"[Skripsi ini membahas tentang proses konstruksi yang dilakukan oleh media massa, yaitu majalah Islam SABILI. Konsep jihad disini akan dibahas dalam kacamata kriminologi, jihad di dalam penelitian ini terbagi menjadi dua bagianarti sempit yang terpaku pada perang, invasi, perlawanan, radikalisme, dan kekerasan lainnya, juga jihad dalam arti luas, yaitu jihad yang cinta damai demi menegakkan agama Islam yang rahmatan lil alamin, jihad yang moderat yang mau menerima dan berjalan beriringan dengan kelompok berbeda agama lainnya. Konsep jihad akan dibahas dalam pembahasan skripsi ini. Begitupula konstruksi wacana yang terdapat pada artikel majalah SABILI. Wacana yang ada pada majalah SABILI akan dibedah dengan teori yang dipaparkan oleh Esposito, tentang pengkategorian jihad dan memakai metode analisis wacana kritis dengan konsep dari Ferrell yang merupakan ahli kriminologi, serta metode analisis konten dari Vincent F. Sacco. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini ditetapkan adanya
konstruksi jihad baik dalam makna yang sempit maupun jihad yang lebih luas pada SABILI. Dekonstruksi tentang jihad yang sempit pada akhir analisis diharapkan efek buruk tentang jihad yang sempit, seperti maraknya terorisme,
radikalisme, dan ekstrimisme dapat ditekan. Dengan kemudian citra Islam menjadi agama yang penuh rahmat serta mengibarkan bendera perdamaian dapat terwujud.
This undergraduate thesis discusses the construction process that has been done by the mass media, particularly Islam magazine SABILI. Using criminology perspective, this undergraduate thesis will define the concept of jihad; which later divided into two parts; narrow definition of jihad which sticks to war, invasion, rebellion, radicalism, and other act of violence; also wide definition of jihad that is peace jihad of which Islam that rahmatan lil alamin will be uphold, moderate jihad that accepts different religions and walks together with it. Along with the jihad concept, this undergraduate thesis will also discuss the discourse construction in the SABILI’s magazine article. Discoursein the SABILI magazinewill be analyzed with Esposito’s theory of jihad categorizing, using the critical discourse analysis method and Vincent F. Sacco methodof content analysis, as well as Ferrell’s explanation of criminology. This research found that SABILI commits a jihad construction, both in narrow definition and the wide definition. Deconstruction of jihad in narrow definition causes good effects, such as terrorism acts, radicalism, and extremism that could be decreased. By that, Islam’s images could be the religion that rahmatan lil alamin, also the raise of peace fla., This undergraduate thesis discusses the construction process that has been doneby the mass media, particularly Islam magazine SABILI. Using criminologyperspective, this undergraduate thesis will define the concept of jihad; which laterdivided into two parts; narrow definition of jihad which sticks to war, invasion,rebellion, radicalism, and other act of violence; also wide definition of jihad thatis peace jihad of which Islam that rahmatan lil alamin will be uphold, moderatejihad that accepts different religions and walks together with it. Along with thejihad concept, this undergraduate thesis will also discuss the discourseconstruction in the SABILI’s magazine article. Discoursein the SABILI magazinewill be analyzed with Esposito’s theory of jihad categorizing, using the criticaldiscourse analysis method and Vincent F. Sacco methodof content analysis, aswell as Ferrell’s explanation of criminology. This research found that SABILIcommits a jihad construction, both in narrow definition and the wide definition.Deconstruction of jihad in narrow definition causes good effects, such as terrorismacts, radicalism, and extremism that could be decreased. By that, Islam’s imagescould be the religion that rahmatan lil alamin, also the raise of peace fla]"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014