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Sumitra Reksanagara
"Upaya pencarian sumber energi menjadi perhatian pada dewasa ini, salah satu alternatif sumber energi yang cocok pada kondisi geografis Indonesia adalah teknologi sel surya berbasis sensitasi pewarna (DSSC).Dimana salah satu komponen penting dalam teknologi ini terbuat dari TiO2. Tingginya biaya proses pengolahan TiO2 sendiri menjadi salah satu penyebabmahalnya teknologi sel surya, untuk itu penelitian ini diadakan dengan mempertimbangkanmelimpahnya cadangan sumber daya alam Indonesia dan peluang untuk mengurangi biaya produksi. Penelitian ini menitik beratkan pada peninjauan proses pemisahan Ti yang terlarut dalam filtrat hasil proses hidrometalurgi dengan menggunakan metoda plasma non-termal. Untuk itu ilmenit disaring dahulu hingga mendapatkan ukuran sebesar 65 mesh. Setelah itu ilmenit di larutkan dengan menggunakan asam sulfat 50% 9Mpada150oC.Pelarutan ini bertujuan untuk memisahkan Ti dan Fe, dimana Femengendap dan Tilarut menjadi filtrat.Selanjutnyafiltrat dan endapan dipisahkan,endapan akan dikeringkan untuk dikarakterisasi sedangkan larutan dipersiapkan untukdiaplikasi plasma non-termal.Plasma non-termal yang digunakan adalah gas O3 hasil konversi dari O2 murni. Gas O3 ini akan menjadi katalis untuk reaksi antara ion Ti dalam larutan dengan ion O yang ada pada gas untuk mempresipitasi menjadi TiO2. Hasil optimum yang diperoleh dari perbedaan variabel laju alir (5, 10 dan 15 L/min) dari O2 menunjukkan titik optimum pada variabel 10 L/min, yang mencapai hasil % perolehan Ti paling tinggi yaitu 14.32%.

In this day, many efforts were take in order to search a new energy sources. One of alternative energy source that suitable to use in Indonesia geopraphical condition were Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC). Which one of it’s important component made from TiO2. The high expenses cost to process the TiO2 are one the factors that makes Solar Cells expensive, therefor this studyis held by considering the natural resources of Indonesia and a potential to reduce the production cost. This study is focusing to review a process to separate the dissolved Ti in the filtrate from hydrometallurgy processes with non-thermal plasma. Therefor, ilmenit screened beforehand until obtain similar size of 65 mesh. Then Ilmenit are leached with sulfuric acid 50% 9 M at 150oC. This leaching is aimed to separate Fe and Ti, where Fe are precipitated and Ti dissolved into the filtrate. Thereafter the filtrate and precipitates are separated, the precipitates will be dried and the filtrates will be applied by non-thermal plasma. The non-thermal plasma which is used from conversion result of pure O2 to O3. This O3 gas will become the catalyst for reaction between Ti ion in solution and O ion in gas to precipitated become TiO2.The optimum results obtained from difference in the O2 flow rate (5, 10 and 15 L/min) of O2 shown the optimum point on 10 L/min, that achieving a result of highest Ti % recovery which is 14.32%.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tanti Maryana Fenida
"Sumber daya alam banyak sekali digunakan dalam sintesis senyawa organik. Keterbatasan sumber daya alam yang tersedia menyebabkan pemakaian sumber daya alam beralih ke sumber daya alam yang dapat diperbaharui. Biomassa adalah sumber daya terbaharui yang dapat dihidrolisis untuk menghasilkan senyawa organik bernilai tinggi seperti asam levulinat. Hidrolisis biomassa pertama-tama akan menghasilkan antara lain glukosa yang selanjutnya terhidrolisis menghasilkan senyawa asam levulinat dan asam format. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan hidrolisis glukosa dengan katalis homogen (H2SO4), katalis heterogen (γ-Al2O3/SO4 2-), dan tanpa katalis sebagai pembanding. Katalis heterogen yang digunakan disintesis dari scrap aluminium kemudian dikarakterisasi dengan XRD, XRF, BET, dan FT-IR. Reaksi hidrolisis dilakukan pada suhu 140 ºC dengan variasi waktu yaitu 2 jam, 4 jam, dan 6 jam untuk reaksi dengan katalis homogen; 4 jam, 6 jam, dan 8 jam untuk reaksi dengan katalis heterogen dan reaksi tanpa katalis. Hasil hidrolisis dianalisis dengan HPLC. Dari hasil penelitian ini didapatkan asam levulinat pada reaksi hidrolisis 6 jam dengan katalis homogen sebanyak 2,93% . Untuk produk reaksi katalisis dengan γ-Al2O3/SO4 2- hanya dapat ditentukan banyaknya asam format yang terbentuk, sedangkan asam levulinat tidak terdeteksi karena teradsorpsi pada padatan katalis.

A lot of natural resources are used in the synthesis of organic compounds. Since the availabilities of some natural resources are limited, they are now replaced by the renewable resources. Renewable natural resources such as biomass can be hydrolyzed to produce high added-value organic compounds. At first, biomass is hydrolyzed to produce glucose and then is further hydrolyzed to produce levulinic acid and formic acid. In this research, the hydrolysis of glucose was conducted using sulfuric acid as homogeneous catalyst and γ-Al2O3/SO4 2- as heterogeneous catalyst. As a comparison, the hydrolysis reaction was also conducted without catalyst. The γ-Al2O3/SO4 2- catalyst was first synthesized from aluminium scraps and was characterized by XRD, XRF, BET, and FT-IR. The hydrolysis reactions were carried out at a temperature of 140 ºC and the reaction periods were varied 2 hours, 4 hours, and 6 hours for the homogeneous catalytic; 4 hours, 6 hours, and 8 hours for the heterogeneous catalytic reaction and the reaction without catalyst. The hydrolysis products were analyzed by HPLC. From the result of this study, 2,93% levulinic acid was produced after 6 hours in the hydrolysis reaction with sulfuric acid. By using heterogeneous catalyst only formic acid can be detected because of adsorption levulinic acid on the catalyst."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sitorus, Rudy Surya
"Pengembanganb ioetanol dari material lignoselulosaa dalah dengan mengkonversi seluruhp olisakariday ang ada menjadi monosakaridad enganm emanfaatkanb erbagai jenis enzim. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode steaming dan enzimatis. Steamingb ertujuanu ntuk menghilangkanli gnin yang dapatm enghambaat ksese nzim dalam memecah polisakarida menjadi monosakarida, sehingga menyebabkan hidrolisis tidak optimal.
Rumusan masalah dalam seminar ini antara lain, mencari waklu optimum yang diperlukan untuk melakukan hidrolisis, ukuran terbaik dari TKKS agar diperoleh glukosa terbanyak dari hasil hidrolisis, suhu optimum hidrolisis, dan yang terakhir adalah komposisi enzim yang terbaik pada saat hidrolisis.
Metode pengujian pada penelitian ini meliputi uji komposisi (uji lignin dan uji selulosa) dan uji kadar glukosa. % Glukosa tertinggi yang diperoleh dari hidrolisis enzim selobiase adalah pada kondisi suhu 50oC, pH 5 dan ukuran TKKS 63pM dengan o/o yield sebesar 6.808% dari berat kering TKKS dan untuk enzim selulase padak ondisi 37oC,p H 5 dan ukuranT KKS 63pM dengano/oyi eld sebesar1 3.693% dari 0.5 gr berat kering TKKS. Dan untuk kombinasi kedua enzim, % Glukosa tertinggi yang diperolehd ari kombinasie nzim selulased an enzim selobiased engan perbandingan2 :l yangm emberikano hy reld sebesar2 3.561% dari 0.5 g beratk ering TKKS.

Development of bioethanol from lignocellulosic materials is to convert all existing polysaciharidesi nto monosaccharidebsy utilizing various types of enzyrnes.ln this itudv using Steaming and enzymatic methods. Steaming aims to remove lignin, whiih can inhibit the accesso f enzymesi n the breakdowno f polysaccharidesin to monosaccharidesth, us causingh ydrolysisi s not optimal.
Formulation of the problem in this seminar, among others, to find the optimum time required to perform the hydrolysis, the best measure of glucose TKKS order to obtain most of the resultso f hydrolysis,t he optimum temperatureh ydrolysis,a nd the last is the best composition of the enzyme during hydrolysis.
Testing methods in the study include composition test (test of lignin and cellulose test) and test glucose levels. o/olltghest Glucose obtained from the enzyrne hydrolysis selobiaseis at 50oC temperaturec onditions,p H 5 and 63pM TKKS size with theo/o yield of 6808% of dry weight for the enzyme cellulase TKKS and conditions 37 " C, pH S and 63pM TKKS sizew ith theohy ield of 13 693% of 0.5 g dry weight TKKS. And for the combination of the two enzymes, the highest% Glucose obtained from the combinationo f cellulasee nzymesa nd enzymes elobiasea 2:l which gives%y ield of 23, 5610/for om 0. 5 g dry weight TKKS.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Yohana Tiovella
"Penambahan pati yang memiliki daya cerna rendah sebagai bahan fungsional sedang banyak dikembangkan karena kebutuhan masyarakat terkait bahan pangan sehat, terutama dengan kandungan kalori rendah dan serat tinggi. Pati tapioka dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan pengolahan makanan karena memiliki kejernihan pasta yang baik, dan rasanya yang hambar ketika dimasak. Namun, pati ini memiliki keterbatasan dari sifat fungsionalnya untuk digunakan dalam sistem makanan yaitu tidak tahan panas, dan kelarutan yang terbatas. Pati ini juga memiliki daya cerna yang tinggi. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan upaya modifikasi pati untuk mengubah sifat pati agar lebih dapat diaplikasikan sebagai bahan pengolahan makanan dan menurunkan daya cernanya. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan modifikasi kimia secara ikat silang dan hidrolisis suasana asam untuk mengamati perubahan sifat fungsional pati tapioka dan daya cerna. Agen ikat silang yang digunakan adalah campuran natrium trimetafosfat dan natrium tripolifosfat, serta dalam reaksi hidrolisis asam digunakan larutan asam klorida. Pati modifikasi dikarakterisasi menggunakan FTIR, XRD, dan SEM. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa modifikasi pati melalui reaksi hidrolisis suasana asam dan ikat silang dapat menurunkan daya cerna menjadi 28%. Modifikasi pati juga
merubah sifat fungsional pati. Pati modifikasi menunjukkan peningkatan kelarutan, stabilitas termal dan derajat kristalinitas, penurunan swelling power, viskositas dan kejernihan pasta.

Low digestibility starch addition as functional material is rapidly developed due to the society demand concerning healthy food material, especially those with low calorie and high fibre contents. Tapioca starch could be utilized as food processing material due its excellent pasta purity, and its tasteless when being cooked. Nevertheless, this kind of starch has limitation from its properties to be utilized in food system, such as its low
thermal resistance, and poor solubility. This starch also has high digestibility. Therefore, starch modification is necessary to increase its nature to be applied as food processing material and reducing its digestibility. In this research, cross-linking and acid hydrolysis chemical modifications were carried out to observe tapioca starch and digestibility functional natures. Cross-linking agent utilized were sodium trimetaphosphate and sodium tripolyphosphate, and acid hydrolysis reactions used hydrochloric acid. The modified starch is characterized using FTIR, XRD, and SEM. Result showed that starch
modification through acid hydrolysis and cross-linking reactions were better reducing digestibility into 28%. Starch modification also altered starch functional properties. Modification starch demonstrated increasing solubility, thermal stability, cristallinity, as well as decreasing swelling power, viscosity and pasta purity."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ilham Kurniawan Gumilang
"Selulosa mikrokristal memiliki banyak manfaat pada industri makanan, kosmetik, dan farmasi, salah satunya adalah untuk pembuatan tablet secara cetak langsung. Kebutuhan selulosa mikrokristal pada produksi obat di
Indonesia sebagian besar masih dipenuhi dengan cara impor yang berpengaruh pada mahalnya harga obat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan serbuk selulosa mikrokristal dari dua proses (A dan B), karakteristiknya, serta dibandingkan dengan selulosa mikrokristal komersial
(Avicel PH 101). Metode yang dilakukan pada proses A meliputi delignifikasi, isolasi, lalu hidrolisis dan pada proses B meliputi hidrolisis, delignifikasi, lalu isolasi. Identitas dari selulosa mikrokristal tidak terbentuk warna biru-ungu dengan uji iodin dan spektrum serapan IR yang mirip dengan standar. Didapatkan hasil pengamatan sampel A dan B berupa serbuk halus, tidak
berbau dan berasa. sampel A berwarna putih kekuningan, sampel B agak coklat. pH sampel; A = 5,5, B = 8,4. Sisa pemijaran sampel; A = 0,01%, B = 0,38%. kadar air sampel; A = 2,23%, B = 3,26%. Susut pengeringan sampel; A = 2,01%, B = 2,6%. Katagori aliran partikel sampel A = fair, B = poor. Pengaruh perlakuan awal biomassa serbuk bambu pada sampel B menunjukkan karakter yang tidak lebih baik dibandingkan dengan Sampel A dan standar Avicel PH 101.

Microcrystalline cellulose has many benefits in the food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries, one of which is to make direct press tablets. The need for microcrystalline cellulose in drug production in Indonesia is still largely met by imports which have an effect on the high price of drugs. The purpose of this study was to obtain microcrystalline cellulose powder from two processes (A and B), its characteristics, and compared with commercial microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel PH 101). The method carried out in process A includes delignification, isolation, then hydrolysis and in process B includes hydrolysis, delignification, then isolation. The identity of microcrystalline cellulose is not formed in blue-purple with iodine test and IR absorption spectrum similar to the standard. Obtained observations of samples A and B in the form of fine powder, odorless and tasteless. Sample A is yellowish white, sample B is rather brown. pH of the sample; A = 5.5, B = 8.4. Residue on ignition; A = 0.01%, B = 0.38%. Water content; A = 2.23%, B = 3.26%. Loss on drying; A = 2.01%, B = 2.6%. Flow character; A = fair, B = poor. The
effect of pretreatment of betung bamboo powder biomass in sample B showed a character that was no better than that of Sample A and the Avicel PH 101 standard."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadiem Anwar
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membandingkan efektivitas campuran enzim selulase kasar dari Trichoderma reesei
dan Aspergillus niger dengan selulase A. niger
komersial dari Fluka Biochemika serta mempelajari pengaruh
ratio enzim dengan substrat terhadap unjuk kerja hidrolisis. Enzim kasar dibuat dengan cara fermentasi padat dengan
media sederhana. Satu unit aktivitas selulase kasar dari
A. niger dicampur dengan dua unit aktivitas selulase kasar dari
T. reesei. Jerami padi yang akan dihidrolisis terlebih dahulu digiling dan diayak 120?140 mesh kemudian didelignifikasi
menggunakan larutan NaOH 2% selama 6 jam pada temperatur 85oC. Hidrolisis dilakukan dalam beaker glass 300 mL
yang dilengkapi dengan pengaduk bermotor. Sampel dianalisis menggunakan metoda dintrosalicylic acid. Hasil
percobaan menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan rasio enzim terhadap jerami padi dapat meningkatkan konsentrasi glukosa
yang dihasilkan baik untuk enzim komersial maupun campuran enzim kasar. Campuran enzim selulase kasar dari T.reesei dan A. niger
yang dihasilkan dari percobaan ini, dua kali lebih efektif menghidrolisis jerami padi menjadi glukosa dibandingkan dengan selulase komersial.

The objective of this work is to compare the effectiveness of mixed crude enzyme cellulase from T. reesei and A. niger with commercial enzyme from A. niger, and to investigate effect of
enzyme to substrate ratio to performance of enzymatic hydrolysis of rice straw. The commercial enzyme from Fluka
Biochemica was used, and crude enzyme were prepared by solid fermentation with simple media. Before hydrolized,
the rice straw was grinded and sieved and then heated at 85oC with 2% sodium hydroxide for six hours. Hydrolysis was
conducted in 300 mL beaker flask equipped with mechanical stirrer. Samples were analyzed by dinitrosalicylic acid
method and measured by spectrophotometer. Both of commercial and mixed crude enzyme show that, the higher
enzyme to substrate ratio was
higher the glucose concentration obtained. However, ratio of glucose obtained to enzyme
used become smaller. The mixture of crude enzyme from T. reesesi
dan A. niger that produced in this work was two fold more effective to hydrolyze rice straw than using cellulase enzyme of A. niger
from Fluka Biochemika. "
[Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat UI;Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember. Fakultas Teknologi Industri;Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember. Fakultas Teknologi Industri;Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember. Fakultas Teknologi Industri;Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember. Fakultas Teknologi Industri, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember. Fakultas Teknologi Industri], 2011
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aldhi Saputro
Penelitian ini bertujuan memanfaatkan selulosa dari limbah sekam padi menjadi kertas transparan sebagai pengganti substrat berbasis kaca pada aplikasi elektronik khususnya sel surya. Preparasi selulosa dari sekam padi dilakukan dengan metode perlakuan kimia awal menggunakan alkalinisasi dilanjutkan dengan pemutihan. Selulosa yang telah terisolasi dilanjutkan dengan perlakuan hidrolisis asam sulfat dan perlakuan mekanik penggilingan menggunakan blender konvensional. Mikro/nano selulosa terfibrilisasi difabrikasi menjadi kertas dengan teknik filtrasi vakum dilanjutkan pengeringan pada temperatur 90-100 oC selama 20-30 menit. Hasilnya dikarakterisasi dan dikomparasi untuk diketahui komposisi persenyawaan, morfologi permukaan, kristalinitas, perilaku termal dan opasitasnya. Hasil karakterisasi menunjukan perlakuan kimia awal alkalinisasi diikuti pemutihan mampu mengisolasi selulosa dari sekam padi. Hasil perlakuan mekanik penggilingan menunjukan waktu 30 menit merupakan parameter optimal untuk menghasilkan mikro selulosa terfibrilisasi dengan indeks kristalinitas yang tinggi sebesar 70,1 dan temperatur degradasi sebesar 320 oC. Sementara hasil perlakuan hidrolisis asam menunjukan konsentrasi asam sulfat 60 merupakan parameter optimal untuk menghasilkan mikro/nano selulosa terfibrilisasi dengan indeks kristalinitas tertinggi sebesar 73.5 dan temperatur degradasi sebesar 340 oC. Sedangkan hasil pengujian opasitas menunjukan perlakuan mekanik dengan waktu 20 menit menghasilkan transparansi tertinggi yaitu 5-6 dibandingkan dengan perlakuan lain. Namun, hasil tersebut masih tertinggal jauh dibandingkan dengan kaca silika dan polietilen tereftalat PET dari botol plastik.

The aims of this study to utilize cellulose from rice husk waste into transparent paper instead of glass based substrate for electronic applications, especially solar cells. Initial preparations were performed to isolate cellulose from rice husks. Cellulose preparation of rice husk was carried out by an initial chemical treatment method using alkalinization followed by bleaching. The isolated cellulose were treated by hydrolysis of sulfuric acid and mechanical grinding treatment using conventional blender. Micro nano fibrillated cellulose were fabricated into paper by vacuum filtration and drying at temperatures of 90 100 oC for 20 30 minute. All samples were characterized and comparable for known composition compounds, surface morphology, crystallinity, thermal behavior and opacity. The results showed that initials chemical treatments were able to isolate cellulose from rice husks. The results show the grinding mechanical treatment within 30 minutes is the optimal parameters for generating micro fibrillated cellulose with high crystallinity index by 70.1 and amounted degradation temperature resistance around 320 oC. While the result of acid hydrolysis treatment shows 60 sulfuric acid concentration is the optimal parameter to produce micro nano fibrillated cellulose with highest crystallinity index of 73.5 and degradation temperature resistance around 340 oC While the results of opacity testing showed mechanical treatment with a time of 20 minutes resulting in the highest transparency of 5 6 compared with other treatments. However, these results are still far behind compared with silica glass and polyethylene terephthalate PET from plastic bottles."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Protein hydrolysate was prepared from Paddy (Volvariella volvaceae
) mushroom. Hydrolysis uses commercially protease available Protamex ? with enzyme concentration of 0.1% (w/w). Hydrolysis was performed at three different temperatures (room temperature, 40 °C, and 50 °C) with different incubation periods (60, 90, and 120 minutes). Enzyme inactivation was done in 90 °C for 3 minutes. Yield and degree of hydrolysis ranged from 94.76% to 99.55% and
19.06% to 24.59%. Protein solubility was about 89?11,8%. The longer time of hydrolysis, the darker the color of protein hydrolysate. Protein hydrolysate which has hydrolysis at 50 °C for 120 minutes has the highest protein yield and the best sensory properties: 4.76 (taste liking), 3.68 (aroma liking), and 4.56 (overall liking). However, this protein hydrolysate has the potential for application as an ingredient in formulated diets."
[Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Jember. Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian], 2010
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Cassava pulp, a low cost solid byproduct of cassava starch industry, has been proposed as a high potential ethanolicfermentation substrate due to its high residual starch level, low ash content and small particle size of the lignocellulosic fibers. As the economic feasibility depends on complete degradation of the polysaccharides to fermentable glucose, the comparative hydrolytic potential of cassava pulp by six commercial enzymes were studied. Raw cassava pulp (12%
w/v, particle size <320 μm) hydrolyzed by both commercial pectinolytic (1) and amylolytic (2) enzymes cocktail, yielded 70.06% DE. Hydrothermal treatment of cassava pulp enhanced its susceptibility to enzymatic cleavageas compared to non-hydrothermal treatment raw cassava pulp. Hydrothermal pretreatment has shown that a glucoamylase (3) was the most effective enzyme for hydrolysis process of cassava pulp at temperature 65°C or 95°C for 10 min and
yielded approximately 86.22% and 90.18% DE, respectively. Enzymatic pretreatment increased cassava pulp vulnerability to cellulase attacks. The optimum conditions for enzymatic pretreatment of
30% (w/v) cassava pulp by a potent cellulolytic/ hemicellulolytic enzyme (4) was achieves at 50 °C for 3, meanwhile for liquefaction and
saccharification by a thermo-stable α-amylase (5) was achieved at 95°C for 1 and a glucoamylase (3) at 50°C for 24 hours, respectively, yielded a reducing sugar level up to 94,1% DE. The high yield of glucose indicates the potential use of enzymatic-hydrothermally treated cassava pulp as a cheap substrate for ethanol production."
[Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember. Fakultas Teknologi Industri], 2011
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Noer Indrati
"Sugar is a very important carbon and energy source for human. The
local production of sugar in indonesia is not adequate and alternative
sources should be found. Microorganisms (Bacillus amyfoiiquefaciens, B. Iicheniformis, B. cereus, B. circulans, B. megaterium, B. polymyxa, B. stearothermophilus, Pyrococcus woeseg P. furiosus, Clostndium thermosulfurogenes, C. thermohydrosulfuricum, Aspergillus awamorL A. nigen A. oryzae, A. saitoil Mucor rouxianus, Penicillium oxalicum, Rhizopus deleman Aerobacter aerogenes, and Streptomyces) are known as producer ot on-amylase, glucoamylase, and pullulanase enzymes through of starch fermentation which may be converted into a sugar compound. A preliminary study on endophytic bacteria proved their ability to grow on soluble starch, glutinous rice, and pullulan. Pullulanase convert pullulan to maltotriosa. This enzyme may work synergistically with on-amylase and with glucoamylase for a better conversion of starch to glucose. An endophytic bacteria lCMe3 obtained from the Research and Development Centre for Biotechnology LIP! at Cibinong, Bogor was examined on its ability to produce pullulanse _ For this purpose, soluble starch 1%, cassava starch 1%, and pullulan 1% (all wlv), were used as carbon and energy source in Bakshi medium (Bakshi etal., 1993). The concentration of the inoculum_was 1.25 x 10° cells/ml. Incubation was carried out at : 30°C (room temperature) and 37°C (Mapiliandari, 1999), at pH 7.0 (Bakshi et al., 1993) and pH 5.0 (Mapiliandari, 1999). The fermentation process was terminated after 24 - 26 hours. The growth of lCNle3 varied depending on carbon source, temperature, and pH. The best growth was found on pullulan at pH 7.0 and incubation temperature of of 30°C . However, when the pH of the medium was lowered to 5.0 (Mapiliandari, 1999) and the incubation temperature 30°C a higher cell number (79.5) x 108 cells/ml was obtained on pullclan as carbon source. The bacteri was grown on cassava starch medium and the pullulanase activity studied. The synergism of pullulanase with amylase and with glucoamylase to degrade cassava starch was also studied. To obtain the crude enzyme extract, the cell mass was centrifuged with a Sorval RC - 26 Plus centrifuge. The Hltrate was then concentrated with UHF, sedimented with (NH4)2SO4, and dialized with buffer Na-acetat (pH 4.8). Activity of the crude enzyme was examined on cassava starch and on
pullulan. The unit activity of enzyme was 1.374 U/ml on cassava starch,
1.290 U/ml on pullulan, and the protein content was 0.039 mglml. The activity of the crude enzyme, after treatment with UHF, was 2.225 U/ml for pullulan, 2.527 U/mt for cassava starch, and the protein content was 0.014 mg/ml. The activity of the crude enzyme obtained after sedimentation with 60% saturation of (NH4)2SO4, was 1.156 U/ml for pullulan, 1.162 U/mi for cassava starch, the protein content 0.579 mg/ml. After dialysed with buffer Na-acetate (pH 4.8) the activity was 6.25 U/ml for pullulan, 6.45 U/ml for cassava starch with the protein content of 2.997 mg/ml. To study the optimum pH and temperaturefor the enzyme production, the isolate iCMe3 was grown on Bakshi medium with various pHs, : 4.0, 4.5, 4.8, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0 and incubated at various temperatures 30°C, 40°C 50°C, 60°C, 70°C, 80°C, 90°C. The optimum pH for enzyme sinthesis on puliulan was 5.0 (4.81 U/ml) and on cassava starch 4.8 (13.27 U/ml). The optimum temperature for enzyme synthesis on pullulan was 40°C (26416 U/ml) and on cassava starch 50°C (22.34 U/ml). The best synergism of pullulanase with on-amylase for both C sources was 25% (dilution of enzyme), while the synergism with glucoamylase was 100% for pulluian and 50% for cassava starch to convere the starch (pullulanand cassava starch) glucose."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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