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Ditemukan 16489 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Masselink, Gerhard
London : Hodder Education, 2011
551.41 MAS i (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Haslett, Simon K.
London and New York: Routledge, 2009
551.45 HAS c (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bird, Eric
"Coastal Geomorphology, Second Edition is a comprehensive and systematic introduction to this subject and demonstrates the dynamic nature of coastal landforms, providing a background for analytical planning and management strategies in coastal areas that are subject to continuing changes"
Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, 2008
551.457 BIR c
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nanin Anggraini
Wilayah pesisir Jakarta Utara terancam bencana akibat fenomena kenaikan muka air laut dan penurunan permukaan tanah. Dampak kerusakan yang ditimbulkan dari kedua fenomena ini sangat merugikan bagi masyarakat di wilayah tersebut. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis kerentanan wilayah pesisir dan memprediksi kerusakan lingkungan akibat kenaikan muka air laut di Jakarta Utara. Informasi kerentanan adalah hasil integrasi kondisi fisik (informasi pasang surut, gelombang, penggunaan lahan, ketinggian pantai, skenario B2 SRES IPCC, penurunan permukaan tanah) dengan sosial ekonomi (usia balita, usia lanjut, penduduk wanita, kepadatan penduduk, dan penduduk miskin) dengan menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografi (SIG). Penelitian menggunakan data QuickBird dan DEM SRTM X-C band tahun 2000 untuk menghasilkan informasi penggunaan lahan dan ketinggian pantai. Hasil integrasi menunjukkan willayah pesisir yang sangat rentan pada kenaikan muka air laut adalah Penjaringan, Warakas, Kalibaru, Kebon Bawang, dan Rawabadak Utara. Prediksi total kenaikan muka air laut hingga tahun 2030 mencapai 6,45 m sehingga diprediksikan 1054 ha pemukiman, 551 ha industri, 181 ha tambak, dan 66 ha lahan sawah akan tergenang dan menyebabkan kerugian ekonomi mencapai Rp 277.270.766.595,00. Diketahuinya tingkat kerentanan serta prediksi kerugian akibat kenaikan muka air laut, diharapkan perencanaan pembangunan di wilayah pesisir akan lebih memperhatikan hal tersebut.

The coastal areas in North Jakarta threatened disaster due to sea level rise and land subsidance phenomenon. The aims of this study is to analyze the coastal vulnerability due to sea level rise as part as adaptation to reduce the inundation impact in North Jakarta. Vulnerability information obtained from the integration between the physical conditions (tidal, wave, land use, coastal elevation, IPCC SRES B2 scenario, land subsidence) and socioeconomic (age of the children, elderly, female population, population density, and the poor) using Geographic Information System (GIS). This study using remote sensing information from DEM SRTM X-C band in year 2000 with spasial resolution 30 m to generate coastal elevation and QuickBird satellite data for generate land use information. The result show that the coastal areas with very high vulnerability to sea level rise is Penjaringan, Warakas, Kalibaru, Kebon Bawang, and Rawabadak Utara. Besides vulnerability analysis, the study also predicted total sea level rise in 2030 which reached 6.45 m, causing a lot of damage, especially in the settlement and industrial areas. The prediction of settlement areas that stagnant is 1054 ha, industrial 551 ha, fishpond 181 ha, and field 66 ha. According to economic analyze, the extent damage will cause losses of Rp 277,270,766,595.00. Therefore, the knowledge level of vulnerability as well as losses due to sea level rise, expected development planning in coastal areas will pay more attention to it."
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Subramanian, V., editor
"This book deals with the major issues being faced by the coastal population in Asia with emphasis on natural and man-made hazards, climate change impact and pressures caused by mega cities along Asian coasts. The edited book contains chapters authored by experts who are well known in their own fields of specialization relevant to coastal processes. Emphasis has been given to almost all regions of Aisan coast although coverage for south and south eastern regions of Asia is rather strong. Each chapter has been peer reviewed and revised before acceptance."
Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Beatley, Timothy
"ntroduction. Understanding the coastal environment -- Coastal pressures and critical management issues -- The coastal management framework -- Federal coastal policy -- State coastal management programs -- Regional management of coastal resources -- Local coastal management -- Creative coastal design and development : building sustainably along the coast -- Conclusions : future directions in U.S. coastal management"
New York: University California Press, 2003
333.917 09 BEA i (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Atika Gustini
"Lokasi penelitian ini terletak di pesisir barat Jawa Barat tepatnya di Kecamatan Simpenan Kabupaten Sukabumi yang memiliki berbagai macam pola lanskap pesisir. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik fisik dari bentuk medan, bentuk lahan, penggunaan tanah dan aspek sosial dengan menggunakan model Wilayah Tanah Usaha WTU. Penelitian ini mengkaji lanskap pesisir yang dipengaruhi oleh bentuk lahan, bentuk medan, penggunaan tanah serta aspek sosial ekonomi yakni pola tanam dan menghubungkan dengan Wilayah Tanah Usaha WTU. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui observasi lapang dan wawancara dengan petani setempat. Analisis spasial dan deskriptif dilakukan dengan metode overlay dan penampang melintang.
Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa pola lanskap pesisir di Kecamatan Simpenan didominasi dengan bentuk medan berbukit-pegunungan sekitar 60,1 dari total luas wilayah, bentuk lahan perbukitan lipatan kompleks sekitar 30,6 dari total luas wilayah, penggunaan tanah kebun atau perkebunan sekitar 30,1 dari luas wilayah dan pola tanam padi satu kali dalam setahun. Pola lanskap pesisir pada umumnya masih sesuai dengan model WTU tetapi terdapat beberapa lokasi yang tidak sesuai yakni pada model WTU terbatas 2 yang terdapat penggunaan tanah kebun atau perkebunan.

Located in west coast of Java, Simpenan Subdistrict at Sukabumi District has variety of coastal landscape. The main objective of this research to identification landform charateristics for landscape and also identify land use using Suitable Farming Area WTU . This research examines coastal landscape that affected by landforms that consist of relief, landuse, social aspect which is cropping pattern and analyze with the model of Land Utility Area. Spatial and descriptive analysis was carried out in this study by overlay and cross section analysis method.
The result of this research indicates that coastal landscape pattern in Simpenan Subdistrict is dominated by mountainous hilly terrain around 60,1 from total area, hilly terrain shape about 30,6 from total area, land use of mixed garden use 30,1 of the area and rice cropping pattern once a year. The coastal landscape pattern is generally still in accordance with the Land Utility Area model but there are some unsuitable located in the second restricted area which is the land use of mixed garden.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mufidah Tartila
"Lanskap suatu wilayah selalu bersifat dinamis karena tidak terlepas dari aktivitas alam dan manusia yang terus berkembang seiring berjalannya waktu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi perubahan lanskap sejak tahun 2010 hingga 2018 yang dikaitkan dengan kejadian bencana alam.Wilayah pesisir menjadi target kajian mengenai perubahan lanskap akibat bencana alam. Lokasi penelitian ini terletak di Kota Pelabuhanratu, Kabupaten Sukabumi yang dikenal dengan kondisi geomorfologi yang bervariasi, juga dikenal dengan daerah yang telah banyak terjadi bencana alam meliputi banjir rob, banjir bandang, dan longsor. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan aplikasi ArcGIS 10.4.1 dan ENVI 5.1, serta dilakukan verifikasi data dengan melaksanakan survei lapangan. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis overlay yang dijelaskan secara spasial dan deskriptif. Lanskap Kota Pelabuhanratu didominasi oleh bentuk lahan lereng vulkanik dan penutup lahan vegetasi. Total luas wilayah yang mengalami perubahan lanskap akibat bencana adalah sebesar 4,08 km2 dari keseluruhan luas 91,90 km2, dan sebagian besar perubahan terdapat pada perbandingan luas penutup lahan.

The concept of landscape is known to be always changing dynamically because of its attachment to natural and human activities that continue to grow over time. The purpose of this study is to identify landscape changes from 2010 to 2018 which are associated with natural disaster events. Coastal area is the study target on landscape changes due to natural disasters. The research took place in Pelabuhanratu District, Sukabumi Regency which is known for its varied geomorphological form and its natural disaster events occurance including coastal floods, flash floods, and landslides. The research data was proccessed using ArcGIS 10.4.1 and ENVI 5.1 softwares. Data verification was done by field surveys in the study area. The method of this study is an overlay analysis and explained in the term of spatial dan descriptive concept. The landscape of Pelabuhanratu District is dominated by volcanic landforms and vegetation cover. The total area experiencing landscape changes due to natural disasters is 4.08 km2 of the disrtict area of 91.90 km2 and major changes are involving alteration of land cover area.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gregory, Kenneth J.
"Lively, engaging introduction to geomorphology and earth surface processes, written by one of the world's leading experts in the field"
Singapore: Sage , 2010
551.4 GRE e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahlhorn, Frank
"The southern coast of the North Sea is mainly protected by a single line of defence against flooding. The traditional means for heightening and strengthening the existing coastal barriers are limited due to the increased enormous resource costs, i.e. building materials, funding and space. On the other hand, further interests and needs such as tourism, nature conservation and agriculture demand an integrated planning process according to the principle of a sustainable coastal development. The spatial protection concepts discussed in the book provide new options for sustainable coastal development in line with the integration of several types of land use. Furthermore, the multifunctional coastal protection zones offer new opportunities for the application of different options for coastal protection, i.e. holding the line, accommodation or retreat. This book also provides a sound basis for an integrated planning process in coastal zones combining participatory methods with adapted --
tools from socio-economic and ecologic evaluation"
New York: Springer, 2009
333.720 94 AHL l (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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