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Ditemukan 89197 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Redatin Parwadi
Tanjungpura: Badan Penerbit Universitas Tanjungpura, 2013
362.5 RED c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Universitas Prof. Dr. Moestopo (beragama) , 1993
351.845 UNI r (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lukman Adi Santoso
"Kemiskinan adalah masalah multidimensi yang menjadi masalah utama di negara ini. Penanggulangan kemiskinan dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Pusat dengan PNPM yang melibatkan partisipasi masyarakat dan melibatkan masyarakat langsung dan Pemerintah Daerah dengan anggaran pro orang miskin melalui sektor pendidikan, kesehatan, dan infrasturktur. Provinsi Jawa Timur merupakan provinsi yang memiliki jumlah penduduk miskin terbesar di Indonesia, selain itu menjadi daerah penerima dana PNPM dan dana perimbangan terbesar. Hal ini menarik karena daerah yang memperoleh alokasi dana yang besar ternyata mempunyai penduduk miskin yang besar. Studi ini meneliti tentang seberapa besar pengaruh pendanaan secara bersama-sama melalui PNPM dan anggaran belanja daerah untuk pengentasan kemiskinan terhadap kemiskinan di Jawa Timur.
Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa untuk penanggulangan kemiskinan dapat berhasil dilakukan kerjasama antara Pemerintah Pusat dengan daerah. PNPM dan belanja daerah untuk kesehatan berpengaruh negatif terhadap Indeks kemiskinan sedangkan belanja daerah untuk pendidikan dan pekerjaan umum tidak berpengaruh terhadap indeks kemiskinan. PNPM dan belanja daerah untuk pendidikan berpengaruh negatif terhadap indeks kedalaman kemiskinan sedangkan belanja daerah untuk pekerjaan umum berpengaruh positif sementara belanja daerah untuk kesehatan tidak berpengaruh terhadap indeks kedalaman kemiskinan. PNPM dan belanja daerah untuk pendidikan berpengaruh negatif terhadap indeks keparahan kemiskinan sedangkan belanja daerah untuk kesehatan dan pekerjaan umum tidak berpengaruh terhadap indeks keparahan kemiskinan.

Poverty is multidimention problem that being the main problem in this country. Poverty alleviation done by Central Government with PNPM that joining community participation and Regional Government with pro poor budget in education, health, and infrastructure. East Java Province is province that have the biggest poor people in Indonesia, beside that east java is region with the biggest PNPM and transfer fund. This is interesting because region with a lot of fund nevertheless become region with a lot of poor people. This study is to analyze relationship between fund from PNPM and regional budget for education, health, and inftastructure in East Java.
The result of this study is poverty alleviation can succeed if done by cooperation between central and regional government. PNPM and regional budget for health have negative effect for poverty index however regional budget for education and infrastructure don?t have relationship to poverty index. PNPM and regional budget for education have negative effect but regional budget for infrastructure have positive effect for poverty gap index however regional budget for health don?t have relationship with poverty gap index. PNPM and regional budget for education have negative effect for distributionally sensitive index however regional budget for health and infrastructure don?t have relationship with distributionally sensitive index.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arthur Huda Brahmantyo
"Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh dari lokal politik di desa berupa Musyawarah Desa dan anggota BPD sebagai perwakilan dari masyarakat desa terhadap pengentasan kemiskinan dan penyediaan barang publik. Dengan metode kuantitatif menggunakan data Potensi Desa 2018 yang menerapkan model ordinary least square dan logit binary regression, penulis menemukan bahwa secara nasional Musyawarah Desa dan anggota BPD memiliki hubungan positif dan signifikan terhadap pengentasan kemiskinan. Selain itu, Musyawarah Desa dan anggota BPD juga memiliki hubungan positif dan signifikan terhadap likelihood penyediaan barang publik di desa. Kami juga menemukan tingkat pendidikan kepala desa mempengaruhi pengentasan kemiskinan dan penyediaan barang publik. Analisis kualitatif berupa wawancara mendalam juga dilakukan untuk mendukung temuan kuantitatif.

This study examines the impact of local politics on poverty alleviation and the provision of public goods in a village setting. Specifically, it focuses on the influence of Village Deliberation and BPD members, who represent rural communities. The analysis employs quantitative methods, utilizing 2018 Village Potential data and employing ordinary least square and logit binary regression models. The results indicate a positive and significant relationship between Village Deliberation, BPD members, and poverty alleviation at the national level. Furthermore, Village Deliberation and BPD members demonstrate a positive and significant association with the likelihood of providing public goods within the village. Additionally, the education level of village heads is found to affect both poverty alleviation and the provision of public goods. To supplement the quantitative findings, qualitative analysis in the form of in-depth interviews was conducted. These interviews aimed to provide further support and insights into the study's results."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohamad Komarudin
Pengentasan kemiskinan menjadi prioritas utama di kebanyakan negara
berkembang. Penelitian ini mempelajari keterkaitan antara anggaran kesehatan, kualitas tata Kelola pemerintahan dan pengurangan kemiskinan. Menggunakan metode panel data analisis dengan Random Efek (RE) dan instrument variable (IV) untuk robustness check dan first-difference generalised method of moments (GMM) karena ada masalah endogeneity. Hasil penelitian mengindikasikan bahwa anggaran Kesehatan mempunyai efek yang signifikan untuk mengurangi
kemiskinan, dan negara-negara dengan kulaitas tata Kelola pemerintahan yang sudah baik cenderung mengentaskan kemiskinan lebih sedikit daripada negara dengan tata Kelola pemerintahan yang kurang baik.

Poverty alleviation has become the main priority program in most developing countries. This research empirically studies the correlation between public health spending, governance quality and poverty alleviation in developing countries.The panel data are estimated via a random-effects (RE) model and robustness check using instrumental variables (IV) (two-stage least-squares [2SLS]) and firstdifference
generalised method of moments (GMM) because of the endogeneity
problem. The results suggest that public health spending has a significant effect on reducing the poverty rate, and that countries with better governance tend to reduce poverty less than countries with poor governance."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Denisa Athallia
"Urbanisasi yang pesat terus meningkatkan jumlah permukiman kumuh, memperburuk kemiskinan dan menyebabkan kurangnya akses terhadap air, sanitasi, dan infrastruktur dasar lainnya. Proyek Slum Upgrading Nasional di Indonesia atau Kota Tanpa Kumuh (KOTAKU) bertujuan untuk meningkatkan infrastruktur dasar di kawasan kumuh, namun dampaknya terhadap kemiskinan belum pernah dievaluasi. Penelitian ini menilai apakah KOTAKU 2017-2020 mempengaruhi angka kemiskinan di daerah sasaran dengan menggunakan metode kuasi-experiment. Hasil estimasi Regression Discontinuity in Time (RDiT) tidak sesuai untuk interpretasi, namun Difference-in-Differences (DiD) memperkirakan penurunan angka kemiskinan sebesar 11,3% setelah KOTAKU diterapkan.

Rapid urbanization continues to increase the number of slums, exacerbating poverty and leading to inadequate access to water, sanitation, and other basic infrastructure. Indonesia’s National Slum Upgrading Project or City Without Slums (KOTAKU) is a program aimed to improve basic infrastructure in slum areas, however, its impact on poverty is yet to be evaluated. This study assessed whether KOTAKU 2017-2020 affected the poverty rate in targeted regions using quasi-experimental methods. The Regression Discontinuity in Time (RDiT) estimation was unsuitable for interpretation, however, Difference-in-Differences (DiD) estimated an 11.3% reduction in the poverty rate after KOTAKU was implemented."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yohana Surat Payon Philips
"Cash transfer program is one of the poverty alleviations programs that carried out by the government in some developing countries. In Indonesia, the unconditional cash transfer program was introduced in 2005, when the government cancelled fuel subsidies. This program then was criticized for its implementation problems such as leakage of fund and corruption, and others. In 2012, the government launched a cash transfer program called Poor Student Assistance (BSM) to help poor households to have more access to education. The question arises whether this assistance has reached the most deprived groups of people and family who need it. This study aims to see whether BSM has reached eligible beneficiaries based on income, urban-rural locations, Java and Non-Java Islands. Using quantitative method which are probit and logit estimations to Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS), the findings of this study show that the BSM program mostly reaches people living in rural areas and those who live outside Java, which is in line with the purpose. Meanwhile, when the location variable is controlled, the recipients come from middle to high-income household. The BSM cash transfer does not reach those who need it, the families who live in the remote rural area.

Program bantuan tunai adalah salah satu program pengentasan kemiskinan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah di beberapa negara berkembang. Pada 2012, pemerintah meluncurkan program transfer tunai yang disebut Bantuan Siswa Miskin (BSM) untuk membantu rumah tangga miskin memiliki lebih banyak akses ke pendidikan. Muncul pertanyaan apakah bantuan ini telah menjangkau kelompok orang dan keluarga yang paling miskin yang membutuhkannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat apakah BSM telah mencapai penerima manfaat yang memenuhi syarat berdasarkan pendapatan, lokasi kota-pedesaan, Pulau Jawa dan Pulau Non-Jawa. Menggunakan metode kuantitatif yang merupakan estimasi probit dan logit untuk Survei Kehidupan Keluarga Indonesia (IFLS), hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa program BSM sebagian besar menjangkau orang-orang yang tinggal di daerah pedesaan dan mereka yang tinggal di luar Jawa. Namun sebagian besar para penerima bantuan ini berasal dari rumah tangga berpenghasilan menengah ke atas. Dengan demikian transfer tunai BSM tidak menjangkau mereka yang membutuhkannya, keluarga miskin yang tinggal di daerah pedesaan terpencil.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Karisa Saraswati
Skripsi ini membahas tentang analisis korelasi antara lembaga keuangan mikro dengan pengentasan kemiskinan di Indonesia. Kemiskinan yang terus melanda Indonesia diduga karena kurangnya akses penduduk terhadap jasa institusi keuangan. Penelitian ini akan menggunakan data panel tahunan 2011-2015 tiap-tiap provinsi di Indonesia untuk menelusuri hubungan antara kemiskinan di Indonesia dengan keberadaan lembaga keuangan mikro sebagai institusi keuangan yang dapat menjangkau seluruh wilayah di Indonesia. Lembaga keuangan mikro dinilai dapat memberikan dampak tidak langsung terhadap pengentasan kemiskinan di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, variabel Usaha Kecil Menengah UKM disertakan dalam analisis korelasi. Regresi yang dilakukan menggunakan metode random effect pada dua model ekonomi yang berbeda. Hasil yang diperoleh menyatakan bahwa terbukti adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara keberadaan lembaga keuangan mikro dengan jumlah UKM. Serta, terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara jumlah UKM dengan pengentasan kemiskinan di Indonesia. Maka, melalui penelitian yang telah dilakukan dapat dikatakan bahwa Lembaga Keuangan Mikro memengaruhi pengentasan kemiskinan di Indonesia secara signifikan melalui keberadaan UKM.

This thesis will analyze the correlation between microfinance institution and poverty alleviation in Indonesia. Indonesian poverty. Poverty continues to hit Indonesia allegedly due to lack of access to services of resident financial institutions. This study will use the yearly panel data 2011 2015 of each provinces in Indonesia to discover the relationship between poverty in Indonesia with the presence of microfinance institutions as financial institutions that able to reach all areas in Indonesia. Microfinance Institutions MFI are believed to give indirect impact on poverty in Indonesia. Therefore, the variable of Small and Medium Enterprises SMEs are included in the correlation analysis as the link from MFI to poverty. The regressions are done using random effect on two different economic models. The results stated that there is a significant correlation between the existence of microfinance institutions and the number of SMEs. As well as, there is a significant correlation between the number of SMEs and the alleviation of poverty in Indonesia. In conclusion, it is proven that the Microfinance Institutions affect poverty reduction in Indonesia significantly through the presence of SMEs."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Winuhoro Hanumbhawono
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan prioritas kebijakan dalam
pelaksanaan program Penanggulangan Kemiskinan Dengan Pemberdayaan Ekonomi
Umat Melalui Pondok Pesantren Dan Koperasi Pondok Pesantren. Maksud dari
program tersebut adalah untuk mempercepat penurunan angka kemiskinan dan
meningkatkan kesejahteraan rakyat, dengan mengkoordinasikan, mensinergikan,
mengintegrasikan berbagai program dan kegiatan secara terpadu, guna meningkatkan
kesejahteraan rakyat di pondok pesantren dan sekitarnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan
dengan model analisa Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Analisa memberikan
kesimpulan bahwa dua pokok kebijakan yang dinilai paling penting dalam
Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Umat Melalui Pondok Pesantren dan Koperasi Pondok
Pesantren adalah memberikan dukungan pembiayaan usaha dan pengembangan SDM
dalam rangka pengembangan awal pemberdayaan ekonomi pondok pesantren.
Kebijakan prioritas selanjutnya adalah Penguatan Kelembagaan dan Penguatan
Kerjasama dalam rangka perkuatan pemberdayaan ekonomi pondok pesantren sehingga
mampu memberdayakan masyarakat sekitarnya. Rekomendasi berdasarkan analisa dan
kesimpulan adalah bahwa (1) dalam menetapkan pesantren sasaran program perlu
diperkuat basis data yang memadukan data pesantren, potensi wilayah, berikut profil
kemiskinan di wilayah tersebut; (2) perlu dipertimbangkan untuk memperoleh sumber
anggaran selain yang berasal dari APBN/APBD melalui kerjasama kemitraan dengan
dunia usaha dan lembaga keuangan yang menghimpun dana masyarakat, khususnya
bagi dukungan pembiayaan usaha dan pengembangan sumberdaya manusia pesantren;
(3) Kemenag perlu menjadikan program pemberdayaan ekonomi umat melalui pondok
pesantren dan koperasi pondok pesantren menjadi salah satu kegiatan atau program
prioritas kementerian, sampai pada tingkatan instansi vertikal di lingkungan Kemenag;
dan (4) Untuk memperluas cakupan Program Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Umat Melalui
Pondok Pesantren dan Koperasi Pondok Pesantren, perlu dipertimbangkan untuk
mengintegrasikan program ini dengan program penanggulangan kemiskinan lainnya.

Objective of this research is to find priorities of policy in implementation of Poverty
Allevation Policy Through Community Economic Empowerment By Pondok Pesantren
and Pondok Pesantren Cooperative, which aim to reducing poor people and to improve
well-being by coordinating, synergizing, and integrating programs and activities to
improving well-being of pondok pesantren and their surrounding community, using
analysis model of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Analysis lead to the conclusion
that two main policy in the implementation of Community Empowerment in Economic
By Pondok Pesantren and Pondok Pesantren Cooperative is Business Financing and
Human Resource Development to support the initial development of pesantren’s
economic empowerment. The next priority policy is Institutional Strengthening, and
Cooperation Strengthening to strengthen pesantren’s economic empowerment so they
can empower their local community. Recommendations based on the analysis and the
conclusion that combine pesantren’s data, potency of the region, and the poverty profile
of the region; (2) need to be considered to obtain financial resources apart from the
State/Region Budget through a partnership with the business and financial institutions
that manage a public funds, particularly for business financing support and human
resource development; (3) Kemenag need to make Community Economic
Empowerment By Pondok Pesantren and Pondok Pesantren Cooperative as a ministry‘s
priority program of activity, up to the level of their vertical institutions; (4) Should be
considered to integrate the program with other poverty allevation programs to expand
the scope of Community Economic Empowerment By Pondok Pesantren and Pondok
Pesantren Cooperative."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Puri Listiyani
A number of studies have examined the relationship between the oil palm plantation area and the poverty alleviation. Most of this study are conducted based on local research and, mainly, do not involve econometrics analysis to find the relationship. Palm oil is one of commoditiesthat is widely produced in Indonesia that makes this country the world leader of palm oil producers. With the large amount of oil palm plantation area in Indonesia, then it may have an effect on economic growth,which may relieve the poverty. Using panel data set of 33 province in Indonesia between 2006 and 2012, this paper tries to examine the effect of oil palm plantation on poverty alleviation in Indonesia.Moreover, this paper also aims to examine factors that may affect the expansion of oil palm plantation. In order to answer this objective, descriptive analysis is employed to discuss the determinant of oil palm expansion. Whereas, pooled OLS, fixed effect panel data model and random effect panel data model are employed in this paper, to asnwer the main objective.
The results shows that govenment intervention is more likely to influence the expansion of oil palm plantation. Meanwhile, demand for palm oil product may have impact on the expansion in Indonesia. Empirical findings show that oil palm plantation has negatively significant effect on the number of poor people. This means that increasing oil palm plantation area may reduce the poverty level in Indonesia. In addition, regional per capita income, education, access on electriciy and population size also have negative relationship with the poverty. Mostly, the result supports the empirical evidence that an increase of the variables may reduce the poverty level.;A number of studies have examined the relationship between the oil palm plantation area and the poverty alleviation. Most of this study are conducted based on local research and, mainly, do not involve econometrics analysis to find the relationship. Palm oil is one of commoditiesthat is widely produced in Indonesia that makes this country the world leader of palm oil producers. With the large amount of oil palm plantation area in Indonesia, then it may have an effect on economic growth,which may relieve the poverty. Using panel data set of 33 province in Indonesia between 2006 and 2012, this paper tries to examine the effect of oil palm plantation on poverty alleviation in Indonesia.Moreover, this paper also aims to examine factors that may affect the expansion of oil palm plantation. In order to answer this objective, descriptive analysis is employed to discuss the determinant of oil palm expansion. Whereas, pooled OLS, fixed effect panel data model and random effect panel data model are employed in this paper, to asnwer the main objective.
The results shows that govenment intervention is more likely to influence the expansion of oil palm plantation. Meanwhile, demand for palm oil product may have impact on the expansion in Indonesia. Empirical findings show that oil palm plantation has negatively significant effect on the number of poor people. This means that increasing oil palm plantation area may reduce the poverty level in Indonesia. In addition, regional per capita income, education, access on electriciy and population size also have negative relationship with the poverty. Mostly, the result supports the empirical evidence that an increase of the variables may reduce the poverty level.;A number of studies have examined the relationship between the oil palm plantation area and the poverty alleviation. Most of this study are conducted based on local research and, mainly, do not involve econometrics analysis to find the relationship. Palm oil is one of commoditiesthat is widely produced in Indonesia that makes this country the world leader of palm oil producers. With the large amount of oil palm plantation area in Indonesia, then it may have an effect on economic growth,which may relieve the poverty. Using panel data set of 33 province in Indonesia between 2006 and 2012, this paper tries to examine the effect of oil palm plantation on poverty alleviation in Indonesia.Moreover, this paper also aims to examine factors that may affect the expansion of oil palm plantation. In order to answer this objective, descriptive analysis is employed to discuss the determinant of oil palm expansion. Whereas, pooled OLS, fixed effect panel data model and random effect panel data model are employed in this paper, to asnwer the main objective.
The results shows that govenment intervention is more likely to influence the expansion of oil palm plantation. Meanwhile, demand for palm oil product may have impact on the expansion in Indonesia. Empirical findings show that oil palm plantation has negatively significant effect on the number of poor people. This means that increasing oil palm plantation area may reduce the poverty level in Indonesia. In addition, regional per capita income, education, access on electriciy and population size also have negative relationship with the poverty. Mostly, the result supports the empirical evidence that an increase of the variables may reduce the poverty level.;A number of studies have examined the relationship between the oil palm plantation area and the poverty alleviation. Most of this study are conducted based on local research and, mainly, do not involve econometrics analysis to find the relationship. Palm oil is one of commoditiesthat is widely produced in Indonesia that makes this country the world leader of palm oil producers. With the large amount of oil palm plantation area in Indonesia, then it may have an effect on economic growth,which may relieve the poverty. Using panel data set of 33 province in Indonesia between 2006 and 2012, this paper tries to examine the effect of oil palm plantation on poverty alleviation in Indonesia.Moreover, this paper also aims to examine factors that may affect the expansion of oil palm plantation. In order to answer this objective, descriptive analysis is employed to discuss the determinant of oil palm expansion. Whereas, pooled OLS, fixed effect panel data model and random effect panel data model are employed in this paper, to asnwer the main objective.
The results shows that govenment intervention is more likely to influence the expansion of oil palm plantation. Meanwhile, demand for palm oil product may have impact on the expansion in Indonesia. Empirical findings show that oil palm plantation has negatively significant effect on the number of poor people. This means that increasing oil palm plantation area may reduce the poverty level in Indonesia. In addition, regional per capita income, education, access on electriciy and population size also have negative relationship with the poverty. Mostly, the result supports the empirical evidence that an increase of the variables may reduce the poverty level.;A number of studies have examined the relationship between the oil palm plantation area and the poverty alleviation. Most of this study are conducted based on local research and, mainly, do not involve econometrics analysis to find the relationship. Palm oil is one of commoditiesthat is widely produced in Indonesia that makes this country the world leader of palm oil producers. With the large amount of oil palm plantation area in Indonesia, then it may have an effect on economic growth,which may relieve the poverty. Using panel data set of 33 province in Indonesia between 2006 and 2012, this paper tries to examine the effect of oil palm plantation on poverty alleviation in Indonesia.Moreover, this paper also aims to examine factors that may affect the expansion of oil palm plantation. In order to answer this objective, descriptive analysis is employed to discuss the determinant of oil palm expansion. Whereas, pooled OLS, fixed effect panel data model and random effect panel data model are employed in this paper, to asnwer the main objective.
The results shows that govenment intervention is more likely to influence the expansion of oil palm plantation. Meanwhile, demand for palm oil product may have impact on the expansion in Indonesia. Empirical findings show that oil palm plantation has negatively significant effect on the number of poor people. This means that increasing oil palm plantation area may reduce the poverty level in Indonesia. In addition, regional per capita income, education, access on electriciy and population size also have negative relationship with the poverty. Mostly, the result supports the empirical evidence that an increase of the variables may reduce the poverty level., A number of studies have examined the relationship between the oil palm plantation area and the poverty alleviation. Most of this study are conducted based on local research and, mainly, do not involve econometrics analysis to find the relationship. Palm oil is one of commoditiesthat is widely produced in Indonesia that makes this country the world leader of palm oil producers. With the large amount of oil palm plantation area in Indonesia, then it may have an effect on economic growth,which may relieve the poverty. Using panel data set of 33 province in Indonesia between 2006 and 2012, this paper tries to examine the effect of oil palm plantation on poverty alleviation in Indonesia.Moreover, this paper also aims to examine factors that may affect the expansion of oil palm plantation. In order to answer this objective, descriptive analysis is employed to discuss the determinant of oil palm expansion. Whereas, pooled OLS, fixed effect panel data model and random effect panel data model are employed in this paper, to asnwer the main objective.
The results shows that govenment intervention is more likely to influence the expansion of oil palm plantation. Meanwhile, demand for palm oil product may have impact on the expansion in Indonesia. Empirical findings show that oil palm plantation has negatively significant effect on the number of poor people. This means that increasing oil palm plantation area may reduce the poverty level in Indonesia. In addition, regional per capita income, education, access on electriciy and population size also have negative relationship with the poverty. Mostly, the result supports the empirical evidence that an increase of the variables may reduce the poverty level.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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