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Arif Budijanto
Konsep TIK hijau telah diadopsi oleh banyak negara di dunia. Tidak kurang dari lembaga internasional seperti ITU, ISO dan ETSI misalnya, menaruh perhatian yang sangat besar pada penyebaran ?virus? konsep TIK hijau ke seluruh penjuru dunia. Negara-negara maju di dunia, khususnya industri telekomunikasi mereka, sangat gencar menerapkan konsep TIK hijau dalam praktek bisnis mereka. Korea Selatan misalnya, menjadikan konsep TIK hijau sebagai gaya hidup (life style) keseharian masyarakatnya. Dengan tele-working (green by ICT), bisa mengurangi emisi gas buang CO2 hingga 97%. Bagaimana dengan Indonesia?
Ketiadaan perangkat peraturan perundangan di sektor telekomunikasi di tanah air yang mewajibkan para penyelenggara layanan telekomunikasi untuk menerapkan konsep TIK hijau dalam praktek bisnis mereka adalah merupakan salah satu faktor utama terhambatnya usaha mewujudkan masyarakat TIK Hijau di Indonesia. Dengan menerapkan konsep TIK hijau maka Indonesia akan mampu mengurangi konsumsi energi, mengurangi ketergantungan pada energi impor, membangun kemandirian teknologi TIK hijau, membangun sistem manajemen lingkungan, sistemisasi gaya hidup untuk menerapkan penghematan energi, membangun dasar pertumbuhan hijau (green growth) dan menciptakan lapangan kerja. Jadi, adanya peraturan perundangan yang mewajibkan para penyelenggara layanan telekomunikasi di tanah air untuk menerapkan konsep TIK hijau dalam praktek bisnis mereka adalah sebuah keniscayaan.

The concept of green ICT has been adopted by many countries in the world. International organizations such as ITU, ISO and ETSI, paying great attention to the spread of green ICT concept ?virus? throughout the world. In well developed countries in the world, especially those of the telecommunications industries utilized the green ICT concept in their business practices very intensely. South Korea for example, they makes the concept of green ICT as a way of life (life style). For instance, by using tele-working (green by ICT), it can reduce CO2 emissions by 97%. How about Indonesia?
The absence of legal regulations in the telecommunications sector in the country which require telecommunications service providers to utilize the green ICT concept in their business practices is one of the major factors hampering efforts to realizing the green ICT society in Indonesia. By utilizing the concept of green ICT then Indonesia will be able to reduce energy consumption, to reduce dependency on imported energy, to build self-reliance of green ICT technologies, to build the environmental management system, create a lifestyle systemization to implement energy savings, to build green growth foundation and create jobs. Thus, the existence of laws that require telecommunication service providers in the country to utilize the green ICT concept in their business practices is a necessity.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lee, Dong Ah
"Karena adanya teknologi finansial yang semakin berkembang, yang berarti perpaduan keuangan dan teknologi, telah menyebar di industri keuangan, berbagai perubahan telah diantisipasi, seperti munculnya jenis layanan keuangan dan perusahaan keuangan. Menyediakan layanan keuangan, seperti pembayaran, pengiriman uang, dan pialang, perusahaan pembiayaan itu telah menyediakan, kepada perusahaan telekomunikasi dan perusahaan IT baru dengan cara baru. K-bank, Bank Kakao, dll. Kami telah bekerja pada pengembangan teknologi baru, bentuk-bentuk baru dari jasa keuangan dan produk seperti bio-sertifikasi, robot-penasihat, internet banking. Di seluruh dunia, PinTech menarik perhatian sebagai mesin pertumbuhan baru industri keuangan bersama dengan revolusi industri ke-4 dan pasar diperkirakan akan tumbuh menjadi sekitar 800 triliun won pada 2017 Gartner, 2016. Namun, konvergensi teknologi dan keuangan berarti bahwa layanan keuangan secara dramatis.

As the Financial technology, which means the fusion of finance and technology, has been spreading in the financial industry, a variety of changes have been anticipated, such as the emergence of new types of financial services and financial companies. Providing financial services, such as payment, remittance, and brokerage, that the finance company has been providing, to telecommunication companies and new IT companies in new ways. With the development of new technology, new forms of financial services and products such as bio certification, robot advisor, internet banking led by non financial companies such as K bank, kakao bank, etc. Worldwide, financial technology is attracting attention as a new growth engine of the financial industry along with the 4th industrial revolution and the market is expected to grow to about 800 trillion Korean won by 2017 Gartner, 2016. However, the convergence of technology and finance generally means that existing services in the financial sector are dramatically streamlining or new financial services are emerging."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rini Anjaswari
Dari semua praktik bisnis yang tidak sehat, Kartel dipersepsikan sebagai bentuk
paling berbahaya dari tidakan persaingan usaha karena para pelakunya sepakat
melakukan konspirasi mengenai hal-hal yang bersifat sangat pokok dalam suatu
transaksi bisnis. Kartel akan menyebabkan kerugian bagi konsumen. Sifat
kerahasiaan kartel menjadi hambatan terbesar bagi otoritas persaingan usaha
untuk membuktikkan eksistensi kartel, Indonesia juga mengalami hal tersebut.
Untuk sejumlah alasan tersebut, beberapa negara di Barat menggunakan
pendekatan per se illegal. Per se illegal memiliki beberapa keunggulan
dibanding rule of reason dalam mengungkap keberadaan kartel. Tesis ini
membahas mengenai pengaturan penerapan pendekatan per se illegal dalam
Anti Monopoly Act (AMA) di Jepang dan The Regulation of Monopolies and
Fair Trade Act (FTA) di Korea Selatan serta kemungkinan penerapan
pendekatan per se illegal dalam hukum persaingan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini
adalah penelitian yuridis normatif yang menggunakan metode pendekatan
perundang-undangan dan pendekatan perbandingan. Hasil penelitian
menyarankan untuk menerapkan ketentuan mengenai pendekatan per se illegal
melalui amandemen Undang-undang Nomor 5 tahun 1999 sejalan dengan itu
menambahkan kewenangan KPPU terkait penggeledahan.

From of all the unfair business practices, Cartel are perceived as the the most
dangerous from of competitive business, because the principals agreed the
conspiracy on matters that are staples in a business transaction. Cartel would
cause harm to consumers. The confindential nature of cartel has been the biggest
obstacle for the Competition authority?s effort to prove the existence of the cartel,
Indonesia also experienced it. From some reasons, numerous jurisdictions have
adopted approach of per se illegal. Per se illegal has several advantages compared
to a rule of reason in expose the existence of cartel. This study discussed the rule
on Anti Monopoly Act (AMA) in Japan and The Regulation of Monopolies and
Fair Trade Act (FTA) in South Korea also addressed the possibility application
Per Se illegal approach in Indonesia. The study used juridical-normative research
method which emphasis on the use of statute and comparative approach. The
result suggest to implement provisions concerning Per Se Illegal approach trough
amandement Law Number 5 year 1999 and in line with the added KPPU?s
authority related search and seizure.;From of all the unfair business practices, Cartel are perceived as the the most
dangerous from of competitive business, because the principals agreed the
conspiracy on matters that are staples in a business transaction. Cartel would
cause harm to consumers. The confindential nature of cartel has been the biggest
obstacle for the Competition authority?s effort to prove the existence of the cartel,
Indonesia also experienced it. From some reasons, numerous jurisdictions have
adopted approach of per se illegal. Per se illegal has several advantages compared
to a rule of reason in expose the existence of cartel. This study discussed the rule
on Anti Monopoly Act (AMA) in Japan and The Regulation of Monopolies and
Fair Trade Act (FTA) in South Korea also addressed the possibility application
Per Se illegal approach in Indonesia. The study used juridical-normative research
method which emphasis on the use of statute and comparative approach. The
result suggest to implement provisions concerning Per Se Illegal approach trough
amandement Law Number 5 year 1999 and in line with the added KPPU?s
authority related search and seizure.;From of all the unfair business practices, Cartel are perceived as the the most
dangerous from of competitive business, because the principals agreed the
conspiracy on matters that are staples in a business transaction. Cartel would
cause harm to consumers. The confindential nature of cartel has been the biggest
obstacle for the Competition authority?s effort to prove the existence of the cartel,
Indonesia also experienced it. From some reasons, numerous jurisdictions have
adopted approach of per se illegal. Per se illegal has several advantages compared
to a rule of reason in expose the existence of cartel. This study discussed the rule
on Anti Monopoly Act (AMA) in Japan and The Regulation of Monopolies and
Fair Trade Act (FTA) in South Korea also addressed the possibility application
Per Se illegal approach in Indonesia. The study used juridical-normative research
method which emphasis on the use of statute and comparative approach. The
result suggest to implement provisions concerning Per Se Illegal approach trough
amandement Law Number 5 year 1999 and in line with the added KPPU?s
authority related search and seizure.;From of all the unfair business practices, Cartel are perceived as the the most
dangerous from of competitive business, because the principals agreed the
conspiracy on matters that are staples in a business transaction. Cartel would
cause harm to consumers. The confindential nature of cartel has been the biggest
obstacle for the Competition authority?s effort to prove the existence of the cartel,
Indonesia also experienced it. From some reasons, numerous jurisdictions have
adopted approach of per se illegal. Per se illegal has several advantages compared
to a rule of reason in expose the existence of cartel. This study discussed the rule
on Anti Monopoly Act (AMA) in Japan and The Regulation of Monopolies and
Fair Trade Act (FTA) in South Korea also addressed the possibility application
Per Se illegal approach in Indonesia. The study used juridical-normative research
method which emphasis on the use of statute and comparative approach. The
result suggest to implement provisions concerning Per Se Illegal approach trough
amandement Law Number 5 year 1999 and in line with the added KPPU?s
authority related search and seizure.;From of all the unfair business practices, Cartel are perceived as the the most
dangerous from of competitive business, because the principals agreed the
conspiracy on matters that are staples in a business transaction. Cartel would
cause harm to consumers. The confindential nature of cartel has been the biggest
obstacle for the Competition authority?s effort to prove the existence of the cartel,
Indonesia also experienced it. From some reasons, numerous jurisdictions have
adopted approach of per se illegal. Per se illegal has several advantages compared
to a rule of reason in expose the existence of cartel. This study discussed the rule
on Anti Monopoly Act (AMA) in Japan and The Regulation of Monopolies and
Fair Trade Act (FTA) in South Korea also addressed the possibility application
Per Se illegal approach in Indonesia. The study used juridical-normative research
method which emphasis on the use of statute and comparative approach. The
result suggest to implement provisions concerning Per Se Illegal approach trough
amandement Law Number 5 year 1999 and in line with the added KPPU?s
authority related search and seizure., From of all the unfair business practices, Cartel are perceived as the the most
dangerous from of competitive business, because the principals agreed the
conspiracy on matters that are staples in a business transaction. Cartel would
cause harm to consumers. The confindential nature of cartel has been the biggest
obstacle for the Competition authority’s effort to prove the existence of the cartel,
Indonesia also experienced it. From some reasons, numerous jurisdictions have
adopted approach of per se illegal. Per se illegal has several advantages compared
to a rule of reason in expose the existence of cartel. This study discussed the rule
on Anti Monopoly Act (AMA) in Japan and The Regulation of Monopolies and
Fair Trade Act (FTA) in South Korea also addressed the possibility application
Per Se illegal approach in Indonesia. The study used juridical-normative research
method which emphasis on the use of statute and comparative approach. The
result suggest to implement provisions concerning Per Se Illegal approach trough
amandement Law Number 5 year 1999 and in line with the added KPPU’s
authority related search and seizure.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jason Octavio Tigris
"Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi, banyak negara yang menggunakan teknologi dalam melaksanakan mekanisme pendaftaran tanah. Skripsi ini membahas mengenai prospek penerapan teknologi informasi dalam sistem pendaftaran tanah di Indonesia. Pembahasan pertama adalah mengenai sejarah singkat dan sistem pendaftaran tanah di Indonesia beserta contoh mekanisme pendaftaran tanah konvensional. Pembahasan kedua adalah mengenai sejarah dan sistem pendaftaran tanah di Belanda dan Korea Selatan dan bagaimana mekanisme pendaftaran tanah di kedua negara tersebut yang sudah dilaksanakan dengan bantuan teknologi informasi. Pembahasan terakhir adalah mengenai perbandingan kondisi pendaftaran tanah di Indonesia dan kedua negara tersebut, dampak, implikasi dan hambatan dari penerapan teknologi informasi dalam sistem pendaftaran tanah di Indonesia.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji bagaimana prospek dan kesiapan dari penerapan teknologi informasi dalam pendaftaran tanah di Indonesia baik dari sisi hukum maupun sisi nonhukum. Penilitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian normatif empiris dimana data penelitian ini sebagian besar diperoleh melalui studi kepustakaan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa hambatan yang dihadapi dalam penerapan teknologi informasi ke dalam sistem pendaftaran di Indonesia. Kedua negara yang telah berhasil menerapkan teknologi informasi tersebut bekerja melalui perencaanan yang mendalam dan bertahap untuk menjamin kesuksesan penggunaan teknologi informasi dalam sistem pendaftaran tanah masing-masing negara tersebut.

With the constant development of information technology, many countries are using technology to assist the mechanism of land registration. This thesis discusses the prospects for the application of information technology in Indonesia?s land registration system. The first discussion is about a brief history and land registration system in Indonesia along with examples of conventional land registration mechanism that is currently being used. The second discussion is about the history and land registration system in Netherlands and South Korea respectively and how the mechanism of land registration in those two countries have been carried out with the help of information technology. The final part is a comparison between land registration condition in Indonesia and both countries, the impact, implications and constraints of the application of information technology in land registration system in Indonesia.
This study aims to examine how the prospects and readiness of the applitcation of technology in Indonesia's land registration system both in legal and non-legal terms. This research uses normative empirical methods where most of the data is acquired through library research.
The results showed that there are some obstacles encountered in the application of information technology into the Indonesia?s land registration system. The two countries that have successfully implemented the information technology in their respective land registration system done it through extensive research and planning to ensure the success of technology usage.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ryan A.P. Armanda
"Tugas Akhir ini membahas tentang teknologi cloud computing, yaitu teknologi pemanfaatan resource komputasi, baik perangkat keras, maupun perangkat lunak, sebagai service melalui media Internet. Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hijau merupakan sebuah konsep teknologi komunikasi dan informasi yang bersifat ramah lingkungan. Cloud computing dalam tugas akhir ini, disimulasikan dengan bantuan program CloudSim dari University of Melbourne.
Berkaitan dengan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hijau, pada program CloudSim tersebut ditambahkan modul konsumsi tenaga, dan disipasi panas. Hal ini dilakukan dengan cara menambahkan modul dan fungsi berbasis Java pada program CloudSim. Pada Tugas Akhir ini dibuat simulasi penggunaan CloudSim dalam bentuk GreenCloudSimulation, dengan memodifikasi berbagai modul CloudSim. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisa kinerja berdasar kedua simulasi tersebut. Kemudian simulasi dijalankan pada arsitektur cloud computing dari Amazon, yaitu Amazon AWS.
Hasil yang didapat adalah seiring dengan bertambahnya penggunaan resource, maka bertambah pula konsumsi daya pada simulasi. Pertambahan daya terjadi secara bertahap, seperti ditunjukkan pada hasil simulasi. Konsumsi daya meningkat dari 16,32 Watt menjadi 23,26 Watt. Disipasi panas meningkat dari 55,68 BTU menjadi 79.38 BTU. Sedangkan hasil simulasi pada arsitektur Amazon AWS menunjukkan hasil serupa dengan ketika dijalankan pada simulasi CloudSim, walaupun terdapat kendala kecepatan akses karena lokasi datacenter yang jauh.

This final project reviews the cloud computing, which is technology of accessing resource, hardware or software, as a services through Internet. Green Information and Communication technology (Green ICT) is a concept of environmentally friendly ICT. Cloud computing on this project is simulated by CloudSim program.
In conjunction with Green Information and Communication Technology, on the CloudSim program, we have added and customized the module about power consumption and heat dissipation. This is being done by adding a customized Java module to CloudSim source program. For the analysis part, we have made the CloudSim simulation project, based on GreenCloudSimulation execution, and so we can analyzed performance of the CloudSim based on the two programs above. Subsequently the simulation has also been executed on Amazon AWS cloud computing platform.
The result of the simulation shows that along with resource increase usage, the power consumption and heat dissipation also being inclined. The increase of power and heat generated from this simulation happened gradually, as shown by the simulation, power consumption increase from 16,32 Watt to 23,26 Watt. The heat dissipation is increased from 55,68 BTU to 79,38 BTU. On the other hand, the simulation on the Amazon AWS platform shows the same results as the result of the CloudSim simulation, even though some problem occured due to the distance location of the datacenters.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rezza Aryansyah
"Korea Selatan dan Jepang menggunakan Pre-merger Notification System. Sedangkan di Indonesia masih menerapkan proses Post-merger Notification System. Yang dimana Mayoritas negara di dunia, pada umumnya sudah menggunakan Pre-merger Notification System dikarenakan sistem ini dinilai memberikan keefktifan yang lebih dalam menyelesaikan akibat yang tidak baik dari diberlakukannya merger. Selain itu, dari sisi pelaku usahanya pun jauh lebih baik dengan sistem ini, untuk menghindari adanya kerugian biaya yang muncul dari merger yang dipermasalahkan serta meninjau Urgensi terkait perlunya perubahan sistem notifikasi di Indonesia yang dimana adanya Penilaian terhadap prosedur sistem Post-Merger Notification dan pemberitahuan sukarela itu dapat menimbulkan ketidakpastian terhadap pelaku usaha dikarenakan KPPU bisa saja membatalkan hasil dari penggabungan serta pengambilalihan yang telah dilakukan apabila didalam kajian penilaiannya memperlihatkan atau terbukti akan adanya praktik monopoli ataupun persaingan usaha yang tidak sehat. Perlu juga diperhatikan terkait kebutuhan yang diperlukan agar sistem notifikasi merger di Indonesia lebih optimal dan dapat memberikan kepastian hukum terhadap pelaku usaha seperti diikuti dengan anggaran dan sumber daya manusia yang harus tercukupi agar didalam penerapannya kelak tidak mengakibatkan ketidak-pastian yang lainnya atau mengakibatkan terhambatnya proses pelaksanaan merger sehingga terhambat juga roda perekonomian di Indonesia.

South Korea and Japan using the Pre-merger Notification System. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, the Post-merger Notification System process is implemented still The majority of countries in the world, in general, already use the Pre-merger Notification System because this system is considered to provide more effectiveness in resolving the unfavorable consequences of the enactment of the merger. In addition, from the perspective of business actors, it is much better with this system, to avoid cost losses arising from the merger in question and to review the urgency regarding the need for changes to the notification system in Indonesia, where there is an assessment of the Post-Merger Notification and voluntary notification. it can create uncertainty for business actors because KPPU may cancel the results of mergers and takeovers that have been carried out if in its assessment study it is shown or proven that there is monopolistic practice or unfair business competition. It is also necessary to pay attention to the needs that are needed so that the merger notification system in Indonesia is more optimal and can provide legal certainty to business actors as followed by budget and human resources that must be fulfilled so that in its implementation it will not result in other uncertainties or result in delays in the implementation process. merger so that the wheels of the economy in Indonesia are hampered."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dante Deva Daniswara
"Munculnya fenomena perkembangan Peer-to-Peer Lending yang merupakan buah dari pesatnya perkembangan di bidang teknologi informasi dan komunikasi merupakan inovasi teknologi di sektor keuangan yang membutuhkan rezim pengaturan yang dapat menjamin kepastian hukum dan memenuhi rasa keadilan terhadap para pemangku kepentingan di industri tersebut. Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk meneliti kelebihan dan kekurangan rezim pengaturan Peer-to-Peer Lending di Indonesia dengan cara membandingkannya dengan rezim pengaturan di Korea Selatan. OJK sebagai pemegang kekuasaan pengaturan dan pengawasan di sektor jasa keuangan telah mengeluarkan POJK No. 10/POJK.05/2022 tentang Layanan Pendanaan Bersama Berbasis Teknologi Informasi sebagai payung hukum penyelenggaraan Peer-to-Peer Lending di Indonesia. Investor sebagai salah satu pemangku kepentingan dalam industri tersebut tentu membutuhkan adanya perlindungan hukum untuk menjamin kepentingannya. Substansi dari peraturan yang telah diterbitkan OJK menjadi bahan kajian utama dalam tulisan ini. Korea Selatan menjadi negara pembanding karena memiliki peraturan khusus di tingkat undang-undang yang mengatur mengenai Peer-to-Peer Lending. Perbedaan pendekatan masing-masing negara dalam mengatur industri Peer-to-Peer Lending tentu tidak dapat dilepaskan dari politik hukum ekonomi yang dianut di masing-masing negara. Dengan demikian, tiap-tiap negara memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangannya masing-masing dalam pengaturannya itu. Penelitian ini memberi saran untuk pihak pembuat regulasi di Indonesia agar dapat meneladani dan mencontoh langkah negara lain yang lebih memperkuat perlindungan investor.

The emergence of Peer-to-Peer Lending as a phenomenon and a clear sign of development which is the result of rapid progress in the field of information and communication technology is a technological innovation in the financial sector that requires a regulatory regime that can guarantee legal certainty and fulfill a sense of justice for stakeholders in the industry. This thesis aims to examine the advantages and disadvantages of the Peer-to-Peer Lending regulatory regime in Indonesia by comparing it with the regulatory regime in South Korea. OJK as the holder of regulatory and supervisory powers in the financial services sector has issued POJK No. 10/POJK.05/2022 concerning Information Technology-Based Co-Funding Services as a legal umbrella for Peer-to-Peer Lending in Indonesia. Investors as one of the stakeholders in the industry certainly need legal protection to guarantee their interests. The substance of the regulations issued by OJK is the main study material in this paper. South Korea is the country of comparison because it has special regulations at the level of laws governing Peer-to-Peer Lending. Differences in the approach of each country in regulating the Peer-to-Peer Lending industry cannot be separated from the economic legal politics adopted in each country. Thus, each country has its own advantages and disadvantages in this arrangement. This research provides suggestions for regulators in Indonesia to emulate and copy the steps of other countries to further strengthen investor protection."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chaemin Lee
The focus of this paper is to explain the bank regulation in Indonesia and South Korea concerning the establishment of a foreign bank in both countries. In the following chapters, the bank regulation of the commercial bank in Indonesia and South Korea and the condition and process of establishment of branches of a foreign bank will be explained in a narrow sense. In January 2014, there has been a significant change in the bank supervisory body as a single supervisory system by the central bank, Bank of Indonesia, has been transferred to the Financial Services Authority FSA. In December 2012, the 39 Single Presence Policy 39, which restricts the bank 39s stake in the bank, has been amended to allow certain exceptions when securing the management rights of commercial banks. In Korea, the basic forms and standards of entry of foreign banks are laid down in the Banking Law and its subordinate regulations. The banking law refers to the 39 domestic branch 39 of foreign banks as the most basic type of entry, and foreign banks enter into the country in the form of most branches or offices. This research raises questions about the current legal review of banking law and the establishment of a foreign bank. To answer the questions, a normative approach is used in several perspectives. With regard to answering research questions, this paper will look at the banking law focusing on foreign bank regulation the existing foreign banks in Indonesia and South Korea and its implementation.

Fokus dari makalah ini adalah untuk menjelaskan peraturan bank di Indonesia dan Korea Selatan mengenai pembentukan bank asing di kedua negara. Dalam bab-bab selanjutnya, peraturan bank bank komersial di Indonesia dan Korea Selatan serta kondisi dan proses pendirian cabang bank asing akan dijelaskan dalam arti sempit. Pada bulan Januari 2014, telah terjadi perubahan signifikan dalam badan pengawas bank sebagai sistem pengawasan tunggal oleh bank sentral, Bank Indonesia, telah dialihkan ke Otoritas Jasa Keuangan OJK. Pada bulan Desember 2012, 39 Kebijakan Kehadiran Tunggal 39, yang membatasi saham bank di bank, telah diubah untuk memungkinkan pengecualian tertentu ketika mengamankan hak pengelolaan bank komersial. Di Korea, bentuk dasar dan standar masuknya bank asing ditetapkan dalam UU Perbankan dan peraturan-peraturan di bawahnya. Undang-undang perbankan pada dasarnya mengacu pada 39 cabang domestik 39 bank asing sebagai jenis entri paling dasar, dan bank asing juga masuk ke negara dalam bentuk sebagian besar cabang atau kantor. Penelitian ini menimbulkan pertanyaan tentang tinjauan hukum saat ini pada hukum perbankan dan pembentukan bank asing. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan, pendekatan normatif digunakan dalam beberapa perspektif. Berkenaan dengan menjawab pertanyaan penelitian, makalah ini akan melihat hukum perbankan yang berfokus pada peraturan bank asing bank asing yang ada di Indonesia dan Korea Selatan dan pelaksanaannya."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadilla Safira
"Hubungan antara negara dan bisnis menjadi basis institusional dari proses industrialisasi di Korea Selatan. Hubungan ini bersifat dinamis dalam menghadapi tantangan domestik dan internasional. Walaupun telah melewati reformasi ekonomi neoliberal pasca Krisis Finansial Asia, hubungan yang terbentuk di bawah model developmental state ini, ternyata berlanjut hingga ke era globalisasi kontemporer. Tulisan ini akan menjawab pertanyaan bagaimana evolusi kronologis dari hubungan negara dan bisnis dalam proses industrialisasi di Korea Selatan? Berdasarkan analisis struktural dari tiga periode industrialisasi di Korea Selatan: tahun 1961-1979, tahun 1980-1998, hingga pasca tahun 1998, ditemukan evolusi peran dan karakter dari hubungan negara dan bisnis. Pertama, hubungan negara dan bisnis diwarnai dengan karakter negara kuat, bisnis lemah yang berperan dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi pesat di Korea Selatan. Kedua, evolusi terjadi yang melihat pergeseran karakter hubungan negara dan bisnis menjadi negara melemah, bisnis menguat yang berperan dalam menyebabkan krisis berimbas bagi Korea Selatan. Terakhir, evolusi kembali terjadi dengan penetapan hubungan negara dan bisnis yang karakternya adaptif serta berperan dalam menghasilkan upaya-upaya adaptasi terhadap tantangan neoliberalisme global.

State-business relations become the institutional basis for South Korea's industrialization process. This type of state-business relations is dynamic in facing domestic and international challenges. Even though it has gone through neoliberal reforms after the Asian Financial Crisis, the relationship formed under developmental state model have continued into the contemporary era of globalization. This paper will answer the question of how the chronological evolution of state and business relations in the industrialization process in South Korea? Based on the structural analysis of the three periods of industrialization in South Korea: from 1961-1979, 1980-1998, until after 1998, the evolution of the roles and characters of the South Korean state and business relations was found. First, the relationship between the state and business is characterized by the character of strong state, weak business that plays a role in rapid economic growth in South Korea. Second, evolution occurs which sees the character of the relationship shifted into a weakening state, stronger business and has a role in causing the financial crisis in South Korea. Finally, re-evolution occurs by establishing an adaptive state-business relations in character and this relation plays a role in generating adaptation measures to the challenges of global neoliberalism."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chong, Sung Kim
"Penegakan hak-hak tersangka merupakan hal yang penting dalam suatu proses pemeriksaan perkara pidana untuk menciptakan keadilan dan kesamaan di hadapan hukum. Selain hak-hak tersangka, pemberian bantuan hukum kepada tersangka yang tidak mampu juga memberikan akses kepada keadilan. Hak-hak tersangka dan bantuan hukum diberikan tidak hanya pada tersangka yang merupakan warga negara Indonesia tetapi juga kepada tersangka yang merupakan warga negara asing. Dalam hal ini, penulis akan melakukan studi terhadap tersangka berkebangsaan Korea Selatan untuk meneliti pemenuhan hak-hak yang didapatkan oleh tersangka WNA. Sebagai perbandingan, penulis juga akan membandingkan hak-hak tersangka dan bantuan hukum di Indonesia dengan Korea Selatan. Penulis juga akan melakukan studi terhadap tersangka asing di Korea Selatan untuk melihat pemenuhan hak-hak tersangka dan bantuan hukum di Korea Selatan. Melalui penelitian ini, penulis akan mengungkapkan berbagai hakhak tersangka termasuk tersangka asing, bantuan hukum dan pentingnya peranan advokat dalam pemenuhan hak-hak tersebut.

The enforcement of suspect's rights is an important thing in the due process of law, especially to create justice and equality before the law. Besides, legal aid for suspect also creates access to justice. The rights of suspect and legal aid could be given not only for citizen but also for foreigner suspect. In this case, author will conduct case-study on the foreign suspect of South Korean. As a comparison, author will also compare the rights of suspect and legal aid in Indonesia to South Korea. The author will also conduct case-study on foreigner suspect in South Korea to look at the enforcement of suspect's rights and legal aid in South Korea. Through this analysis, author will elaborate rights of suspect including foreigner suspect's rights, legal aid, and the important role of a lawyer to enforce the rights of suspect."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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