ABSTRAK Meningkatkan self-efficacy berbicara di depan umum (public speaking self- efficacy) lebih baik dilakukan daripada hanya mengurangi ketakutan berkomunikasi. Untuk meningkatkan public speaking self-efficacy, terdapat beberapa strategi efektif meliputi pengembangan konten, struktur, dan penyampaian kepada para hadirin. Peningkatan public speaking self-efficacy sebaiknya juga dilakukan oleh para Finalis Duta Mahasiswa Generasi Berencana Tingkat Nasional 2013 selaku figur motivator dalam mengkampanyekan Program Generasi Berencana untuk mendukung promosi dan citra kampanye program. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif univariat dengan desain deskriptif. Tujuan penelitian adalah melihat public speaking self-efficacy para finalis dengan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai mean public speaking self-efficacy mayoritas finalis tinggi, sehingga mereka merasa pengembangan konten, struktur, penyampaian, dan penggunaan alat presentasi kepada para hadirin dapat meningkatkan public speaking self-efficacy dengan baik. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan konten merupakan dimensi paling kuat.
ABSTRACT Increasing one?s self-efficacy of public speaking is better to do than only reducing communication apprehension. There are several effective strategies to improve one?s self-efficacy of public speaking, including the development of content, structure, and delivery to the audience. Increasing the public speaking self- efficacy should also be done by The 2013 National Student Ambassador Finalists for The Planned-Generation as a motivator figure within campaigning The Planned-Generation Program to support the promotion and image of the program campaign. This research is univariate quantitative with descriptive design. The purpose of this study is to observe the public speaking self-efficacy of the finalists and the results of this study shows that the mean value of the public speaking self- efficacy from the majority of finalists is high, so that they feel the development of content, structure, delivery, and presentational aids to the audience can improve the public speaking self-efficacy well. This study also shows that the content development is the strongest dimension. "