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Siti Nurul Fahmi
Produk ekspor perikanan Indonesia mengalami peningkatan pada periode lima tahun terakhir, disisi lain kasus penolakan masih ditemukan, terutama untuk produk ekspor ke Amerika Serikat, terdeteksi kontaminasi bakteri Salmonella spp. Tujuan penelitian mengidentifikasi adanya potensi resiko bahaya kontaminasi Salmonella spp., determinasi tingkat resiko Salmonella spp. rantai pasok ikan cakalang skala kecil, mengusulkan alternatif perbaikan dalam sistem pembinaan, pengendalian jaminan mutu dan keamanan hasil perikanan cakalang di PPN Palabuhanratu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapatnya potensi kontaminasi Salmonella spp. didapatkan dari rantai pasok di kapal adalah 18,5%, pendaratan/TPI 18,5%, dan pengumpul 7%. Persentase kontaminasi sampel didapatkan dari air/es adalah 11%, ikan cakalang 26% dan swab tangan pekerja 7%. Perhitungan jumlah koloni di kapal 46% (480 koloni/ml), pendaratan 34% (360 koloni/ml) dan pengumpul 20% (210 koloni/ml). Berdasarkan jenis sampel, air/es 28% (290 koloni/ml), ikan cakalang 61% (640 koloni/25g) dan swab tangan pekerja 11% (120 koloni/cm2). Alternatif sistem pengendalian di rantai pasok skala kecil adalah dengan memberikan pembinaan dan pengawasan dalam rangka perbaikan sistem cara penanganan ikan yang baik dan benar sesuai Keputusan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Nomor 52A/MEN-KP/2013.

Indonesian exports of fishery products have increased in the last five years, on the other hand, the case of rejection could still be found, especially for products that were exported to the United States of which Salmonella spp was detected frequently. The purposes of this study was to identify the potential hazards of Salmonella spp, to determine the risk level of Salmonella spp. Contamination of the small scale supply chains of skipjack, The study was carried out by determining to propose options for improvement in guidance and control systems to achieve quality and safety assurance of skipjack fisheries in the Pelabuhanratu fishing port. The result from this research shows that the percentage of Salmonella spp. contamination from supply chain 18,5% was collected on board, 18,5% was from the landing site, and, 7% was at the collection area of supplier’s handling space. While the percentage contamination of samples obtained from the water/ice (11%), skipjack (26%), and hand swabs of workers (7%). The expected colony counts of bacteria on board 46 % (480 colonies/ml), the landing site 34% (360 colonies/ml) and at the supplier 20% (210 colonies/ml). Based on the percentage of sample water/ice 28% (290 colonies/ml), skipjack 61% (640 koloni/25g) and hand swabs of worker 11% (120 colonies/cm2). The official control alternatives in small scale supply chain is to give guidance and supervision in order to provide a system improvement of good handling practices established according to the Decree of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries No. 52A/MEN-KP/2013."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Ekspor ikan cakalang ke Uni Eropa dan Amerika Serikat masih menemui kendala akibat masalah keamanan pangan, seperti kadar histamin yang melampaui batas. Kadar histamin berhubungan dengan penerapan rantai dingln selama penangananik an, sejakd i atask apal,p endaratanp, engumpuld an penjiral.T ujuan penelitian mengevaluasi risiko bahaya peningkatan kadar histamin, melakukan penilaian Good Handling Practice (GHP), dan mengusulkan alternatif perbaikan pengendalian risiko ikan cakalang pada rartai pasok.
Hasil penelitian maturjukkan kadar histamin tahap pendaratan rata-rata 1,58 mgikg, p?xlgumpul 2,09 me/kE dan penjtnl 2,46 mg/kg Hasil karakterisasi risiko menunjukkan ranking risiko bahayah istamin b4gr penduduk Indonesai 52 (tinggi), Amerika Serikat 48 (sedang), dan Uni Eropa 52 (tinggi). Hasil p*ifai* kapal menunjukkan kapal memenuhi 38,24yo persymatan -dan inspeksi pembongkaran ikan memenuhi 42,85 - 48,57 o/o persyaratan. Penilaian p.tturganan ilan di pengumpul memenuhi 36 % persyaratan dan penjual belum memenuhi persyaratanp enangananik an yang baik.

Export of skipjack tuna to the European Union and the United States faces problem due to food safety issus, such as high level of histamine. The high level of histamine indicates a poor cold chain rystero on fish handling during oi board, fish landing, suppliers and distributors. The purpose of this rtuOv *, io evaluate the risk of histamine at the supply chain, ussisr Good Handling Fractices (GIp), and propose alternative improvement for risk control of the skipjack tuna at supply chain.
The research showed tlrat histamine level of skipjacf. t*u found during landing in suppliers and distributors was around I,5S mg/kg 2.00 mg/kg and 2.46 mdkg respectively.R isk characterzi ation showed tttat-.ist ranf of histamine hazard for Indonesian population was 52 (high), United States was 4g (moderate)a nd EuropeanU nion was 52 (high) The assessmenotf Good Handling Practices indicated that fishing vessel fulfill 38,24yo of requirements and unloading fulfill 42,85 - 48,57 Vo of requirements.T he assessmentos f fish handling in suppliersf ulfill 36 o/oo f requirbmentsa nd fishermenh ave not fullv implementt he requirementso f good handlingp ractices.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eko Wibowo
"Salah satu sumberdaya perikanan di Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan WPP 573 Samudera Hindia Selatan Jawa adalah ikan cakalang. Ikan tersebut merupakan ikan pelagis yang termasuk dalam ikan ekonomis penting. Pada tahun 2008 ndash;2016, hasil tangkapan ikan cakalang yang tertangkap di WPP 573 dan didaratkan pada PPN Palabuhanratu menunjukkan telah terjadi penurunan yang diduga mengalami eksploitasi berlebihan sehingga memengaruhi ketersediaan stok sumberdaya ikan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aspek ndash;aspek biologi, ekologi, dan perikanan serta menganalisis selektivitas penggunaan alat penangkap ikan cakalang. Metode yang digunakan yaitu melalui pengambilan sampel secara acak ikan cakalang yang tertangkap dengan pancing tonda dan rawai tuna serta wawancara kepada nelayan.
Musim penangkapan ikan cakalang yang paling produktif, yaitu pada musim timur, ketika terjadi upwelling yaitu pada bulan Juni - Oktober di WPP 573. Secara umum ikan cakalang yang tertangkap telah melakukan pemijahan atau reproduksi, yaitu pada TKG III sebesar 44 dengan panjang cagak 41 ndash;45 cm. Nilai potensi lestari maksimum MSY dengan pancing tonda sebesar 230.813,9 kg/tahun dengan upaya penangkapan optimum fopt sebesar 228 trip dan CPUEopt sebesar 1.013,55 kg/trip serta tingkat pemanfaatan sebesar 91,69 . Pancing tonda masih dapat dikategorikan layak ramah lingkungan untuk penangkapan ikan cakalang dengan ukuran mata pancing nomor 6 panjang 5,2 cm dan lebar 2,2 cm .

One of fishery resources in Fishery Management Area 573 Indian Ocean, South of Java is skipjack tuna. The fish is a pelagic fish and economically importance. The catches showed decreasing tendency during period 2008 ndash 2016. This implied that there were overexploitation on skipjack tuna fishing, especially the ones that used the troll line fishing, so as affect the availability of fish resources. This study was conducted to know the selectivity fishing gear of skipjack tuna in June ndash August 2016. Some aspects of biology, ecology, fishery of skipjack tuna were analyzed.
The results showed that the fishing season of skipjack tuna occurred in Southeast monsoon, especially during upwelling time in June - October at Indian Ocean, South of Java Island. In general, skipjack tuna were caught in mature condition at 41 ndash 45 cm FL, it means that the fishes were already spawning before caught. The MSY of skipjack tuna found was about 230,813.9 kg year with CPUE optimum 1,013.55 kg trip, effort optimum were 228 trips and the utilization rate was about 91.69. It is suggested that troll line fishery for skipjack tuna still have a good opportunity environmentally friendly to be developed with hook size number 6 length 5,2 cm and width 2,2 cm.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agustina Windaryanti
Industri makanan dan minuman dijadikan sebagai salah satu industri andalan oleh Kementerian Perindustrian untuk rencana pembangunan industri hingga tahun 2035. Dalam rangka meningkatkan daya saing UMKM makanan, dirancang usulan perbaikan penerapan manajemen rantai pasok. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan usulan perbaikan untuk penerapan manajemen rantai pasok di UMKM makanan. Studi literatur dilakukan untuk mengetahui kriteria, sub-kriteria dan usulan perbaikan yang harus dilakukan dalam perbaikan penerepan manajemen rantai pasok di UMKM makanan. Kemudian kriteria, sub-kriteria dan usulan perbaikan divalidasi oleh tujuh ahli. Kriteria, sub-kriteria dan usulan perbaikan penerapan manajemen rantai pasok selanjutnya diolah menggunakan metode Analytical Network Process ANP dan Zero One Goal Programming ZOGP. Hasil pengolahan data menunjukkan usulan perbaikan yang memiliki nilai kepentingan relatif tinggi, yaitu melakukan koordinasi bagian logistik dengan fungsi lainnya di perusahaan A6, menggunakan sistem perencanaan produksi A14, melakukan pendaftaran ke BPOM A1, mempertimbangkan kualitas dari kemasan A5, menyediakan informasi ketelusuran yang jelas tanggal produksi dan kadaluwarsa hingga tiba ke konsumen A3. Ketika sub-kriteria fleksibilitas produk, perencanaan produksi dan manajamen sumber daya manusia ditingkatkan nilai kepentingannya, usulan perbaikan dengan bobot paling tinggi adalah melakukan koordinasi bagian logistik dengan fungsi lainnya di perusahaan A6. Terdapat beberapa skenario untuk menggambarkan penentuan usulan perbaikan yang harus diterapkan sesuai kemampuan sumber daya UMKM makanan. Disediakan pula template pemilihan usulan perbaikan yang dapat digunakan UMKM makanan.

Food and beverage industries serve as one of the mainstay industries by the Ministry of Industry for industrial development plan until 2035. In order to improve the competitiveness of food SMEs, the improvement design in implementing of supply chain management is proposed. The literature study was conducted to find out the criteria, sub criteria and proposed improvement that needs to be done in improving the implementation of supply chain management in the food MSME. Then the criteria, sub criteria and proposed improvement are validated by seven experts. The criteria, sub criteria and proposed improvement strategy of supply chain management are further processed using Analytical Network Process ANP and Zero One Goal Programming ZOGP method. The result of data shows proposed improvement that has a relatively high value of interest is coordinating the logistics department with other functions in the company A6, using the production planning system A14, registering to BPOM A1, considering the quality of the packaging A5, and providing information production date and expiration date until it arrives at the consumer A3. When the sub criteria for product flexibility, production planning and management of human resources are increased in importance, the highest priority proposed improvement is to coordinate the logistics department with other functions in the firm A6. There are several scenarios to illustrate the determination of proposed improvement that should be implemented in accordance with the capabilities of the food SME. We provide templates for the proposed improvement selection that can be used for food SMEs. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Theresia Mayke Nindiya
"Ekonomi sirkular menjadi konsep yang potensial untuk diimplementasikan oleh UMKM di Indonesia karena lebih dekat dengan pengguna akhir yang berpotensi menghasilkan limbah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh sustainable supply chain management terhadap kapabilitas ekonomi sirkular UMKM pada dua industri prioritas, yaitu fesyen dan kosmetik. Sustainable supply chain management berfokus pada konsep green supply chain management, supply chain relationship management, serta sustainable supply chain design. Penelitian dilakukan kepada 72 UMKM di Pulau Jawa dan Bali yang telah menerapkan setidaknya satu dari tiga konsep 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle). Pemrosesan data pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan PLS-SEM. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa green supply chain management dan sustainable supply chain design secara langsung berpengaruh terhadap kapabilitas ekonomi sirkular sementara supply chain relationship management berpengaruh secara tidak langsung melalui sustainable supply chain design terhadap kapabilitas ekonom sirkular.

The circular economy can potentially be implemented by MSMEs in Indonesia because MSMEs are closer to end users who have the potential to generate waste. This study aims to determine the impact of sustainable supply chain management towards the circular economy capability in fashion and cosmetic industries. Sustainable supply chain management in this study focuses on green supply chain management, supply chain relationship management, and sustainable supply chain design. The study was conducted on 72 MSMEs in Java and Bali, Indonesia, which have implemented at least one of the reduce, reuse, recycle concept. This research uses PLS-SEM to analyze the data. The results show that green supply chain management and sustainable supply chain design directly affect the circular economy capability while supply chain relationships have an indirect effect through sustainable supply chain design on the circular economy capabilities."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Competition in the future is not company to company, but among supply chain to supply chain.
This study based on the fenomena that production process has result very much goods, the
problem about how to deliver goods or services to end customer with optimal and on time
delivery. Company, especially on small businesses must identify their intregration with supplier
and customer. The integration concern can be based on customer, supplier, or both. This
first study is to identify the type of integration among the small business. The second study
is to investigat the relationship between integration concern and corporate performance, and
finally the study is designed to understand differences among integration concern. Population
in this study is small businesses Semarang Municipality. Sample for this study are 59 small
businesses. Companies were selected by cluster sampling technique. Method of data is
collected by questioner given directly to company and deep interview with the owners. Analyze
used by descriptive analysis and Kruskal Wallis test. The result indicate that almost all the small
business have periphery facing integration. It means that small businesses have integration to
supplier and to customer. The other result of this study indicate that integrate the supply chain
have positive and significant effect on company performance"
330 EKOBIS 11:1 (2010)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pasaribu, Gabriel Mercy Tovano
Skripsi ini meneliti tentang pengaruh penerapan sejumlah aktivitas dalam green supply chain management (GSCM), terhadap operational performance dan supply chain performance pada Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) di JABODETABEK. Responden dari penelitian ini melibatkan 70 responden yang merupakan pemilik dan manajer dari UKM dengan bidang usaha umum yang berlokasi di JABODETABEK. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis data berupa Partial Least Square (PLS) dengan software SmartPLS versi 3. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah terdapat pengaruh positif dari aktivitas reverse logistics dan green manufacturing terhadap operational performance dan terdapat pengaruh positif dari operational performance terhadap supply chain performance. Selain itu hasil analisis turut menunjukkan adanya pengaruh langsung dari reverse logistics dan green manufacturing terhadap supply chain performance. Hasil ini menunjukkan perlu adanya perencanaan dan pemilihan atas aktivitas yang tepat dalam penerapan GSCM pada UKM di JABODETABEK, melalui penerapan aktivitas GSCM yang tepat pada kegiatan UKM dapat mempengaruhi secara positif performa dari operasional UKM, bahkan turut mempengaruhi secara langsung performa dari rantai pasokan UKM.

This thesis examines the effect of implementing a number of activities in green supply chain management (GSCM), on operational performance and supply chain performance in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in JABODETABEK. Respondents from this study involved 70 respondents who were owners and managers of SMEs with general business fields located in JABODETABEK. This research uses data analysis method in the form of Partial Least Square (PLS) with SmartPLS version 3. The results obtained are there are positive effects of the activities of reverse logistics and green manufacturing on operational performance and there is a positive effect of operational performance on supply chain performance. In addition, the results of the analysis also showed the direct influence of reverse logistics and green manufacturing on supply chain performance. These results indicate the need for planning and selection of appropriate activities in GSCM implementation for SMEs in JABODETABEK, through the application of appropriate GSCM activities in SME activities that can positively influence the performance of SME operations, and even directly influence the performance of SME supply chains.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pasaribu, Gabriel Mercy Tovano
"Skripsi ini meneliti tentang pengaruh penerapan sejumlah aktivitas dalam green supply chain management (GSCM), terhadap operational performance dan supply chain performance pada Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) di JABODETABEK. Responden dari penelitian ini melibatkan 70 responden yang merupakan pemilik dan manajer dari UKM dengan bidang usaha umum yang berlokasi di JABODETABEK. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis data berupa Partial Least Square (PLS) dengan software SmartPLS versi 3.
Hasil yang diperoleh adalah terdapat pengaruh positif dari aktivitas reverse logistics dan green manufacturing terhadap operational performance dan terdapat pengaruh positif dari operational performance terhadap supply chain performance. Selain itu hasil analisis turut menunjukkan adanya pengaruh langsung dari reverse logistics dan green manufacturing terhadap supply chain performance.
Hasil ini menunjukkan perlu adanya perencanaan dan pemilihan atas aktivitas yang tepat dalam penerapan GSCM pada UKM di JABODETABEK, melalui penerapan aktivitas GSCM yang tepat pada kegiatan UKM dapat mempengaruhi secara positif performa dari operasional UKM, bahkan turut mempengaruhi secara langsung performa dari rantai pasokan UKM.

This thesis examines the effect of implementing a number of activities in green supply chain management (GSCM), on operational performance and supply chain performance in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in JABODETABEK. Respondents from this study involved 70 respondents who were owners and managers of SMEs with general business fields located in JABODETABEK. This research uses data analysis method in the form of Partial Least Square (PLS) with SmartPLS version 3.
The results obtained are there are positive effects of the activities of reverse logistics and green manufacturing on operational performance and there is a positive effect of operational performance on supply chain performance. In addition, the results of the analysis also showed the direct influence of reverse logistics and green manufacturing on supply chain performance.
These results indicate the need for planning and selection of appropriate activities in GSCM implementation for SMEs in JABODETABEK, through the application of appropriate GSCM activities in SME activities that can positively influence the performance of SME operations, and even directly influence the performance of SME supply chains.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia , 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Dinda Halimah
"Salah satu penyumbang pencemaran lingkungan di negara berkembang adalah usaha mikro kecil dan menengah yang disebabkan oleh proses rantai pasok yang tidak ramah lingkungan. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai praktik green supply chain management (GSCM) terhadap kinerja lingkungan dan biaya operasional pada usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (UMKM) industri makanan dan minuman di Indonesia. Terutama untuk meneliti dengan adanya ecocentricity dan traceability rantai pasok yang memoderasi antara praktik GSCM dengan kinerja lingkungan dan biaya operasional. Metode judgement sampling digunakan dalam penelitian ini dan terdapat 93 responden yang berkontribusi. Kuesioner penelitian disebarkan secara daring dan data dianalisis dengan menggunakan pemodelan Partial Least Square-Structured Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa praktik green supply chain management memiliki hubungan yang signifikan terhadap kinerja lingkungan maupun biaya operasional UMKM industri makanan dan minuman di Indonesia. Ecocentricity rantai pasok memoderasi dalam hubungan praktik GSCM dengan kinerja lingkungan maupun biaya operasional. Namun, traceability rantai pasok tidak memoderasi dalam hubungan praktik GSCM dengan kinerja lingkungan maupun biaya operasional.

One of the contributors to environmental pollution in developing countries is micro, small, and medium enterprises caused by supply chain processes that are not environmentally friendly. This study discusses green supply chain management (GSCM) practices on environmental performance and operational costs in micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia's food and beverage industry. Especially to examine the existence of supply chain ecocentricity and traceability that moderates GSCM practices with environmental performance and operational costs. The judgment sampling method was used in this study, and 93 respondents contributed. Research questionnaires were distributed online, and data were analyzed using Partial Least Square-Structured Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The results of this study indicate that green supply chain management practices have a significant relationship to environmental performance and operational costs of MSMEs in the food and beverage industry in Indonesia. Supply chain ecocentricity moderates the relationship between GSCM practices, environmental performance, and operating costs. However, supply chain traceability does not moderate the relationship between GSCM practices, environmental performance, and operational costs."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adrian Haridz Susetyo

Dengan munculnya perjanjian liberalisasi perdagangan serta rencana komprehensif untuk UMKM di ASEAN seperti ASEAN Strategic Action Plan for SME Development 2016-2025, salah satu harapan dari UMKM di ASEAN adalah untuk lebih berpartisipasi dalam supply chain. Untuk mencapai hal tersebut karakteristik UMKM serta internasionalisasi dari UMKM yang berdampak positif terhadap kegiatan ekspor dan impor UMKM menjadi kunci untuk liberalisasi perdagangan untuk UMKM. Lima negara ASEAN dengan jumlah UMKM terbanyak yaitu Indonesia, Malaysia, Filipina, Thailand, dan Vietnam menjadi subjek penelitian ini. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menggunakan regresi cross section data survey pada tahun 2015, penulis menemukan beberapa karakteristik serta indikator internasionalisasi yang berhubungan positif dengan partisipasi dalam supply chain. Dalam sesama UMKM dalam ASEAN, jumlah pekerja masih berpengaruh terhadap partisipasi dalam supply chain. Tingkat kemampuan pekerja yang diukur melalui pendidikan dan pelatihan formal untuk pekerja ikut berpengaruh positif terhadap partisipasi dalam supply chain.  Akses kepada kredit juga berpengaruh sebagai karakteristik UMKM yang berpartisipasi dalam supply chain. Internasionalisasi UMKM di ASEAN melalui kepemilikan asing dan hasil produksi yang bersertifikasi ISO dan setara ikut berpengaruh positif terhadap partisipasi dalam supply chain.


With the emerging of trade liberalization agreements with comprehensive plans for ASEAN small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) such as ASEAN Strategic Action Plan for SME Development 2016-2025, the hopes for ASEAN SMEs is to participate more in supply chains. To achieve that the SMEs characteristics with the internationalization of the SMEs which have positive effects to the SMEs export and import activities become the key for trade liberalization for SMEs. Five ASEAN countries with the most amount of SMEs such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Filipina, Thailand, and Vietnam become the subject of this study. Based on the results of this study using cross section regression from survey data on 2015, the author found several characteristics and internationalization indicators that positively related with participation in supply chain. Among ASEAN SMEs, the number of worker still matter to participation in supply chains. The skill level of workers based on education and formal training also positively affects participation in supply chains. Furthermore, credit to access is positively affects participation in supply chain. Internationalization of ASEAN SMEs through foreign ownership and production output with ISO certification also positively affects participation in supply chain.


Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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