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Ditemukan 197537 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"Sistem Pengawasan dalam Supervisi Akademik terdiri dari Tiga Dimensi kegiatan yaitu memantau, menilai dan membina. Untuk dapat melaksanakan tiga dimensi kegiatan tersebut dibutuhkan pengawas yang memiliki kompetensi yang memadai dalam bidangnya. Namun kenyataannya masih banyak pengawas yang belum memenuhi persyaratan kompetensi. Oleh karena itu tesis ini membahas tentang upaya peningkatan kompetensi pengawas sekolah dalam pelaksanaan Supervisi Akademik di Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Konawe. Penelitin ini menggunakan metode Soft System Methodologi samapai tahap Enam yaitu problem Solving.
Hasil penelitian ini merekomendasikan bahwa upaya yang dapat dilakukan dalam meningkatkan kompetensi pengawas sekolah di Kabupaten Konawe adalah Mentoring, Lokakarya dan pelatihan yang berkesinambungan.

Supervisory system in instructional supervision consists of three activity dimensions such as observing, assessing and developing. In order to implement such three activity dimensions, it is needed competent supervisors in their field. In fact, however, there are still many supervisors who do not fulfill the competencies requirement. Consequently, this thesis discusses about how efforts of improving school supervisor competencies in instructional supervision are implemented at office of education and culture in Konawe regency. This study uses Soft System Methodology until stage six in the form of problem solving.
The result of this study recommends that the efforts that can be done in improving school supervisor competencies in Konawe regency are: mentoring, workshop, and continuous training.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ismail Sauridi
"Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang upaya peningkatan kompetensi pengawas sekolah pada bidang penelitian dan pengembangan di Dinas Pendidikan Daerah Kabupaten Morowali dengan menggunakan metode Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) dan ditujukan untuk problem solving interest. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana proses pembelajaran pada kegiatan peningkatan kompetensi pengawas sekolah sehingga upaya yang dilakukan dapat meningkatkan kompetensi pengawas sehingga kelak dapat berkinerja sesuai dengan kompetensi yang dimiliki. Untuk menjawab permasalahan penelitian tersebut peneliti merumuskan tujuan yakni mengkontruksi proses pembelajaran pada kegiatan peningkatan kompetensi pengawas sekolah pada bidang penelitian dan pengembangan. Temuan dalam penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa untuk meningkatkan kompetensi pengawas sekolah pada bidang penelitian dan pengembangan dilakukan melalui proses pembelajaran dengan aktifitas-aktifitas yang logis pada kegiatan pelatihan, mentoring dan pemberdayaan Kelompok Kerja Pengawas Sekolah.

This research study about the efforts to increase the competence of school superintendent in generating of research and development at Education Chamber of Morowali Regency by using Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) and aimed at problem solving interest. The problem in this study is how the learning process at school superintendent competence building activities so that the efforts made to improve the competence of superintendents that can later be performed in accordance with their competence. To answer the research problem, the researcher formulates the goal to construct the learning process at school superintendents competence building activities in generating of research and development. The findings in this study conclude that the school superntendents to improve competence in generating of research and development through the learning process with a logical activities through training, mentoring and empowerment Working Group School Superintendent."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Kajian ini tentang penyempurnaan proses implementasi Evaluasi Diri Sekolah (EDS) dalam rangka penjaminan dan peningkatan mutu pendidikan di Kabupaten Belitung dengan menggunakan kerangka teori kebijakan sebagai sebuah hirarki yang dikemukakan oleh Bromley (1989) melalui pendekatan Soft Systems Methodology (SSM). Penyempurnaan ini meliputi tiga tataran, yaitu tataran kebijakan, tataran organisasi, dan tataran operasional.
Pada tataran kebijakan dihasilkan peraturan daerah (Perda) sebagai dasar hukum penyelenggaraan pendidikan di daerah. Pada tataran organisasi dihasilkan sistem Monitoring terhadap Sekolah oleh Pemerintah Daerah (MSPD) dengan tujuan melaksanakan monitoring terhadap jalannya proses implementasi EDS di satuan pendidikan sehingga dapat berjalan sesuai dengan prosedur yang telah ditetapkan, dan untuk selanjutnya MSPD membuat pemetaan mutu pendidikan di daerah.
Pada tataran operasional dihasilkan dua sistem, yaitu 1). Membentuk Tim Pengembang Sekolah (TPS) tujuannya adalah melakukan pengisian instrumen EDS secara obyektif, jujur dan transparan, 2). Menyusun Pakta Integritas Sekolah (PIS) dengan maksud agar dapat terbangun kesepahaman dan kesepakatan warga sekolah, sehingga dapat memberikan kontribusi positif bagi pelaksanaan EDS di satuan pendidikan. Dengan demikian diharapkan penjaminan dan peningkatan mutu pendidikan di kabupaten Belitung dapat terwujud.

The review is about the implementation of the School Self Evaluation (SSE) in order to the Education Quality Assurance and Improvement System (EQAIS) in the district of Belitung by using the theoretical framework of the policy process as a hierarchy by Bromley (1989) approach through Soft Systems Methodology (SSM). This enhancement includes three levels, namely the policy level, the organizational level and operational level.
At the policy level conducted studies on how local governments provide support or strengthening the implementation of the SSE in the educational unit that SSE program which is the only gateway to education quality assurance system to run smoothly and be a requirement for education units to carry it out. At the organizational level studies conducted on the role of school monitoring by district (SMD) in monitoring process through the implementation process of SSE can be run in accordance with established procedures, and than mapping the quality of education in the area.
At the operational level produced two systems, namely 1). Forming a school development team (SDT) to make the SSE process charging instrument more objective, honest and transparent, 2). Formulating a integrity pact school (IPS) in order to how to develop a common understanding and agreement of the school community so as to contribute to the implementation of SSE in the education unit. It is expected the underwriting process of education quality assurance and improvement system in the district Belitung can be realized.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Kajian ini merupakan aplikasi riset tindakan berbasis Soft Systems Methodology yang mengacu kepada dual imperatives dari McKay dan Marshall ( 2001) yaitu research interest dan problem solving interest untuk melakukan penataan ulang governansi dalam pengelolaan hutan lindung. Institusi yang memegang peranan penting dalam governansi pengelolaan hutan lindung di Kabupaten Wonosobo adalah Perum Perhutani berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 72 Tahun 2010. Adapun pihak lain yang terkait erat dengan pengelolaan hutan lindung adalah pemerintah daerah, masyarakat desa hutan, serta stake holder seperti Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM).
Dalam prakteknya, governansi dalam pengelolaan hutan lindung banyak menghadapi permasalahan. Permasalahan tersebut disebabkan antara lain oleh perambahan serta perusakan hutan lindung yang mengakibatkan terjadinya deforestasi dan berkurangnya fungsi hutan lindung. Implementasi kebijakan serta koordinasi dalam rangka pengelolaan hutan lindung juga menghadapi berbagai permasalahan. Oleh karena itu tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis penataan ulang governansi, implementasi kebijakan, serta pelaksanaan koordinasi yang efektif dalam pengelolaan hutan lindung.
Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa penataan ulang governansi dalam pengelolaan hutan lindung dapat dilakukan melalui perubahan yang systematically desirable dan culturally feasible di mana partisipasi, efisiensi dan efektivitas, keadilan dan kesetaraan, transparansi, akuntabilitas, dan konsensus dapat diadopsi sebagai prinsip-prinsip governansi yang baik dalam pengelolaan hutan lindung di Kabupaten Wonosobo. Implementasi kebijakan menyangkut hutan lindung dapat dimaksimalkan dengan meningkatkan pemahaman masyarakat desa hutan mengenai fungsi hutan lindung. Komunikasi dan interaksi yang intensif antar institusi sangat penting untuk meningkatkan efektivitas koordinasi dalam pengelolaan hutan lindung di Kabupaten Wonosobo.
This study is an application of action research based on the Soft Systems Methodology which refers to the concept dual imperatives, as put forwarded by McKay and Marshall (2001) ? research interest and problem solving interest ? in dealing with restructuring governance for protected forests. According to the Government Regulation No. 72 of 2010, Perum Perhutani is a government institution that should play a crucial important role in the governance of protected forest in the Wonosobo Regency. Other parties having close relations to the governance of protected forests are local governments, villagers living next to the forests, as well as those stakeholders such as non-governmental organizations (NGOS).
In practice, the governance of protected forest management does face a lot of problems. These problems are partly caused by encroachment and destruction of protected forests which then lead to deforestation and also reduced functions of the protected forests. In addition to this, policy implementation and coordination within the context of protected forest management also face various problems. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to investigate governance restructure, policy implementation, as well as the implementation of effective coordination in the management of protected forests.
The results show that governance restructure for the protected forest management can be done through systematically desirable and culturally feasible changes in which participation, efficiency and effectiveness, fairness and equality, transparency, accountability, and consensus can be adopted as principles of good governance in the management of protected forests in the Wonosobo Regency, in particular. Maximum efforts associated with protected forest oriented policy implementation can be made by enhancing the nearby villagers?s understanding of the functions of protected forests. At the same time, intensive communication and interaction among related institutions are also essential in order to improve the effectiveness of coordination in the management of protected forests in the Wonosobo Regency."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eko Prasetyo
"Inovasi merupakan salah satu sumber keunggulan bersaing bangsa. Kebijakan Pendanaan Riset Molina merupakan salah satu pengungkit di dalam mendorong inovasi di sektor strategis untuk menciptakan daya saing. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana implementasi kebijakan pendanaan riset Molina ditinjau dari aspek isi dan konteks kebijakan berdasarkan kerangka Grindle (1990). Kajian ini menggunakan soft systems metodhology based action research (Checkland, 1990; Hardjosoekarto, 2012) dengan mengambil rujukan penelitian pada Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (LPDP) sebagai lembaga yang menerima mandat untuk melaksanakan kebijakan ini. Pemilihan SSM dilakukan karena mempertimbangkan bahwa pelaksanaan kebijakan ini merupakan human activity sistems yang melibatkan banyak stakeholder. State of the art penelitian ini adalah mengisi kekosongan kajian implementasi kebijakan pendanaan khususnya di sektor strategis dengan mennggunakan Soft Systems Methodology based Action Research.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa telah terjadi proses pembelajaran yang berlangsung secara systematically desirable and culturally feasible untuk mewujudkan keunggulan bersaing bangsa melalui inovasi di riset Molina. Proses pembelajaran di dalam implementasi kebijakan pendanaan riset Molina bukan hanya sebagai sebuah proses administrasi tetapi juga proses politik. Implementasi kebijakan pendanaan sebagai content of policy implementation merekomendasikan perlunya ada kepastian hukum terkait dengan pendanaan di sektor strategis ini agar keberlangsungan program dapat terjaga mengingat sektor ini membutuhkan biaya sangat besar dan juga melibatkan banyak pihak dan kepentingan. Sedangkan dari sisi context of policty implementation membutuhkan adanya kepastian hukum di level nasional dan keberadaan lembaga riset nasional yang menaungi berbagai riset strategis.

One of competitiveness source is innovation. Policy of Molina Funding Research is one of strategic leverages in triggering innovation to create competitiveness. This research intends to analyze the implementation of Molina funding researh policy seen from the content and context of a policy implementation based on Grindle framework (1990). This study used soft systems metodhology based on action research (Checkland, 1990; Hardjosoekarto, 2012) with the references from Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (LPDP) as an institution that received a mandate to carry out this policy. The selection of SSM is based on the consideration that the implementation of the policy is seen as a human activity system, which involves many stakeholders. State of art of this research is to mend the implementation of funding policy, specifically in the strategic sector, by using Soft Systems Methodology based Action Research.
The result showed that there was a learning process which was systematically desirable and culturally feasible to actualize the excellence of nation?s accomplishment through innovation in Molina research. Learning process in the implementation of funding policy of Molina research does not only contain administrative but also political process. Implementation of funding policy as a content of policy implementation reccommends for legal certainty to be involved, related to funding in strategic sector so that this program will last longer, considered tha fact that this sector requires a lot of funding as well as involves several stakeholders. Meanwhile seen from context of policy implementation, it requires a legal certainty to be involved in national level and a national research institution that perform strategic researchs to exist.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Stefanus Murti Sri Sadana
"Riset yang berfokus pada kompetensi MSDM (human resource competency) ini,mempunyai dua tujuan, yaitu: problem solving interest dan research interest. Subjek penelitian, Bank BTN dianalisis dari sisi regulasi, struktur, tata kelola, serta dinamika internal human capital management menghadapi situasi kompleks problematis era ASEAN Economic Community 2015 dan ASEAN financial integration 2020.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah serba sistem lunak berbasis riset tindakan. Hasilnya, Bank BTN tidak melakukan tindakan sistemik dalam sistem kepemimpinan dan sistem kerja kinerja unggul. Kompetensi MSDM sebagai leverage dapat tercapai melalui efikasi individu dan efikasi organisasi.
Sebagai riset akademik, refleksi teoritis memberikan kebaruan berupa disain ulang kompetensi MSDM. Disain alternatif tersebut dihasilkan melalui integrasi sistem pemosisi strategis dengan sistem kerja kinerja unggul melalui sistem proaktivis kredibel empat tingkat.
Rekomendasi: organisasi bank perlu mengadopsi desain alternatif, Sistem Kompetensi Modal Manusia, sehingga menjadi center of excellence dalam bidangnya melalui dialog serta tindakan nyata sistemik yang inklusif, holistik dan strategis.

The Research, that focuses on human resource competency, has two objectives, namely: problem solving interest and research interest. Bank BTN, subject of the research, were analyzed in terms of regulation, structure, governance, and the internal dynamics of human capital management in facing a problematic situation in ASEAN Economic Community 2015 and ASEAN financial integration 2020.
Soft systems methodology based action research was used as the approach. As a result, Bank BTN has not performed systemic action in their leadership system and superior performance work systems yet. Human resource competencies, as leverage, can be achieved through personal efficacy and organizational efficacy.
As an academic research, theoretical reflections provide novelty in the form of human resource competency redesign. The alternative design was produced by an integration of strategic positioner system with high performance work systems through proactivists credible four-level systems.
Recommendation: a bank organization needs to adopt the concept of human capital competency systems to be a center of excellence in its field through systemically inclusive, holistic, and strategic dialogue and real action.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Disertasi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Nailatul Himma
"Tesis ini mengambil topik penelitian mengenai peranan akuntansi aset tetap dalam optimalisasi perencanaan kebutuhan dan penganggaran barang milik negara di Ditjen Pendidikan Tinggi Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan soft system methodology. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menggambarkan kompleksitas dan permasalahan mengenai proses perencanaan kebutuhan dan penganggaran barang milik negara, dan bagaimana peranan akuntansi aset tetap yang logis dan diterima secara kultural dalam proses tersebut di Ditjen Pendidikan Tinggi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kompleksitas permasalahan dan pihak yang terlibat dalam akuntansi aset tetap serta proses perencanaan kebutuhan dan penganggaran barang milik negara. Penelitian juga menghasilkan aktivitas-aktivitas yang logis dan diterima secara kultural di Ditjen Pendidikan Tinggi. Rekomendasi penelitian ini adalah aktivitas-aktivitas logis dalam proses (1) perencanaan kebutuhan barang milik negara, dan; (2) penganggaran barang milik negara.

The topic for this thesis research is the role of fixed asset accounting in the optimization of requirement's planning and budgeting of state-owned assets in the Directorate General of Higher Education Ministry of Education and Culture. This study is a qualitative research with Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) approach. The purpose of the study is to describe the complexity and concerns about the process of requirement's planning and budgeting of state-owned assets, and how the role of fixed asset accounting logical and culturally acceptable in that process in the Directorate General of Higher Education.
The results show the complexity of the issues and parties involved in the accounting of fixed assets as well as the process of requirement's planning and budgeting of state-owned assets. The research also generates logical activities and culturally acceptable in the Directorate General of Higher Education. This research recommendation are logical activities in the process of (1) requirement's planning of state-owned assets, and; (2) budgeting of state-owned assets.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Intan Nurcahyono.
Pendidikan adalah urusan untuk mencetak perilaku manusia pendidikan bukan hanya soal bagaimana mendidik memberikan pengetahuan namun bagaimana membentuk jati diri manusia Pendidikan Indonesia bertujuan untuk memerdekakan manusia yang bermartabat bermoral tinggi terampil mandiri serta memiliki jiwa kebangsaan yang tinggi Hingga saat ini pendidikan terlihat gagal untuk membangun budi pekerti sebagaimana maraknya perilaku buruk siswa seperti pemakaian obat obat terlarang tawuran pemerkosaan bolos sekolah merobek seragam ribut dikelas berkelahi kehamilan remaja penyalahgunaan narkoba dan alkohol serta tindak agresifitas lainya Sehingga harus dilakukan pencegahan kenakalan siswa yang dapat berlangsung secara partisipatif Tesis ini membahas tentang pencegahan kenakalan siswa melalui pendekatan struktur kultur dan proses sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa di SMK Negeri 1 Kahayan Hilir dengan metode kualitatif melalui pendekatan soft system methodology SSM Sebagai hasil penelitian bahwa Sekolah adalah salah satu cara yang paling tepat untuk mengendalikan siswa atau sebagai social control membuka wawasan merubah pandangan lebih luas melalui pembangunan struktur menciptakan iklim yang kondusif dan komunikasi yang efektif

Education is designed to produce human with good behavior education is not only how to educate and provide knowledge but it is also how to shape human identity Indonesian education aims to liberate the people that have high moral dignities and high national spirits and they are skilled and self contained Until now education seem fails to build characters that have proved by bad behavior of students such as brawl rape skipping school ripped uniform noisy class fight teenage pregnancy drug and alcohol abuse and other unlawful acts So it should be prevented by participatory manners to overcome the delinquency students This thesis discusses the prevention of delinquency students through approaching the structure the culture and the process in an effort to improve student achievements at SMK Negeri 1 Kahayan Hillir with qualitative methods through the soft systems methodology SSM approach As a result of research the school is one of the most appropriate way to control students or as a social control opening insight changing broader view through the development of the structure creating a conducive environment and effective communication "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wardahnia Hadiyanto
Meski memiliki peran strategis, Lembaga Penyiaran Publik TVRI belum
memiliki posisi yang kuat karena status kelembagaannya belum jelas. Penelitian
ini bertujuan melakukan penyempurnaan kebijakan Lembaga Penyiaran Publik
TVRI sebagai suatu Hirarki karenanya tiga tahap kebijakan berdasarkan hirarki
dinilai tepat untuk penelitian ini.
Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan Soft
Systems Methodology (SSM) yang melihat real world sebagai sistem yang terdiri
dari sub-sistem yang saling interconnected dan interrelated.Pemilihan SSM
sebagai pendekatan untuk keseluruhan proses penelitian menggunakan
experience based knowledge– yang bergerak antara perceived about realworld
(reality) dan feeling about realworld (actuality). Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan
pada tataran policy level Undang-undang 32/2002 dan PP 11/2005 serta PP
13/2005, tidak mengatur rumusan status kelembagaan LPP TVRI.Bahkan,
regulasi- regulasi tersebut tidak sinkron dalam pengaturan kelembagaan LPP
TVRI. Sementara di tataran organizational level, Rencana Strategis LPP TVRI
2011- 2016 belum selesai disusun, mengingat belum ada sinergisitas antara
Dewan Pengawas dan Dewan Direksi LPP TVRI 2011- 2016. Padahal Renstra
LPP TVRI adalah penentu arah pengembangan LPP TVRI di masa mendatang.
Pada tataran operational level, Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) unit
Pemberitaan LPP TVRI yang merupakan pedoman dalam menjalankan tugas
profesi di unit Pemberitaan hingga saat ini belum disosialisasikan.

This research objective is the improvement of the policy of LPP TVRI as a
Hierarchy of the three steps policy based on hierarchy which is suitable or proper
with this report. The research uses a soft systems Methodology- SSM that see the
real world as a system which consists of sub system that interconnected and
interrelated to each other.
The choosing of approaching SSM is used for a
comprehensive Research Process to conduct the completion policy of Public
Broadcasting Board with the using of experience based knowledge- which move
between perceived about real world (reality) and feeling about real world
(actuality).The result of this research shows in amandement policy level of UU
32/2002 and PP 13/2005 as well as LPP TVRI, without stipulate definition,
limitation and the status of LPP TVRI, even the regulation is not connected to the
arrangement of LPP TVRI Board. Meanwhile, the arrangement of organization
level, strategy plan of LPP TVRI 2011-2016 is not accomplished, because there is
not a synergy between the Board of Governors and the Director of LPP TVRI
Board 2011-2016. Even though, strategy Plan of LPP TVRI is the key guidance to
the development of LPP TVRI in the future. The arrangement of operational level,
the Standard Operating Procedure of News Department of LPP TVRI which is the
sources or guidelines in conducting the profession duty in the field of News
Department, until now it is not been socialized."
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"A phenomenon of educational problem especially in Public Senior High School I Membalong is there is no fulfillment of eight national standard of education. School principal, teachers, administrator staffs, students, school committee, and school supervisor have the role to implement the quality improvement program continuously through the utilization of school self evaluation to achieve the national standard of education.
This thesis discusses about the utilization of school self evaluation at Public Senior High School I Membalong Belitung Regency using qualitative method through Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) approach.
The result of the study suggested that school self evaluation at Public Senior High School I Membalong hat to be utilized to develop quality improvement program continuously by involving all stakeholders to create satisfaction of customer.

A phenomenon of educational problem especially in Public Senior High School I Membalong is there is no fulfillment of eight national standard of education. School principal, teachers, administrator staffs, students, school committee, and school supervisor have the role to implement the quality improvement program continuously through the utilization of school self evaluation to achieve the national standard of education.
This thesis discusses about the utilization of school self evaluation at Public Senior High School I Membalong Belitung Regency using qualitative method through Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) approach.
The result of the study suggested that school self evaluation at Public Senior High School I Membalong hat to be utilized to develop quality improvement program continuously by involving all stakeholders to create satisfaction of customer."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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