cepat untuk dianalisis lebih lanjut. Dalam penelitian ini juga ditambahkan peerbandingan kinerja machine learning untuk melakukan prediksi tentang bagaimana traffic wifi dapat berjalan ke depannya. Model machine learning yang dipakai pada penelitian ini adalah linear regression, Extreme Gradient Boost XGB regression, dan Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LGBM) regression. XGB dan LGBM merupakan pengembangan dari Gradient Boosting Decision Tree (GBDT). LGBM menerapkan dua Teknik yaitu Gradient-based One-Side Sampling (GOSS) dan Exclusive Features Bundling (EFB). GOSS berguna untuk mengecualikan gradien data kecil, sedangkan EFB berguna untuk memilih fitur eksklusif dengan tujuan pengurangan fitur. Peneliti menggunakan metrik evaluasi untuk mengetahui akurasi prediksi masing-masing model. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan metode machine learning LGBM lebih baik 3,09 % dari XGB regression dan 16,57 % lebih baik dari linear regression.

This research in this report is aimed to create a system that can monitor WiFi performance, so that if one of the networks has problems it can be followed up quickly for further analysis. This research also add machine learning performance comparison to make predictions about how the WiFi traffic run in the future. The machine learning models used in this study are linear regression, Extreme Gradient Boost XGB regression, and Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LGBM) regression. LGBM applies two techniques namely Gradient-based One-Side Sampling (GOSS) and Exclusive Features Bundling (EFB). GOSS is useful for excluding small data gradients, whereas EFB is useful for selecting exclusive features with the goal of feature reduction. Researchers use evaluation metrics to determine the prediction accuracy of each model. From research conducted the LGBM machine learning method is 3.09% better than XGB regression and 16.57% better than linear regression."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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