"Contents :
- Thermal residual stress relaxation and distortion in surface enhanced gasturbine engine components
- Development of machining procedures to minimize distortion during manufacture
- Control of distortion by quenching in fluidised beds
- Optimization of single part quenching in nozzle fields
- Hardening of steel parts using wave technology
- Continuous vacuum carburizing furnace with 20 bar high-pressure gas quenching
- New carburizing techniques using fluidized bed furnaces
- The experience at dana corporation, spicer transmission division
- Progress in the application of high pressure gas quenching
- Atmosphere control system to achieve consistent carburizing in batch furnaces
- MSSR (Military Specification and Standards Reform) how does it affect your operation?
- Advanced radiant tubes: payback calculations of furnace retrofits
- Cost justification in the selection of heat resistant alloys
- Principles of airlessTM solvent degreasing
- Principles and use of dissociated ammonia
- Principles and use of endothermic atmosphere
- Supervisory control systems for vacuum furnaces
- Supervisory and process control to enhance batch vacuum processing
- Brite heat treating in a fluidized bed
- Heat treating in fluidized bed furnaces in cutting tool manufacturing
- Gas-fired ion nitriding furnace lowers utility costs for commercial heat treaters
- Techniques for distortion control during vacuum oil quenching of high strength steel aircraft components....
Materials Park, OH: ASM International, Heat Treating Society, 1998