ABSTRAKMeski memiliki peran strategis, Lembaga Penyiaran Publik TVRI belum
memiliki posisi yang kuat karena status kelembagaannya belum jelas. Penelitian
ini bertujuan melakukan penyempurnaan kebijakan Lembaga Penyiaran Publik
TVRI sebagai suatu Hirarki karenanya tiga tahap kebijakan berdasarkan hirarki
dinilai tepat untuk penelitian ini.
Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan Soft
Systems Methodology (SSM) yang melihat real world sebagai sistem yang terdiri
dari sub-sistem yang saling interconnected dan interrelated.Pemilihan SSM
sebagai pendekatan untuk keseluruhan proses penelitian menggunakan
experience based knowledge– yang bergerak antara perceived about realworld
(reality) dan feeling about realworld (actuality). Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan
pada tataran policy level Undang-undang 32/2002 dan PP 11/2005 serta PP
13/2005, tidak mengatur rumusan status kelembagaan LPP TVRI.Bahkan,
regulasi- regulasi tersebut tidak sinkron dalam pengaturan kelembagaan LPP
TVRI. Sementara di tataran organizational level, Rencana Strategis LPP TVRI
2011- 2016 belum selesai disusun, mengingat belum ada sinergisitas antara
Dewan Pengawas dan Dewan Direksi LPP TVRI 2011- 2016. Padahal Renstra
LPP TVRI adalah penentu arah pengembangan LPP TVRI di masa mendatang.
Pada tataran operational level, Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) unit
Pemberitaan LPP TVRI yang merupakan pedoman dalam menjalankan tugas
profesi di unit Pemberitaan hingga saat ini belum disosialisasikan.
ABSTRACTThis research objective is the improvement of the policy of LPP TVRI as a
Hierarchy of the three steps policy based on hierarchy which is suitable or proper
with this report. The research uses a soft systems Methodology- SSM that see the
real world as a system which consists of sub system that interconnected and
interrelated to each other.
The choosing of approaching SSM is used for a
comprehensive Research Process to conduct the completion policy of Public
Broadcasting Board with the using of experience based knowledge- which move
between perceived about real world (reality) and feeling about real world
(actuality).The result of this research shows in amandement policy level of UU
32/2002 and PP 13/2005 as well as LPP TVRI, without stipulate definition,
limitation and the status of LPP TVRI, even the regulation is not connected to the
arrangement of LPP TVRI Board. Meanwhile, the arrangement of organization
level, strategy plan of LPP TVRI 2011-2016 is not accomplished, because there is
not a synergy between the Board of Governors and the Director of LPP TVRI
Board 2011-2016. Even though, strategy Plan of LPP TVRI is the key guidance to
the development of LPP TVRI in the future. The arrangement of operational level,
the Standard Operating Procedure of News Department of LPP TVRI which is the
sources or guidelines in conducting the profession duty in the field of News
Department, until now it is not been socialized."
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013