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Fiena Djohansyah
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arwan Mega Susila
"This research is based on the magnificent impact of celebrity endorser credibility in marketing communication. Nowadays many companies used celebrity endorser for introduce their product to the consumer. Advertiser for company are willing to pay a huge salaries to celebrities who are liked and respected by consumer and who will, it is hoped, favorably influence consumer attitudes and behavior toward the endorsed brands.
Bakrie Telecom is one of the companies that used celebrity as an endorser. Researches used Esia as a case study because nowadays not only for consumer goods product who used celebrity but service telecommunication too. So we can see the effectiveness celebrity endorser credibility for this high technology.
Company usually uses celebrity as the source of advertising message for any persuasive purposes.
The aim of this research is to understand the celebrity roles when becoming endorser for the product he or she advertised, that is related to the brand attitudes. The effect of the celebrity beside to increase the company sales is to put in consumer mind. Even, as an individual maybe for telecommunication beside celebrity we will find out what service that we get if we used the product, but for this research is to proved that celebrity has influence respondent in brand
This researches is used theory according to Barbara A Lafferty (2002) is said that source credibility endorser does appear to have an effect on attitudes toward the advertisement, also suggest that it has a stronger effect on attitudes toward the brand. Ohanian (1990) celebrity endorser has source credibility such as expertise, trustworthiness, and attractiveness. Brian D Till (2000) the use of
celebrity endorser with a product that is consistent with the endorser?s have a greater positive effect on brand attitudes. Three of them have the same for source that according to the celebrity endorser.
This research used quantitative approach with survey method with questioners to the students in FISIP UI. Descriptive analysis is used for describe what the endorser answer with celebrity endorser as independent variable and brand attitudes as dependent variable. Multiple regression used to observed celebrity endorser impact to through brand attitudes.
The result of this research indicates that celebrity endorser have an impact to brand attitudes. For which one of the credibility celebrity endorser (expertise, trustworthiness, attractiveness) are have impact to brand attitudes for Esia PT Bakrie Telecom on this researches are expertise and attractiveness. The independent variable in this research contribute 62% to brand attitudes. For
residue 38% is influenced by the other factors. The suggestion to PT Bakrie Telecom is affectivity of celebrity endorser is the important thing for the marketing communication especially to make consumer have a brand attitudes to their product."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Brand equity is a company asset that gives whacking advantages for company has it. This matter also applies at mass media industry. Beside that, brand equity also gives whacking advantages for publisher.
For segmented newspaper like as Bisnis Indonesia daily, market should be clear and growth, even so small ought to remain positive. But in facts, the growth is stagnant. Therefore we require observing do brand equity of Bisnis Indonesia daily has relationship with consumers' motivation who buy Bisnis Indonesia at retail. Beside that we describe above, we also require to know what brand equity's element of Bisnis Indonesia daily, which have powerful relationship with retail consumers motivation.
Descriptive statistic method we use to describe about facts that occurred in population. We get observed data from questionnaire. We use Spearman-Brown correlation to determine whether brand equity has correlation and/or has not with consumers' motivations that buy Bisnis Indonesia at retail.
Brand equity is a set both assets and liabilities of brand that related to a brand, name, and symbol, which add or lessen the value given by product or service in both a company and customer. In other definition, brand equity is the sum of brand perception including relatively quality of product and service, financial performance, customer loyalty, satisfaction, and all brand awards.
The observation shows that the relationship between brand equity with motivation to buy of retail customers of Bisnis Indonesia daily is weak. It is showed by coefficient of correlation is less than 0.500. The result also shows negative and in other hand, some element we observed has opposite sign.
The elements of brand equity of Bisnis Indonesia that have strong relationship with consumer motivation are quality perception, other brand asset, brand association, and brand loyalty respectively. But brand awareness is a main key to enter to other brand equity elements.
To face the mentioned above, we suggest to brand owners of Bisnis Indonesia to improve their top of minds of Bisnis Indonesia and strengthen their positioning as business daily and the owners also should be improving their promotion activity whether in public sphere or in mass media."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Barrminati Dutanofri
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annik Mayseptyana
"Lebih dari satu dekade silam, Iiteratur manajemen pemasaran menekankan pada pemasamn relasional. Berdasarkan perspektif pemasaran relasional, kepercayaan dan komitmen konsumcn dipandang sebagai kunci utama dalam mcngcndalikan suatu hubungan relasional. Dilihat clalam konteks hubungan konsumen dengan merek, maka satisfaksi merek, kepercayaan merek dan komitmen konsumen mempakan konstruk yang mempengaruhi intensi berpcrilaku konsumen yaitu intensi advokasi dan intensi pembelian kembali.
Penelitian ini secara umum bemguan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara satisthksi merek, kepcrcayaan merek, komitmen konsumen dan intensi bcrprilaku konsumen yaitu intensi advokasi dan intensi pembelian kembaii. Scbagai rcsponden pada penelitian ini adalah konsumen susu anak merek Pediasnre yang berada di wilayah Jakarta Pusat. Setelah dilakukau pengumpulan data, selanjutnya data dianalisa menggunakan regresi sederhana dan berganda. Hasil dari pcnclitian ini membuktikan bahwa satisfaksi merelc berpengaruh positif terhadap kepercayaan merek. Kemudian kepercayaan merek dan satisfaksi merek berpengaruh positif pada komitmen konsumen.
Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komitmen konsumen bcrpcran panting dalam mempengaruhi intensi berprilaku konsumen. Kominmen konsumen mempakan mediator parsial dari pengamh satisfaksi merek terhadap inlensi advoknsi. Namun demikiun komitmen konsumen merupakan mediator scpcnulmya dari pengamh satisfaksi merck terhadap intensi pembelian kembali. Komilmen konsumen berpengaruh positif terhadap intensi advokasi, sedangkan komitmcn konsumcn tidak beipengamh (signitikan) terhadap intensi pembelian kembali.
Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan berbagai implikasi manajcrial bagi PT. Abbott Indonesia sebagai produsen susu merek Pediasure, untuk lebih meningkatkan peran kornitmen konsumcn untuk meningkatkan intcnsi pembelian kembali dan intensi advokasi melalui program customer relationship ma:&eting (CRM). Misalnya _dengan mengiximkan kartu ucapan selamat ulang tahun, bekerjasama dengan klinik gizi atau mmah sakit ibu dan anak unluk memamau secara berkala perkembangan gizi pasien anak-anak setelah menjalani masa pcnycmbuhan. Selain itu sebagai saran berkomunikasi bagi para konsumen Pediasure juga dapat saling berbagi informasi melalui website khusus, dimana pada website ini mercka dapat meng-update infonnasi terbaru, melakukan testimonial, atanpun sekedar chatting.

Over the past decade, the marketing management literature have emphasized at relationshuv marketing. Relationship marketing has established that tnzst and commitment are the key determinant in the relationshhz In the context of bussiness- to-consumer, which is, the relationship between brand and customer, brand satijaction, brand trust, and commitment are related to behavioral intentions. This research use two behavioral intention, which are, advocate intention ond repurchase intention.
This research examined the relationship between brand satisfzction, brand trust, customer commitment and behavioral intention, which are, advocate intention and repurchase intention. The unit sample of this research is Pediasure 's customer in central Jakarta. The data was collected and then being analyzed using simple and multiple regression. The result proved that brand sati.%ction positiveh/ related to brand tmst, brand trust had positive aject on customer commitment, and also brand satisfaction had positi ve aféct on customer commitment.
The result also found that customer commitment as partial mediator on brand satisfaction and advocate intention. Meanwhile, customer commitment julbf mediated the relationship between brand satisfaction and repurchase intention. Customer commitment had positive aject on advocate intention, but it had not signgfcantly aject the repurchase intention.
This research is expected to give various mangertol implication to PT Abbott Indonesia as the producer of Pediasure, about the role play of customer commitment to increase repurchase intention and advocate intention through the atstomer relationshm marketing (CRM) program. For exanuzle, birthday card and link to the nutrition clinique and mother and child hospital to monitor the progress of the healing process of pediatric patients: As a media of communication between Pediasure ‘s customers, there ts a website, they can share information, updating the latest news about Pediasure, giving testimonials, or just for little chat.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maria Anggia
"Tight competition on the motorcycle industry has shown by the distribution of numerous motorcycle brands in Indonesia. The variety of brand names in nowadays market puzzles the customers. In order to survive and get the biggest share, motorcycle producers have to develop new products that are unique and differ from their competitors. Honda motorcycle has been leading the market Indonesia for more than 30 years. However, PT Astra Honda Motor, as the sole agent and distributor of Honda motorcycle, should take heed since its main competitor Yamaha has grown in the market significantly. The objective of this research, which focuses on customer-based of brand equity, is to illustrate the strength of Honda?s brand equity comparing with other competitors specifically Yamaha and Suzuki. Brand equity is said to be high if the customers recognize the brand and they have strong associations, advantageous, and recognize the uniqueness or superiority of the brand. Customer-based brand awareness roots on brand awareness and brand image. This research is using quantitative descriptive approaches. There are two types of research designs that have been conducted, i.e. exploratory research and conclusive research. Exploratory research has main intention to acknowledge, discover and understand the idea and problems, particularly to picture how customers associate the big three motorcycle brands with a number of associations, product related or non-product related. Conclusive research is used to help writer for choosing, evaluating and selecting the best steps to manage problems. Literature studies used for analysis research output concentrate on customer-based brand equity illustrated by Keller, with the basis of brand awareness and brand image in place of brand associations, both productrelated and non-product related. Research on top mind awareness describes that Honda?s cub type motorcycle has been the brand with the top of mind awareness. In the research of brand associations, Honda has the strongest product association, i.e. fuel saver, strong and durable engine, tough in any road conditions, advance and innovative technology, comparative price and quality, high resale value, spare parts are available in many outlet, affordable service or maintenance cost, broad service networks, sympathetic and helpful customer service, and high availability of leasing. Besides, from the perspective of non-product association, Honda has strongly associated with well-known brand mark, film or opera soap actors and actresses are fit to be the advertising model, familiar, pleasant, humble, charismatic and extrovert. Honda has positive associations on its customers. Though, Yamaha has achieved much more non-product associations. Therefore, PT Astra Honda Motor has to be more innovative on its product and technology, strong engine but still efficient, to generate Honda?s competitive advantage, more aggressive on promotion activities, both in media activities and marketing events, maintain good relationship with Honda motorcycle clubs and bloggers which have important roles in spreading information and positive image of Honda. Honda should also be more intelligent in selecting its endorser. The endorser should be well known among the wide society and has good influence towards products.

Tingginya persaingan dalam industri sepeda motor saat ini ditandai dengan bermunculannya berbagai merek sepeda motor di Indonesia. Banyaknya merek yang ada di pasar saat ini tentu saja dapat membingungkan konsumen. Oleh karena itu, untuk dapat bertahan dan memenangkan persaingan merek, para produsen sepeda motor harus membangun merek yang unik dan berbeda dari merek lainnya. Meskipun merek Honda adalah merek yang selama puluhan tahun telah mendominasi pasar sepeda motor di Indonesia, namun PT Astra Honda Motor selaku pemilik merek Honda harus berhati-hati karena merek Yamaha sebagai pesaing utama Honda terus mengalami peningkatan pangsa pasar yang cukup signifikan. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian terhadap ekuitas merek berbasis konsumen pada sepeda motor merek Honda terhadap Yamaha dan Suzuki ini adalah untuk melihat kekuatan ekuitas merek Honda tersebut. Ekuitas merek dikatakan tinggi apabila konsumen menyadari keberadaan merek dan konsumen memiliki asosiasi yang kuat, menguntungkan, dan menyadari keunikan atau keunggulan merek tersebut. Ekuitas merek berbasis konsumen bersumber pada brand awareness dan brand image. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif. Ada dua jenis desain penelitian yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini, yaitu (i) Desain riset exploratory research, yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui, menggali, memahami ide dan masalah, terutama untuk mengetahui bagaimana konsumen mengasosiasikan ketiga merek sepeda motor yang menjadi objek penelitian, dengan berbagai asosiasi, baik produk (product-related association) maupun non produk (non product-related associations); (ii) Desain riset conclusive research, yang bertujuan membantu penulis untuk menentukan, mengevaluasi dan memilih tindakan yang terbaik untuk mengatasi permasalahan. Telaah pustaka yang digunakan sebagai panduan untuk menganalisis hasil penelitian berfokus pada ekuitas merek berbasis konsumen yang dijelaskan oleh Keller, yang bersumber pada kesadaran merek dan citra merek yang melihat asosiasi merek, baik yang berhubungan dengan produk, maupun yang tidak berhubungan dengan produk. Hasil penelitian terhadap top of mind awareness menunjukkan bahwa merek yang menjadi top of mind awareness untuk sepeda motor jenis CUB adalah merek Honda. Sedangkan hasil penelitian secara keseluruhan pada asosiasi yang berhubungan dengan produk menunjukkan bahwa merek Honda paling kuat asosiasinya dengan berbagai asosiasi produk, seperti irit bahan bakar, mesin kuat dan tahan lama, tangguh di segala medan, teknologi mutakhir dan inovatif, harga sebanding dengan kualitas sepeda motornya, nilai jual kembali yang tinggi, suku cadang asli mudah didapat, biaya perawatan yang terjangkau, tempat servis banyak dan ada dimana-mana, pelayanan customer service yang ramah dan sangat membantu, serta pembelian secara kredit mudah dilakukan. Sementara itu dari segi asosiasi non-produk, merek Honda paling kuat diasosiasikan dengan logo merek yang mudah dikenali, tokoh artis sinetron/film paling cocok menjadi bintang iklan, sangat mudah dikenali dari penampilannya, berwibawa, ramah, rendah hati, karismatik dan ekstrovert (terbuka). Meskipun merek Honda memiliki asosiasi yang positif di dalam benak konsumen, namun merek Yamaha memperoleh asosiasi non-produk yang jenis lebih banyak dari Honda. Oleh karena itu, PT Astra Honda Motor hendaknya lebih inovatif dalam menghasilkan produk dengan teknologi yang lebih inovatif, yaitu mesin yang kencang namun tetap irit bahan bakar sehingga dapat menambah keunggulan daya saing Honda, lebih agresif dalam menjalankan aktivitas promosinya, baik melalui media, maupun event-event marketing, dan menjalin hubungan baik dengan klubklub sepeda motor Honda dan para blogger yang memiliki peran penting dalam penyebaran informasi dan citra positif merek Honda serta lebih bijaksana dalam memilih endorser yang telah dikenal baik di kalangan masyarakat luas dan memberi pengaruh positif pada produk."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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