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"Selected research work conducted by the Indonesian Ministry for Research and Technology"
Jakarta: Kementerian Ristek, 2003
600 PRO
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yohanes Febrientama Yubilianto
"Riset di Indonesia sampai saat ini masih dihadapkan pada sederet permasalahan krusial seputar kualitas, kapasitas, dan kelembagaan riset hingga membuat Indonesia hanya menduduki peringkat ke-75 dari 132 negara pada Global Innovation Index 2022. Dalam rangka memajukan iptek dan sekaligus menjawab permasalahan tersebut, telah dikeluarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2019 tentang Sistem Nasional Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi yang mengatur pembentukan Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN) untuk menjalankan penelitian, pengembangan, pengkajian, penerapan, invensi, dan inovasi yang terintegrasi. Sejak awal, BRIN didesain untuk mengintegrasikan litbangjirap yang sumber dayanya tersebar dan pengelolaannya karut-marut akibat miskoordinasi, diskoneksi, dan tumpang tindih riset. Peraturan Presiden Nomor 78 Tahun 2021 tentang Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional lalu mengatur pengintegrasian litbangjirap sebagai peleburan tugas, fungsi, kewenangan, dan kelembagaan litbangjirap K/L menjadi satu atap di bawah BRIN. Dalam praktiknya, ditemukan banyak permasalahan terkait kelembagaan BRIN. Maka dari itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis kedudukan BRIN, penerapan asas-asas umum pemerintahan yang baik (AUPB) dalam pembentukan dan pengaturan kelembagaan BRIN, dan komparasi BRIN dengan UK Research and Innovation di Inggris Raya dan Agency for Science, Techology and Research di Singapura. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode yuridis normatif melalui studi kepustakaan, analisis putusan judicial review, wawancara narasumber, dan studi komparasi antara regulasi Indonesia dengan Inggris Raya dan Singapura. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa BRIN adalah lembaga superbody riset di Indonesia karena menjadi satu-satunya lembaga pemerintah yang secara sekaligus membuat kebijakan, mengimplementasikan, dan mengontrol jalannya riset. Asas kepentingan umum dan asas pelayanan yang baik sebagai AUPB ditemukan belum BRIN terapkan secara optimal. Komparasi BRIN dengan UKRI dan A*STAR menunjukkan adanya pengaturan dan prinsip yang dapat diadopsi, yakni Prinsip Haldane, check and balance kelembagaan riset, dan perencanaan tersistematis untuk kebijakan dan alokasi anggaran riset. Penelitian ini juga menemukan adanya krisis kepemimpinan dan politisasi riset di BRIN yang secara mendesak memerlukan perhatian khusus stakeholder terkait.

Research in Indonesia is still faced with a series of crucial issues surrounding research quality, capacity, and institutions, making Indonesia only ranked 75th out of 132 countries in the Global Innovation Index 2022. In order to advance science and technology and at the same time answer these problems, Law Number 11 of 2019 on National System of Science and Technology was issued which regulates the establishment of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) to carry out integrated research, development, assessment, application, invention, and innovation. From the beginning, BRIN was designed to integrate R&D whose resources are scattered and whose management is chaotic due to miscoordination, disconnection, and overlapping research. Presidential Regulation Number 78 of 2021 on National Research and Innovation Agency then regulates the integration of R&D as the consolidation of tasks, functions, authorities, and institutions of R&D into one roof under BRIN. In practice, many problems were found related to the BRIN institution. Therefore, this research was conducted to analyse the position of BRIN, the application of general principles of good governance in the establishment and institutional arrangements of BRIN, and a comparison of BRIN with UK Research and Innovation in the United Kingdom and the Agency for Science, Technology and Research in Singapore. The research method used is the normative juridical method through literature study, analysis of judicial review decision, resource person interviews, and comparative studies between Indonesian regulations with the United Kingdom and Singapore. This research found that BRIN is a research superbody institution in Indonesia because it is the only government institution that simultaneously makes policy, implements, and controls research. The principle of public interest and the principle of good service were found not to be optimally applied by BRIN. A comparison of BRIN with UKRI and A*STAR shows that there are arrangements and principles that can be adopted, namely the Haldane Principle, checks and balances of research institutions, and systematic planning for research policy and budget allocation. This research also found a crisis of leadership and politicisation of research at BRIN that urgently requires special attention from relevant stakeholders."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Djoko Rahardjo
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1999
610.72 DJO p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
A. Aziz Alimul Hidayat
Jakarta: Salemba Medika, 2003
610.7 AZI r
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Pusat Penelitian Kebijakan dan Inovasi Pendidikan, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2008
370.959 8 IND r
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yogi Sugito
"buku ini membahas tentang metodologi penelitian untuk suatu karya yang membutuhkan penelitian secara efektif dan baik."
Malang: UB Press, 2013
001.42 YOG m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Russell, Richard Joel
Jakarta: May, 1960
001.4 RUS p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gusta Ardianto
Birokrasi pemerintah di Indonesia saat ini masih kurang dipercaya oleh publik sebagai penopang keberlanjutan pembangunan dan peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Hal ini tentu diperlukan aksi nyata dari Pemerintah dengan memperkuat dan membangun kepercayaan masyarakat kembali terhadap Birokrasi pemerintah. Perkuatan birokrasi di Indonesia hanya dapat dicapai apabila Pemerintah memiliki komitmen yang kuat untuk melakukan Reformasi Birokrasi.
Reformasi birokrasi dilaksanakan salah satunya melalui reformasi dari aparatur sipil negara, karena aparatur sipil negara memiliki kedudukan dan peranan yang sangat penting dalam penyelenggaraan fungsi pemerintahan. Arti penting dari reformasi dari aparatur sipil negara tersebut dikaitkan dengan pengisian jabatan strategis yang diisi oleh Pegawai Negeri Sipil. Jabatan yang sangat strategis dalam pelaksanaan reformasi birokrasi terkait aparatur sipil negara adalah Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Aparatur Sipil Negara. Pelaksanaan pengisian jabatan pimpinan tinggi aparatur sipil negara telah dilaksanakan dengan secara terbuka dan kompetitif di kalangan Pegawai Negeri Sipil sebagaimana prinsip transparansi sehingga Reformasi Birokrasi di Indonesia dapat terlaksana.

Bureaucracy in Indonesia still less trusted by the public as the support of sustainable development and improving people's welfare. It is certainly necessary real action from the Government to strengthen and build public confidence back to the government bureaucracy . Retrofitting bureaucracy in Indonesia can only be achieved if the government has a strong commitment to do Reforms.
Bureaucratic reforms implemented one of them through the reform of the civil apparatus , because state civil apparatus has a position and a very important role in the implementation of governmental functions . The significance of the reform of the civil apparatus associated with filling strategic positions filled by Civil Servants. Strategic positions in the bureaucracy reform related civil apparatus is a high position of civil apparatus. The implementation of charging high positions of the Civil Apparatus at government agencies has been implemented in an open and competitive of the Civil Servants as the principle of transparency so Reforms in Indonesia can be accomplished.;Bureaucracy in Indonesia still less trusted by the public as the support of sustainable development and improving people's welfare. It is certainly necessary real action from the Government to strengthen and build public confidence back to the government bureaucracy . Retrofitting bureaucracy in Indonesia can only be achieved if the government has a strong commitment to do Reforms.
Bureaucratic reforms implemented one of them through the reform of the civil apparatus , because state civil apparatus has a position and a very important role in the implementation of governmental functions . The significance of the reform of the civil apparatus associated with filling strategic positions filled by Civil Servants. Strategic positions in the bureaucracy reform related civil apparatus is a high position of civil apparatus. The implementation of charging high positions of the Civil Apparatus at government agencies has been implemented in an open and competitive of the Civil Servants as the principle of transparency so Reforms in Indonesia can be accomplished.;Bureaucracy in Indonesia still less trusted by the public as the support of sustainable development and improving people's welfare. It is certainly necessary real action from the Government to strengthen and build public confidence back to the government bureaucracy . Retrofitting bureaucracy in Indonesia can only be achieved if the government has a strong commitment to do Reforms.
Bureaucratic reforms implemented one of them through the reform of the civil apparatus , because state civil apparatus has a position and a very important role in the implementation of governmental functions . The significance of the reform of the civil apparatus associated with filling strategic positions filled by Civil Servants. Strategic positions in the bureaucracy reform related civil apparatus is a high position of civil apparatus. The implementation of charging high positions of the Civil Apparatus at government agencies has been implemented in an open and competitive of the Civil Servants as the principle of transparency so Reforms in Indonesia can be accomplished., Bureaucracy in Indonesia still less trusted by the public as the support of sustainable development and improving people's welfare. It is certainly necessary real action from the Government to strengthen and build public confidence back to the government bureaucracy . Retrofitting bureaucracy in Indonesia can only be achieved if the government has a strong commitment to do Reforms.
Bureaucratic reforms implemented one of them through the reform of the civil apparatus , because state civil apparatus has a position and a very important role in the implementation of governmental functions . The significance of the reform of the civil apparatus associated with filling strategic positions filled by Civil Servants. Strategic positions in the bureaucracy reform related civil apparatus is a high position of civil apparatus. The implementation of charging high positions of the Civil Apparatus at government agencies has been implemented in an open and competitive of the Civil Servants as the principle of transparency so Reforms in Indonesia can be accomplished.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novi Budianti
Produksi dan pemanfaatan hasil penelitian, untuk menjadi bukti dan dasar kebijakan kesehatan, merupakan komponen penting penguatan sistem penelitian kesehatan dan sistem kesehatan nasional. Rekomendasi stakeholder pun telah dijadikan indikator kinerja Kementerian Kesehatan di bidang litbang meski beberapa riset berskala nasional seperti Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas), telah berhasil mendukung kebijakan kesehatan, namun pemanfaatan hasil penelitian sebagai dasar penyusunan kebijakan kesehatan, khususnya dalam pencegahan stunting, masih belum dapat diidentifikasi. Padahal stunting ini telah menjadi isu kebijakan kesehatan sebagaimana diamanatkan Presiden RI pada saat pembukaan Rakerkesnas 2017. Sebanyak 12 policy brief dihasilkan di tahun 2017, namun hanya 2 yang dapat diadvokasikan. Sementara itu, Badan Litbang Kesehatan sedang mengembangkan inovasi bernama 'Poros Kebijakan'. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi pemanfaatan rekomendasi kebijakan hasil litbang kesehatan dalam rangka kebijakan berbasis bukti dengan menggunakan model implementasi kebijakan Van Meter Van Horn. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan teknik WM dan telaah dokumen. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa penggunaan rekomendasi kebijakan dalam bentuk policy brief masih minim, terjadi ketidaksinkronan antar dasar hukum terkait sehingga tujuan kebijakan tidak tercapai, belum adanya pedoman yang mengatur mekanisme pelaksanaan, belum adanya insentif khusus terkait kebijakan, rendahnya kapasitas pelaku kebijakan, terjadi ketidakharmonisan hubungan dengan salah satu stakeholder program stunting, belum adanya jejaring dan forum khusus stunting, terjadi perbedaan persepsi dan penolakan dari salah seorang stakeholder, dan terdapat dukungan LIPI serta Bappenas meski belum optimal. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa implementasi pemanfaatan rekomendasi kebijakan hasil litbang kesehatan (policy brief) dalam rangka kebijakan berbasis bukti belum optimal. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilanjutkan inovasi poros kebijakan dengan mempertimbangkan hal-hal berikut: telaah dan sinkronisasi seluruh peraturan induk dan turunan, perencanaan dan pelaksanaan pelatihan untuk semua peneliti dan pelaku advokasi, menyusun tata hubungan kerja baik di dalam Badan Litbang Kesehatan maupun dalam Kementerian Kesehatan, menjadikan PADK sebagai mitra kerja dengan 2 opsi, meningkatkan sosialisasi, dan advokasi lintas sektor (Bappenas, KSP, Kemenko PMK, LIPI, dan KemenPAN) terkait pemanfaatan rekomendasi kebijakan hasil
litbang kesehatan dalam rangka kebijakan berbasis bukti pencegahan stunting.

The production and utilization of research results, to be evidence and basis of health policy, is an important component of strengthening the health research system and the national health system. Policy recommendations of research and development results advocated to stakeholders have also been used as performance indicators of the Ministry of Health in the field of health research and development in the Ministry of Health's Strategic Plan 2015-2019. Although some national-scale researches such as Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) have been successful in supporting health policies, the utilization of research results as a basis for the preparation of health policies, particularly in the prevention of stunting, remains unidentified. Whereas this stunting has become a health policy issue as mandated by the President of the Republic of Indonesia at the opening of Rakerkesnas 2017. A total of 12 policy briefs are produced in 2017, but only 2 can be advocated. Meanwhile, the National Health Institute of Research and Developments is developing innovation called 'Policy Axis'. This study aims to analyze the implementation of the utilization of policy recommendations of health research and development results in the framework of evidence-based policies using Van Meter Van Horn policy implementation model. This research uses qualitative method with indepth interview technique and document study. The result of the research shows that the use of policy recommendation in the form of policy brief is still minimal, there is a lack of synchrony between related legal basis so that the policy objectives are not achieved, the lack of guidance which regulate the implementation mechanism, the absence of special incentive related to policy, the low capacity of policy actors, rejection form one of the stakeholders of the stunting program, the lack of network and special forum stunting, there is a difference of perception and rejection from one of the stakeholders, and there is support of LIPI and Bappenas although not yet optimal. So it can be concluded that the implementation of policy recommendation of policy research and development results (policy brief) in the context of evidence-based policy stunting prevention is not optimal. Therefore, it is necessary to continue the innovation of the policy axis by considering the following points : to synchronize all the key rules and derivations, planning and implementation of training for all researchers and advocates, to set up working relationships both within the Health Research Agency and the Ministry of Health, to make PADK as a partner with 2 options, promote socialization, and cross-sectoral advocacy (Bappenas, KSP, Kemenko PMK, LIPI, and KemenPAN) on the use of health research and development policy recommendations in the context of stunting prevention evidence-based policy."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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