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Isma Kania Muthmainah
"Kompetensi seorang manajer proyek memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kesuksesan suatu proyek. Kompetensi tersebut tidak hanya membutuhkan kompetensi hard skill saja tetapi juga kompetensi soft skill. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan analisis tentang critical soft skill competence manajer proyek terhadap kinerja biaya. Pada penelitian ini kompetensi soft skill akan dikelompokkan menjadi Konsep Diri (self-concept), Motif (motives), dan Karakter (Trait). Tujuannya adalah untuk mengetahui apa saja critical soft skill competence Manajer Proyek yang mempengaruhi kinerja biaya proyek infrastruktur. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dengan menggunakan menggunakan metode regresi maka diperoleh 4 critical soft skill competence, yaitu : costumer service orientation, teamwork, initiative, dan analytical thingking.
Competence of project manager has a significant influence on the project success. Competence does not only require hard skills competence but also soft skills competence. Therefore, the analysis needs to be done about critical soft skills competence of the project manager on cost performance. In this research, soft skills competencies are grouped into self-concept, motives, and trait. The aim of this research is to find out the critical soft skills competence that affects the cost performance of infrastructure project. Based on the result of the analysis using a regression method are obtained 4 critical soft skills competence, such as : costumer service orientation, teamwork, initiative, dan analytical thingking."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Asyiah
"Supervisor dapat dikatakan sebagai the man in the middle. Supervisor diharapkan mampu menjembatani pihak manajemen dengan tenaga kerja produtif. Pekerjaan supervisor berkaitan erat dengan masalah produktifitas tenaga kerja dan memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kesuksesan suatu proyek. Kompetensi yang dibutuhkan tidak hanya soft skill saja tetapi juga hard skill. Pada penelitian ini, hard skill dikelompokkan menjadi 3 kelompok yaitu kompetensi umum, kompetensi inti dan kompetensi khusus.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis korelasi dan regresi diperoleh critical hard skill competence supervisor yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja waktu yaitu kompetensi yang termasuk kelompok kompetensi inti yaitu: (1) Menguasai spesifikasi teknis dan spesifikasi khusus (X8) dan (2) melaksanakan pengukuran berdasarkan prosedur pengukuran volume dan perhitungan pembayaran hasil pekerjaan (X40).
Supervisor called as the man in the middle. Supervisors are expected to bridge the management and the productive labor. Supervisor's jobs are strongly associated with labor productivity and have a significant influence for successful project. Competence is not only soft skill competencies, but also hard skills competence. This research classifies hard skill competence into three groups: general competencies, core competencies and specialized competencies. Correlation and regression analysis result showed critical hard skills competence of supervisors that have a significant effect on the time performance are core competencies: (1) Have a good knowledge to the technical and special specifications (X8) and (2) carry out measurements based on volume measurement and calculation procedure of payment of work (X40)."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
MABIS 1:1 (2010)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"Reading is an important way to get some more information and some knowledge. Thus, we as teachers have an important roles in helping our students to improve in their reading skills
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Harsyaf Nurman Djumiril
"Tenaga kerja buruh konstruksi memiliki peran penting dalam suatu proses konstruksi. Permasalahan yang biasanya terjadi adalah banyaknya luang waktu bagi para pekerjanya dalam waktu sehari bekerja. Dalam satu hari, pekerja masih memiliki waktu kosong sebesar 32% dari 100% aktifitasnya, angka ini masih sangat tinggi sebagai waktu kosong, dimana produktivitas pekerjaan dipertanyakan saat waktu kosong dari seorang pekerja setinggi angka tersebut. Oleh karena itu, perlu diketahui penyebab dari hal tersebut. Soft-skill dari suatu tenaga kerja buruh konstruksi diasumsikan menjadi salah satu akibat dari waktu kosong ini, yang akan berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas pekerjaan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan melakukan survei responden, wawancara serta validasi oleh pakar, dan mengumpulkan data dengan melakukan analisa model regresi. Penemuan yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa soft skill tenaga kerja buruh konstruksi berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas pekerjaan. Communication, Teamwork, Work Attitude, Problem Solving, dan Work Ethic, menjadi kompetensi yang penting yang dapat berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas pekerjaan, dimana masing-masing kompetensi memiliki pengaruh yang berbeda nilainya terhadap produktivitas pekerjaan.
Construction workers play an important role in the process of a construction. A problem that often occurs is workers still have a lot of spare time in one day of working. In a day’s work, a construction worker still has 32% of 100% of his time in one day for spare time, which where he does nothing, which where the working productivity of the worker is to be questioned. The cause of this is needed to be known. Construction workers soft-skills are assumed to be one of the problems, which could affect working productivity. The method of this research will be through respondents’ survey, expert judgments and validations, and collecting data by using regression model analysis. It is discovered that soft skills of the construction workers do affect the working productivity. Communication, Teamwork, Work Attitude, Problem Solving, and Work Ethic, are important competencies that could impact working productivity, in which each competencies have different scores of impact towards working productivity."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Fanyanur Indah Putri
ABSTRACTPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengekplorasi dan mengetahui soft skill apa saja yang dibutuhkan untuk bekerja di Kantor Akuntan Publik KAP sebagai masukan untuk sarjana akuntansi dalam mempersiapkan dirinya untuk menghadapi dunia kerja. Penelitian ini juga menguji perbedaan persepsi antara mahasiswa dan alumni akuntansi Universitas Indonesia mengenai soft skill yang dibutuhkan untuk bekerja di KAP. Survei dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner secara online kepada mahasiswa angkatan 2014 dan alumni angkatan 2012 dan 2013 jurusan akuntansi Universitas Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah statistik deskriptif dan uji Mann-Whitney. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peringkat tertinggi adalah soft skill bekerja sama dengan tim dalam hal bertanggung jawab kepada tim. Terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara mahasiswa dan alumni akuntansi Universitas Indonesia dalam soft skill pengalaman, kepemimpinan dan pengelolaan diri dimana mahasiswa akuntansi Universitas Indonesia menganggap item-item yang berbeda tersebut lebih penting daripada alumni akuntansi Universitas Indonesia.
ABSTRACTThis study aims to explore soft skills needed to work in Public Accounting Firm KAP as an input for accounting scholars in preparing theirselves for professional career as an auditor. This study also examines differences in perceptions between students and alumni of Accounting major at Universitas Indonesia regarding soft skills needed to work in KAP. The survey was conducted by distributing online questionnaires to students of class of 2014 and alumni of class of 2012 and 2013 majoring in Accounting at Universitas Indonesia. The methodology used is descriptive statistics and Mann Whitney test. The results show that the highest ranking is have a good teamwork especially be responsible to the team. However, there is a significant difference between students and alumni of Accounting major of Universitas Indonesia in the soft skills of experience, leadership and self management, in which the Universitas Indonesia Accounting students consider the different items are more important than the Accounting major alumni of the Universitas Indonesia."
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
"When we learn a language,therea are four skillls-listening,speaking,reading and writing.These four language kills are related to each other in two ways: the direction of communication and the method of communication
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Fadzar Allimin
ABSTRAKBerdasarkan hasil pelaporan penyelesaian permasahan periode 1 januari – 17 Oktober 2012 yang diproses penyelesaiannya oleh BN menyebutkan, total Pengaduan sejumlah 4.603 kasus CTKI/TKI, dalam proses penyelesaian 2.196 dan pengaduan berhasil diselesaikan hanya sejumlah 1.297 (28%). Berdasarkan anlisis penyebab rendahnya penyelesaian permasalahan dikarenakan motivasi dan kemampuan mediator yang rendah. Untuk mengetahui dan membuktikan kebenaran dugaan tersebut, peneliti mengukur korelasinya menggunakan MARS Model pada para mediator. Dari hasil interpretasi data maka bisa ditarik kesimpulan bahwa variabel dari MARS model yang berkorelasi dengan kinerja hanyalah variabel kemampuan (Ability), lebih lanjut aspek dari variabel Kemampuan (Ability) yang berkorelasi dan mempengaruhi Kinerja adalah aspek kemampuan Penalaran, Aspek kemampuan perundang-undangan, aspek kemampuan dasar mediator dan aspek tenggat waktu. Sehingga menyusun program intervensi untuk memperbaiki kondisi tersebut.
ABSTRACTBased on the result of the report of problems solving period 1 January-17 October 2012 which is processed completion by BN mention, the amount of complaint are 4603 cases CTKI/TKI, in the completion process are 2196 and the complaints successfully resolved only 1.297 (28%) cases. Based on analysis of the cause of the modest problems solving due to the motivation and ability of low mediator. To find out and to prove rightness of the allegations, researcher measured the correlation used MARS Model on mediators. From the results of the interpretation of the data it can be concluded that the variables of the MARS model is correlated with the performance variable capability (Ability), further aspects of the variable Ability (Ability) are correlated and affect the performance aspect is the ability of reasoning, the ability of regulatory aspects, aspects basic skills and aspects mediator deadlines. Thus formulate intervention programs to improve the condition."
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Rikwan Effendi Salam Manik
ABSTRAKThe purpose of this study wa to find out and analyze te influence of entrepreneurship knowledge, soft skill and family support on student entrepreneurial readiness in the Department of Accounting of Politeknik Negeri Medan. The theories used were marketing management and entrepreneurial theory related to entrepreneurial readiness, entrepreneurial knowledge, soft skills and family support. This type of resourch was quantitative descrptive and the nature of research is explanatiry. The number of samples used was 292 respondents. This study uses the stratified random sampling method. The analytical method used was multiple linear regression. The results of the study indicate that soft skill variables, entrepreneurial knowledge and family support simultaneously influence the entrepreneurial readiness of accounting students at Politeknik Negeri Medan. Partially, soft skill, entrepreneurial knowldge and family support had a significant effect on entrepreneurial readiness of accounting students and the most dominant variable influence entrepreneurial readiness is soft skill."
Medan: Politeknik Negeri Medan, 2019
338 PLMD 22:3 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Rikwan Effendi Salam Manik
ABSTRAKThe purpose of this study to find out and analyze the influence of entrepreneurship knowledge, soft skill and family support on student entrepreneurial readiness in the Department of Accounting of Politeknik Negeri Medan. The theories used were marketing management and entrepreneurial theory related to entrepreneurial readiness, entrepreneurial knowledge, soft skills and family support. This type of resourch was quantitative descrptive and the nature of research is explanatiry. The number of samples used was 292 respondents. This study uses the stratified random sampling method. The analytical method used was multiple linear regression. The results of the study indicate that soft skill variables, entrepreneurial knowledge and family support simultaneously influence the entrepreneurial readiness of accounting students at Politeknik Negeri Medan. Partially, soft skill, entrepreneurial knowldge and family support had a significant effect on entrepreneurial readiness of accounting students and the most dominant variable influence entrepreneurial readiness is soft skill."
Medan: Politeknik Negeri Medan, 2019
338 PLMD 22:3 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library