"The first part of this title contained all statistical tests that are relevant for starters on SPSS, and included standard parametric and non-parametric tests for continuous and binary variables, regression methods, trend tests, and reliability and validity assessments of diagnostic tests. The current part 2 of this title reviews multistep methods, multivariate models, assessments of missing data, performance of diagnostic tests, meta-regression, Poisson regression, confounding and interaction, and survival analyses using log tests and segmented time-dependent Cox regression. Methods for assessing non linear models, data seasonality, distribution free methods, including Monte Carlo methods and artificial intelligence, and robust tests are also covered. Each method of testing is explained using a data example from clinical practice,including every step in SPSS, and a text with interpretations of the results and hints convenient for data reporting. In order to facilitate the use of this cookbook the data files of the examples is made available by the editor through extras.springer.com.