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Lusiana Idawati
Disertasi ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari kelindan antara kaidah proporsi matematis, seni, dan takhingga melalui telaah irisan kencana (golden section) dalam dialektika seni. Berawal dari argumentasi ontologis seni, ditemukan bahwa keindahan seni terletak pada ketepatan hubungan-hubungan proporsional antara gagasan dan bentuk. Melalui telaah dialektis irisan kencana dalam langgam-langgam seni pada estetika Hegel ? seni simbolik, seni klasik, dan seni romantik ? dibuktikan bahwa irisan kencana adalah wujud universal konkret hubungan-hubungan proporsional antara gagasan dan bentuk sebagai keseluruhan dan bagian. Perkembangan irisan kencana dalam dialektika seni merupakan wujud dialektika kesadaran dalam memahami takhingga dalam seni. Ketika kesadaran mampu mewujudkan kesatuan antara isi rohani seni dan rupa artistiknya dengan hubungan-hubungan proporsional layaknya, ketika itulah ananta ? sebagai takhingga sejati ? dalam seni terwujud.

This dissertation studies the connection among mathematical systems of proportion, art, and the infinite through the study of the golden section in the dialectics of art. Started with an ontological perspective of art, it is found that the beauty of art lies in the precision of the proportional relationships between its idea and form. Through the dialectical study of the golden section in Hegel?s types of art ? symbolic art, classical art, and romantic art ? it is proven that the golden section is a concret universal manifestation of the proportional relationships between idea and form as the whole and the part. The development of the golden section concept in the dialectics of art also reveals the dialectics of consciousness in its effort to grasp the infinite in art. When consciousness is finally able to manifest the unity of the idea and its artistic shape in its proper proportional relationships, the true infinite in art becomes concrete."
Depok: 2011
UI - Disertasi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lusiana Idawati
Disertasi ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari kelindan antara kaidah proporsi matematis, seni, dan takhingga melalui telaah irisan kencana (golden section) dalam dialektika seni. Berawal dari argumentasi ontologis seni, ditemukan bahwa keindahan seni terletak pada ketepatan hubungan-hubungan proporsional antara gagasan dan bentuk. Melalui telaah dialektis irisan kencana dalam langgam-langgam seni pada estetika Hegel ? seni simbolik, seni klasik, dan seni romantik ? dibuktikan bahwa irisan kencana adalah wujud universal konkret hubungan-hubungan proporsional antara gagasan dan bentuk sebagai keseluruhan dan bagian. Perkembangan irisan kencana dalam dialektika seni merupakan wujud dialektika kesadaran dalam memahami takhingga dalam seni. Ketika kesadaran mampu mewujudkan kesatuan antara isi rohani seni dan rupa artistiknya dengan hubungan-hubungan proporsional layaknya, ketika itulah ananta ? sebagai takhingga sejati ? dalam seni terwujud.

This dissertation studies the connection among mathematical systems of proportion, art, and the infinite through the study of the golden section in the dialectics of art. Started with an ontological perspective of art, it is found that the beauty of art lies in the precision of the proportional relationships between its idea and form. Through the dialectical study of the golden section in Hegel?s types of art ? symbolic art, classical art, and romantic art ? it is proven that the golden section is a concret universal manifestation of the proportional relationships between idea and form as the whole and the part. The development of the golden section concept in the dialectics of art also reveals the dialectics of consciousness in its effort to grasp the infinite in art. When consciousness is finally able to manifest the unity of the idea and its artistic shape in its proper proportional relationships, the true infinite in art becomes concrete."
Depok: 2011
UI - Disertasi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bambang Wibawarta
"Bushido is most often translated as the way of the warrior caste in Japan. Bushi
refers to warriors in feudal Japan while do means several things including: the correct way,
the path, or the road. Another interpretation of Bushido could be the way of preserving peace
through the use of force. Bushido comes out of Buddhism, Confucianism, and Shintoism. The
combination of these schools of thought and religions has formed the code of warrior values
known as Bushido. A key to our understanding of how the concepts of Bushido fit into Japanese
modern lives is to understand the historical and societal aspects of Bushido. Today, this meaning
can be modernized to include minimizing violent conflict. The code of Bushido, the Samurai's
code of honor, upholds loyalty, discipline, total dedication, honor and valor, and numerous
examples of these elements can be witnessed today or in recent history."
University of Indonesia, Faculty of Humanities, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Susi Fitria Dewi
"Land is a society?s potent symbol of wealth, social power, and culture. A long time ago, when extensive jungles and forests still abounded, there were probably no serious conflicts over land ownership. Groups were free to roam about and to open up land to extend their farming area in accordance to their needs. Groups in society marked the land they had cultivated to proclaim their ownership. These marks could be very simple and could simply be a tree, a big stone, or a piece of iron hammered into the soil, or they used the physical condition of the land itself such as rivers, lakes, hills etcetera as borders to distinguish their land from that of others. Minangkabau traditional society never recorded these borders in writing on paper, leaves, or stones or any other means as many peoples in other parts of the world do. Rather, they deemed it sufficient to use natural symbols to demarcate the important agreements they had made between them orally."
University of Indonesia, Faculty of Humanities, 2010
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Masitha Achmad Syukri
"Studi kasus ini bertujuan untuk memerikan dan menjelaskan karakteristik bahasa sang ibu (BSI) kepada anak usia satu, tiga, dan lima tahun dalam pemerolehan bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris. Dalam penelitian untuk bahasa Indonesia data yang digunakan adalah data primer yang diperoleh dengan merekam percakapan diadik antara orang dewasa dan anak selama 60 menit dan data sekunder untuk bahasa Inggris.
Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa BSI penutur bahasa Indonesia, baik dari keluarga batih maupun dari keluarga luas banyak menggunakan kalimat yang panjang-panjang, tidak tertata apik, dan tidak gramatikal. Hasil tersebut sesuai dengan pandangan Chomsky (1965) mengenai sifat masukan bahasa yang diterima anak. Jadi, hasil tersebut tidak mendukung motherese hypothesis yang diasumsikan sebagai karakteristik tuturan orang dewasa penutur bahasa Inggris. Akan tetapi, dalam hal dominasi nomina dan keberlewahan dalam BSI, data yang ada mendukung motherese hypothesis. Terjadinya penyelarasan kompleksitas kalimat sesuai dengan usia anak juga mendukung fine-tuning hypothesis tetapi hal itu semata-mata untuk tujuan berkomunikasi, bukan untuk mengajarkan bahasa kepada anak.
Sementara itu, ayah dan saudara kandung penutur BSI bahasa Indonesia tampak sangat responsif terhadap anak. Hasil tersebut berbeda dengan temuan berbagai studi yang dilakukan pada penutur bahasa Inggris. Jadi, studi ini juga dapat dikatakan tidak mendukung father bridge hypothesis dan sibling bridge hypothesis. Hal itu terkait erat dengan faktor budaya dalam masyarakat timur dan masyarakat barat serta konteks percakapan. Kesamaan karakteristik dalam beberapa aspek tertentu yang diperoleh dalam BSI dari ibu, BSI dari ayah, dan BSI dari saudara kandung pada kedua bahasa menunjukkan keuniversalan karakteristik BSI.

This case study aimed at describing and explaining the characteristics of speech directed to the children at the ages of one, three, and five years old in Indonesian and English acquisition. This research used primary data for Indonesian language collected by recording dyadic conversation between adult and child for 60 minutes and secondary data for English.
The result showed that Indonesian speakers from both nuclear family and extended family frequently used long, degenerate, and ungrammatical sentences. This finding led to support to Chomsky's views (1965) on the nature of the language input that children receive. It did not, however, support the motherese hypothesis assumed to be the characteristics of English adult's speech addressed to child, except with regard to the dominant use of nouns and the redundancy. This study also found that adults adjusted the sentence complexity in their speech directed to child. This supported fine-tuning hypothesis. It was highly likely that this was done in the natural course of communication and not in order to give language teaching to the child. Indonesian fathers and siblings also appeared to be very responsive to the child. This finding differed from studies done with English speaking people and so did not support either the father bridge or sibling bridge hypothesis.
It was concluded that it was dependent on the cultural aspects of both eastern and western society and the context of conversation. The universality of CDS was revealed by the same characteristics in the certain aspects found in mother, father, and sibling's speech in both languages."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jayapura: Kibas Cenderawasih, 2018
JIKK 15:2 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Rongga is Austronesian language spoken by a minority group of 5.000 speakers in the Regency of East Manggarai at the border with Ngadha, Flores, East Nusa Tenggara Province. In the sociolinguistic context of diglossia in Indonesia, Rongga is highly disadvantaged. This Paper report the finding on loan words in Rongga showing a one-way influence and presure from Indonesian to Rongga. Two prominent linguistic features of Ronnga relevant for the feature of open syllable with certain unique phonemes characterising Rongga phonology. The discussion on the theoretical and practical implications of this preliminary study in terms of processes of language contact, multilingualism and endangerment is also given."
LIND 27:2 (2009)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yundi Fitrah
"Tulisan ini menguraikan warna budaya Batak Angkola dalam novel Azab dan Sengsara. Sejak sastra Indonesia lahir, warna budaya selalu memperkayanya, warna-warna budaya ini khususnya tampak dalam novel. Demikian juga novel Azab dan Sengsara karya Merari Siregar yang diwarnai oleh budaya Batak Angkola. Warna budaya Batak Angkola dalam novel tersebut, seperti kedudukan marga dan sistem pengaturannya, tradisi martandang (berkunjung ke rumah gadis), kepercayaan terhadap dukun dan arwah manusia yang meninggal dan sistem pembagian harta warisan.
This writing tells about the variation of Bataknese cultural of Angkola on torture and misery novel. Since Indonesia literature was born. The variation of culture always enrich it. The variation of culture especially visible on novel, the some likes torture and misery in Merari Siregar which is coloured by Bataknese of Angkola. The variation of Bataknese culture of Angkola on the novel, such as position of clan and the system of arrangement, tradition of martandang (visiting to girl?s house), belief to native doctor and soul of human being that was die, and the system of division of belongings."
Universitas Jambi. Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, 2008
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simanjuntak, Faido
This study is a descriptive-qualitative study with an embedded-case study research design. The purposes of the study are (1) to describe strategies decided to translate comics entitled The Very Best of Donald Duck Comics into Indonesian, 2) to describe the effect of the strategies on the accuracy in content and acceptability of translated text of The Very Best of Donald Duck Comics. The data of the research are English comics entitled The Very Best of Donald Duck Comics and their translation in Indonesian, selected using purposive sampling technique. Two methods of data collection were employed: content analysis used to obtain data from both source and target texts, and questionnaire was used to gather data about the accuracy in content, and acceptability. The accuracy in content and acceptabilty of the translated text were rated by three raters. The results of data analysis show that: (1) there are five strategies used to translate The Very Best of Donald Duck Comics into Indonesian namely structural adjustment, cultural term borrowing, adaptation, maintenance, and deletion, (2) the chosen strategies contribute positively to the accuracy in content and acceptability of the translated texts. The average score for accuracy in content and acceptability is 1.15. This average score means that the source text has been accurately rendered into the target language; the target is easy to understand as determined by the raters and it needs not restructured."
Universitas HKBP Nonmensen, 2018
050 VISI 26:2 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Habibatur Rahmah Hafdyanti
"Skripsi ini meneliti pematuhan dan pelanggaran terhadap prinsip kerja sama dan implikatur dalam novel Kunarpa Tan Bisa Kandha. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk pematuhan dan pelanggaran terhadap prinsip kerja sama, implikatur, dan pengaruh prinsip kerja sama terhadap proses pencarian informasi yang dilakukan oleh detektif Handaka. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode kualitatif dan deskriptif, serta digunakan teori prinsip kerja sama Grice (1995) dan implikatur Grice (1995). Sumber data berasal dari novel Kunarpa Tan Bisa Kandha karya Suparto Brata. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah dialog tanya jawab antara detektif Handaka dan informannya. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pematuhan dan pelanggaran terhadap prinsip kerja sama meliputi pematuhan dan pelanggaran terhadap maksim kuantitas, kualitas, relevansi, dan cara. Pelanggaran terhadap prinsip kerja sama memunculkan implikatur dan prinsip kerja sama berpengaruh terhadap penyelidikan yang dilakukan detektif Handaka.

This research examines compliance and violation of the cooperative principle and implicature in the Kunarpa Tan Bisa Kandha novel. This study aims to describe the compliance and violations towards cooperative principle, implicatures, and the influence of cooperative principle on information search process conducted by detective Handaka. This research uses qualitative and descriptive method, and also uses Grice's cooperative principle theory (1995) and Grice's implicature theory (1995). The data are taken from Kunarpa Tan Bisa Kandha novel by Suparto Brata. The data in this research are question and answer dialogue between detective Handaka and his informants. The conclusion of this research is compliance and violations towards maxim of quantity, maxim of quality, maxim of relation and maxim of manner. Violations of the cooperative principle emerge implicatures, while cooperative principle affects investigation conducted by detective Handaka.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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