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Eny Juliati
"Tesis ini membahas penatalaksanaan bdita sakit dengan gejala diare menunrt standar Manzgemen Terpadu Balita Sakit (MTBS) di Aceh, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Kalimautan Selatan, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Sulawesi Tenggra, dan Sumatera Utara. Hasil analisis multivariat menunjuklran tidak ada satu pun variabel bebas yang berhubrmgan secara bermakna deagan tingkat kepatuhan petugas clalarn melakukan penilaian menurut standar MTBS. Selain itu variabel pelatihan memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan lresesuaian antara klasiiikasi yang ditetaplran petugas dengan klasifilrasi menurut pengamat, dan merupalran variabel bebas yang dominan terhadap kesesuaian antara klasifikasi yang ditetapkan petugas dengan klasilikasi menunrt pengamat dengan nilai OR sebesar 27,7. Sedanglran pelatihan dan kelengkapan alat merupalum faktor dominan terhadap kesesuaian antara pengobatan yang diberikan dengan klasilikasi yang ditetapkan petugas (tanpa tablet zinc). Selain itu variabel pelatihan juga merupalran faktor dominan terhadap kesesuaian antara pengobatan yang diberilran petugas dengan pengobatan menurut pengamat. Satu hal yang rnenjadi catatan panting dalam pemberian pengobatan adalah masih nendahnya kepatuhan baik petugas maupun pengamat dalam melaksanakau pedornan yaitu memberikan tablet zinc pada anal: dengan gejala diare. Saran, peninglratan keterampilan petugas mengenai pelaksanaan MTBS dan peningkatan dukungan fasilitas di setiap pclayanan kesehatan.

This thesis is examined the treatment of childhood illness with diarrhoea as symptom according to Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) in Aceh, Central Java, East Java, South Kalimantan, East Nusa Tenggara, Southeast Sulawesi and North Sumatera using a Cross Sectional Design with sample size is l06. The result of multivariate analysis is indicated none of independent variables are statistically significant to the health stafPs assessment compliance in evaluation related to IMCI. Training has showed significance in statistic among classification that set up by health stat? and classification according to evaluator. It is also a dominant independent variable with OR=27.7. Training and comprehensive tools is a dominant factor to the treatment related to the classification that set up by health stai¥`(without zinc tablet). Training itself is a dominant liactor to the treatment according to the classification of the health staff and evaluator. Suggestion, skill improvement of health about [MCI implementation and facility support improvement in every health center. "
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Inel Nelyana
"Tesis ini membahas kualitas penanganan balita sakit dengan gejala ISPA yang mempakan analisis lanjutan data survei evaluasi MTBS di 8 Kabupaten. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional dan cluster di puskesmas. Besar sampel pada penelitian ini sebanyak 421 balita sakit dengan gejala ISPA dari 635 besar sampel yang diambil oleh Puslitkes-UI. Hasil p¢neIitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kualitas penanganan balita sakit dengan gejaia ISPA masih rendah. Disarankan agar dilakukan bagi kepala puskesmas untuk membentuk tim MTBS, membuat job description yang jelas, bagi dinkes provinsi atau kabupaten melakukan penyegaran pelatihan petugas MTBS, melakukan monev minimal 2 kali dalam setahun, memfasilitasi sarana di puskesmas.

The study is exploring the quality of care for under-five children with the ARI symptoms ofthe continued analysis towards data of evaluation survey of the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI/MTBS) at 8 districts. The study is a quantitative study with a crosvsectional and cluster designs at puskesmas. The number ofthe sample is 421 children with Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI/ISPA) symptom out of 635 sample of ill children that taken by thc CHRUI. The study revealed that thc quality of care for the under-live with ARI symptoms is still low. Suggestions arc delivered to the head of puskcsmas to develop a team of IMCI, to the Province and District Health Authority to carry out the Reiieshcd Training for MTBS providers and to pcrfomi monitoring and evaluation for at least twice a year, and to provide facilitation on the puskcsmas."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Itsna Masyruha
"Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kualitas penatalaksanaan balita sakit dengan gejala pneumonia di puskesmas, Jawa Barat tahun 2012. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan data evaluasi pelatihan MTBS tahap pretest dengan desain cross-sectional. Hasil menunjukkan kualitas penatalaksanaan rendah (9,3%). Terlihat dari rendahnya kepatuhan petugas dalam melakukan penilaian terhadap tanda dan gejala, kesesuaian petugas dalam menetapkan klasifikasi, kesesuaian petugas dalam memberikan pengobatan, serta kepatuhan petugas dalam memberikan konseling (2,6%; 7,9%; 5,6%; dan 1,3%). Faktor yang berhubungan dengan kualitas penatalaksanaan balita sakit tersebut adalah tipe profesi dan pendidikan petugas kesehatan. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan kualitas penatalaksanaan balita sakit dengan gejala pneumonia masih rendah.

This thesis aims to describe the quality of care for under-five ill children having pneumonia symptom in community health center in West Java, 2012. This study is conducted by using the evaluation study pre-test IMCI training data with cross sectional design. The result indicates that the quality of care for under-five children is still low. It is showed from the lack adherence of health worker assessing sign and symptom, the lack compatibility in classification and treatment, and the lack adherence of health worker giving the counseling (2,6%;7,9%; 5,6%; 1,3%). The determinants of quality of care for under-five are the type of profession and education of health workers. In conclusion, quality of care for underfive children is low and the determinants are type of profession and education of health worker."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fathiyah Rizky
"Manajemen Terpadu Balita Sakit (MTBS) adalah suatu pendekatan terintegrasi dalam tatalaksana balita sakit secara menyeluruh. Bidan sebagai salah satu tenaga pelaksana MTBS sangat berperan dalam keberhasilan program MTBS, kinerja bidan dipengaruhi oleh faktor individu, psikologik dan organisasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis kinerja bidan dalam pelaksanaan MTBS di puskesmas Kabupaten OKU tahun 2013 dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif dan desain RAP (Rapid Assesment Procedure). Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam kepada informan menggunakan pedoman wawancara. Hasil penelitian menyarankan kepada bidan untuk semakin meningkatkan kinerja dengan mengacu kepada standar baku MTBS.

Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) is an integrated approach to the overall management of childhood illness. Midwives as one of the executive power is very instrumental in the success of IMCI IMCI program, midwives' work is influenced by individual factors, psychological and organizational. This study was conducted to analyze the performance of midwives in IMCI implementation in district health centers in 2013 OKU using qualitative methods and designs RAP (Rapid Assessment Procedure). Data was collected through in-depth interviews using an interview guide to the informant. The results suggest the midwives to further improve the performance with respect to the gold standard IMCI."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Diare merupakan penyebab utama kematian balita usia di bawah 5 tahun di Indonesia. Mikroorganisrne penyebab utama sebagian besar penderita diare akut adalah rotavirus. Diare akut dapat menyebabkan kematian dikarenakan keparahan gejala klinis yang dialami penderita seperti dehidrasi, muntah dan demam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memprediksi gejala klinis terhadap penyebab diare akut rotavirus di Kota Mataram tahun 2009. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan disain studi cross sectional.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan faktor gejala klinis yang paling dominan dalam memprediksi penyebab diare akut rotavirus adalah dehidrasi, muntah dan demam. Umur merupakan faktor resiko yang rnempengaruhi kejadian diare akut rotavirus. Uji diagnostik gejala klinis diare akut rotavirus terhadap gold standar PCR rotavirus menunjukan bahwa pada balita yang mengalami diare dengan penyebab rotavirus dan berumur 1-5 bulan 81 % dapat diprediksi melalui gejala klinis demam (sensitivitas 81%). Sedangkan untuk balita yang mengalami diare akut dengan penyebab rotavirus dan berumur 6 -11 bulan 83% (sensitivitas 83%) dapat diprediksi melalui gejala klinis muntah. Sedangkan kombinasi gejala klinis balita yang mengalami diare akut dengan penyebab rotavirus dan berumur 6 - 11 bulan 79 % (sensitivitas 79%) dapat dideteksi melalui kombinasi gejala klinis dehidrasi dan muntah.
Kesimpulan: gejala klinis dehidrasi, muntah dan demam dapat memprediksi diare akut rotavirus.

Diarrhea is a major cause of death of children under 5 years in Indonesia. The main microorganisms that cause acute diarrhea is rotavirus. The death of patients with acute diarrhea is due to the severity of clinical symptoms such as dehydration, vomiting and fever. This aim of this studyis to predict the clinical symptoms related with acute diarrhea which rotavirus as a single causative agent. Population of this study were acute diarrheal patients from Mataram in 2009. The research method used was quantitative with a cross sectional study design.
The results showed that clinical factors which can be used to predict that rotavirus as a causative agent are dehydration, vomiting and fever. Age is a risk factor affecting the incidence of acute rotavirus diarrhea. Diagnostic test of clinical symptoms and the gold standard PCR showed that 81% cases of rotavirus diarrhea on infant aged 1-5 months can be predicted by clinical symptoms of fever. As for the toddler who suffered from acute diarrhea by rotavirus (age 6 -11 months), 83% cases can be predicted by clinical symptoms of vomiting. Moreover, the combination of clinical symptoms (dehydration and vomiting) could detect 79% infants (6-11 months) who had acute rotavirus diarrhea.
Conclusion: The clinical symptoms of dehydration, vomiting and fever can be used to predict acute rotavirus diarrhea.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syumaya Cempaka Noor
"Skripsi ini membahas tentang kepatuhan petugas yang baik dengan yang tidak baik terhadap perilaku dia dalam memberikan obat yang rasional atau tidak rasional pada anak balita dengan penyakit Pneumonia dan Diare. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa masih banyak petugas yang memberikan obat secara tidak rasional yaitu diatas 60 % dan disarankan untuk dibuatnya SOP dalam pemberian pengobatan yang sesuai dengan standart Rasionalitas Obat.

This essay discusses the compliance officer the good with the bad for her behavior in delivering drugs rational or irrational in children under five with pneumonia and diarrhea diseases. This research is a quantitative study with cross-sectional design. The results stated that there are many officers who gave the drug is not rational is above 60% ​​and is recommended for SOP made ​​in the provision of treatment in accordance with the standard drug Rationality."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anggraini Sari Astuti
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui distribusi kejadian diare pada balita berdasarkan faktor anak, faktor ibu, dan faktor lingkungan. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan data sekunder survei midterm MTBS-M di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur tahun 2012 menggunakan disain studi cross-sectional. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa distribusi kejadian diare pada balita sebulan terakhir di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan adalah 11,1%.
Berdasarkan analisis diketahui bahwa terdapat perbedaan distribusi kejadian diare pada balita berdasarkan umur balita, jenis kelamin balita, riwayat pemberian kolostrum pada balita < 6 bulan, riwayat pemberian ASI eksklusif pada balita ≥ 6 bulan, dan pekerjaan ibu dengan nilai p < 0,05.
Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan distribusi balita < 6 bulan yang tidak diberi kolostrum memiliki kecenderungan 2,174 kali lebih berisiko terhadap kejadian diare dibandingkan dengan balita yang mendapat kolostrum (nilai p=0,022). Demikian juga distribusi balita yang tidak diberi ASI Eksklusif pada balita ≥ 6 bulan memiliki kecenderungan 1,348 kali lebih berisiko terhadap kejadian diare dibandingkan dengan balita yang tidak mendapatkan ASI Eksklusif (nilai p=0,000).

This research aims to identify distribution of diarrhea among children under five differences in children factor, mother factor, and environment factor. This research is a cross-sectional study from Midterm Survey of C-IMCI in Central South Timor District, East Nusa Tenggara Province 2012. The result shows that prevalence of diarrhea among children under five in Central South Timor District is 11,1%.
Based on analysis, the result show that there are differences in the distribution of diarrhea among children's age, children's sex, history of colostrums intake, history of exclusive breastfeeding, and mother's occupation (p-value<0,05).
This research shows that distribution of children who did not get colostrums has probability to diarrhea 2,174 times more than children got colostrums (p-value=0,022). The result also shows that distribution of children whom did not get exclusive breastfeeding has probability to diarrhea 1,348 times more than children got exclusive breastfeeding (p-value=0,000).
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wiwiek Pudjiastuti
"Analysis on the Compliance Rate of Health Personnel towards the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness at DKI Jakarta Health Center Year 2001The Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia in collaboration with the World Health Organization, since 1997, has developed an approach in managing sick child under-five at the primary health services known as Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI). Today, IMCI has been implemented in 26 provinces (of 30 provinces present) covering 128 districts/municipalities in Indonesia.
The province of DKI Jakarta, using regional budget 2000, has started socializing the IMCI to 14 health centers in 5 regions of Jakarta. How is the compliance of health worker in implementing the IMCI has never been studied.
The objective of this study is to have a outline information on factors related to the health worker's compliance towards IMCI implementation at HC in Jakarta. The study will use "cross-sectional" design with quantitative and qualitative approach and total sample of 23 IMCI-implement health workers. Data collection is conducted by direct observation to the health workers during sick child examination using a checklist. After the observation, the health workers will fill in a questionnaire. Some secondary data will also be collected using the checklist for Monitoring IMCI record and checklist for supporting facilities.
The result of the study shows that of 23 IMCI-implement health workers in DKI Jakarta 21.72% comply with interval value 58.61% - 90.28%, with cut off point value 80. The Internal factors is proven to have significant correlation with health worker's compliance with p = 0.04. While the external factors is proven to have significant correlation with human resources/MMCI facilities with p = 0.02 and leader's commitment with p = 0.009.
In conclusion, the compliance rate of HC personnel in DKI Jakarta towards IMCI has not adequate. It is suggested to the Provincial Health Services DKI Jakarta to provide a health policy in managing sick child under-five using IMCI approach and at the same time improving quality of its monitoring and supervision.
Health Center needs to have a clear task description for each of their personnel and a continued monitoring/supervision. A reward system should also be considered. The Ministry of Health needs to review the IMCI Monitoring and Supervision Checklist also considers Cut of Point of IMCI compliance rate and finalizing the Essential Drug for IMCI."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agus Handito
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ketersediaan zinc terhadap durasi diare pada balita. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain hybrid cross sectional ecology pada 1012 responden di sembilan provinsi di Indonesia tahun 2014. Proporsi durasi diare lebih dari tiga hari pada balita sebesar 26%. Proporsi ketersediaan zinc sesuai standar sebesar 33,3%. Variabel kontekstual yang berpengaruh terhadap durasi diare pada balita meliputi ketersediaan zinc (OR=2,7; IOR=1,3-10,2), pengadaan zinc melalui APBN (OR=8,0; IOR=2,8-22,7), akses sarana air minum (OR=0,4; IOR=1,01-8,1), kepemilikan tempat sampah (OR=3,1; IOR=1,1-8,8), perilaku BAB yang benar (OR=1,02; IOR=0,4-2,9), perilaku cuci tangan yang benar (OR=1,03; IOR=0,4-2,9) dan HDI (OR=1,01; IOR=0,2-1,8). Efek kabupaten/kota terhadap durasi diare pada balita menurut kuintil kemiskinan MOR=1,0003. Variasi antar kabupaten/kota menurut kemiskinan mempengaruhi perbedaan durasi diare pada balita. Rekomendasi dari penelitian ini adalah mengalokasikan APBN dan APBD yang cukup untuk pengadaan zinc, membuat kebijakan pengawasan minum obat zinc pada balita penderita diare, pengawasan faktor lingkungan dan PHBS terkait diare.

The study was intended to identify the effect on zinc availability on duration of diarrhea among under five-children. Hybrid cross sectional ecology was employed to 1012 participants in nine provinces, Indonesia 2014. Around 26% under five-children suffered diarrhea more than three days. Proportion of province with 100% zinc availability was 33.3%. In contextual level, duration of diarrhea was affected by zinc availability (OR=2,7; IOR=1,3-10,2), zinc procurement through the national budget (OR=8,0; IOR=2,8-22,7), access to drinking water facilities (OR=0,4; IOR=1,01-8,1), family private dump (OR=3,1; IOR=1,1-8,8), defecation behavior (OR=1,02; IOR=0,4-2,9) and practice of hand washing (OR=1,03; IOR=0,4-2,9) and Human Development Index (OR=1,01;IOR=0,2-1,8). Median Odds Ratio in district level was 1.003. The difference of duration of diarrhea was explained by the variation of district?s poverty level. It was then recommended that allocation of both national and district budgets for zinc procurement should be increase, policy of zinc medication supervision as well as supervision of diarrhea-related environment and healthy behaviors should be made."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Edwardo Warman Putra
Ketentuan Pasal 7 ayat (4) Undang-Undang Rumah Sakit mengatur bagi badan hukum yang bidang usahanya perumahsakitan dilarang memiliki bidang usaha lain yang berada di bawah satu naungan badan hukum. Sedangkan PP Muhammadiyah merupakan badan hukum yang memiliki tiga bidang usaha, yaitu rumah sakit, pendidikan, dan keagamaan. Dengan ketentuan yang ada tersebut PP Muhammadiyah mengalami kerugian materiil maupun imateriil. Oleh karena itu PP Muhammadiyah mengajukan Pengujian Undang-Undang (judicial review). Permohonan tersebut kemudian diputus oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi dengan Putusan Nomor 38/PUU-XI/2013, yang pada intinya menambahkan frasa Pasal 7 ayat (4) Undang-Undang Rumah Sakit. Penelitian ini bersifat yuridis normatif. Berdasarkan peninjauan hukum yang telah dilakukan terhadap peraturan perumahsakitan, putusan mahkamah konstitusi, serta melakukan wawancara dengan para pemohon pengujian, dapat ditarik kesimpulan, bahwa benar dalam penerbitan ketentuan Pasal 7 ayat (4) tidak didasari dengan alasan yang jelas, selain itu juga mengakibatkan kerugian bagi para penyelenggara rumah sakit. Oleh karena itu pengaturan Pasal 7 ayat (4) diperjelas dengan adanya PERMENKES RI No. 56 Tahun 2014 tentang Klasifikasi dan Perizinan Rumah Sakit. Walaupun sudah adanya peraturan pelaksana, lebih baik jika Pasal 7 ayat (4) Undang-Undang Rumah Sakit mengalami perubahan sesuai dengan Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi, agar terdapat keselarasan antara peraturan pelaksana dengan peraturan dasar.

Article 7(4) of Law Number 44 Year 2009 on Hospital prohibits a legal entity in the hospital sector to engage in any other sectors. Muhammadiyah is a legal entity that engages in 3 different sectors, which are Hospital, Education, and Religious Activities. With the regulation in hand, it has brought both material and immaterial damages for Muhammadiyah. Muhammadiyah filed a Judicial Review. Based on the Constitutional Court Decision Number 38/PUU-XI/2013, to Article 7(4), there has been made an exception to the rule for hospitals that is run by legal entities for profit.  This study is a normative juridical research. Based on legal researches and interviews conducted, the findings of this analysis shows that the enactment of Article 7(4) was not based on clear underlying reasons, and has caused disadvantages to the legal entities engaged in the respective sector. Therefore, the rules of Article 7(4) has been clarified by the enactment of Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 56 Year 2014 on Classification and Hospital Licensing. Nevertheless, the revision of Article 7(4) of Law Number 44 Year 2009 on Hospital is necessary to conform with its implementing regulations."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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