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Mawarwati Hariyono Putri
"Tesis ini membahas pengaruh quality of work life, perceived organization culture, kepuasan kerja dan komitmen organisasional terhadap intention to quit di sepuluh Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara-Kementrian Keuangan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain survey menggunakan instrumen kuesioner kepada seluruh pelaksana di 10 KPPN. Hasil pengujian regresi menunjukkan bahwa kepuasan kerja, komitmen organisasional, dan salah satu dimensi quality of work life yaitu work life balance memiliki pengaruh negatif yang signifikan dengan intention to quit. Dengan R2 sebesar 34,1% menunjukkan sebanyak 34,1% intention to quit dapat dijelaskan oleh variabelvariabel tersebut diatas. Sehingga penelitian ini dapat menyarankan perlunya melakukan pembenahan kebijakan terkait aspek-aspek yang menjadi sumber kepuasan dan kenyamanan work life balance pegawai. Misalnya saja terkait kepastian pola dan lama penugasan di daerah. Selain itu perlu adanya programprogram yang dapat meningkatkan komitmen pada organisasi.

This thesis examines the effects of quality of work life, perceived organization culture, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment to intention to quit at big 10 Kantor Pelayanan Perbendaharaan Negara - Kementerian Keuangan. This research is quantitative research design using questionnaire survey approach. The result of regression analysis find that job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and one dimension of the quality of work life, work life balance are negatively influence. R2 score, 34,1% means that 34,1% of intention to quit variability can be explained by those variables. Hence this research may suggest KPPN Management in particular and Ditjen Perbendaharaan in general to reform and develop the policies that support employee's work life balance and satisfaction. For example, management can set up the duration and the pattern of assignment. Moreover they can develop programs that can increase commitment to the organization.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vira Dina
"Quality of work life sangat penting untuk diteliti di PT ACS karena mengalami peningkatan kasus yang mengacu pada indikator quality of work life. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh self-efficacy dan safety climate terhadap quality of work life dan pengaruh tidak langsung melalui mediasi perceived fatigue. Data empiris dikumpulkan dari 628 pelaut di PT ACS, dengan menggunakan metode survei online. Studi ini di analisis menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dan confirmatory factor analysis untuk menguji tujuh hipotesis yang diajukan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Self-efficacy dan safety climate berpengaruh positif terhadap quality of work life secara langsung. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa self-efficacy dan safety climate penting untuk quality of work life pelaut, memiliki efek langsung positif signifikan. Selain itu, dukungan self-efficacy juga terbukti berpengaruh negatif terhadap perceived fatigue. Lebih lanjut, penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi pengambil kebijakan di bidang sumber daya manusia untuk mengidentifikasi self-efficacy dalam rekrutmen dan seleksi talenta serta menciptakan safety climate di tempat kerja untuk meningkatkan quality of work life.

Quality of work life is very important to study at PT ACS because there has been an increase in cases that refer to indicators of quality of work life. This study aims to examine the effect of self-efficacy and safety climate on quality of work life and the indirect effect through mediation of perceived fatigue. Empirical data was collected from 628 seafarers at PT ACS, using an online survey method. This study was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and confirmatory factor analysis to test the seven proposed hypotheses. The results of the study show that self-efficacy and safety climate have a positive effect on the quality of work life directly. Thus, this study shows that self-efficacy and safety climate are important for seafarers' quality of work life, have a significant positive direct effect. In addition, self-efficacy support has also proven to have a negative effect on perceived fatigue. Furthermore, this research is expected to contribute to policy makers in the field of human resources in identifying self-efficacy in talent recruitment and selection and creating a safety climate in the workplace to improve the quality of work life."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayuni Dwi Resita
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari dimensi quality of work life terhadap turnover intention. Terdapat empat dimensi yang digunakan untuk variabel quality of work life yaitu supervisory behavior, compensation & benefit, job characteristics dan work life balance. Responden dari penelitian ini adalah 125 orang karyawan kantor pusat PT. XYZ yang merupakan karyawan tetap di perusahaan tersebut. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengelola data dalam penelitian ini adalah Multiple Regression. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari empat dimensi quality of work life, hanya dua dimensi yang terbukti memiliki pengaruh negatif terhadap turnover intention yaitu compensation & benefit dan work life balance. Sedangkan dua dimensi lainnya yaitu supervisory behavior dan job characteristics tidak terbukti memiliki pengaruh negatif terhadap turnover inetention.

This study aims to determine the quality of work life dimensions toward turnover intention. There are four dimensions used for the variable quality of work life, those are supervisory behavior, compensation & benefit, job characteristics and work life balance. The respondents of this study are 125 permanent employees of PT. XYZ head office. This study uses Multiple Regression to process the data. The result of this study shows that only two out of four dimensions have effects toward turnover intention those are compensation & benefit and work life balance. While the other two dimensions, supervisory behavior and job characteristics have no effects toward turnover intention.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratikh Pranita
"Dalam rangka mewujudkan prinsip efisiensi dan produktivitas pada pengelolaan RSUD Budhi Asih, dibutuhkan pegawai dengan komitmen organisasi yang tinggi, Menurut Greenberg dan Baron (2000:), pegawai dengan komitmen yang tinggi akan menunjukkan sikap dan keinginan yang tinggi pula untuk berbagi dan mempersembahkan sesuatu yang dibutuhkan organisasi. Komitmen yang kuat dapat dicapai dengan meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan kerja (quallty of work life).Para ahli telah mengembangkan program-program peningk:atan kualitas kehidupan kelja untuk meningkatkan motivasi, kepuasan. dan komitmen pegawai, yang mana faktor-faktor ini berperan dalam meningkatkan perfonna organisasi. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Alvin (2{){)6)waktu kerja produktif pegawai administrnsi RSUD Budhi Asih banya 64.6%. Selain itu, aspekĀ­ aspek kualitas kehidupan keJja di RSUD Budhi Asih masib kurang dikembangkan., dengan kondisi kerja seperti ini, dikhawatirkan akan terjadi penurunan komitmen organisasi pegawai yang akan berdampak buruk bagi Rumah Sakit. Permasalahan utama yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini adalah gambaran hubungan aspek kualitas kehidupan kerja berdasarkan Cassio (2006) yang terdiri dari partisipasi karyawan, pengembangan karir, rasa bangga terhadap perusahaan, lingkungan kerja, penyelesaian masalah dan komunikasi, dengan komitmen organisasi pegawai administrasi instalasi Rawat Jalan bagian front office dan Laboratorium RSUD Budhi Asih. Komitmen organisasi dilihat dari masing-masing komponen berdasarkan Allen dan Meyer (1990), yaitu komitmen efektif, komitmen rasional, dan komitmen normatif. Peneltian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis berupaya memperoleh jawaban atau informasi mendalam dari pegawai administrasi instalasi Rawat Jalan bagian front office dan Laboratorium RSUD Budhi Asih yang seluruhnya berjumlah 37 orang. Untuk memperoleh data digunakan instrumen berupa pedoman wawancara mendalam dan dokumen yang berhubungan dengan topik penelitian. Hasil wawancara mendalam menunjukkan bahwa dari 37 pegawai terdapat 11 orang dengan kualitas kehidupan kerja tinggi, 23 orang sedang, dan 3 orang rendah. Untuk komitmen, didapatkan hasil, yaitu:3 orang komitmen afektif, 29 orang komitmen rasional, dan 5orang komitmen normatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan antara kualitas kehidupan kerja dengan komitmen organisasi pegawai. Tidak berhubungannya kedua varlabel dalam penelitian kurangnya validitas internal pada instrumen penelitian. Bagi pihak manajemen rumah sak:it, disarankan untuk melakukan programĀ­ program peningkatan kualitas kehidupan kerja dan komitmen organisasi pegawai. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan keria pegawai, dapat dilakukan peningkatkan partisipasi pegawai terhadap program dan kegiatan rumah sakit melalui pembagian angket/kuesioner, serta perwakilan pegawai pelaksana dalam rapat besar. Perlu diadakan rekreasi dan kegiatan kegiatan kekeluargaan non formal, rnenegakkan sistem reward dan punishment, mempertimbangkan program pendidikan dan pelathan bagi pegawai front office, memperbaiki situasi ruang kerja front office dari segi keamanan dan keselamatan kerja dan mengadakan program konseling bagi pegawai. Untuk meningkatkan komitmen organisasi, sebaiknya pihak manajemen mengetahui kebutuhan-kebutuhan dominan pegawai melalui pembagian angket, yang selanjutnya hal ini dapat menjadi masukan bagi pihak manajemen untuk peningkatan motivasi pegawai. Pembinaan dan pengembangan kompetensi juga perlu dilakukan, sehingga pegawai merasakan adanya dukungan dan kemudahan dalam bekerja. Untuk peneliti yang akan datang, sebaiknya meningkatkan va1iditas internal instrumen penelitian dengan disesuaikan budaya infonnan, yaitu dengan melakukan pengelompokan berdasarkan karakteristik pribadi.
In order to fulfill the efficiency and productivity principles on the running of RSUD Budhi Asih, it is necessary to find employees with high organizational commitment. According to Greenberg and Baron (2000), employees with high organizational commitment will show some good manner and high needs to share and give the best to the organization. A strong commitment can be obtain by improving the quality of work life. Many experts have developed quality of work life improvement programs to improve motivation, satisfaction, and employees' commitment by which these factors take a very crucial part on the performance improvement scenario of the organization. Based on the research done by Alvin (2006), productive work time of RSUD Budhi Asih, clerical employees is only 64.6%. Besides, their quality of work life is not yet well-developed. With this working condition, it is possible that there will be some organization commitment degradation in the future which may affect baldy for the hospital. The main problem proposed by this research is the description of possible conection between the quality of work life aspects based on Cassio (2006) ? employee participation, carer development, pride, equitable, compensation, job security, wellness, safe environment, conflict resolution, and communication with organizational commitment of Out Patient's front office and Laboratory employees of RSUD B udhi Asih. Organizational commitment, rational commitment, and normative commitment. This research is done with some qualitative and quantitative approach. The researcher is trying to gather in-depth answer or information from front officers and Laboratory clerical employees which sum up for a total of 37 persons. To gain data the researcher used in-dept interview and documents related to research topic. In-depth interview showed that II out of 37 employees have high quality of work life. Commitment, that is: 3 people with affective commitment, 29 people with rational commitment, and 5 people with normative commitment. Analysis output showed that there is no significant relation between the quality of work life and employee's organizational commitment. This fact ls caused by the lack of internal validity on the research instruments. As for the hospital, it is suggested to do some employees commitment and quality of work life improvement programs. To improve the employee?s quality of work life, hospital management suggested to improve the employees participation on hospital programs and activities, and representativeness of employees on hospital meeting's. Hospital suggested to make recreation programs and non*forma1 activities. establish reward an punishments front officers, fix the situation of front officers working area related to safety environment. and make a counsellng's program for employees. To improve the employee's organizational commitment, hospital management should find the employee's dominant needs by questionaire, this way can be useful for hospital's management to improve employee's motivation. Competency improvement is important also, in order to support and make the job easy. For future research., it is suggested to improve internal validity on the research instruments, depend on the informans culture, by categorized the informans based on their internal characteristics."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Melinia Ayu Pebryanti
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh quality of work life terhadap work life balance melalui peran mediasi job stress, job satisfaction, dan job commitment pada karyawan yang bekerja pada perusahaan jasa konsultan bisnis di daerah Jabodetabek. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dan bersifat single cross sectional. Responden sejumlah 225 orang terlibat dalam penelitian ini. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang telah dikembangkan dari penelitian sebelumnya. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik covariance based structural equation modeling. Temuan penelitian menunjukan bahwa quality of work life berpengaruh secara tidak langsung melalui peran mediasi job stress, job satisfaction, dan job commitment terhadap work life balance.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini secara praktis dapat disarankan bahwa untuk menciptakan keseimbangan kehidupan dan pekerjaan pada karyawan, manajemen perusahaan jasa konsultan dapat menciptakan lingkungan kerja atau kondisi kerja yang positif sehingga kelelahan kerja yang dirasakan oleh karyawan dapat berkurang, kepuasan kerja yang dirasakan meningkat, dan rasa ingin berkomitmen kerja yang tinggi. Secara teoritis penelitian ini dapat mengkonfirmasi penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya yang menyelidiki dinamika hubungan antara quality of work life, work life balance, job stress, job satisfaction, dan job commitment.

This study aims to examine the effect of quality of work life on work life balance through the mediating role of job stress, job satisfaction, and job commitment in employees who work in business consulting services companies in the Jabodetabek area. The approach used is a quantitative approach and is single cross sectional. Respondents were 225 people involved in this study. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire that had been developed from previous studies. Data processing was carried out using a covariance based structural equation modeling technique. The research findings show that the quality of work life has an indirect effect through the mediating role of job stress, job satisfaction, and job commitment to work life balance.
Based on the results of this study it can be practically suggested that in order to create a work-life balance for employees, the management of a consulting service company can create a positive work environment or working conditions so that the work fatigue felt by employees can be reduced, perceived job satisfaction increases, and a high sense of work commitment. Theoretically, this research can confirm previous studies that investigated the dynamics of the relationship between quality of work life, work life balance, job stress, job satisfaction, and job commitment.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pradesta Mawardani
"Di era war of talent yang semakin sengit, penting bagi perusahaan untuk mengontrol tingkat turnover karyawan. Terdapat berbagai macam faktor yang menyebabkan intensi karyawan untuk meninggalkan perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh quality of work life terhadap turnover intention dengan organizational embeddedness sebagai variabel mediasi. Konsep quality of work life diukur menggunakan lima dimensi yaitu compensation and benefits, career opportunities, work life balance, job characteristics, dan supervisor behavior. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui kuesioner yang disebarluaskan secara daring kepada karyawan tetap PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk di kantor pusat DKI Jakarta. Data yang berhasil terkumpul sebanyak 103 responden dan dianalisis menggunakan PLS-SEM melalui software SmartPLS. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa quality of work life berpengaruh negatif dan tidak signfikan terhadap turnover intention. Sementara itu, quality of work life berpengaruh positif terhadap organizational embeddedness di mana dimensi career opportunities dan job characteristics memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan. Lebih lanjut, penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa organizational embeddedness berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap turnover intention. Namun, organizational embeddedness tidak memediasi hubungan antara quality of work life dengan turnover intention.

In the era of increasingly fierce war of talent, it is important for companies to control employee turnover rates. There are various factors that cause employees intention to leave the company. This study aims to analyze the effect of quality of work life on turnover intention with organizational embeddedness as a mediating variable. The concept of quality of work life is measured using five dimensions, namely compensation and benefits, career opportunities, work life balance, job characteristics, and supervisor behavior. This research uses a quantitative approach with data collection through questionnaires distributed online to permanent employees of PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk at the head office of DKI Jakarta. The data collected were 103 respondents and analyzed using the PLS-SEM through SmartPLS software. The results of this study indicate that quality of work life has a negative and insignificant effect on turnover intention. Meanwhile, quality of work life has a positive effect on organizational embeddedness where the dimensions of career opportunities and job characteristics have a significant effect. Furthermore, this study also shows that organizational embeddedness has a negative and significant effect on turnover intention. However, organizational embeddedness does not mediate the relationship between quality of work life and turnover intention."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hendrik Salim
"Tesis ini bertujuan menganalisis hubungan komponen-komponen quality of work life dengan turnover intention perawat dan bidan pelaksana Rumah Sakit Tugu Ibu. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif secara cross-sectional pada 143 perawat dan bidan pelaksana. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis univariat, bivariat, dan multivariat dengan uji statistik menggunakan chi-square dan regresi logistik menggunakan SPSS versi 20. Pemodelan multivariat dengan menggunakan metode enter.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya kontribusi variabel-variabel quality of work life terhadap turnover intention perawat dan bidan pelaksana. Saran untuk Rumah Sakit Tugu Ibu berdasarkan hasil penelitian adalah memperkuat rasa bangga terhadap institusi, menerapkan program manajemen risiko klinis, mempertahankan kekeluargaan dan toleransi dalam komunikasi organisasi, memberikan kompensasi yang seimbang sesuai model jenjang karir perawat klinis menurut Depkes RI, mempertahankan fasilitas refreshing, meningkatkan pengelolaan sistem jaminan kesehatan dan pensiun, serta meningkatkan dan mengevaluasi kepuasan kerja.

The aim of this study is to analyse the correlation between the components of quality of work life with the nurse and midwives turnover intention at Tugu Ibu Hospital. Quantitative Cross-Sectional methods was used on 143 nurses and midwives sample. Univariate, bivariate, and multivariate data analyses were used using Chi-Square and regression logistic statistical test with SPSS version 20. Enter method was assessed for multivariate modeling.
The result shows that there are contributions from quality of work life variables to nurse and midwife turnover intention. Suggests we give for Tugu Ibu Hospital based on the thesis result are strengthening the sense of pride in the institution, implementing clinical risk management program, maintain sense of kinship and tolerance in communication, balance compensation based on Depkes RI nurse career path, maintain refreshing facility, improve the management of health insurance and pension, improve and evaluate job satisfaction regularly.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irwanti Martha Febriana
"[ Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh quality of work life terhadap employee engagement pada American Petroleum Company Indonesia Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitiatif dengan metode regresi linear dan regresi berganda dengan jumlah sample 273 Kuesioner yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Kuesioner evaluasi berdasarkan model Walton untuk mengukur quality of work life yang dikembangkan oleh Walton 1975 dalam Timossi Pedroso Francisco dan Pilatti 2008 Kuesioner untuk mengukur employee engagement berdasarkan Utrecht Work Engagement Scale UWES yang dikembangkan oleh Schaufeli and Bakker 2003 Hasil penelitian menemukan adanya pengaruh positif quality of work life terhadap employee engagement pada American Petroleum Company Indonesia Dimensi quality of work life seperti use of capacity work occupy dan fair and appropriate salary berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap employee engagement Berdasarkan temuan tersebut peneliti menyarankan perusahaan American Petroleum Company Indonesia untuk memberikan perhatian yang lebih terkait employee engagement dan quality of work life khususnya pada dimensi use of capacity work occupy dan fair and appropriate salary serta penelitian yang lebih lanjut difokuskan pada generasi Y ;The focus of this study is to examine the affect of quality of work life on employee engagement at American Petroleum Company in Indonesia Method of analysis used in this study is descriptive quantitative Linear and multiple regressions are also used as statistical methods to analyze the data with 273 samples This study use Questionaire to measure quality of work life according Walton rsquo s quality of work life model 1975 in Timossi Pedroso Francisco and Pilatti 2008 Questionaire to measure employee engagement accoding Utrecht Work Engagement Scale UWES by Schaufeli and Bakker 2003 This study finds that employee engagement was positively significant affected by quality of work life Some of quality of work life dimensions which are use of capacity work occupy working condition and fair and appropriate salary are positive and significantly affected employee engagement Based on the finding it is suggested that the company American Petroleum Company Indonesia improves attention related to employee engagement and the quality of work life of their employees especially in the dimension use of capacity work occupy working condition and fair and appropriate salary for further research the study should be focusing on generation Y ;The focus of this study is to examine the affect of quality of work life on employee engagement at American Petroleum Company in Indonesia Method of analysis used in this study is descriptive quantitative Linear and multiple regressions are also used as statistical methods to analyze the data with 273 samples This study use Questionaire to measure quality of work life according Walton rsquo s quality of work life model 1975 in Timossi Pedroso Francisco and Pilatti 2008 Questionaire to measure employee engagement accoding Utrecht Work Engagement Scale UWES by Schaufeli and Bakker 2003 This study finds that employee engagement was positively significant affected by quality of work life Some of quality of work life dimensions which are use of capacity work occupy working condition and fair and appropriate salary are positive and significantly affected employee engagement Based on the finding it is suggested that the company American Petroleum Company Indonesia improves attention related to employee engagement and the quality of work life of their employees especially in the dimension use of capacity work occupy working condition and fair and appropriate salary for further research the study should be focusing on generation Y ;The focus of this study is to examine the affect of quality of work life on employee engagement at American Petroleum Company in Indonesia Method of analysis used in this study is descriptive quantitative Linear and multiple regressions are also used as statistical methods to analyze the data with 273 samples This study use Questionaire to measure quality of work life according Walton rsquo s quality of work life model 1975 in Timossi Pedroso Francisco and Pilatti 2008 Questionaire to measure employee engagement accoding Utrecht Work Engagement Scale UWES by Schaufeli and Bakker 2003 This study finds that employee engagement was positively significant affected by quality of work life Some of quality of work life dimensions which are use of capacity work occupy working condition and fair and appropriate salary are positive and significantly affected employee engagement Based on the finding it is suggested that the company American Petroleum Company Indonesia improves attention related to employee engagement and the quality of work life of their employees especially in the dimension use of capacity work occupy working condition and fair and appropriate salary for further research the study should be focusing on generation Y ;The focus of this study is to examine the affect of quality of work life on employee engagement at American Petroleum Company in Indonesia Method of analysis used in this study is descriptive quantitative Linear and multiple regressions are also used as statistical methods to analyze the data with 273 samples This study use Questionaire to measure quality of work life according Walton rsquo s quality of work life model 1975 in Timossi Pedroso Francisco and Pilatti 2008 Questionaire to measure employee engagement accoding Utrecht Work Engagement Scale UWES by Schaufeli and Bakker 2003 This study finds that employee engagement was positively significant affected by quality of work life Some of quality of work life dimensions which are use of capacity work occupy working condition and fair and appropriate salary are positive and significantly affected employee engagement Based on the finding it is suggested that the company American Petroleum Company Indonesia improves attention related to employee engagement and the quality of work life of their employees especially in the dimension use of capacity work occupy working condition and fair and appropriate salary for further research the study should be focusing on generation Y ;The focus of this study is to examine the affect of quality of work life on employee engagement at American Petroleum Company in Indonesia Method of analysis used in this study is descriptive quantitative Linear and multiple regressions are also used as statistical methods to analyze the data with 273 samples This study use Questionaire to measure quality of work life according Walton rsquo s quality of work life model 1975 in Timossi Pedroso Francisco and Pilatti 2008 Questionaire to measure employee engagement accoding Utrecht Work Engagement Scale UWES by Schaufeli and Bakker 2003 This study finds that employee engagement was positively significant affected by quality of work life Some of quality of work life dimensions which are use of capacity work occupy working condition and fair and appropriate salary are positive and significantly affected employee engagement Based on the finding it is suggested that the company American Petroleum Company Indonesia improves attention related to employee engagement and the quality of work life of their employees especially in the dimension use of capacity work occupy working condition and fair and appropriate salary for further research the study should be focusing on generation Y ;The focus of this study is to examine the affect of quality of work life on employee engagement at American Petroleum Company in Indonesia Method of analysis used in this study is descriptive quantitative Linear and multiple regressions are also used as statistical methods to analyze the data with 273 samples This study use Questionaire to measure quality of work life according Walton rsquo s quality of work life model 1975 in Timossi Pedroso Francisco and Pilatti 2008 Questionaire to measure employee engagement accoding Utrecht Work Engagement Scale UWES by Schaufeli and Bakker 2003 This study finds that employee engagement was positively significant affected by quality of work life Some of quality of work life dimensions which are use of capacity work occupy working condition and fair and appropriate salary are positive and significantly affected employee engagement Based on the finding it is suggested that the company American Petroleum Company Indonesia improves attention related to employee engagement and the quality of work life of their employees especially in the dimension use of capacity work occupy working condition and fair and appropriate salary for further research the study should be focusing on generation Y , The focus of this study is to examine the affect of quality of work life on employee engagement at American Petroleum Company in Indonesia Method of analysis used in this study is descriptive quantitative Linear and multiple regressions are also used as statistical methods to analyze the data with 273 samples This study use Questionaire to measure quality of work life according Walton rsquo s quality of work life model 1975 in Timossi Pedroso Francisco and Pilatti 2008 Questionaire to measure employee engagement accoding Utrecht Work Engagement Scale UWES by Schaufeli and Bakker 2003 This study finds that employee engagement was positively significant affected by quality of work life Some of quality of work life dimensions which are use of capacity work occupy working condition and fair and appropriate salary are positive and significantly affected employee engagement Based on the finding it is suggested that the company American Petroleum Company Indonesia improves attention related to employee engagement and the quality of work life of their employees especially in the dimension use of capacity work occupy working condition and fair and appropriate salary for further research the study should be focusing on generation Y ]"
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ellen Rismah Rivani
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh quality of work life terhadap employee engagemet pada BNI Margonda Depok. Skala pengukuran yang digunakan untuk quality of work life diadopsi dari Walton (1975) yang terdiri dari 28 item pernyataan. Sedangkan employee engagement menggunakan skala pengukuran yang diadopsi dari Schaufeli, Salanova, Gonzalez-Roma & Bakker (2002) dengan menggunakan UWES yang terdiri dari 17 item pernyataan, Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui penyebaran kuesioner. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 98 karyawan tetap level non-managerial BNI Margonda Depok yang telah bekerja minimal satu tahun. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan pada quality of work life terhadap employee engagement pada BNI Margonda Depok.

The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence between quality of work life on employee engagement in BNI Margonda Depok. The measurement scale of quality of work life is adopted from Walton (1975) consisting of 28 statements and employee engagement scale adopted from Schaufeli, Salanova, Gonzalesz-Roma & Bakker (2002) consisting of 17 statements. This research uses quantitative methods with data collection technique is conducted through questionnaires. The sample of this research are permanent employees (level non managerial) in BNI Margonda Depok who have worked at least one year. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive and significant influence of quality of work life on employee engagement in BNI Margonda Depok.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arieska Ovtaria
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh quality of work life terhadap komitmen keorganisasian pegawai tetap PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Hipotesis yang diajukan adalah terdapat pengaruh positif antara quality of work life terhadap komitmen keorganisasian. Semakin tinggi quality of work life maka semakin tinggi pula komitmen keorganisasian pegawai. Subjek penelitian ini adalah pegawai tetap PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk yang telah bekerja minimal 3 tahun dengan responden berjumlah 204 pegawai.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan kuesioner sebagai instrumen penelitian. Skala pengukuran yang digunakan untuk quality of work life terdiri dari 24 item pernyataan berdasarkan pada teori Walton. Sedangkan komitmen keorganisasian menggunakan skala pengukuran berdasarkan pada teori Mowday, Steers, Porter dengan 15 item pernyataan. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan aplikasi Statistical Product and Service Sollution (SPSS) 20.0. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh signifikan positif antara variabel quality of wok life terhadap komitmen keorganisasian.

The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence between quality of work life on fixed employee organization commitment in PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Hyphothesis proposed there is a positive impact between quality of work life on employee organizational commitment. If quality of work life is increase then organizational commitment will be increase. Respondents in this study were fixed employee of PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk who already work minimum 3 years. Total respondents in this research are 204 respondents.
This research uses quantitative methods with questionnaire as an research instrument. The scale of quality of work life is measured by using 24 statement based on theory from Walton and the scale of organizational commitment is measured by using 15 statement based on aspects stated by Mowday, Steers, and Porter. The statistical technique is using Statistical Product and Service Sollution (SPSS) 20.0. The results of this study shows that quality of work life has an significant positive impact on fixed employee organizational commitment in PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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