A policewoman is a woman who has multitasking and has a feminine spirit capable of carrying out her duties as a leader in the police. Are policewomen able to carry out their duties as well as male police officers in carrying out their duties. How the policewoman's leadership is faced with the challenge of a task that has firmness and courage but still fits her nature as a woman. For that researchers are interested in taking this title.
This study has the intents and purpose to obtain an overview of the performance of policewomen's professionalism as leaders in the operational function units of the Bogor Police and obtain an overview of the factors that influence the views of members of the operational function units on the leadership of policewomen at the Bogor Police. The method used is descriptive analysis method. The results showed that the views of members of the function unit towards the leadership of the policewomen who served in the operational function of the Bogor Police were quite good and it was deemed necessary to properly place female police officers in accordance with their competence, performance and discipline."
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pemberdayaan Polisi Wanita (Polwan) sebagai Tim Negosiator dalam melaksanakan unsur tugas pengendalian massa dari fungsi teknis Shabara dan mengetahui dampak dari pemberdayaan Polisi Wanita Tim Negosiator. Metode yang digunakan adalah menggunakan metode kualitatif yang dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan sumber data primer dan sekunder pada dokumen, terkait dengan Tim Negosiator dan Polwan yang berpengalaman bertugas sebagai Tim Negosiator, untuk melihat praktik patriarki dalam pekerjaan maskulin seperti Polri sebagai strategi pengendalian massa. Pada penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa terdapat dampak dari pemberdayaan perempuan Polisi Wanita sebagai Tim Negosiator yang merupakan implikasi dari gender dan negosiasi sebagai strategi pengendalian massa yang berdampak pada kekerasan terhadap perempuan yang dilakukan oleh massa dan Polri. Dalam pembahasannya, peneliti menggunakan 7 (tujuh) prinsip pemberdayaan perempuan, Broken Window Theory serta gender dan negosiasi dengan didukung oleh konsep lainnya yang berkaitan.
Kata kunci : Polisi Wanita; Tim Negosiator; Fungsi Teknis Sabhara; Gender
ABSTRACTThis research aims to analyze empowerment of Women Police (Polwan) as negotiator team on the implementation of crowd-control duty as technical function of Sabhara, and also to analyze the impact of the empowerment of Women Police as Negotiator Team. The research is done with qualitative-approach analysis method that was done by collecting primary and secondary data sources on documents related to the Negotiator Team and Polwan who has experience on becoming Negotiator Team, to see patriarchal practices in masculine work such as the National Police as a crowd-control strategy. It has been found in this research that there is an impact on the women empowerment of Women Police as Negotiator Team of crowd-control strategy of Polri (Indonesian National Police). Women Police as a Negotiator Team which was the implication of gender and negotiation as crowd-control strategy that had an impact on violence against women by the masses and the Polri. On the discussion, researcher uses 7 (seven) principal of women empowerment, Broken Window Theory as well as gender and negotiations concept that are supported by other related concepts.
Keywords: Women Police, Negotiator Team, Technical Function of Sabhara, Gender.