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Gartner, Georg, editor
"This book gives a general picture of research-driven activities related to location and map-based services. The interdisciplinary character of the topic leads to a variety of contributions with backgrounds from academia to business and from computer science to geodesy. While cartography is aiming at efficient communication of spatial information, the development and availability of technologies like mobile networking, mobile devices or short-range sensors lead to interesting new possibilities of achieving this aim. By trying to make use of the available technologies, a variety of related disciplines looks specifically at user-centered and context-aware system development, especially in wayfinding and navigation systems."
Heidelberg : Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Triastana Anang Wibawa
Location based service merupakan salah satu layanan tambah yang paling banyak
digunakan saat ini. Dengan menggunakan informasi lokasi maka operator bisa
menawarkan berbagai layanan yang lebih personal kepada pelanggannya.
Layanan LBS Telkomsel telah diluncurkan pada tahun 2008, namun jumlah
penggunaan layanan LBS masih cukup rendah dibandingkan dengan potensi
pelanggan yang dimiliki oleh Telkomsel. Bahkan saat ini jumlah transaksi layanan
ini juga semakin menurun. Padahal bila dilihat dari pasar layanan LBS secara
global, penggunaan layanan ini masih terus menanjak. Dalam tesis ini penulis
melakukan analisa quality function deployment untuk menentukan pilihan
alternatif solusi dalam pengembangan dan perbaikan layanan LBS. Dengan
menggunakan QFD bisa dilakukan identiflkasi terhadap kebutuhan pelanggan dan
melakukan evaluasi bagaimana mewujudkan kebutuhan tersebut. QFD dapat
memberikan analisa kuantitatif berupa kualitas layanan seperti apa yang
diinginkan pelanggan, dan solusi apa yang bisa diprioritaskan untuk
Analisa QFD ini diawali dengan melakukan kano survei dan modelling terhadap
atribut-atribut layanan LBS, seperti kecepatan respon, ketepatan lokasi, konten
dan lain-lain. Dari kano model ini selanjutnya bisa didapatkan customer
requirement yang menjadi input dari tools House of Quality. Dengan tools ini
maka bisa dibuatkan korelasi antara atribut pembentuk persepsi layanan dengan
spesifikasi pengembangan yang akan dilakukan.
Untuk pemenuhan keinginan pelanggan LBS ini diidentifikasikan 12 alternatif
solusi yang bisa digunakan untuk memperbaiki layanan LBS. Selanjutnya dari
analisa critical to quality menyimpulkan bahwa ada beberapa solusi yang layak
untuk dikedepankan untuk pengembangan layanan ini. Alternatif solusi
pengembangan ini adalah perbaikan metode pencarian dengan LCS TDOA dan
juga Cell Identity Timing Advance. Dengan kedua metode ini maka performansi
layanan lokasi ini bisa ditingkatkan dan tetap mempertahankan kompatibilitas
handset. Selain itu pengembangan layanan menuju cloud computing merupakan
salah satu alternatif solusi lain yang bisa digunakan untuk membuat fitur

One of the value added services that widely used today is the location based
service. Location based services is the personalized service that based on the
location ofthe users' mobile device. Telkomsel LBS service had been launched in
2008, but the number of LBS services transaction is still quite low compared to
potential customers owned by Telkomsel. Even today the number of service
transactions is still declining. If no action taken for service improvement, then
this service will no longer bring in benefit for the company. On the other hand
LBS services market globally continue to increase. Many factors may contribute
in the Telkomsel LBS trafic declining. This thesis implemented quality function
deployment method to find alternative solution for improvement of location based
services. QFD enable team of developers to identify customer needs' and evaluate
how to achieve those needs. QFD can give quantitative analysis of products that
customers want, and which solution should be prioritize to achieve those.
This QFD analysis begins by conducting kano survey and modelling to LBS
service attributes, such as response speed accuracy of location, content and
others. Kano modelling result on attributes that can be categorized as influential
factor on LBS services. Then, analysis is carried out by using statistical analysis
tools of House of Quality. With these tools correlation between the perception of
the attributes and the specification development services can be identified
Based on what LBS customer needs, there are I2 alternative solutions that can be
used to improve this kind of service. Critical to quality analysis performed
concluded some viable solutions to be prioritized for the development of this
service. The alternative solution is the development of improved positioning
methods using TDOA LCS and Cell Identity Timing Advance. These two methods
will greatly improve this location service performance and maintained the
handset compatibility. In addition the development of cloud computing services is
one of the solutions that also can be prioritized to enrich the feature of the
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ivan Wibisurya
Tesis ini membahas mengenai pengaruh unsur location based advertising yaitu: content appeal, interactivity, control, attitude toward advertising in general, customization, dan intrusiveness terhadap attitude toward location based advertising dan pengaruhnya terhadap purchase intention pelanggan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian konklusif dengan desain deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui survey secara tatap muka dan memperoleh responden sebanyak 160 data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa unsur content appeal, control, dan customization berpengaruh positif secara signifikan terhadap attitude toward location based advertising pelanggan. Attitude toward location based advertising juga berpengaruh positif secara signifikan terhadap purchase intention pelanggan. Moderasi timing memperkuat pengaruh positif customization terhadap attitude toward location based advertising. Moderasi timing juga memperkuat pengaruh attitude toward location based advertising terhadap purchase intention.

This study discusses the effect that features location based advertising which are content appeal, interactivity, control, attitude toward advertising in general, customization, and intrusiveness on attitude toward location based advertising and its effect on customer rsquo s purchase intention. This study is a conclusive research with descriptive design. Data collection was done through offline survey resulted in 160 respondent rsquo s data. The study result shows content appeal, control, and customization significantly have positive effects on attitude toward location based advertising. Attitude toward location based advertising also significantly has positive effect on customer rsquo s purchase intention. Timing moderation enhances customization rsquo s positive effect on attitude toward location based advertising. Timing moderation also enhances attitude toward location based advertising rsquo s positive effect on purchase intention."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Stefano Chessa, editor
"This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the international competition aimed at the evaluation and assessment of Ambient Assisted Living, EvAAL 2012, which was organized in three major events: the Second International Competition on Indoor Localization and Tracking for Ambient Assisted Living, which took place in Madrid, Spain, in July 2012, the First International Competition on Activity Recognition for Ambient Assisted Living, which took place in Valencia, Spain, in July 2012, and the Final Workshop, which was held in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, in September 2012. The papers included in this book describe the organization and technical aspects of the competitions, and provide a complete technical description of the competing artefacts and report on the experience lessons learned by the teams during the competition."
Berlin: [, Springer-Verlag], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Murphy, Joe
London: Facet, 2012
025 MUR l
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Saleha Yuli Estiani
Lokasi merupakan faktor yang sangat penting bagi keberlangsungan suatu usaha. Pemilihan lokasi untuk menjalankan kegiatan bisnis harus dilakukan dengan berbagai pertimbangan. Tujuan pada penelitian ini yaitu memilih tempat untuk relokasi serta pembelian aset gedung kantor cabang pada bank. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode AHP untuk mencari nilai bobot pada masing-masing kriteria dan alternatif. Bobot yang telah didapatkan kemudian digunakan sebagai matriks keputusan awal untuk dilakukan pemilihan keputusan menggunakan metode TOPSIS. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, proiritas alternatif yang dipilih dari pengurutan menggunakan metode TOPSIS adalah Gedung BPD dengan nilai sebesar 0,974975. Faktor yang memiliki bobot tertinggi untuk kriteria pemiilhan lokasi pada relokasi dan pembelian aset gedung kantor cabang bank adalah Aspek Bisnis (0,45115) dengan bobot subkriteria yang tertinggi yaitu Lokasi Perkantoran (0,63219).

Location is very important factor for sustaianability for a business. Location selection to run business activity must be doing with some consideration. The aim of this research is to selecting site for relocation and purchased the assets of the building for bank branch office. This research is using AHP method to determine weighting value of each criteria and alternatives. The value then used as decision matrix to make a decision selection using TOPSIS method. Based on the results of the study, the alternative priority chosen from the ranking using TOPSIS method is Gedung BPD with a value of 0,974975. The factor that has the highest weighting for location selection criteria in relocation and purchased assets of the building for bank branch office is Business Aspect (0,45115) with the highest subcriteria weight is Office Location (0,63219)."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ety Nurhayati
Di Kabupaten Bogor terdapat 5 (lima) terminal namun kurang dimanfaatkan secara optimal terlihat dari supir dan penumpang yang memilih beraktivitas di luar terminal. Lokasi yang tidak tepat merupakan salah satu penyumbang utama kurangnya terminal dimanfaatkan secara optimal. Sebagai fasilitas transfer (perpindahan), lokasi terminal harus ditempatkan secara tepat agar sesuai dengan tata ruang kota dan kebutuhan pengguna. Untuk itu diperlukan kriteria dalam penentuan lokasi terminal agar lokasi tersebut tidak menimbulkan gangguan lalu lintas dan terminal dapat di manfaatkan secara optimal.
Penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus yang berangkat dari permasalahan prasarana transportasi (Terminal) di Kabupaten Bogor. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer berupa wawancara dan observasi, wawancara dilakukan kepada 5 (lima) stakeholder yaitu Bappeda Kab. Bogor, Dinas LLAJ Kab. Bogor, Dinas Tata Ruang dan pertanahan Kab. Bogor, Dinas Bina Marga dan Pengairan Kab. Bogor dan dari akademis, sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh melalui buku bacaan, dokumen penelitian, artikel atau melalui kajian literature. selain itu data diambil dari instansi pemerintah. Untuk teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis Delphi dan SWOT.
Dengan metode Delphi didapatkan kriteria penentuan lokasi terminal berupa 5 (lima) variabel yaitu lokasi Mixed-use, jaringan jalan, jaringan trayek, jaringan transportasi lain dan volume lalulintas. Selanjutnya dari kriteria tersebut dihasilkan 3 (tiga) alternatif lokasi untuk Terminal Cibinong dengan melihat peta dan data. Dari nilai pembobotan yang paling tinggi lokasi yang paling ideal adalah di lokasi eksisting yaitu di Lingkar Pasar Cibinong Jl. Raya Bogor. Hasil analisis SWOT didapat beberapa strategi pengembangan Terminal Cibinong diantaranya yaitu memperluas areal terminal cibinong dan pembangunan secara vertikal, melengkapi fasilitas dan insfrastruktur serta peningkatan pelayanan terminal terhadap para pengguna jasa terminal, pengaturan rute dan jarak agar tingkat pencapaian lebih mudah sehingga dapat membangkitkan arus pergerakan, peningkatan koordinasi antara instansi, antara pengusaha dan antar operator angkutan.

In Bogor regency there are 5 (five) terminals but not optimally utilized visible from the driver and passengers who choose activities outside the terminal. Improper location is one of the main contributors to the lack of terminal used optimally. As a transfer facility (displacement), the location of the terminal must be placed precisely to fit the needs of the city's layout and user. It required criteria in determining the location of the terminal so that the location does not interfere with traffic and terminal can be utilized optimally.
This research is quantitative and qualitative descriptive case study method that departs from the problems of transport infrastructure (terminals) in Bogor regency. The data used are primary data in the form of interviews and observations, interviews conducted for 5 (five) stakeholders namely Bappeda Kab. Bogor, LLAJ District Office. Bogor, Department of Spatial Planning and Land District. Bogor, Department of Highways and Irrigation District. Bogor and from the academic, while secondary data obtained through reading books, research papers, articles or through the study of literature. other than that the data taken from government agencies. For data analysis techniques using Delphi and SWOT analysis.
With the Delphi method obtained terminal siting criteria in the form of (five) variables are Mixed-use location, road network, route network, other transportation networks and traffic volumes. The next of these criteria produced three (3) alternate location for Terminal Cibinong by looking at maps and data. Of the highest weighted value of the most ideal locations are at the existing location at Market Circle Cibinong Jl. Raya Bogor. SWOT analysis of the results obtained several strategies including the development of Terminal Cibinong cibinong expand the terminal area and vertical development, complete infrastructure facilities and services and improving the user terminal to terminal services, order routing and distance much easier attainment levels so as to evoke the movement of currents, increased coordination between agencies, between employers and between transport operators."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Sistem pemantauan posisi dan tingkat pencemaran udara, merupakan sebuah sistem yang digunakan untuk mengetahui posisi dan tingkat pencemaran udara pada suatu tempat, baik dalam keadaan diam maupun bergerak dengan menggunakan sistem komunikasi tanpa kabel. Sistem ini terdiri atas dua buah sub sistem, yaitu sub sistem transmitter dan sub sistem receiver. Pada bagian transmitter terdiri atas sensor gas, sensor suhu, sensor kelembaban, modul SIM 508 dimana di dalam modul SIM 508 sudah terdapat sebuah Global Positioning System (GPS) dan modul Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM), serta sebuah mikrokontroler sebagai pemproses data-data sensor dan data posisi dari GPS, untuk dikirimkan ke PC melalui Short Message Service (SMS). Pada bagian receiver terdiri atas modul GSM SIM 300CZ, RS 232, dan PC sebagai pemproses data yang diterima dari transmitter dan menampilkan data posisi pada peta digital dan data sensor pada monitor komputer.
Implementasi dan uji kinerja sistem pemantauan posisi dan tingkat pencemaran udara ini dilakukan mulai dari pembuatan Printed Circuit Board (PCB) masing-masing sub sistem, perakitan komponen, pemrograman sistem, sampai pada tahap pengujian sistem. Pencapaian yang didapat dari implementasi sistem ini, sistem sudah dapat memantau posisi dan memantau kondisi udara di sekitar sistem pemantau diletakan, terutama suhu, kelembaban, dan tingkat pencemaran udara. Tingkat akurasi posisi hasil pengukuran tergantung pada tingkat akurasi dari GPS, tingkat akurasi hasil pengukuran suhu mencapai ± 0.34° Celcius, sedangkan tingkat akurasi pengukuran kelembaban mencapai ±2.9 % RH. Tingkat polusi udara yang ditampilkan terdiri atas tiga tingkatan, yaitu rendah, sedang dan tinggi, yang didasarkan pada perbandingan nilai resistansi sensor pada saat udara bersih dan nilai resistansi sensor pada saat ada kontaminasi udara.

Mobile Positioning and Air pollution levels monitoring system, is a system which is used to monitor the position and air pollution?s level in certain location, either at rest or moving by wireless communication system. It consists of two subsystems, a transmitter subsystem and receiver subsystem. In the transmitter section consists of a gas sensor, temperature sensor, humidity sensor, the SIM 508 module which is has a Global Positioning System (GPS) and a Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) module, and also a microcontroller for processing sensor data, and position data from the GPS and then sent it to the receiver subsystem via Short Message Service (SMS). The receiver consists of a SIM 300CZ module, RS 232, and Personal Computer (PC) for processing data as received from the transmitter subsystem, to display on the monitor of PC as a point on the digital map and showing the results of measurement of sensor data.
Implementation and performance test of positioning and Air pollution level monitoring system begin from manufacturing the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) of each sub system, component assembly, system programming, until the system testing phase. Achievement gained from the implementation of this system, the system is capable of monitoring position and condition of surrounding air monitoring system was placed, especially temperature, humidity, and air pollution levels. Accuracy of positioning measurements depends on the accuracy of GPS, the accuracy of temperature measurement is ± 0.34 ° Celsius, while the accuracy of humidity measurement is ± 2.9% RH. There are three levels of Air pollution which displays those are low, medium and high, based on the comparison of sensor resistance value in fresh air and the sensor resistance in displayed gases at various concentrations (Rs/Ro)."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sanford, Jessica Feng
"This volume wipes away a host of problems related to location discovery in wireless ad-hoc sensor networks. WASNs have recognized potential in many applications that are location-dependent, yet are heavily constrained by factors such as cost and energy consumption. Their “ad-hoc” nature, with direct rather than mediated connections between a network of wireless devices, adds another layer of difficulty. Basing this work entirely on data-driven, coordinated algorithms, the author’s aim is to present location discovery techniques that are highly accurate and which fit user criteria. The research deploys nonparametric statistical methods and relies on the concept of joint probability to construct error (including location error) models and environmental field models. It also addresses system issues such as the broadcast and scheduling of the beacon. Reporting an impressive accuracy gain of almost 17 percent, and organized in a clear, sequential manner, this book represents a stride forward in wireless localization."
New York: [Springer, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rendy Eka Saputra
"Perangkat dalam lingkungan ubiquitous memiliki memori dan daya proses yang terbatas, sehingga mereka tidak dapat menyediakan layanan secara utuh bahkan dalam lokasi yang tepat sekalipun.Teknologi mobile agent dapat diterapkan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi sumber daya. Tujuan dari paper ini adalah untuk melihat penerapan teknologi mobile agent pada lokasi berbasis layanan printer. Sistem ini terdiri dari empat bagian: (1) mobile agent server, (2) lokasi yang berbasiskan layanan server, (3) layanan printer, (4) klien. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa mobile agent menawarkan banyak keuntungan untuk pengaturan komputasi ubiquitous dan mobile.

Most devices in ubiquitous network environment have limited memory and processing power, thus they can’t provide all services even when in suitable locations. Mobile agent technology could be implemented to improve resource efficiency. The goal of this paper is to implement mobile agent technology for location-based printer service. The system consists of four parts: (1) mobile agent server, (2) location-based service server, (3) printer service, (4) client. It is observed that mobile agent offers many advantages for ubiquitous and mobile computing settings."
Bogor: Bogor Agricultural University, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Laboratory of Net-Centric Computing, 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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