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I Nyoman Gede Putrayasa A
Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP) banyak mendapat perhatian untuk pengembangan material struktur ultra fine grain. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mempelajari pengaruh ECAP terhadap struktur mikro dan peningkatan sifat mekanik paduan Al-Mg. Pada penelitian ini die ECAP yang digunakan memiliki sudut rongga Φ=120o dan Ψ=7 o. Pengaruh rute deformasi ECAP (A, Ba, Bc, C), jumlah pass ECAP dan perlakuan annealing setelah ECAP akan di evaluasi terhadap struktur mikro dan sifat mekanik yang dihasilkan. Pengujian yang dilakukan adalah metalografi, SEM, XRD, uji keras dan uji tarik. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa dari keempat rute ECAP, rute Bc merupakan rute deformasi yang menghasilkan butiran yang relatif bulat. Hasil uji SEM menunjukkan bahwa ECAP memperkecil ukuran presipitat dan presipitat semakin mengecil seiring dengan penambahan jumlah pass ECAP. ECAP meningkatkan sifat mekanik paduan Al-Mg dan sifat mekanik semakin meningkat dengan meningkatnya jumlah pass ECAP. Annealing pada 100 dan 200ºC setelah ECAP hanya sedikit menurunkan sifat mekanik Al-Mg, tetapi cukup menaikkan elongasi. Sedangkan pada annealing 300 ºC terjadi penurunan sifat mekanik yang signifikan. Proses annealing pada 100 ºC relatif belum merubah ukuran kristalit (sub butiran), akan tetapi dengan naiknya suhu annealing (200 dan 300 ºC) ukuran kristalit semakin membesar.

Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP) has received a lot of attention to the development of ultra fine grain structure material. The purpose of this research is to study the effect of ECAP on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-Mg alloys. In this study ECAP die having a cavity corner Φ=120o and Ψ=7 o was used. The influence of ECAP deformation route (A, Ba, Bc, C), the number of ECAP pass and annealing treatment after ECAP will be evaluated on the microstructure and mechanical properties produced . The testing was carried out by metallographic, SEM, XRD, hardness test and tensile test. The experimental results showed that among the four routes of ECAP, Bc route was a deformation route that produced relatively equi-axe grains. SEM test result showed that the ECAP reduced the size of precipitates and the precipitates become smaller with the increasing number of ECAP pass. ECAP increased the mechanical properties of Al-Mg alloys and the mechanical properties increased with the increasing number of ECAP pass. Annealing at 100 and 200 º C after ECAP decreased slightly the mechanical properties, but enough to increase elongation. Whereas, annealing at 300 º C decreased significantly the mechanical properties. Annealing at 100 º C had not change the crystallite size (sub-grain), but with increasing annealing temperature (200 and 300 º C) the crystallite sizes became larger."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andy Pramana Kusuma
"Material kuningan yang memiliki kekerasan yang tinggi, kekuatan tarik yang tinggi, ketangguhan yang baik, machineability yang baik dan low cost semakin dibutuhkan dan diinginkan. Salah satu metode efektif untuk menjawab kebutuhan tersebut adalah dengan metode penghalusan butir seperti ECAP (equal channel angular pressing) dengan diberikan post heat treatment.
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari post heat treatment pada material ECAP 4 pas Cu-30%Zn terhadap sifat mekanis dan ukuran butirnya. Pengujian kekerasan mikro vickers, uji tarik, serta SEM pada perpatahannya dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi sifat mekanis tersebut dan pengujian metalografi dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi struktur mikro beserta pengukuran ukuran butirnya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ECAP 4 pas akan mengurangi ukuran butir rata-rata dari 34 μm pada sebelum ECAP hingga menjadi 1,402 μm, meningkatkan kekerasan dari sebesar 92 HV menjadi 248 HV, tensile strength dari 379 MPa menjadi 878 MPa, yield strength dari 212 MPa menjadi 627 MPa, dan penurunan elongasi dari 64 % menjadi 19%.
Post heat treatment yang dilakukan setelah proses ECAP akan menyebabkan terekristalisasinya shear band menjadi butir-butir ultra halus yang equiaxed sehingga kekerasan, tensile strength, dan yield strength menurun, sedangkan elongasinya meningkat. Post heat treatment 300°C selama 15 menit dipilih sebagai nilai optimum karena rekristalisasi sempurna telah terjadi.

Brass material which has a high hardness, high tensile strength, good toughness, good machineability, and low cost are increasingly required and desired. One of effective method for answering the demand is by using grain refinement methods such as ECAP (equal channel angular pressing) with post heat treatment.
This study was conducted to determine the effect of post heat treatment on material 4 pass ECAP Cu-30% Zn against mechanical properties and grain size. Vickers microhardness testing, tensile testing, and SEM fraktography of tensile testing were used for evaluating the mechanical properties and metallographic tests were used for evaluating the microstructure with grain size measurement. Results of this study showed that ECAP 4 pass will reduce the average grain size of 34 μm at before ECAP up to 1.402 μm, increased the hardness from 92 HV to 248 HV, tensile strength from 379 MPa to 878 MPa, yield strength from 212 MPa to 627 MPa, and the elongation decreased from 64% to 19%.
Post heat treatment that done after ECAP process will make the shear band recrystallized into equiaxed ultra fine grains so the hardness, tensile strength, and yield strength will decreased, while the elongation increased. Post heat treatment of 300°C for 15 minutes was chosen as the optimum value because of the fully recystallization already occurred.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmi Syaflida
"Magnesiummerupakan suatu material yang berpotensi digunakan sebagai biomaterial logam yang dapat terdegradasi. Syarat magnesium dapat digunakan sebagai material implan biodegradable adalah laju degradasimagnesiumharus sesuaidenganlaju penyembuhandarijaringan yang terlibat.Umumnya magnesium memiliki laju degradasi yang cepat, hal ini merupakan kekurangan magnesium yang tidak diinginkan.Aplikasimagnesiumsebagai implanyang terdegradasiterhambatkarena tingkattinggidegradasilingkungan fisiologisdan kerugiankonsekuen dalamsifat mekanik. Oleh karena itu, proses Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP) yang dilakukan padamagnesium diharapkan akanmengurangiukuran butir yang dapat menurunkanlaju degradasidan meningkatkansifat mekanis magnesium.
Tujuan: Menganalisasifat mekanismagnesium ECAP dalam cairan fisiologis.
Metode:Sifat mekanis magnesium ECAP dianalisis setelah dilakukan perendaman dalam larutan DMEM dengan menggunakan masing-masing sepuluh sampel magnesium ECAP dan lima sampel magnesium untuk uji tarik dan uji kekekrasan. Sifat mekanis di analisis menggunakan nilai ultimate tensile strength (UTS) pada uji tarik dan vickers hardness number (VHN) pada uji kekerasan.
Hasil: Kekuatan dan kekerasan magnesium meningkat setelah proses ECAP.

Magnesium has thepotential to be used asdegradable metallic biomaterial. For magnesium to be used as biodegradable implant materials, their degradation rates should be consistent with the rate of healing of the affected tissue, the release of the degradation products should be within the body?s acceptable absorption levels. Conventional magnesium degrades rapidly, which is undesirable. The successful applications of magnesium as degradable implants are mainly inhibited due to their high degradation rates in physiological environment and consequent loss in the mechanical properties. Equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) was applied to a pure magnesium. This processes will be decreasing grain size, decreasing degradation rates and increasing mechanical properties.
Purpose: To analyze the mechanical properties of magnesium ECAP in physiological fluid.
Method:The mechanical properties were obtained from immersion test in a DMEM solution, within ten magnesium ECAP specimens and five specimens of pure magnesium as a control. Mechanical properties were analyzed using the value of ultimate tensile strength (UTS) with tensile testing and vickers hardness number (VHN) with hardness testing.
Results:The ultimate tensile strength and hardness magnesium increased after ECAP, and the mechanical properties of the magnesium ECAP decreased in physiological fluid.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The present study investigated the mechanical properties and microstructure of ultrafine grained (UFG) brass processed by four passes of equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) and annealed at elevated temperatures. The mechanical properties of all samples were assessed using tensile and micro-hardness tests. Microstructure analysis was performed using optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Ultimate tensile strengths (UTS) and yield strengths (YS) of 878 and 804 MPa, respectively, ductility of 15%, and hardness of 248 HV were obtained for samples processed by four passes of ECAP with equivalent true strain of 4.20. Annealing at 300°C caused UTS and YS to decrease significantly, to 510 and 408 MPa, respectively, ductility to increase to 28%, and hardness to decrease to 165 HV. Fractography analysis of un-annealed samples after four ECAP passes showed small brittle fractures with shallow dimpling. Ductile failures were found on annealed samples. After four ECAP passes, the microstructure of un-annealed samples was UFG and dominated by lamellar grain with shear band. In contrast, after annealing, the microstructure changed due to recrystallization, showing nucleation and grain growth."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI-IJTECH 8:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Aini
"Magnesium merupakan pilihan material yang dapat digunakan sebagai material implan tulang dengan karakteristik yang mirip dengan tulang, merupakan elektrolit normal dalam tubuh, memiliki harga yang ekonomis, dan bersifat dapat terdegradasi. Namun magnesium memiliki keterbatasan yaitu memiliki tingkat korosi yang tinggi. Untuk meningkatkan resistensi korosi dan memperbaiki sifat mekanis dikembangkan berbagai metode, salah satunya adalah proses Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP). Persyaratan utama sebagai material implan tulang adalah bersifat biokompatibel. Tujuan: Mengevaluasi karakteristik biokompatibilitas magnesium yang telah melalui proses ECAP secara in vitro. Metode: Karakteristik biokompatibilitas magnesium ECAP dievaluasi melalui uji toksisitas terhadap sel osteoblas menggunakan MTT Assay, analisis logam berat yang terkandung di dalamnya dengan perhitungan paparan akumulatif logam berat berdasarkan provisional tolerable daily intake (PTDI),
serta uji sterilitas setelah melalui proses sterilisasi menggunakan autoclave. Hasil:
Tingkat proliferasi sel osteoblas dengan pemberian ekstrak magnesium ECAP lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok kontrol. Logam berat yang dihitung paparan akumulatifnya adalah aluminium, arsen, timbal, kadmium, dan merkuri. Paparan akumulatif logam berat 100% pada penggunaan magnesium ECAP 11,8297 g. Pada uji steriitas tidak ditemukan adanya pertumbuhan bakteri pada tiap tahapan pengujian. Kesimpulan: Magnesium ECAP bersifat tidak toksik, dan dapat merangsang pertumbuhan sel osteoblas dengan batas penggunaan maksimum
11,8297 g, serta steril.

Magnesium is the choice of material for bone implant with characteristic similiar to the bone, one of the normal elctrolytes in the body, have economical price, and degradable. However magnesium has limitation which is
high corosity rate. To improve corosion resistance and mechanical properties, many methods proposed, one of them is the Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP). The important requirement for bone implant material is biocompatible. Purpose: To evaluate the biocompatibility of magnesium through Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP) process in vitro. Method: Biocompatibility characteristics of magnesium ECAP was evaluated by toxicity test using MTT assay, analysis of heavy metals in magnesium ECAP by accumulative heavy metal exposure based on provisional tolerable daily intake (PTDI), also sterility test after sterilized using autoclave. Results: Cell proliferation rate in magnesium extract treatment group was higher than the control group. The heavy metals count for accumulative exposure were aluminium, arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury. Hundred percent of accumulative exposure was on the use of 11.8297 g magnesium ECAP. In sterility test there was no evidence of bacterial growth in every part of the test. Conclusion: Magnesium ECAP is not toxic and able to induce proliferation of osteoblast with maximum dose is 11.8297 g, and also proved sterile after sterilization using autoclave.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arfan Badeges
"Dalam penatalaksanaan trauma maksilofasial diperlukan material implan sampai terjadi penyembuhan tulang. Magnesium memiliki potensi sebagai material implan tulang, dengan syarat memiliki laju biodegradasi yang baik. Proses equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) merupakan salah satu metode untuk memperbaiki sifat biodegradasi dari material logam.
Tujuan: Mengkaji proses biodegradasi magnesium ECAP pada cairan fisiologis.
Metode: Laju biodegradasi dan tingkat evolusi hidrogen didapatkan dari uji perendaman pada larutan DMEM dengan metode weight loss dan spektrometri dengan menggunakan dua belas spesimen magnesium ECAP dan enam spesimen magnesium murni sebagai kontrol. Pola biodegradasi didapatkan dari analisis struktur permukaan mikro. Analisis data menggunakan uji T independen.
Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara laju biodegradasi dan tingkat evolusi hidrogen antara magnesium ECAP dengan magnesium murni. Magnesium ECAP memiliki pola biodegradasi yang homogen.
Kesimpulan: Magnesium ECAP memiliki laju biodegradasi dan tingkat evolusi hidrogen yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan magnesium murni.

Implant material are used in the management of maxillofacial trauma until bone healing occur. Magnesium has the potential to be a bone implant material, but it requires a good biodegradation rate. The process of equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) is a method to improve the biodegradation properties of metallic materials.
Purpose: To observe the biodegradation process of magnesium ECAP in physiological fluid.
Method: The biodegradation and hydrogen evolution rate were obtained from immersion test in a DMEM solution, using weight loss and spectrometric method within twelve magnesium ECAP specimens and six specimens of pure magnesium as a control. Biodegradation pattern were obtained from the micro surface structures analysis. The result was statistically analyzed with independent T test.
Results: There were significant difference between the biodegradation and hydrogen evolution rate between magnesium ECAP and pure magnesium. Magnesium ECAP has a homogeneous biodegradation pattern.
Conclusion: Magnesium ECAP has better biodegradation and hydrogen evolution rate than pure magnesium.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Aqil Mustaqbal
Pada penelitian ini, telah dilakukan proses SPD (Severe Plastic Deformation)
dengan teknik ECAP (Equal Channel Angular Pressing) bersudut 900 pada
material Cu-30%Zn. Proses ECAP dilakukan dengan memasukkan material pada
cetakan yang kemudian diberikan penekanan dengan menggunakan mesin
kompaksi hidrolik berkapasitas 40 Ton. Spesimen dilakukan proses ECAP
sebanyak 3 kali passing dengan rute Bc. Pengamatan mikrostruktur dilakukan
untuk mengetahui ukuran butir dan penghalusan butir. Dari hasil pengamatan
didapatkan bahwa ukuran butir akan menjadi semakin halus dengan semakin
banyaknya passing pada spesimen. Ukuran diameter rata-rata butir pada spesimen
pra-ECAP adalah 18 μm, ukuran diameter rata-rata butir pada spesimen ECAP
pass pertama, pass kedua, dan pass ketiga yaitu 12 μm, 8 μm¸dan 6 μm, secara
berurutan. Selanjutnya diuji kekerasan untuk mengetahui pengaruh proses ECAP
pada tiap lewatan. Nilai kekerasan rata-rata untuk spesimen pra-ECAP sebesar 73
HV. Pada pass pertama nilai kekerasan rata-rata sebesar 190 HV untuk
penampang membujur dan 194 HV untuk penampang melintang. Pada pass kedua
nilai kekerasan sebesar 220 HV untuk penampang membujur dan 213 HV untuk
penampang melintang. Sedangkan pada pass ketiga nilai kekerasan sebesar 234
HV untuk penampang membujur dan 235 HV untuk penampang melintang.

In this study, SPD (Severe Plastic Deformation) has been done by ECAP (Equal
Channel Angular Pressing) technique using 90° angle on the material Cu-30%Zn.
ECAP processing is performed by inserting material into dies, afterwards pressure
is given through 40 tons capacity hydraulic compaction machine. ECAP
specimens are processed 1 to 3 passing by Bc route. Microstructural observations
is performed to determine grain size and grain refining. From the observation, it is
found that the grain size will become more refined with increasing number of
passing on the specimen. Average grain size for specimen pra-ECAP is 18 μm.
Average grain size for specimen ECAP first pass, second pass, and third pass are
12 μm, 8 μm, and 6 μm, respectively. Furthermore, hardness is tested to obtain
the effect of ECAP processing trough passing. The average hardness values for
specimens pre-ECAP is 73 HV. On the first pass an average hardness value is 190
HV for longitudinal cross sections and 194 HV for transversal cross sections. On
the second pass an average hardness value is 220 HV for longitudinal cross
sections and 213 HV for transversal cross sections. While on the third pass an
average hardness value is 234 HV for longitudinal cross sections and 235 HV for
transversal cross sections."
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The present
study investigated the mechanical properties and microstructure of ultrafine
grained (UFG) brass processed by four passes of equal channel angular pressing
(ECAP) and annealed at elevated temperatures. The mechanical properties of all
samples were assessed using tensile and micro-hardness tests. Microstructure
analysis was performed using optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electron
microscopy (SEM). Ultimate tensile strengths (UTS) and yield strengths (YS) of
878 and 804 MPa, respectively, ductility of 15%, and hardness of 248 HV were
obtained for samples processed by four passes of ECAP with equivalent true
strain of 4.20. Annealing at 300°C caused UTS and YS to decrease significantly,
to 510 and 408 MPa, respectively, ductility to increase to 28%, and hardness to
decrease to 165 HV. Fractography analysis of un-annealed samples after four
ECAP passes showed small brittle fractures with shallow dimpling. Ductile
failures were found on annealed samples. After four ECAP passes, the
microstructure of un-annealed samples was UFG and dominated by lamellar grain
with shear band. In contrast, after annealing, the microstructure changed due
to recrystallization, showing nucleation and grain growth."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1992
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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